Dr. Anirban Sarkar
Dr. Anirban Sarkar

Asst. Professor (Grade II)

Office Address:

PH110B, First Floor, Department of Physics, National Institute of Technology Calicut, Kozhikode - 673 601, Kerala, India

Email ID:

Home Address:

  • Ph.D. in Physics — Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, Kharagpur, India (2017)

  • M.Sc. in Physics — Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, Kharagpur, India (2012)

  • B.Sc. in Physics — St. Xavier's College, Kolkata, University of Calcutta, India (2010)

  • Educational Qualifications

    • Ph.D. in Physics — Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, Kharagpur, India (2017)

    • M.Sc. in Physics — Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, Kharagpur, India (2012)

    • B.Sc. in Physics — St. Xavier's College, Kolkata, University of Calcutta, India (2010)


    1. Anirban Sarkar, and Shivakiran Bhaktha B. N., "Replica symmetry breaking in coherent and incoherent random lasing modes," Optics Letters 46, 5169-5172 (2021).

    2. Anirban Sarkar, Irène Wang, Jörg Enderlein, Jacques Derouard, and Antoine Delon, "Quantitative analysis of hidden particles diffusing behind a scattering layer using speckle correlation," Optics Express 28, 32936-32954 (2020).

    3. Apurba Maity, Anirban Sarkar, Shivakiran Bhaktha B. N., and Sanjib K. Patra, "Design and synthesis of perfluoroalkyl decorated BODIPY dye for random laser action in a microfluidic device," New Journal of Chemistry 44, 14650-14661 (2020).

    4. Priyanka S. Choubey, Anirban Sarkar, Shailendra K. Varshney, and Shivakiran Bhaktha B. N., "Random laser spectroscopy and replica symmetry breaking phase transitions in a solvent-rich polymer thin film waveguide," Journal of the Optical Society of America B (JOSA-B) 37, 2505-2513 (2020).

    5. Anirban Sarkar, Shivakiran Bhaktha B. N., and Jonathan Andreasen, "Replica Symmetry Breaking in a Weakly Scattering Optofluidic Random Laser," Scientific Reports 10, 2628 (2020).

    6. Anirban Sarkar, Joseph Gallagher, Irène Wang, Giovanni Cappello, Jörg Enderlein, Antoine Delon, and Jacques Derouard, "Confocal fluorescence correlation spectroscopy through a sparse layer of scattering objects," Optics Express 27, 19382-19397 (2019).

    7. Anirban Sarkar, N. N. Subhashree Ojha, and Shivakiran Bhaktha B. N., "Effect of Photonic Stop-band on the Modes of a Weakly Scattering DCM-PVA Waveguide Random Laser," Applied Physics Letters 110, 251104 (2017).

    8. Apurba Maity, Anirban Sarkar, Amit Sil, Shivakiran Bhaktha B. N., and Sanjib K. Patra, "Synthesis, photophysical and concentration-dependent tunable lasing behavior of 2,6- diacetylenyl-functionalized BODIPY dyes," New Journal of Chemistry 41, 2296-2308 (2017).

    9. Anirban Sarkar, Shivakiran Bhaktha B. N., and Sugata Pratik Khastgir, "Optofluidic two-dimensional grating volume refractive index sensor," Applied Optics 55, 7247 (2016).

    10. Anirban Sarkar, and Shivakiran Bhaktha B. N., "Signatures of periodicity and randomness in the angular emission profile of a 2-D on-average periodic optofluidic random laser," Optics Letters 40, 4951 (2015).

    11. Kumara Raja Kandula, Anirban Sarkar, and B. N. Shivakiran Bhaktha, "Sol-gel fabrication and characterization of ZnO and Zn2SiO4 nanoparticles embedded silica glass-ceramic waveguides," Optical Materials Express 3, 2078-2085 (2013).

    12.  N. N. Subhashree Ojha, Anirban Sarkar, and Shivakiran Bhaktha B. N., "Higher Order Photonic Stop-Bands and Random Lasing in Microflower Decorated Polystyrene Opals," Asian Journal of Physics 30, 863-870 (2021).


    1.  Jerry Yeung, Anirban Sarkar, Markus Pollnau, "Effect of bi-directional excitation and external feedback on the mode structure of distributed-feedback lasers," in Proc. of SPIE, vol 12142, pp 121420Y-1 (2022).

    2. Antoine Delon, Anirban Sarkar, Jörg Enderlein, Irène Wang, "Dynamic Correlation Analysis of the Speckle Produced by Particles Diffusing behind a Scattering Layer," Focus on Microscopy, March 28–31, 2021, Online.

    3.  Anirban Sarkar, Irène Wang, Aditya Katti, Jörg Enderlein, Jacques Derouard, and Antoine Delon, "Fluorescence speckle image correlation spectroscopy," SPIE Photonics Europe, April 06–10, 2020, Online Only.

    4.  Anirban Sarkar, Irène Wang, Jörg Enderlein, Jacques Derouard, and Antoine Delon, "Fluorescence Speckle Correlation Spectroscopy," Quantitative BioImaging Conference, January 06–09, 2020, University of Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom.

    5.  Anirban Sarkar, Jacques Derouard, A Katti, Jörg Enderlein, and Antoine Delon, "Confocal Fluorescence Correlation Spectroscopy through a Scattering Layer," Focus on Microscopy, April 14–17, 2019, London, United Kingdom.

    6. Anirban Sarkar, Jonathan Andreasen, and Shivakiran Bhaktha B. N., "Spatially Dependent Replica Symmetry Breaking in an Optofluidic Random Laser," Frontiers in Optics: The 101st OSA Annual Meeting and Exhibit/Laser Science XXXIII, September 17–21, 2017, Washington DC, United States.

    7. Anirban Sarkar, Jonathan Andreasen, and Shivakiran Bhaktha B. N., "Spatial Distribution of Lasing Modes in an Optofluidic Random Laser Mapped by a Pump-Probe Technique," International Workshop on Complex Photonics, January 22–24, 2017, TIFR Mumbai, India.

    8.  Anirban Sarkar, N. N. Subhashree Ojha, and Shivakiran Bhaktha B. N., "Effect of Opal Based Resonating Cavity on Random Laser Emission from a Dye Doped Polymer Waveguide", 13th International Conference on Fiber Optics and Photonics, December 4-8, 2016, IIT Kanpur, India.

    9. Anirban Sarkar, Jonathan Andreasen, and Shivakiran Bhaktha B. N., "Boundary concentrated Modes of a 2-D Optofluidic Random Laser Mapped Using a Pump probe Technique," Frontiers in Optics: The 100th OSA Annual Meeting and Exhibit/Laser Science XXXII, October 17–21, 2016, Rochester, New York, United States.

    10. Anirban Sarkar and Shivakiran Bhaktha B. N., "Spatial Mapping of Lasing Modes in a 2-D Optofluidic Random Laser," Recent Advances in Optical Sciences-II (RAOS-II), May 6–7, 2016, University of Hyderabad, Hyderabad, India.

    11. Anirban Sarkar, Shivakiran Bhaktha B. N., S. P. Khastgir, "Optofluidic 2-D grating refractive index sensor," National Workshop on Advances in Photonics, November 13–14 , 2015, IIT Kharagpur, India.

    12. Anirban Sarkar, Shivakiran Bhaktha B. N., "Angular Distribution of the Emission of a 2-D Optofluidic Random Laser," Frontiers in Optics: The 99th OSA Annual Meeting and Exhibit/Laser Science XXXI, October 18–22, 2015, Fairmont San Jose, California, USA.

    13. Pratyusha Das, Subhabrata Ghosh, Anirban Sarkar, Prahalad Kanti Barman, B. N. Shivakiran Bhaktha, "Nanostructured sol-gel thinfilms for nanophotonic applications," 2nd International Conference on Frontiers of Nanoscience, Technology and Applications FINSTA’14, December 20–22, 2014, Prasanthinilayam, A.P., India.

    14. Anirban Sarkar and Shivakiran Bhaktha B. N., "Experimental Investigations of the Emission from a 2D Optofluidic Random Laser," PHOTONICS 2014, 12th International Conference on Fiber Optics and Photonics, December 13–16, 2014, IIT Kharagpur, India.

    15. Anirban Sarkar and Shivakiran Bhaktha B. N., "Effect of Spatial Distribution of the Pump Energy on Random Lasing from a Structured 2D Optofluidic Reservoir," DAE-BRNS National Laser Symposium (NLS-23), December 3–6, 2014, S.V. University, A.P., India.

    16. Arindam Nag, Kumara Raja Kandula, Anirban Sarkar, Shivakiran Bhaktha B.N., "Controlled growth of 3D photonic crystals by Langmuir-Blodgett technique," India-Singapore Joint Physics Symposium 2013, February 25–27, 2013, IIT Kharagpur, India.

    17. B. N. Shivakiran Bhaktha, Anirban Sarkar, Kumara Raja Kandula, Xavier Noblin, Nicolas Bachelard, and Patrick Sebbah, "Experimental Investigations of Random Laser Emission in a Microfluidic Channel," PHOTONICS 2012, International Conference on Fibre Optics and Photonics, December 09–12, 2012, IIT Madras, India.


    Professional Experience

    • August 2022 — till date: Assistant Professor at Department of Physics, National Institute of Technology Calicut, Kerala, India

    • August 2020 — July 2022: Postdoctoral Research Fellow at Advanced Technology Institute, University of Surrey, United Kingdom

    • January 2018 — July 2020: Postdoctoral Research Fellow at Laboratoire Interdisciplinaire de Physique, CNRS, Universite Grenoble Alpes, France

    Specialisation: Optics and Photonics
    • Laser Physics
    • Imaging through disordered media
    • Optical waveguides
    • Photonic crystals
    • Optical sensors


    • PH1003E — Electricity and Magnetism — B.Tech. (First Year) — Winter, AY 2023-24

    • PH3021D — Fiber Optics — B.Tech. (Third and Fourth Year) — Winter, AY 2023-24

    • PH1001E — Physics of Materials — B.Tech. (First Year) — Monsoon, AY 2023-24

    • PH7328LP — Laser Physics — M.Sc. (Second Year) — Winter, AY 2022-23

    • PH1001D — Physics — B.Tech. (First Year, All Streams) — Winter, AY 2022-23

    • PH3026D — Experimental Techniques in Physics — B.Tech. (Third and Fourth Year) — Monsoon, AY 2022-23

    • PH1001D — Physics — B.Tech. (First Year, All Streams) — Monsoon, AY 2022-23


    • PH3091D — Optics Lab — B.Tech. (Third Year) — Monsoon, AY 2023-24 

    • PH1091D — Physics Lab — B.Tech. (First Year, All Streams) — Winter, AY 2022-23

    • PH1091D — Physics Lab — B.Tech. (First Year, All Streams) — Monsoon, AY 2022-23


    • INSPIRE fellowship for higher education from Govt. of India
    • Optical Society of America Foundation (OSAF) Travel Grant
    • Student International Travel Grant from UK–Israel Shaoul Fund IAS
    • SGRIP travel grant from IIT Kharagpur
    • CSIR-UGC National Eligibility Test (NET)
    • Graduate Aptitute Test in Engineering (GATE)
    • Joint Admission Test for M.Sc. (JAM)

    Research Interests:
    • Laser physics, Random Lasers and DFB Lasers
    • Imaging through disordered media
    • Optofluidics
    • Optical waveguides
    • Photonic crystals
    • Optical sensors