Dr. Vivek Mohan
Dr. Vivek Mohan
Assistant Professor
Office Address:
NLHC-406, NIT Calicut, Kozhikode-673601, Kerala
Doctor of Engineering - Electric Power System Management - Energy FoS - Asian Institute of Technology Thailand
M.Tech - Power Systems - Government Engineering College Thrissur (University of Calicut)
B.Tech - Electrical and Electronics Engineering - Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Amritapuri
Educational Qualifications
Doctor of Engineering - Electric Power System Management - Energy FoS - Asian Institute of Technology Thailand
M.Tech - Power Systems - Government Engineering College Thrissur (University of Calicut)
B.Tech - Electrical and Electronics Engineering - Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Amritapuri
- Development & Evaluation of Power Projects (M.Tech)
- Power System Economics and Control Techniques (B.Tech)
- Power System Stability (M.Tech)
- Power System Dynamics (B.Tech)
- Power System Restructuring and Pricing (M.Tech)
- Power System Protection (B.Tech)
- Power System Analysis (B.Tech)
- Risk Management in Power Systems (PhD)
- Power System Planning and Reliability (PhD)
- Control Systems (B.Tech)
- Power System Reliability (M.Tech)
1) |
Title: Potential Peer to Peer Transactive Energy Markets in Indian Power Distribution Systems
2) |
Title: Pilot Implementation of Energy Blockchain and P2P Transactive Market
January 2023 – Till date: Assistant Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering, NIT Calicut, Kerala, India
March 2018 – Jan 2023: Assistant Professor, Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, NIT Trichy, Tamilnadu, India.
August 2017 – Jan 2018: Post-Doctoral Fellow, Department of Electrical Engineering, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hung Hom, Hong Kong.
August 2016 – June 2017: Assistant Professor (Selection Grade), Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Amrita School of Engineering, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Coimbatore, Tamilnadu, India
Youtube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/@pqes5080/playlists
Personal Homepage: https://sites.google.com/view/vivekmohan/home
Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.co.th/citations?user=pnJ4as0AAAAJ&hl=en
Researchgate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Vivek_Mohan2
Web of Science: http://www.webofscience.com/wos/author/record/AAI-2353-2019
Conference Publications
Vivek Mohan, Jai Govind Singh, Weerakorn Ongsakul. “Sortino Ratio Based Portfolio Optimization Considering EVs and Renewable Energy in Microgrid Power Market”, IEEE PES General Meeting, Chicago, 2017.
Manoj P, Malini Frey, Renjith Mohan, Vivek Mohan, Vidal Conejo, “Raising Educational Level of Rural Village Children Through Distance Learning Technology Secondary to Implementation of Reliable Sustainable Electrification System”. 2017 IEEE Global Humanitarian Technology Conference (GHTC), San Jose CA, USA.
Vivek Mohan, Vidal Conejo-García, Malini Frey, Renjith Mohan, Manoj Pokkiyarath, Sai Shibu, Maneesha V Ramesh and Aryadevi, “Assessing Village Power Grid Problems for Development of Quality and Stable Supplemental Sustainable Energy”, 2017 IEEE Global Humanitarian Technology Conference (GHTC), San Jose CA, USA.
Vivek Mohan; Madhu, N; Ongsakul, W; Singh, J.G.; Reshma Suresh, M.P, "Design of strategic information in the deregulated Indian power market: An agent-based approach,", 2014 International Conference and Utility Exhibition on Green Energy for Sustainable Development, Pattaya, March 2014.
Vivek Mohan; Singh, J.G.; Ongsakul, W.; Nair, S.G., "Online benefit optimization in a liberalized/free microgrid market model," Technological Advancements in Power and Energy (TAP Energy), 2015 International Conference, Amrita University, June 2015.
Vivek Mohan, Reshma Suresh M P, Jai Govind Singh, Weerakorn Ongsakul, B Kalyankumar, “Online Optimal Power Management Considering Electric Vehicles, Load Curtailment and Grid Trade in a Microgrid Energy Market”, in 2015 IEEE ISGT ASIA, Bangkok.
Anand M.P, Vivek Mohan, Weerakorn Ongsakul, Reshma Suresh M P, “Optimal Day Ahead scheduling of distributed EVs in a Smart Distribution Network”, 2015 IEEE ISGT ASIA, Bangkok; Nov. 2015.
Vivek Mohan, Jai Govind Singh, Weerakorn Ongsakul, Arjun C Unni, Nikhil Sasidharan, “Stochastic Effects of Renewable Energy and Loads on Optimizing Microgrid Market Benefits,” Elsevier Procedia Technology, ICSGT 2015, Amrita University, Coimbatore.
C. Unni, A. S. Junghare, Vivek Mohan and W. Ongsakul, "PID, fuzzy and LQR controllers for magnetic levitation system," 2016 International Conference on Cogeneration, Small Power Plants and District Energy (ICUE), Bangkok, Thailand, 2016, pp. 1-5.
Akhiya Sanal, Vivek Mohan, M.R. Sindhu, “Real Time Energy Management and Bus Voltage Droop Control in Solar Powered Standalone DC Microgrid”, IEEE TENSYMP, Cochin, 2017.
Nimal Madhu, Vivek Mohan, Jai Govind Singh and Reshma Suresh, “Risk-Adjusted Co-optimization of ATC in Transmission-Distribution System with Renewables”, PEDES 2018, IIT Madras, India.
Venkata Sai Aditya Gedda, Vivek Mohan, Jisma M, “Probabilistic Evaluation of System Adequacy with Variations in Load Demand, Renewable Energy and Generator Topology”, TENCON 2019, Kochi, Kerala.
Sindhu M R, Jisma M, Maya P K, Krishnapriya and Vivek Mohan, "Optimal Placement and Sizing of Harmonic and Reactive Compensators in Interconnected Systems," 2018 15th IEEE India Council International Conference (INDICON), Coimbatore, India, 2018, pp. 1-6.
Ashish Tandon, Vivek Mohan, Jisma M, "Risk-Adjusted Optimal Energy Asset Allocation in Residential Community with Roof-Top Solar PV", 22nd National Power System Conference (NPSC), New Delhi, India, December 2022
Journal Publications
- Vivek Mohan, Vishnu Dhinakaran, Mallika Gangadharan, Aditya Modekurti, Shyam M, Jisma M, "Multi-Stage Energy-Risk Adjustments using Practical Byzantine Fault Tolerance Consensus for Blockchain-Powered Peer-to-Peer Transactive Markets", Energy Conversion and Economics, IET, April 2023
- Anu G Kumar, Sindhu M R, Vivek Mohan, Vinu Thomas, “Adaptive Decentralized Payback Normalization for Socio-Economic Rebalancing of RE subsidies - A Case Study”, International Journal of Sustainable Energy Planning and Management, Aalborg university press, Dec 2023.
- Vivek Mohan, Jai Govind Singh, Weerakorn Ongsakul. “Sortino Ratio Based Portfolio Optimization Considering EVs and Renewable Energy in Microgrid Power Market”, IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy, Jan 2017.
- Vivek Mohan, Jai Govind Singh, Weerakorn Ongsakul, “An efficient two-stage stochastic optimal energy and reserve management in a microgrid,” Applied Energy, Elsevier, December 2015.
- Vivek Mohan, R. Suresh, J. G. Singh, W. Ongsakul and N. Madhu, "Microgrid Energy Management Combining Sensitivities, Interval and Probabilistic Uncertainties of Renewable Generation and Loads", IEEE Journal on Emerging and Selected Topics in Circuits and Systems, June 2017.
- Vivek Mohan, Jai Govind Singh, Weerakorn Ongsakul & Reshma Suresh M.P. “Performance enhancement of online energy scheduling in a radial utility distribution microgrid”, International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems, Elsevier, July 2016
- Vivek Mohan, Harish Ram, Ganesh Patil, Jisma M, Rohith C Unni, Nandakumar K, Karthik Thirumala, Siqi Bu, “Policy assistance for adoption of residential solar PV in India: A stakeholder-centric approach for welfare optimization”, Energy Reports, Elsevier, June 2022.
- Vivek Mohan, Anjula Antonis, Jisma M, Nila Krishnakumar, Siqi Bu, " Tuning of renewable energy bids based on energy risk management: Enhanced microgrids with Pareto-optimal profits for the utility and prosumers ", Energy Conversion and Economics, IET, June 2022.
- Vivek Mohan, Jai Govind Singh, Weerakorn Ongsakul, Reshma Suresh M P, “Economic and network feasible online power management for renewable energy integrated smart microgrid”, Sustainable Energy Grids and Networks, Elsevier, Sep 2016.
- Vivek Mohan, Siqi Bu, Jisma M, Rijinlal V C, Karthik Thirumala, Mini Shaji Thomas, Zhao Xu, “Realistic Energy Commitments in Peer-to-Peer Transactive Market with Risk-Adjusted Prosumer Welfare Maximization”, International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems, Elsevier, July 2020.
- Jisma M, Vivek Mohan, Mini Shaji Thomas, Karthik Thirumala, “Tail Risk Adjusted Clean Energy Portfolios in P2P Transactive Markets Using Rachev Ratio”, Energy Conversion and Economics, IET, February 2023.
- Jisma M, Vivek Mohan, Mini Shaji Thomas, Nimal Madhu M, “Risk-Calibrated conventional-renewable generation mix using master-slave portfolio approach guided by flexible investor preferencing”, Energy, Elsevier, April 2022.
- Jisma M, Vivek Mohan, Mini Shaji Thomas, Siqi Bu, "Treynor Ratio Guided Risk-Return Model for TSO-DSO Mutualism Considering Energy and Price Volatility", Sustainable Energy, Grids and Networks, Elsevier, July 2022.
- Sachin M K, Nimal Madhu, Vivek Mohan, Reshma Suresh and Jai Govind Singh, “A Generalized Approach for Enhanced Solar Energy Harvesting Using Stochastic Estimation of Optimum Tilt Angles: A Case Study of Bangkok City”, Green, DeGruyter, 2015.
- Jayaprakash Budhavarapu, Karthik Thirumala, Vivek Mohan, Siqi Bu, Manoranjan Sahoo, “Tariff Structure for Regulation of Reactive Power and Harmonics in Prosumer-enabled Low Voltage Distribution Networks”, Energy Economics, Elsevier, September 2022.
- Anu Kumar, Sindhu M R, Vivek Mohan, Rekha V, Akhil V S, “An Adaptive Staggered Investment Strategy for promotion of residential rooftop solar PV installations in India”, International Journal of Sustainable Energy Planning and Management, Aalborg university press, March 2023.
- M R Balwani, Karthik Thirumala, Vivek Mohan, Siqi Bu, Mini Shaji Thomas, “Development of Smart Meter for Power Quality-based Tariff Implementation in Smart Grid”, Energies, MDPI, 2021.
- B. B. Nair, D. S. H. Ram, M. K. Panda, A. J. Balaji, T. G. Kumar, and Vivek Mohan, "Future Engineering Curricula: Balancing Domain Competence with CPS Readiness," IEEE Design & Test, 2020.
- Jayaprakash B, Mayurkumar Rajkumar Balwani, Karthik Thirumala, Vivek Mohan, Siqi Bu, Manoranjan Sahoo, “Tariff Rationalization for Reactive Power and Harmonics Regulation in Low Voltage Distribution Networks”, Electrical Engineering, Springer, June 2022.
- Jisma M, Vivek Mohan, Mini Shaji Thomas, "Risk-Return Optimized Energy Asset Allocation in Transmission-Distribution System Using Tangency Portfolio and Black Litterman Model", Energy Systems Integration, IET, May 2023.
- Rajesh Tanna, Vivek Mohan, E. A. Gopalakrishnan, Karthik Thirumala, "Detecting Safe Operational Regimes of Synchronous Motor-Generator Pair for Wind Integration: A Non-Linear Perspective", Energy Systems Integration, IET, August 2023.
- Jithin K. Jose, M. R. Sindhu, Vivek Mohan and Vinu Thomas, "Techno-Economic Analysis of Decentralized Residential Microgrid With Optimal Prosumer Selection," IEEE Access, May 2024.
M.Tech Supervision |
PhD Supervision |