Pournami P. N.

Pournami P. N.
Associate Professor
Office Address:
CSE 303-B, Faculty Building, Dept. of CSE, NIT Calicut
Doctor of Philosophy, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, NIT Calicut, Kerala (2018) - ”Image Registration: Improved Techniques through Accelerated Optimisation and a New Feature-Based Approach”.
Master of Technology, Department of Computer Science, University of Kerala (2006)
Bachelor of Technology, Mahatma Gandhi University, Kerala (2004).
Educational Qualifications
Doctor of Philosophy, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, NIT Calicut, Kerala (2018) - ”Image Registration: Improved Techniques through Accelerated Optimisation and a New Feature-Based Approach”.
Master of Technology, Department of Computer Science, University of Kerala (2006)
Bachelor of Technology, Mahatma Gandhi University, Kerala (2004).
Antony, JV, Koya R, Pournami PN, Nair GG, Balakrishnan JP. 2022. Protein secondary structure assignment using residual networks, August. Journal of molecular modeling. 28:269., Number 9 AbstractWebsite
Francis, S, Pooloth G, Singam S, Puzhakkal N, Narayanan P, Balakrishnan J. 2022. SABOS‐Net: Self‐supervised attention based network for automatic organ segmentation of head and neck CT images, 09. International Journal of Imaging Systems and Technology. Abstract
Joseph, J, Hemanth C, Narayanan P, Balakrishnan J, Puzhakkal N. 2022. Computed tomography image generation from magnetic resonance imaging using Wasserstein metric for MR‐only radiation therapy, 06. International Journal of Imaging Systems and Technology. 32 Abstract
Balakrishnan, B, Akondi S, Fathaah S, Raut A, N PP, Balakrishnan J. 2022. Cervix type detection using a self‐supervision boosted object detection technique, 01. International Journal of Imaging Systems and Technology. 32 Abstract
Francis, S, Balakrishnan J, N PP, Thomas M, Jose A, Binu A, Puzhakkal N. 2022. ThoraxNet: a 3D U-Net based two-stage framework for OAR segmentation on thoracic CT images, 01. Physical and engineering sciences in medicine. 45 Abstract
Francis, S, Bagaria H, B JP, N PP, Puzhakkal N. 2022. Auto Contouring of OAR in Pelvic CT Images Using an Encoder-Decoder Based Deep Residual Network. 2022 IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing and Electrical Circuits and Electronics (ICDCECE). :1-6. Abstract
Jiffy Joseph, Rita Prasanth, SAMPJNPPNPB. 2022. CT Image Synthesis from MR Image using Edge-aware Generative Adversarial Network. : 7th International Conference on Computer Vision and Image Processing (CVIP2022) Abstract
Viswajit Vinod Nair, Jayaraj, Pradeep SP, Nair VS, Pournami PN, Gopakumar G, Jayaraj PB. 2022. Deep Sequence Models for Ligand-Based Virtual Screening. Journal of Computational Biophysics and Chemistry. 21:207-217., Number 02 AbstractWebsite
R.S., RR, R. R, Shahreyar MS, Raut A, P.N. P, Kalady S, P.B. J. 2022. DeepNR: An adaptive deep reinforcement learning based NoC routing algorithm. Microprocessors and Microsystems. 90:104485. AbstractWebsite
Kaur, G, Joseph AJ, N PP. 2022. Patch-based All Convolutional Neural Network Model for Classification of Benign and Malignant Mammograms. 2022 IEEE International Conference on Signal Processing, Informatics, Communication and Energy Systems (SPICES). 1:448-455. Abstract
Joseph, J, P.N. P, P.B. J. 2022. Supervised Fan Beam Computed Tomography Image Synthesis using 3D CycleGAN. 2022 IEEE International Conference on Signal Processing, Informatics, Communication and Energy Systems (SPICES). 1:81-86. Abstract
Francis, S, Suresh D, Nath S, Lakshmi D R S, B JP, Puzhakkal N, N PP. 2021. Monte Carlo Simulation of Linear Accelerator for Dosimetry Analysis. 2021 6th International Conference for Convergence in Technology (I2CT). :1-7. Abstract
Joseph, AJ, Pournami PN. 2021. Multifractal theory based breast tissue characterization for early detection of breast cancer. Chaos, Solitons & Fractals. 152:111301. AbstractWebsite
Pournami P.N., Subhash K.M., RCV. 2021. Opportunities and Challenges in Technical Education in the Post-COVID Scenario. 31st Annual State Faculty Convention of the ISTE Kerala Section. Abstract
Antony, J, Penikalapati A, Reddy VKJ, Pournami PN, Jayaraj PB. 2021. Towards Protein Tertiary Structure Prediction Using LSTM/BLSTM. Advances in Computing and Network Communications. (Thampi, Sabu M., Gelenbe, Erol, Atiquzzaman, Mohammed, Chaudhary, Vipin, Li, Kuan-Ching, Eds.).:65–77., Singapore: Springer Singapore Abstract
Dileep, MR, Pournami PN. 2019. AyurLeaf: A Deep Learning Approach for Classification of Medicinal Plants. TENCON 2019 - 2019 IEEE Region 10 Conference (TENCON). :321-325. Abstract
Pournami, PN, Govindan VK. 2019. Highly Repeatable Feature Point Detection in Images Using Laplacian Graph Centrality. Proceedings of the International Conference on ISMAC in Computational Vision and Bio-Engineering 2018 (ISMAC-CVB). (Pandian, Durai, Fernando, Xavier, Baig, Zubair, Shi, Fuqian, Eds.).:687–697., Cham: Springer International Publishing Abstract
Maddaiah, PN, Pournami PN. 2019. Image Registration Using Single Swarm PSO with Refined Search Space Exploration. Pattern Recognition and Machine Intelligence. (Deka, Bhabesh, Maji, Pradipta, Mitra, Sushmita, Bhattacharyya, Dhruba Kumar, Bora, Prabin Kumar, Pal, Sankar Kumar, Eds.).:337–346., Cham: Springer International Publishing Abstract
N, PP, Subhash K, Joseph P. 2018. Characterizing EMG Signals using Aggregated CENSUS Transform, 11. Abstract
Societydoruge, S, Pournami PN. 2018. Bi-Histogram Equalization with Adaptive Multi-Plateau Limits for Enhancing Magnetic Resonance Images. 2018 International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI). :1027-1032. Abstract
Vijay, ST, Pournami PN. 2018. Feature Based Image Registration using Heuristic Nearest Neighbour Search. 2018 22nd International Computer Science and Engineering Conference (ICSEC). :1-3. Abstract
Subhash, KM, Pournami PN, Joseph PK. 2017. Census transform based feature extraction of EMG signals for neuromuscular disease classification. 2017 IEEE 15th Student Conference on Research and Development (SCOReD). :499-503. Abstract
Pournami, PN, Govindan VK. 2017. Interest point detection based on Laplacian energy of local image network. 2017 International Conference on Wireless Communications, Signal Processing and Networking (WiSPNET). :58-62. Abstract
Smith, DM, N PP. 2012. Engineering Computation with MATLAB. : Pearson
Kanakaraj, S, V.K G, P.N P. 2012. A Fast Brain Image Registration Using Axial Transformation. Wireless Networks and Computational Intelligence Communications in Computer and Information Science. 292:206-212.
N, PP, S SG, Govindan VK. 2012. Threshold Accepting Approach for Image Registration. UACEE International Journal of Computer Science and its Applications. 2(2)
Kanakaraj, S, GovindanV.K., P.N. P. 2012. A Fast Brain Image Registration Using Axial Transformation. Wireless Networks and Computational Intelligence. (Venugopal, K. R., Patnaik, L. M., Eds.).:206–212., Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg Abstract
Research Interests
Machine Learning in Computer Vision
Deep Learning Techniques in Computer Vision
Medical Image Processing and Analysis
Medical Image Synthesis using Generative Adversarial Networks and Variational Auto Encoders
Auto-contouring of Computed Tomography images
AI Solutions in Digital Pathology
Nature Inspired Algorithms for Optimisation of Image Registration
Application of Heuristics in Optimisation of Image Registration
Application of Deep Learning Techniques in Image Registration
Non-linear Analysis of Screening Mammograms
Image compression and latent space representations
CS6173D Image Processing
Semester: Winter
Offered: 2020
CS1001 Foundations of Computing
Semester: Winter
Offered: 2012
CS3093 Networks Laboratory
Semester: Winter
Offered: 2011
CS6192D Machine Learning
CS4023D Artificial Intelligence
CS4044D Machine Learning
CS4092D Machine Learning Laboratory
CS4043 Image Processing
CS4093D Image Processing Laboratory
CS3006 Computer Networks
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