Dr. Jeevamma Jacob

Dr. Jeevamma Jacob
Office Address:
Professor Department of Electrical Engineering NIT Calicut Kerala, India -673601
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Home Address:
11/1119, Jeevan Nedungattummal 12th Mile, NITC P O Calicut , Kerala, India -673601
B.Sc Engg (1983) from M.A. College of Engineering
M.Tech (1987) REC Calicut
Ph.D (1994) from IIT Bombay
Educational Qualifications
B.Sc Engg (1983) from M.A. College of Engineering
M.Tech (1987) REC Calicut
Ph.D (1994) from IIT Bombay
Ph.D Thesis
Exact Model Matching for Linear Multivariable Control Systems, Department of Electrical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, 1994.
Ph.D Thesis Supervised
- Leesha Paul(2009), Coprime Factorization Approach to Robust Stabilization of Linear Multivariable Systems, Guides Dr Jeevamma Jacob and Dr Abraham T Mathew, National Institute of Technology Calicut.
- Ahamed Seyd P T(2012), Time and Frequency Domain Analysis of HRV signal in Diabetes Mellitus and Hypertension, Guides Dr Paul Joseph K and Dr Jeevamma Jacob, National Institute of Technology Calicut.
- Jagadanand G,(2013),Stator Fault Detection of Induction Motor using Wavelet and SVM in MCSA, Guides Dr Saly George and Dr Jeevamma Jacob, National Institute of Technology Calicut.
- A. Dolly Mary, (2014),Motion Control of Tractor Trailer Systems with Multiple Active Control via H∞ Controller Guides Dr.Abraham T. Mathew and Dr. Jeevamma Jacob, National Institute of Technology Calicut.
- Maya G,(2015),Design and implementation of supplementary damping controller for mitigation of interarea oscillations using FACTS devices,Guides Dr. Elizabeth P. Cheriyan& Dr. Jeevamma Jacob, National Institute of Technology Calicut.
- John George,(2015),Development and Implementation of a Decoupled Reference Generation Algorithm for Shunt Active Power Filters,Guides Dr. T L Jose & Dr. Jeevamma Jacob, National Institute of Technology Calicut.
- Parthish Kumar Paul,(2019),Robust Control techniques for stabilization of Twin rotor MIMO systems (TRMS) in the nonlinear regime,Guide Dr. Jeevamma Jacob, National Institute of Technology Calicut.
- Pala Prasad Reddy,(2019),Investigations on Modelling and Vibration Suppression Techniques of Flexible Link Flexible Joint Manipulators,Guide Dr. Jeevamma Jacob, National Institute of Technology Calicut.
- Febina Beevi P,Model Matching Two Degree of Freedom Controllers for Single Input Single Output and Multi Input Multi Output Systems,Guides Dr. Jeevamma Jacob & Dr. Sunil Kumar T K, National Institute of Technology Calicut.
- Haseena K A,(2019),Robust Fractional Order Controllers for dynamic stability enhancement of Power Systems,Guides Dr. Jeevamma Jacob & Dr. Abraham T. Mathew, National Institute of Technology Calicut.
- Parvathy P,(2019),A Generalized Methodology for the Inverse Optimal Control of a Class of Input Affine Nonlinear Systems,Guides Dr. Jeevamma Jacob & Dr. M.P . NandaKumar, National Institute of Technology Calicut.
- Dheeraj K (2020), Feedback Linearisation based Controller Design for Control Affine Nonlinear MIMO Systems using Direct Adaptive Neural Networks ,Guides Dr. Jeevamma Jacob & Dr. M.P . NandaKumar, National Institute of Technology Calicut.
- Nidya M V (2022), Design and Implementation of Robust Relatively Optimal Control Schemes for Nonlinear Affine Systems ,Guides Dr. Mija S J & Dr. Jeevamma Jacob, National Institute of Technology Calicut.
- Pravika M (2022), Automation of Ambulatory Duodopa Pump for the treatment of Parkinson's Disease ,Guides Dr. Paul Joseph K & Dr. Jeevamma Jacob, National Institute of Technology Calicut.
- Resmi R(2022), Discrete Laguerre function based distributed Model Predictive dynamic output consensus in linear multi agent systems with efficient triggering methods ,Guides Dr. Mija S J & Dr. Jeevamma Jacob, National Institute of Technology Calicut.
List of Publications
1. J. Jacob, Y.S. Apte, "Closed Loop Realisation of Open Loop Controllers for Linear Multivariable Systems", Proceedings of the International AMSE Conference on 'Signals, Data and Systems', Calcutta, India, 1992, Vol. 2, PP 41-54.
2. J. Jacob, Y.S. Apte, "Exact Model Matching for Multivariable Control Systems", Proceedings of the International IASTED Conference on 'Modelling, Identification and Control, Innsbruck, Austria, 1999, PP 330-332.
3. J. Jacob, Y.S. Apte, "Model Selection for Exact Model Matching for Linear Multivariable Control Systems", Proceedings of the International Conference on 'Robotics, Vision and Parallel Processing for Automation', Ipoh, Malaysia, 1999, PP 189-196.
4. J. Jacob, E.S. Jayachandran, "Neuro Controller for a Nonlinear Optimal Regulator", Proceedings of the International Conference on 'Computer, Modeling, Simulation and Communication, Jaipur, India, 1999, PP 357-362.
5. J. Jacob, Y.S. Apte, "Application of Model Matching Compensation for Disturbance Rejection", Proceedings of the National Seminar on 'Applied Systems Engineering and Soft Computing, SASESC-2000, Agra, India, 2000, PP 434-439.
6. J. Jacob, "Multiple Drug Anesthesia Control Using Fuzzy Decision Theory", Proceedings of the National Seminar on 'Applied Systems Engineering and Soft Computing, SASESC-2000, Agra, India, 2000, Ibid, PP 434-439.
7. J. Jacob, Nandakumar M.P., "Self Organising Fuzzy Logic Controller for Multivariable Blood Sugar Control", Proceedings of the International Conference on Computational Intelligence, Robotics and Autonomous Systems, CIRAS-2001, Singapore, November, 2001.
Conferences attended
Attended the International IASTED Conference on "Modeling, Identification and Control" at Innsbruck, Austria to present paper.
List of Publications originated from the M.Tech and Ph.D. guidance
- P T Ahamed Seyd, V I Thajudin Ahamed, Jeevamma Jacob and Paul Joseph K, "Time and Frequency domain analysis of Heart Rate Variability and their correlations in Diabetes Mellitus", International Journal of Biological and Life Sciences, Vol.4,No.1,2008,pp 24-27.
- Leesha Paul, Jeevamma Jacob, Kavitha C.S., Abraham T.Mathew, "Synthesis of LinearMultivariableSystems: Partial state Corrupted by Step Disturbance", International Journal of Engineering Research, Vol.3, No.3, pp.445-454, March 2009
- Leesha Paul, Jeevamma Jacob, Abraham T.Mathew Robust Stabilization of Coprime Factor Plant Description Subject to Plant Perturbations, International Journal of Automation and Control, Inderscience Publishers, Vol.4, No. 4, 2010,pp463-479
- Ahamed Seyd P T, Paul K Joseph, and Jeevamma Jacob: Automated Diagnosis Using Heart Rate Variability Signals, Journal of Medical Systems (Springer Publications ) Vol.36, No.3(2012),1935-1941,DOI 10.1007/s10916-011-9653-x, Published online-27th January 2011
- M.Pala Prasad Reddy, Jeevamma Jacob, “Adaptive Network Based Fuzzy Logic Control of a Single Flexible Link Manipulator,” International Journal of Engineering Studies, vol. 4, No. 2, pp. 155–167, 2012.
- M.Pala Prasad Reddy, Shihabudheen. K.V, Jeevamma Jacob, “Precise Non-Linear Modeling of Flexible Link Flexible Joint Manipulator,” International Review on Modeling and Simulation (I.RE.MO.S), vol. 5, No. 3, pp. 1368–1374, June 2012.
- Lekshmi S , Jeevamma Jacob “H∞ Based Observer for Disturbance Compensation in Decoupled TRMS Using LMI Optimization”, International Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (IJEEE) ISSN (PRINT): 2231 – 5284, Vol-2, Iss-1, 2012 pp. 91-96
- A. Dolly Mary, Abraham T. Mathew, Jeevamma Jacob, “Robust H-infinity Stabilization of Uncertain Wheeled Mobile Robots”, Global Journal of Researches in Engineering, vol. 12, no. 1 , pp. 23-31, January 2012.
- A. Dolly Mary, Abraham T. Mathew, Jeevamma Jacob, “H-infinity Disturbance Rejection for Robust Control of Tractor Trailer systems”, International Review of Automatic Control (IREACO), vol.5, no. 2, pp. 262-273,March 2012.
- John George, T.L.Jose, Jeevamma Jacob,”A Novel Reference Current Generation Algorithm for Harmonic and Reactive Power Compensation in Non-ideal Three-Phase Systems,” International Journal of Electrical Engineering ,ISSN 0974 – 2158, vol.5,no.2,pp 153-166,2012
- John George, T.L.Jose, Jeevamma Jacob,”A Novel Algorithm for Harmonic , Reactive Power and Unbalanced Current compensation in Three-Phase Distribution Systems,” International review on Modelling and Simulations,ISSN 1974-9821, vol.5,no.2,pp 537-543,April 2012.
- Jagadanand G.,Lalgy Gopi,Saly George and Jeevamma Jacob,:Modelling and detection of inter-turn fault in Induction Motors using Wavelet Entropy estimation.” International Review of Electrical Engineering (IREE) Vol.7,No.1,pp 3342-3352, January-February 2012, Print ISSN 1827-6660, (Journal Impact Factor: 1.364)
- Jagadanand G.,Kiran Y M,,Saly George and Jeevamma Jacob, “ Single chip implementation of support vector machine based bi-classifier” International Journal of Computer Engineering and Technology, vol.3, no.2, pp 74-84, July-September 2012. Print ISSN: 0976-6464 (Journal Impact Factor(2012): 3.9580)
- Jagadanand G.,Lalgy Gopi,Saly George and Jeevamma Jacob,”Inter-turn fault in induction motor using stator current wavelet decomposition “, International Journal of Electrical Engineering and Technology , vol.3,no.2,pp103-122, July- September 2012,Print ISSN: 0976-6545,( Journal Impact Factor(2012): 3.2031)
- A. Dolly Mary, Abraham T. Mathew, Jeevamma Jacob, “A Robust H-infinity Control Approach of Uncertain Tractor Trailer system”, IETE Journal of Research, vol. 59, no.1, pp. 38-47, Jan-Feb.2013
- Maya G., Elizabeth P. Cheriyan, Jeevamma Jacob, "Stability Enhancement of a Multimachine System using STATCOM with supplementary controller"', International Review on modelling and simulation, April 2013.
- M.Pala Prasad Reddy, Jeevamma Jacob, “Accurate Modeling and Nonlinear Finite Element Analysis of aFlexible-Link Manipulator,” International Journal of Mechanical, Industrial Science and Engineering, vol. 8, No. 1, pp. 174–179, 2014.
- P.Febina Beevi , T.K.Sunil Kumar and Jeevamma Jacob,"Novel Design Method for Two Degree of Freedom Controllers",International Review of Automatic Control,Vol.8, No.4,pp 281-288
July 2015 - Indu K. Namboodiri , Dr.Jeevamma Jacob,"Quantitative Feedback Theory based Control of Light Weight Flexible Manipulators",International Journal of Computer Applications ,Issue. 2, pp. 5-9,2015
- P.Febina Beevi , T.K.Sunil Kumar and Jeevamma Jacob,"Two Degree of Freedom Controller Design by AGTMAGMP Matching Method for Time Delay Systems",Procedia Technology,Elsevier,Vol.25,pp.20-27,2016.
- P.Febina Beevi , T.K.Sunil Kumar and Jeevamma Jacob,"Novel Two Degree of Freedom Model Matching Controller for Desired Tracking and Disturbance Rejection",Studies in Informatics and Control ,vol. 26, no.1,pp.105-114 ,March 2017.
- P.Febina Beevi , T.K.Sunil Kumar, Jeevamma Jacob and P.Delina Beevi,"Novel Two Degree of Freedom Model Matching Controller for Set-Point Tracking in MIMO Systems",Computers & Electrical Engineering, Elsevier,vol. 61,pp.1-14,june 2017
- M.Pala Prasad Reddy, Jeevamma Jacob,"Vibration control of flexible link manipulator using SDRE controller and Kalman filtering",Studies in informatics and control,Vol.26, no.2,pp.143-150,June 2017
- Parthish Kumar Paul and Jeevamma Jacob,"On the modeling of twin rotor MIMO system using chirp inputs as test signals",Asian Journal of control,Vol. 19, No.6,pp.1-10,November 2017
Haseena Kuttomparambil Abdulkhader, Jeevamma Jacob, Abraham T Mathew, "Fractional-Order Lead-Lag Compensator Based Multi-Band Power System Stabilizer Design Using a Hybrid Dynamic GA-PSO Algorithm', IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution", Vol. 12 Iss. 13, pp. 3248-3260, 2018
Najla Pary,Jeevamma Jacob,"Fully distributed consensus in Multu Agent Systems in the presence of disturbances",Procedia Computer Science,Vol.143,pp226-234,2018
Pravika M, Jeevamma Jacob, Paul Joseph K,"PID controlled fully automated portable duodopa pump for Parkinson’s disease patients,Biomedical Signal Processing and Control",Vol. 50,pp 178-187,2019
Haseena Kuttomparambil Abdulkhader, Jeevamma Jacob, Abraham T Mathew, "Robust type-2 fuzzy fractional order PID controller for dynamic stability enhancement of power system having RES based microgrid penetration", International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems, Vol. 110 pp. 357-371, 2019.
Parthish Kumar Paul, Jeevamma Jacob,"H2 Vs H∞ control of TRMS via output error optimization augmenting sensor and control singularities",Ain Shams Engineering Journal,2019.
P.Parvathy,Jeevamma Jacob,and M.P. Nandakumar,"Inverse optimal control of a class of affine nonlinear systems,"Trans.of the Inst of Measurement and control,Vol.41,no.9,pp.2637-2650,Feb 2019.
Dheeraj K,Jeevamma Jacob,"Direct Adaptive Neural Control Design for a Class of Nonlinear Multi Input Multi Output Systems",IEEE Access,Vol. 7,2019
Nidya, M. V., J. Jacob, and S. J. Mija. "Stabilization of ball and beam module using relatively optimal controller." Int. J. Mech. Eng. Robot. Res. 8.2 (2019): 265-272.
- Parvathy, P., Jacob, J. Inverse Optimal Control Via Diagonal Stabilization Applied to Attitude Tracking of a Reusable Launch Vehicle. J Optim Theory Appl (2021). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10957-021-01831-0.
- Pravika M, Jeevamma Jacob, Paul Joseph K,Design of model reference adaptive–PID controller for automated portable duodopa pump in Parkinson’s disease patients,
Biomedical Signal Processing and Control,Volume 68,2021,102590,ISSN 1746-8094,https://doi.org/10.1016/j.bspc.2021.102590.
Prasanna, P, Jacob, J, Nandakumar, MP. A novel domain of attraction based synthesis of inverse optimal control. Int J Robust Nonlinear Control. 2021; 31: 9692- 9708. https://doi.org/10.1002/rnc.5797
Vijayan, N.M., Johnson, M.S. & Jacob, J. Convex-Optimization-based Constrained Control Strategy for 3-DOF Tandem Helicopter using Feedback Linearization. J Optim Theory Appl 191, 736–755 (2021). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10957-021-01900-4
Nidya M. V., Mija S. J., Jeevamma Jacob,Feedback-linearization based robust relatively optimal trajectory tracking controller for 3-DOF helicopter, Engineering Science and Technology, an International Journal,Volume 31,2022,101050,ISSN 2215-0986,https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jestch.2021.08.007.
M. Pravika, Jeevamma Jacob, K. Paul Joseph,Design of linear electromechanical actuator for automatic ambulatory Duodopa pump,Engineering Science and Technology, an International Journal,Volume 31,2022,101056,ISSN 2215-0986,https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jestch.2021.09.002.
R. Resmi, S.J. Mija, Jacob. Jeevamma,Model predictive consensus in networked autonomous systems using discrete Laguerre functions and event triggering approach,European Journal of Control,Volume 64,2022,100607,ISSN 0947-3580, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ejcon.2021.12.002.
R. Resmi, S. J. Mija & Jeevamma Jacob (2022) Discrete Laguerre-based model predictive control for dynamic consensus of a vehicle platoon with time delay, International Journal of Systems Science, DOI: 10.1080/00207721.2022.2067911
- Nidya, M.V., Mija, S.J. & Jeevamma, J. Robust relatively optimal trajectory tracking control for a class of uncertain nonlinear control affine systems with state and input constraints. Nonlinear Dyn (2022). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11071-022-07790-z
- KG Krishnan, A Mohan, S Vishnu, SA Eapen, A Raj, J Jacob,Path Planning of Mobile Robot Using Reinforcement Learning,Journal of Trends in Computer Science and Smart Technology 4 (3), 153-162
- J Jacob, E.S.Jayachandran, “ Neuro controller for a Nonlinear optimal regulator,” International Conference on Computer, Modeling , Simulation and Communication, Jaipur, India,1999.
- J. Jacob, M.P.Nandakumar,”Self organizing fuzzy logic controller for multivariable blood sugar control”, International Conference on computational intelligence, robotics and Autonomous systems ,CIRAS , Singapore, November 2001.
- Nisha Raviprasad, Jeevamma Jacob, M.V.Vaidyan, Anna Mathew, Modeling of Blood Glucose Control System in the Human Body, International Congress on Biological and Medical Engineering , 4th – 7th December 2002, Singapore.
- Leesha Paul, Jeevamma Jacob, Kavitha C.S., Abraham T.Mathew ,Comparative Study of Pole Placement Schemes in Linear Multivariable Systems, International Conference on Modeling and Simulation, Coimbatore, August 2007.
- Leesha Paul, Jeevamma Jacob, Abraham T.Mathew Decoupling in Linear Multivariable Systems, International Conference on Sensors, Signal Processing, Communication, Control and Instrumentation, Pune, January 2008.
- Archana R1, M.V Rajesh2, R. Gopikakumari3,Jeevamma Jacob4, A Unnikrishnan5, "Study and Analysis of Nonlinear System Dynamics Using state Space Recurrent neural Network Modeling” International Conference on Advanced Computing & Communication Technologies for High Performance Applications, Kerala, India, during September, 24 to 26, 2008.
- Leesha Paul, Jeevamma Jacob, Abraham T.Mathew ,"'Nondiminishing Disturbance Rejection in Linear Multivariable System'', IEEE International Conference on Computer and Communication Engineering, Malaysia, pp.403-408, May 2008.
- Leesha Paul, Jeevamma Jacob, Abraham T.Mathew Tracking and Regulation in Linear Multivariable System: A frequency domain approach, IEEE International Conference on Systems, Signals and Devices, Jordan, pp.1-6, July 2008.
- John George, T.L.Jose, Jeevamma Jacob, A Decoupled Reference Generation Algorithm for Harmonic ,Reactive Power and current unbalance Compensation in Three-Phase Systems,Proceedings IEEE INDICON 2011.
- Maya G., Elizabeth P. Cheriyan, Jeevamma Jacob, "Real Time Simulation of Power System and HIL Testing of STATCOM Based Interarea Oscillation Damping Controller", 9th International Conference on Power System Transients (IPST 2011), Delft, Netherlands, June 14-17, 2011.
- Lekshmi S , Jeevamma Jacob “An H∞ based observer for disturbance rejection in TRMS decoupled with hadamard weights using LMI optimization”, Annual IEEE India Conference (INDICON), May 2012, Page(s): 227- 232
- Lekshmi S , Jeevamma Jacob “H∞ Based Observer for Disturbance Compensation in Decoupled TRMS Using LMI Optimization”, International Conference on Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (ICEECS), Trivandrum , May 2012
- Shihabudheen KV, Jeevamma Jacob “ Composite Control of Flexible Link Flexible Joint Manipulator” IEEE International Conference INDICON, Page(s): 827- 831, 2012
- Maya G., Elizabeth P. Cheriyan, Jeevamma Jacob, "Damping of interarea oscillations using SSSC and STATCOM with supplementary controllers",IEEE International Technical Conference (TENCON 2013), Xi'an, China, October 2013.
- Sanila P and Dr.Jeevamma Jacob, “Composite fast-slow MPC design for flexible joint manipulator”,Proceedings of the International Conference on Advanced trends in Engineering and Technology FORSCHUNG, Vimal Jyothi Engineering College,Chemberi, Kannur,pp. 17-22, March 2014
- Ambili Mohan and Dr.Jeevamma Jacob, “ Robust controller for twin rotor mimo system using quantitative feedback theory”, Proceedings of the International Conference on Advanced trends in Engineering and Technology FORSCHUNG, Vimal Jyothi Engineering College,Chemberi, Kannur, pp.23-29, March 2014
- Treasa Sebastian and Dr.Jeevamma Jacob, “Control of HAVE DASH II Bank-to-turn Missile using a Combination of First Order and Dynamic Sliding Mode Technique”, Proceedings of 2014 IEEE International Conference on Advanced communication, control & Computing Technologies (ICACCCT),Ramanathapuram, pp.104-110, May 2014.
- Remya P and Dr.Jeevamma Jacob, “Static Network Access Scheduling and Stabilization of Two inverted pendulums spring couples networked control system”, Proceedings of 2014 IEEE International Conference on Advanced communication, control & Computing Technologies (ICACCCT), Ramanathapuram,pp.98-103, May 2014
- Sanila.P and Jeevamma Jacob,"Simultaneous Tracking and Vibration Control of Flexible Joint Manipulator using Laguerre Network based Composite Fast-Slow MPC",IEEE International conference on Signal Processing,Informatics,Communication and Energy Systems,Feb 2015,NIT Calicut,India.
- Indu K Namboodiri and Dr.Jeevamma Jacob "Quantitative Feedback Theory Based Control of Light-Weight Flexible Manipulators" International Conference on Emerging Trends in Technology and Applied Sciences (ICETTAS 2015) April 30, May1,2, 2015, Kottayam, Kerala.
- Haseena K A, Jeevamma Jacob and Abraham T Mathew,"A Robust Fractional order PSS optimized using Genetic Algorithm for electromechanical oscillation damping of SMIB system",International Conference on Control Communication & Computing India (ICCC), Trivandrum, pp. 285-290,2015.
- Aswathi C.R. and Jeevamma Jacob,"Robust PSS design using H∞ loop shaping method over variations in inertia constant of SMIB system",IEEE 1st International Conference on Power Electronics, Intelligent Control and Energy Systems (ICPEICES), Delhi, pp. 1-6,2016.
- Anagha Sudhakar and Jeevamma Jacob,"Quasi-LPV modelling and control of TRMS",IEEE 1st International Conference on Power Electronics, Intelligent Control and Energy Systems (ICPEICES), Delhi, pp. 1-6,2016
- Aswathi C R and Jeevamma Jacob,"Power system stabilizer for single machine infinite bus system for robustness against inertia constant variations",International Conference on Advanced Communication Control and Computing Technologies (ICACCCT), Ramanathapuram, pp. 467-472,2016
- Parthish Kumar Paul and Jeevamma Jacob,"Elevation and hovering control of TRMS via H∞ optimization technique",IEEE 1st International Conference on Power Electronics, Intelligent Control and Energy Systems (ICPEICES), Delhi, pp. 1-6,2016
- Keerthana Sunil and Jeevamma Jacob,"LMI Based design approach for the Stabilization and Tracking of a 3-DOF Remote Controlled Helicopter, Modeled in TP form",International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI), Bangalore, pp. 1267-1272,2018
- M. Pravika, Jeevamma Jacob and Paul Joseph,"The Impact of Manually Controlled Portable Duodopa Pump on Levodopa Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics",IEEE Region 10 Conference (TENCON), Kochi, India, pp. 696-701,2019
- Deepa Jose,Jeevamma Jacob, Sanila P and Rijil Ramchand,"Disturbance Observer Based Formation Control Of Multi Agent System",2nd International Conference on Intelligent Computing, Instrumentation and Control Technologies (ICICICT), Kannur,Kerala, India, pp. 545-549,2019
- Parvathy P, Jeevamma Jacob,"Global asymptotic stabilization of second-order nonlinear systems by inverse optimal control",4th International Conference on Inventive Systems and Control (ICISC 2020),2020
- Saranya S Nair, Jeevamma Jacob,"Event-Triggered Control for Multi-Agent Systems using Consensus Protocol",4th International Conference on Inventive Systems and Control (ICISC 2020),2020
- Meria Mathew, Jeevamma Jacob, Rijil Ramchand,"Robust Dynamic Formation Acquisition Control for Multi Robotic Vehicles",4th International Conference on Inventive Systems and Control (ICISC 2020),2020
- A N Sruthy, Jeevamma Jacob, Rijil Ramchand,"PSO Based Integral Backtepping Control for Leader-Follower Quadrotors",4th International Conference on Inventive Systems and Control (ICISC 2020),2020
- Riyas U T and Jeevamma Jacob,"Formation Maneuvering of Mobile Inverted Pendulum Robots with Attitude Synchronization",4th International Conference on Inventive Systems and Control (ICISC 2020),2020
- Remya P and Dr.Jeevamma Jacob,"Dynamic Network Access Scheduling and Stabilization of TPCS Networked Control System",4th International Conference on Inventive Systems and Control (ICISC 2020),2020
- A. N. Sruthy, J. Jacob and R. Ramchand, "Fault Tolerant Controller for Formation Flight of Leader-Follower Quadrotors," 2020 International Conference for Emerging Technology (INCET), Belgaum, India, 2020, pp. 1-6, doi: 10.1109/INCET49848.2020.9153984.
- K. R. Sarath and J. Jacob, "Hand position consensus in wheeled mobile robots with disturbance observer," 2020 International Conference for Emerging Technology (INCET), Belgaum, India, 2020, pp. 1-5, doi: 10.1109/INCET49848.2020.9154135.
- U. T. Riyas and J. Jacob, "Rigidity Based Robust Formation Maneuvering Control for Nonholonomic Mobile Robots," 2020 International Conference for Emerging Technology (INCET), Belgaum, India, 2020, pp. 1-6, doi: 10.1109/INCET49848.2020.9154029.
- M. Mathew, J. Jacob and R. Ramchand, "Formation Acquisition of Multi Robotic Vehicles with Unscented Kalman Filter Based Noise Filtering," 2020 International Conference for Emerging Technology (INCET), Belgaum, India, 2020, pp. 1-6, doi: 10.1109/INCET49848.2020.9154054.
- S. S. Nair and J. Jacob, "Disturbance Observer for Periodic Event-Triggered Control of Multi-Agent Systems with Communication Delay," 2020 International Conference for Emerging Technology (INCET), Belgaum, India, 2020, pp. 1-6, doi: 10.1109/INCET49848.2020.9154013.
- P. Sanila, J. Jacob and R. Ramchand, "On the design of Kalman Filter-Based Disturbance Observer For Stabilization of Rigid Formations," IECON 2020 The 46th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, Singapore, 2020, pp. 662-667, doi: 10.1109/IECON43393.2020.9254317.
- M. V. Nidya, S. J. Mija and J. Jacob, "Performance Enhancement of Relatively Optimal Controller for Continuous Time Systems," IECON 2020 The 46th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, Singapore, 2020, pp. 329-334, doi: 10.1109/IECON43393.2020.9254586.
- R. Resmi, S. J. Mija and J. Jacob, "Consensus Control of Two Wheeled Mobile Robots with Time Delay," 2020 IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics, Drives and Energy Systems (PEDES), Jaipur, India, 2020, pp. 1-6, doi: 10.1109/PEDES49360.2020.9379671.
- Krishnan, K.G., Dutta, K., Eapen, S.A., Martin, M., Jacob, J. (2020). Control of Two Degrees of Freedom Ball Balancer Using Image Processing. In: Saini, H., Sayal, R., Buyya, R., Aliseri, G. (eds) Innovations in Computer Science and Engineering. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, vol 103. Springer, Singapore.
- Anjali Pradeep, Sanila P, Jeevamma Jacob, Rijil Ramchand, "PSO Based Formation Maneuvering with Orientation Control of Multi Robotic Vehicles", IEEE International Conference for Convergence in Technology (I2CT, 2021), 2nd- 4th April 2021, Pune, India.
- Suganthi S, Jeevamma Jacob, "Analysis of Topologies for Cooperative Tracking Control of Multi-agent Systems," in the 5th International conference on Inventive systems and control (ICISC 2021), Jan 7th. 2021.
- Vignesh K Manoj and Jeevamma Jacob,"On the design of MPC using Laguerre functions for Formation Tracking Control of Multiple Wheeled Mobile Robots",International Conference on Emerging Technologies (INCET),Jain College of Engineering, Belgaum,2022
- Sreekanth P and Jeevamma Jacob,"On the design Of non-linear disturbance observer for formation acquisition Of multiple wheeled mobile robots",International Conference on Emerging Technologies (INCET),Jain College of Engineering, Belgaum,2022
National Conferences
J .Jacob,” Multiple Drug Anesthesia control using fuzzy decision theory,” National Seminar on Applied System Engineering and Soft computing, Agra, India, March 2000.
2.M.V Rajesh1, Archana. R2 , R. Gopikakumari3,Jeevamma Jacob4, A Unnikrishnan5, ” Neural Network Approaches for System Identification”. “National Seminar on Information, Communication & Intelligent Systems”, Cochin, Kerala, India during 8th to 9th February-2008.
Registrar-in_Charge from 16.10.2021 to 11.04.2022
Dean (AA&IR) from 19.03.2019 2019 to 18.03.2022
Chairperson ETL from 28.10.2016 to 30.04.2019
Head of the Department from 04.06.2014 to 14.06.2016
Coordinator of NITC Examination from 07.12.2011 to 07.07.2014
- Applications of Neural Networks and Fuzzy Logic in Modern Control Systems sponsored by MHRD, Dr.Jeevamma Jacob
- DSP based Implementation of Modern Control Algorithms for Non-linear systems sponsored by MHRD , Dr.Abraham T Mathew and Dr.Jeevamma Jacob
a) Ph.D guidance completed
S. No. |
Name of Student |
Year of registration |
Title of the Thesis |
Principal Guide & Co- Guide if any |
1 |
Ahamed Seyd P T |
2003 |
Time and Frequency Domain Analysis of HRV Signal in Diabetes Mellitus and Hypertension |
Dr. Paul Joseph K& Dr. Jeevamma Jacob |
2 |
Leesha Paul |
2005 |
Coprime Factorization Approach to Robust Stabilization of Linear Multivariable Systems |
Dr. Jeevamma Jacob &Dr. Abraham T. Mathew |
3 |
John George |
2006 |
Development and Implementation of a Decoupled Reference Generation Algorithm for Shunt Active Power Filters |
Dr. T L Jose & Dr. Jeevamma Jacob |
4 |
Jagadanand G |
2007 |
Stator Detection of Induction Motor using Wavelet and SVM in MCSA |
Dr. Saly George& Dr. Jeevamma Jacob |
5 |
A. Dolly Mary |
2009 |
Motion Control of Tractor Trailer Systems with Multiple Active Control via H∞ Controller |
Dr. Abraham T. Mathew& Dr. Jeevamma Jacob |
6 |
Maya G |
2009 |
Design and implementation of supplementary damping controller for mitigation of interarea oscillations using FACTS devices |
Dr. Elizabeth P. Cheriyan& Dr. Jeevamma Jacob |
7 |
Parthish Kumar Paul |
2009 |
Investigation of Robust Control techniques for stabilization of MIMO Systems in the nonlinear regime |
Dr. Jeevamma Jacob |
8 |
Pala Prasad Reddy |
2010 |
Investigation on Modelling and Vibration Suppression of Single Flexible Link Manipulator |
Dr. Jeevamma Jacob |
9 |
FebinaBeevi P |
2010 |
2 DOF Model Matching Controller Design for SISO and MIMO Systems |
Dr. Jeevamma Jacob & Dr. Sunil Kumar T K |
10 |
Haseena K A |
2013 |
Design and Optimal Allocation of a power system stabilizer with Robust Fractional Order Controller for a Multimachine Power System |
Dr. Jeevamma Jacob & Dr. Abraham T. Mathew |
11 |
Parvathy P |
2013 |
A Generalized Methodology for the Inverse Optimal Control of a Class of Input Affine Nonlinear Systems. |
Dr. Jeevamma Jacob & Dr. M.P.Nandakumar |
12 |
Dheeraj K |
2012 |
Feedback linearization based controller design for control affine nonlinear MIMO systems using direct adaptive neural networks |
Dr. Jeevamma Jacob & Dr. M.P.Nandakumar |
13 |
Nidya M V |
2015 |
Design and Implementation of Robust Relatively Optimal Control Schemes for Nonlinear Affine Systems |
Dr. Jeevamma Jacob & Dr. Mija S J |
14 |
Pravika M |
2016 |
Automation of Ambulatory Duodopa Pump for the treatment of Parkinson's Disease |
Dr. Paul Joseph K& Dr. Jeevamma Jacob |
15 |
Resmi R |
2019 |
Discrete Laguerre function based distributed Model Predictive dynamic output consensus in linear multi agent systems with efficient triggering methods |
Dr. Mija S J & Dr. Jeevamma Jacob |
b) Ph.D guidance ongoing
S. No. |
Name of Student |
Year of registration |
Title of the Thesis |
Principal Guide & Co- Guide if any |
1 |
Sanila P |
2018 |
Rigidity Based Formation Control of Multi-agent Systems |
Dr. Rijil Ramchand & Dr. Jeevamma Jacob |
2 |
Sera Mathew |
2022 |
Formation of Multi-agent Systems |
Dr. Mija S J & Dr. Jeevamma Jacob |
"FDP on Process ControlInstrumentation and Automation (PCIA 2019)" 2-12-2019 to 7-12-2019,EED, NITC Coordinators: Dr.Kanagalakshmy S and Dr.Jeevamma Jacob
"School on Systems and Control (SSC 2018)",3-12-2018 to 8-12-2018, EED, NITC. Coordinators: Dr. Mija S.J. and Dr.Jeevamma Jacob
- MHRD- TEQIP Faculty Development Programme on "Advanced Control: Theory and Applications (ACTA-2013)" 08.12.2013 to 13.12.2013, EED, NITC. Coordinators: Ms. Mija S.J. and Dr.Jeevamma Jacob
- TEQIP supported Workshop on "Advanced Topics in Algebra for Multivariable Systems Research" 07-12-2005 to 09-12-2005 , EED, NIT Calicut. Coordinators: Dr Jeevamma Jacob and Ms.Hema Rani P
- TEQIP supported one day seminar on "Software Products for Systems Engineering" on 21.10.2005, EED, NIT Calicut ,Coordinators: Dr Jeevamma Jacob and Ms. Hemarani P
- Senior Member IEEE 92556214
- Life Member ISTE LM24653
- Life Member SSI LM 19020
- Multi-agent Systems
- Nonlinear Control
- Digital Control Systems
- Biomedical Signal Processing
- Optimal Control Systems
- Neural Networks
- Fuzzy Logic
- Power System Stability