Civil Engineering

Established in:
Head of the Department:
Dr. T. M. Madhavan Pillai
Email id:
Contact no:
Mailing Address
Department of Civil Engineering, NIT Calicut, NIT Campus P. O., Calicut - 673601.
Welcome to the website of Department of Civil Engineering.
The Department of Civil Engineering is one of the oldest Departments in this Institute. It was established at the inception stage of the Calicut Regional Engineering College (CREC), which was the forerunner to the present National Institute of Technology, Calicut (NITC) in 1961. Over the years, the Department has grown many times in different spheres of activities. At present, the Department offers an undergraduate programme in Civil Engineering leading to the BTech degree and six graduate programmes - one each in Structural Engineering, Traffic and Transportation Planning, Offshore Structures, Geotechnical Engineering, Water Resources Engineering and Environmental Engineering leading to the MTech degree of the Institute. In addition to the above, there are a number of students pursuing research at the Department in various fields of Civil Engineering leading to PhD. The Department is a recognized QIP centre of the AICTE for both MTech and PhD programmes. In addition to the above courses, the Department has been regularly conducting a number of short-term training programmes for the benefit of faculty of technical institutions and working professionals.
The Department is also actively engaged in R&D, testing and consultancy activities. A number of R&D projects sponsored by various departments and organisations including the Ministry of Human Resources Development (MHRD) and the Department of Science & Technology (DST), Government of India, AICTE, ADRB, NPOL, Coir Board, and the Kerala State Council for Science Technology and Environment (KSCSTE) have been completed and many are presently in progress. The Department has offered and continues to offer testing and consultancy services to various government departments and organizations in both the public and private sectors. The Government of Kerala has approved the Department as an authority for checking and scrutinising designs of public works. The Department is the State Technical Agency of National Rural Roads Development Agency, Government of India. Consultancy services are being offered in all fields of Civil Engineering interest.
The laboratories of the Department are well equipped. A major modernisation of various laboratories in the Department was taken up under the Technical Education Quality Improvement Program (TEQIP) of the Ministry of Human Resources Development (MHRD), Government of India, during 2002-2006. The next phase of this programme is presently being taken up.
The Department also has to its credit the Centre for Transportation Research (CTR), a Centre of Excellence funded by the Ministry of Human Resources Development, under the scheme ‘Establishment of 50 Centres of Excellence in frontier areas of Science and Technology’. The Centre takes up research, education, training and outreach activities in the areas of Transportation Planning, Traffic Engineering and Pavement Technology.
Detailed information on faculty and their expertise, laboratories, activities of the Department etc. are available in the web pages. In case you are unable to find any information pertaining to the Department that is of interest to you, please feel free to contact us.
The Vision of the Department of Civil Engineering is to be a world class academic centre for quality education and research in diverse areas of Civil Engineering, with a strong social commitment.
The mission of the department is to
Impart quality education in undergraduate and post graduate levels, with strong emphasis on professional ethics and social commitment
Provide a scholastic environment for state – of –art research, resulting in practical applications
Produce highly competent and technologically capable professionals and motivated young academicians
Undertake professional consultancy services in diverse areas of Civil Engineering
Conduct knowledge exchange programmes with various stakeholders