Priya Chandran

Priya Chandran
Office Address:
CSE 201B. CSED, NIT Calicut
B. Tech: Electronics and Communications from NIT Bhopal
M. Tech in Computer Science and Technology from IIT Roorkee
Ph. D from Indian Institute of Science
Educational Qualifications
B. Tech: Electronics and Communications from NIT Bhopal
M. Tech in Computer Science and Technology from IIT Roorkee
Ph. D from Indian Institute of Science
P Sandhya, P Chandran, Enhancement in IoT through Custom Instruction Set Architectures and TinyML, 2023 International Conference on Computer, Electronics & Electrical …
X Jose, SDM Kumar, P Chandran, Characterization, classification and detection of fake news in online social media networks, 2021 IEEE Mysore Sub Section International Conference (MysuruCon), 759-765
A Faisal, P Chandran, GLDraw: A Platform for Graph Visualization, 2021 6th International Conference for Convergence in Technology (I2CT), 1-6
S Nair, M Mohan, J Rajesh, P Chandran, On Finding the Best Learning Model for Assessing Confidence in SpeechProceedings of the 2020 3rd International Conference on Machine Learning and …
SC Mhatre, P Chandran, On making xen detect hypercalls and memory accesses for simulating virtualization-enabled processors, Proceedings of the 35th Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, 154-161
KV Amal, J Jaisooraj, P Chandran, SD Madhu Kumar, Hybrid-RPL: A step toward ensuring scalable routing in internet of things, International Conference on Advanced Communication and Computational …
OT Lee, GJ Akash, SDM Kumar, P Chandran, Storage node allocation methods for erasure code-based cloud storage systems, Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering 44, 9127-9142
SP Joy, P Chandran, A formal framework for verifying IKA property of protocols, Journal of King Saud University-Computer and Information Sciences 31 (3 …
OT Lee, V Sharma, SDM Kumar, P Chandran, Modelling multi level consistency in erasure code based storage systems, Proceedings of the 34th ACM/SIGAPP Symposium on Applied Computing, 122-129
JV Devasia, P Chandran, Graph pruning based approach for inferring disease causing genes and associated pathways, International Journal of Bioinformatics Research and Applications 15 (4 …
SP Joy, P Chandran, Towards a secure development environment for collaborative applications, International Journal of e-Collaboration (IJeC) 15 (1), 1-20
P Chandran, SDM Kumar, Session details: Theme: Distributed systems: CC-Cloud computing track, Proceedings of the 34th ACM/SIGAPP Symposium on Applied Computing
JV Devasia, P Chandran, A Soman, AE Mathew, J Jharwal, Graph sparsification with parallelization to optimize the identification of causal genes and dysregulated pathways, Proceedings of the 34th ACM/SIGAPP Symposium on Applied Computing, 747-753
P Chandran, Secure and dynamic memory management architecture for virtualization technologies in iot devices, Future Internet 10 (12), 119
SC Mhatre, P Chandran, On the simulation of processors enhanced for security in virtualization, Companion of the 2018 ACM/SPEC International Conference on Performance …
JV Devasia, P Chandran, Inferring disease causing genes and their pathways: GpRr method, Journal of computational science 26, 108-117/p>
OT Lee, R Porwal, SDM Kumar, P Chandran, ECSim-2: A Performance Evaluator for Erasure Code based Storage Systems, 2018 First International Conference on Secure Cyber Computing and …
OT Lee, HV Pratima, SDM Kumar, P Chandran, Improved Epoch Expiry and Load Handling Mechanism for RAPID-The Fast Data Update Protocol in Erasure Coded Storage Systems, 2018 International Conference on Data Science and Engineering (ICDSE), 1-6
SDM Kumar, P Chandran, Session details: Distributed systems: CC-cloud computing track, Proceedings of the 33rd Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing
GJ Akash, OT Lee, SDM Kumar, P Chandran, A Cuzzocrea, Rapid: A fast data update protocol in erasure coded storage systems for big data, 2017 17th IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Cluster, Cloud and Grid …
TP Shabeera, SDM Kumar, P Chandran, Curtailing job completion time in MapReduce clouds through improved Virtual Machine allocation, Computers & Electrical Engineering 58, 190-202
P Chandran, L Garg, A Kumar, Multikernel simulation: a new approach to study rollback sensitive memory architecture, 2017 IEEE 3rd International Conference on Collaboration and Internet …
JV Devasia, P Chandran, G Shreya, On parallelizing graph theoretical approaches for identifying causal genes and pathways from very large biological networks, Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Internet of Things …
P Chandran, SDM Kumar, Session details: CC-cloud computing track, Proceedings of the Symposium on Applied Computing
Joy, SP, Chandran P. 2017. A formal framework for verifying İKA} property of protocols. Journal of King Saud University - Computer and Information Sciences. :-. AbstractWebsite
OT Lee, SDM Kumar, P Chandran, Erasure coded storage systems for cloud storage—challenges and opportunities, 2016 International Conference on Data Science and Engineering (ICDSE), 1-7
Jithin, R, Chandran P. 2016. Dynamic partitioning of physical memory among virtual machines: {ASMI:} architectural support for memory isolation. Proceedings of the 31st Annual {ACM} Symposium on Applied Computing, Pisa, Italy, April 4-8, 2016. :474–476. Abstract
Shoundic, S, Chandran P, Krishna P, Reddy V, Jayachandra B, Pande L. 2016. Extended-HyperWall: Hardware support for rollback secure virtualization, September. 2016 International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI). , Jaipur, India Abstract
JV Devasia, P Chandran, Inferring disease causing genes and their pathways: A mathematical perspective, arXiv preprint arXiv:1611.02538
Devasia, JV, Chandran P. 2016. "Who are the key players behind a disease state": Outcomes of a new computational approach on cancer data, March. 2016 International Conference on Bioinformatics and Systems Biology (BSB). :1-4. Abstract
Lee, OT, MadhuKumar SD, Chandran P. 2016. ECSim: A simulation tool for performance evaluation of erasure coded storage systems. Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI), 2016 International Conference on. :2713–2718.: IEEE Abstract
Shabeera, TP, MadhuKumar SD, Chandran P. 2016. Curtailing job completion time in MapReduce clouds through improved Virtual Machine allocation. Computers & Electrical Engineering. :-. AbstractWebsite
Amritapatole, MadhuKumar SD, Chandran P, Shabeera TP. 2015. Load-Aware Replica Placement in Multiuser Hadoop Environment Using MST, 8, December. Third edition of the International Conference on Recent Advances in Computational Systems(IEEE RAICS -2015). , Trivandrum Abstract
Jithin, R, Chandran P. 2015. Dynamic Partitioning of Physical Memory Among Virtual Machines, {ASMI:} Architectural Support for Memory Isolation. CoRR. abs/1503.03169 AbstractWebsite
Jithin, R, Chandran P. 2014. 'Virtual Machine Isolation - A Survey on the Security of Virtual Machines. The Second International Conference on Security in Computer Networks and Distributed Systems (SNDS-2014). , Thiruvananthapuram (Trivandrum), India
Devasia, J, Chandran P. 2014. Towards an Improved Algorithm for Modeling Information Flow in Biological Networks, 2014. ACCIS 2014. , Kollam, Kerala, India Abstract
Manish Parashar, Umesh Bellur, S.D Madhu Kumar, Priya Chandran, Murali Krishnan, Kamesh Madduri, Sushil K. Prasad, C. Chandra Sekhar, Nanjangud C. Narendra, Carlos Valera, Sanjay Chaudhary, Kavi Arya, Xiaolin Li (Eds.). 2014. Seventh International Conference on Contemporary Computing, {IC3} 2014, Noida, India, August 7-9, 2014. : {IEEE} Abstract
Joy, SP, Chandran P. 2013. Towards a Computational Trust Model for Secure Peer-to-Peer Communication. Managing Trust in Cyberspace. , Boca Raton, Florida, USA: CRC Press, Taylor and Francis Group Abstract
Shabeera, TP, Chandran P, Kumar MSD. 2012. Authenticated and persistent skip graph: a data structure for cloud based data-centric applications. Proceedings of the International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACI 2012). ACM( ISBN: 978-1-4503-1196-0):155-160.Website
Ranjith, P, Chandran P, Kaleeswaran S. 2012. On Covert Channels between Virtual Machines. Journal in Computer Virology, Springer. 8( 3):85-97.Website
Sebastian, M, Chandran P. 2011. A Tool for Event Reconstruction using Gladyshev Approach, March 2011. Computer Forensics Track of ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (ACM SAC 2011). Website
Ranjith, P, Chandran P, Kaleeswaran S. 2011. On Covert Channels between Virtual Machines, February 2011. wcloud 2011, Workshop on Issues in Virtualization and Clouds. , Indian Institute of Technology Bombay
Joy, SP, Chandran P. 2010. A formal framework for comparing group key agreement protocols with partial forward secrecy. The 4 th IEEE International Conference on Internet Multimedia Systems Architecture and Application, (IMSAA 10). , Bangalore, India: IEEEWebsite
Ezudheen, P, Chandran P, Chandra J, Simon BP, Ravi D. 2009. Parallelizing SystemC Kernel for Fast Hardware Simulation on SMP Machines. ACM/IEE/SCS Twentyeighth International Conference on Principles of Advanced and Distributed Simulation, PADS 2009. :80-87., Lake Placid, New York State, USA: ACMWebsite
Ross, JC, Chandran P. 2008. Object Serialization Support for Object Oriented Java Processors. Third International Symposium on Information Technology. , Kuala Lumpur: IEEEWebsite
Singh, AK, Chandran P. 2007. A Secure and Efficient Multi-authority Proactive Election Scheme.. Information System Security, Lecture Notes in Computer Science,pringer Berlin/Heidelberg. 4812/2007:208-218.: SpringerWebsite
GP Sajeev, MP Sebastian, K Muralikrishnan, CS Hall, Ph. D. Open Seminar Announcement, IEEE Internet Computing 3 (5), 27-36
Semester: Monsoon
Offered: 2016
CS7198 CS7298 CS7199 CS7299 M. TECH PROJECT
FACULTY; Dr Priya Chandran, (Office: # CSE 201B, NITC:Phone: 2286804: email
Core Competency
Develop enhancements to the knowledge base in an area of interest in computing
Secondary Competencies:
Semester: Monsoon
Offered: 2015
The course aims at introducing the paradigm of cloud computing, and study and analysis of various aspects of cloud computing, such as the requirement and applicability, system requirements, tasks involved in setting up clouds, security, and implications on server architecture. The course also aims to provide practical experience in working on setting up clouds, and experimenting with hypervisor kernel code.
CS6111 Algorithms and Complexity
Semester: Monsoon
Offered: 2015
OBJECTIVE The course aims at strengthening the concepts of algorithm analysis and design, and building skills for applying amortized and probabilistic methods.. The fundamental concepts of complexity, leading to a capability to approach problem complexity assessment, and an introduction to randomized algorithms, and approximation, are also intended outcomes of the course.
Semester: Winter
Offered: 2015
The fourth semester project for M. Tech(CSE) students in the department of CS
Semester: Winter
Offered: 2015
The fourth semester project for M. Tech CSE(Information Security) students in the department of CSE
CS2094 Data Structures Lab - B. Tech
Semester: Winter
Offered: 2015
Data Structures and Algorithms
Semester: Winter
Offered: 2015
The course is intended to provide an introduction to data structures and the relevance of different data structures, the concept of algorithms and their role in computing. The student is expected to be able to understand and analyze simple algorithms, and assess the suitability of data structures for different computing tasks, on completing the course.
CS 7198/7298 M. Tech Project
Semester: Monsoon
Offered: 2016
CS7198 CS7298 CS7199 CS7299 M. TECH PROJECT
FACULTY; Dr Priya Chandran, (Office: # CSE 201B, NITC:Phone: 2286804: email
Core Competency
Develop enhancements to the knowledge base in an area of interest in computing
Secondary Competencies:
Manage time bound projects involving research, analysis of problem complexities, design and development of effective solutions and communication of the project’s progress, adhering to ethical practices at every stage.
Course Outcomes
1. Demonstrate sound knowledge of fundamentals in the chosen area of computing
2. Identify and formulate a problem of research interest
3. Conduct literature survey on topics related to a problem
4. Analyze a computing problem, design solutions and reflectively analyze proposed solutions
5. Effectively communicate work done at all stages of a project
6. Prepare a thesis report and defend the thesis on the work done
Google Scholar
CS4028 Quantum Computation
Algorithms and Complexity, High Performance Computing and Formal methods for Information Security