Dr. Sayani Chatterjee
Dr. Sayani Chatterjee

Assistant Professor (Grade II)

Office Address:

PHY01, 1st Floor, ECLC Department of Physics, National Institute of Technology Calicut, NIT Campus (P.O)-673601, Kozhikode, Kerala

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  • Ph.D.: S. N. Bose National Centre for Basic Sciences, Kolkata, India.

  • M.Sc.: IIT Madras, Chennai, India.

  • B.Sc.: Scottish Church College (University of Calcutta), Kolkata, India

  • Educational Qualifications

    • Ph.D.: S. N. Bose National Centre for Basic Sciences, Kolkata, India.

    • M.Sc.: IIT Madras, Chennai, India.

    • B.Sc.: Scottish Church College (University of Calcutta), Kolkata, India


    1. Priyanka, Sayani Chatterjee, and Kavita Jain, “Slow quench dynamics in classical systems: kinetic Ising model and zero-range process”, Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment, 033208 (2021).


    2. Sayani Chatterjee, Arghya Das, and Punyabrata Pradhan, “Hydrodynamics, density fluctuations and universality in conserved Manna sandpiles”, Physical Review E 97, 062142 (2018).


    3. Arghya Das, Sayani Chatterjee, and Punyabrata Pradhan, “Spatial correlations, additivity and fluctuations in conserved-mass transport processes”, Physical Review E 93, 062135 (2016).


    4. Arghya Das, Sayani Chatterjee, Punyabrata Pradhan and P. K. Mohanty, “Additivity property and emergence of power laws in nonequilibrium steady states”, Physical Review E 92, 052107 (2015).


    5. Sayani Chatterjee, Punyabrata Pradhan and P. K. Mohanty, “Zeroth law of thermodynamics for nonequilibrium steady states in contact”, Physical Review E. 92, 062136 (2015).


    6. Sayani Chatterjee, Punyabrata Pradhan and P. K. Mohanty, “Gammalike Mass Distributions and Mass Fluctuations in Conserved-Mass Transport Processes”, Physical Review Letters. 112, 030601, (2014).





    Professional Experience

    • Research Associate, Department of Physics, IIT Palakkad, Palakkad, Kerala, India (Dec'21-March'22)

    • Research Associate, Theoretical Sciences Unit, Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Scientific Research, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India (March'18-March'20)

    Statistical Mechanics and Thermodynamics

    Winter 2024

    1. Statistical Mechanics (PH2113E)

    2. Electricity and Magnetism (PH1003E)

    3. Phase Transitions and Critical Phenomena (PH7325E)


    Monsoon 2024

    1. Thermodynamics (PH1102E)

    2. Mechanics and Waves (PH1002E)

    Winter 2023

    1. Statistical Physics (PH2009D)

    2. Introduction to Critical Phenomena (PH4026D)

    Monsoon 2023

    1. Thermodynamics (PH1102E)

    2. Atomic and Molecular Physics (PH3003D)

    Winter 2022

    1. Introduction to Critical Phenomena (PH4026D)

    2. Physics (PH1001D)

    3. Physics Lab (PH1091D)

    Monsoon 2022

    1. Atomic and Molecular Physics (PH3003D)

    2. Physics (PH1001D)

    3. Physics Lab (PH1091D)


    1. Phase transitions and critical phenomena

    2. Active matter systems

    3. Heat conductivity in low-dimensional systems

    Faculty Research Grant (2023-2025)

    Amount : 5 Lacs



    B.Tech. Projects

    AY 2024

    1. Mr. Nalluri Nithin Krushna (B. Tech. in Engineering Physics, Ongoing)

    AY 2023

    1. Ms. Boyina Yuktha (B. Tech. in Engineering Physics, Graduated in 2024)

    2. Ms. Aiswarya Hari G. V. M. (B. Tech. in Engineering Physics, Graduated in 2024)

    AY 2022

    1. Ms. Sagnika Dev (B. Tech. in Engineering Physics, Graduated in 2023)

    2. Ms. Jayasree Rajesh (B. Tech. in Engineering Physics, Graduated in 2023)

    3. Mr. Salam Revaldo Singh (B. Tech. in Engineering Physics, Graduated in 2023)

    4. Mr. Faisal Shaikh (B. Tech. in Engineering Physics, Graduated in 2023)

    M.Sc. Projects

    AY 2023

    1. Ms. Malavika Manoj (M. Sc. in Physics, Graduated in 2024)


    Summer Internship 2023

    1. Ms. Devika Jayadeep (IISER BHOPAL)


    Ph. D. 

    1. Ms. Keerthi P. S. (2024 - Ongoing)


    1. Exam Coordinator, Department of Physics (2023- Ongoing)

    2. Member of Website Committee, Department of Physics (2022- Ongoing)

    3. Member of Computational Lab Maintenance Committee, Department of Physics (2022- Ongoing)

    4. Member of Students' Guidance Cell, Department of Physics (2024- Ongoing)