Dr. P. K. Madhavan Unni

Dr. P. K. Madhavan Unni
Asst. Professor (Grade I)
Office Address:
PH 116-B (First Floor, Physics Bldg.) Department of Physics NIT-Calicut Post Office NIT-Calicut KERALA
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Home Address:
Quarters E-7B NIT-Calicut Campus NIT-Calicut P.O. Calicut PIN: 673 601
Ph. D : Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore (2006)
Post-Doctoral Research: Department of Physics of Complex Systems, Weizmann Insitute of Science, Israel (2006-2008)
Educational Qualifications
Ph. D : Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore (2006)
Post-Doctoral Research: Department of Physics of Complex Systems, Weizmann Insitute of Science, Israel (2006-2008)
Professional Experience
Assistant Professor, Department of Physics, NIT-Calicut (2010-present).
Post-Doctoral Researcher (Feinberg Research Fellow), Department of Physics of Complex Systems, Weizmann Insitute of Science, Rehovot, Israel (2006-2008).
Research Associate, Jawaharlal Nehru Center for Advanced Scientific Research (JNCASR), Bangalore, India (2006).
CSIR-Senior Research Fellow (SRF), Department of Physics, Indian Institute of Science (IISc), Bangalore, India (2000-2003).
CSIR-Junior Research Fellow (JRF), Department of Physics, Indian Institute of Science (IISc), Bangalore, India (1998-2000)
Warden, PG-Flats and FB21-24 (NIT Sikkim students) - (Monsoon, 2011 - present)
Faculty Advisor, B. Tech (Engg. Phys), 2010 Batch (currently in Semester-V)
Time Table in-charge Department of Physics, (Winter, 2010 - present)
B. Tech First Year Course-Coordinator for Physics Lab (PH1091) (Monsoon, 2010 - present)
President, NITC-Staff Club
(PH7113) Atomic and Molecular Physics for M. Sc. Tech (Photonics), Semester-III (Core)
(PH4026) Introduction to Critical Phenomena for B. Tech Engineering Physics, Semester-VII, (Elective)
(PH2006) Statistical Physics for B. Tech Engineering Physics, Semester-IV (Core)
(PH1001) Physics for B. Tech., Semester-I (Core)
(PH1091) Physics Lab for B. Tech., Semester-I/II (Core)
(PH1002) Introduction to Engineering Physics Profession (Shared)
(PHU403) Experimental Techniques in Physics (Shared)
Soft-Condensed Matter Physics and Nonlinear Dynamics:
Hydrodynamics of polymer solutions and elastic turbulence, Hydrodynamics of complex fluids such as vesicles and micelles in micro-channels, Development of new techniques for elastic stress measurements in elastic and turbulent flows.
Statistical Mechanics (Critical Point Phenomena) :
Exploration and realization of special critical points such as the Quadruple Critical Point (QCP), Critical Inflection Point (CIP), critical crossover behaviour of binary, ternary and quaternary electrolytic systems.
Instrumentation :
Design and development of new instruments/experimental setups both electronic and optical, thermal instrumentation.
(PH7113) Atomic and Molecular Physics for M. Sc. Tech (Photonics), Semester-III (Core)
(PH4026) Introduction to Critical Phenomena for B. Tech Engineering Physics, Semester-VII, (Elective)
(PH2006) Statistical Physics for B. Tech Engineering Physics, Semester-IV (Core)
(PH1001) Physics for B. Tech., Semester-I (Core)
(PH1091) Physics Lab for B. Tech., Semester-I/II (Core)
(PH1002) Introduction to Engineering Physics Profession (Shared)
(PHU403) Experimental Techniques in Physics (Shared)
Methyl ethyl ketone + water + secondary butyl alcohol : A potential system for the exploration of a quadruple critical point, P. K. Madhavan Unni, The Journal of Chemical Physics, Vol. 124, 124510 (2006).
Critical behaviour of the aqueous electrolytic system 3-methylpyridine + D2O + NaBr, P. K. Madhavan Unni, The Journal of Chemical Physics, Vol. 124, 054505 (2006).
+/- 30 µK temperature controller from 25ºC to 103ºC : Study and analysis, P. K. Madhavan Unni, M. K. Gunasekaran, A. Kumar, Review of Scientific Instruments,Vol. 74, 231 (2003).