Dr. Sindhu T. K.
Dr. Sindhu T. K.
Office Address:
PhD. (IIT Madras)
Educational Qualifications
PhD. (IIT Madras)
Young Engineer award from Institution of Engineers (India) in 2008
DST Fast Track project on "Development of nanocomposite insulators for high energy density applications"
(1) Ismayil C
(2) Siny Paul
(3) Sony Kurian
(4) Kavitha D
(1) Nodal officer (Finance), TEQIP phase II
(2) Warden, LH from 2012-2014.
(3) Dept Purchase coordinator, TEQIP
(4) Dept PhD coordinator
(5) Coordinator, PG programme in HIgh Voltage Engineering
1. Siny Paul, Sindhu T K, Effect of filler particle size on electric energy density of epoxy- aluminum nanocomposite, IEEE transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation, Vol. 23, No.5, pp 2786-2794, October 2016.
2. Siny Paul, Sindhu T K, "A Neural Network Model for Predicting the Dielectric Permittivity of Epoxy Aluminum Nanocomposite and its Experimental Validation", IEEE Components, Packaging and Manufacturing Technology Society, Vol. 5, No. 8, 2015.
3. Siny Paul and Sindhu T K, “Synthesis and Characterization of Epoxy-Aluminum Nanocomposites for Energy Storage Applications”, IEEE transactions on dielectrics and electrical insulation, Vol.21, No.5, 2014.
4. Siny Paul and Sindhu T K, "Development of Epoxy-Aluminum Nanocomposite Dielectric Material with low filler concentration for Embedded Capacitor Applications", IEEE transactions on dielectrics and electrical insulation, Vol. 21, No. 2, 2014.
IET Journals
1. D Kavitha, TK Sindhu, TNP Nambiar," Impact of permittivity and concentration of filler nanoparticles on dielectric properties of polymer nanocomposites", IET Science, Measurement & Technology, DOI: 10.1049/iet-smt.2016.0226.
2. Sony Kurian , Sindhu T. Krishnan, Elizabeth P. Cheriyan, "Real time implementation of artificial neural networks-based controller for battery storage supported wind electric generation", IET Gener. Transm. Distrib., Vol. 9, Iss. 10 2015.
1. Ismayil C., Sreerama Kumar R., Sindhu T.K, Fractional Order PID Based Automatic Generation Control in A Deregulated Power Systems, Electric Power Components and Systems, Vol. 43 (17), 2015.
2. Ismayil C., Sreerama Kumar R., Sindhu T.K, Optimal fractional order PID controller for automatic generation control of two-area power systems, Int. Trans. Electr. Energ. Syst. , Wiley, Vol. 25, Issue 12, 2015.
3. D Kavitha, T N P Nambiar, Sindhu T K, "Investigation of treeing process in nanofilled epoxy material by finite element method”, Journal of electrical engineering, Vol.14, No.1, 2014.
4. R. Sarathi, T.K. Sindhu, S.R. Chakravarthy, Archana Sharma, K.V. Nagesh “Generation and characterization of nano-tungsten particles formed by wire explosion process”, Journal of alloys and compounds, Vol. 475, Pages 658-663, 2009.
5. T.K.Sindhu, R.Sarathi, S.R.Chakravarthy, “Understanding the nano particle formation by wire explosion process through experimental and modelling studies”, IOP- Nanotechnology, Vol. 19, pp 025703:1-11, 2008.
6. T.K.Sindhu, R.Sarathi, S.R.Chakravarthy, “Generation and characterisation of Nano aluminium powder obtained through wire explosion process”, Bull.Mater. Sci, Vol. 30, No.2, pp 187-195, 2007.
7. R.Sarathi, T.K.Sindhu, S.R.Chakravarthy, “Generation of nano aluminium powder through wire explosion process and its characterization”, Materials Characterization, Vol. 58, issue 2, pp 148-155, 2007.
8. R.Sarathi, T.K.Sindhu, S.R.Chakravarthy, “Impact of binary gas on nano aluminium particle formation through wire explosion process”, Materials Letters, Volume 61, issues 8-9, pp 1823-1826, 2007.
9. T.K.Sindhu, S.R.Chakravarthy, R.Jayaganthan, R.Sarathi , “Studies on generation and characterization of nano aluminium nitride through wire explosion process”, Metal-Organic and Nano-Metal Chemistry, Vol.36, No.1, pp 53-58, 2006.
International Conferences
1. Shahul Hameed KM, Jineeth Joseph, Sindhu T K, " Detection of location and size of water tree in XLPE cables by frequency response analysis: A simulation study", IEEERegion 10 Conference (TENCON), Singapore, 2016.
2. SR Jayakrishnan, EP Cheriyan, TK Sindhu, "Identification and analysis of subsynchronous oscillations in DFIG based wind power plants", IEEERegion 10 Conference (TENCON), Singapore, 2016.
3. Deepthi Karun, TK Sindhu, " Fuzzy logic based load frequency control of grid connected distributed generators", TAP Energy, 2015.
4. Sony Kurian, Sindhu T. K., Elizabeth P. Cheriyan, " Composite Pricing Strategy for Energy Storage in Wind Electric Generation", 7th Asia Pacific Power and Energy Engineering Conference (IEEE PES APPEEC2015), Brisbane, Australia, 2015.
5. Ismayil C., Sreerama Kumar R. and Sindhu T. K., “Automatic Generation Control of Single Area Thermal Power System with Fractional Order PID
(PIλDμ) Controllers,” in Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Advances in Control and Optimization of Dynamical Systems, ACODS 2014, Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur, India, vol.3, pt. 1, pp. 552-557, Mar. 13-15, 2014.
6. Ismayil E K, Sindhu T K,” Self-healing practice for a LT 11 kV overhead radial distribution feeder’, International conference on Power, Energy and control, Hyderabad, India,2013.
7. Jayasankar V N., Sindhu. T.K., “Optimal Design of a Hybrid Micro-grid for a Remote Village”, International Conference on Emerging Technological Trends in Advanced Engineering Research [ICETT 2012], 2012 February 20-21.
8. Cibumol Babu, Sindhu. T.K., “Super magnetic Energy Storage System for micro grid”, IEEE National Conference on recent trends in Electrical Engineering, February, 2012.
9. Sony Kurian, Sindhu T. K., Elizabeth P. Cheriyan, “Modelling and simulation of direct driven wind electric generator for grid integration”, IEEE INDICON, 2012.
(1) High voltage laboratory
(2) Non destructive testing laboratory