Abdul Nazeer K. A.

Abdul Nazeer K. A.
Office Address:
Room No. 203 C, CSE Block, Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering, N I T Calicut, N I T Campus (P O), Kozhikode-673601, Kerala, India.
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Home Address:
CP 5/500, 'SAFANA', Thazhe Kattangal, N I T Campus (P O), Kozhikode-673601
Ph. D in Computer Science and Engineering from NIT Calicut (Thesis Title: Improved Clustering Algorithms for Bioinformatics Data Analysis)
M.Tech (Computer Science and Engineering) from IIT Madras
B.Tech (Computer Science and Engineering) from TKM College of Engineering, Kollam, University of Kerala
Educational Qualifications
Ph. D in Computer Science and Engineering from NIT Calicut (Thesis Title: Improved Clustering Algorithms for Bioinformatics Data Analysis)
M.Tech (Computer Science and Engineering) from IIT Madras
B.Tech (Computer Science and Engineering) from TKM College of Engineering, Kollam, University of Kerala
Jasila E K, Saleena N, Abdul Nazeer K A, “The SciSpacy term extraction and SNOMED CT Synonymy elimination from Clinical data for Clustering: A Novel Study”, Communications in Mathematics and Applications, RGN Publishers, 2024
Abinas V, Abhinav U, Haneem E M, Vishnusankar A, and Abdul Nazeer K A, "Integration of autoencoder and graph convolutional network for predicting breast cancer drug response", Journal of Bioinformatics and Computational Biology, World Scientific, 2024.
Lekshmy P. Chandran, Abdul Nazeer K.A., Niyas Puzhakkal, Dinesh Makuny,MemU-Net: A new volumetric dose prediction model using deep learning techniques in radiation treatment planning, Biomedical Signal Processing and Control, Volume 85, 2023, 104940, ISSN 1746-8094.
Chandran LP, Kochannan Parampil Abdul Rahiman AN, Puzhakkal N, Makuni D. A 3D U‐Net based two stage deep learning framework for predicting dose distributions in radiation treatment planning. International Journal of Imaging Systems and Technology.
E K Jasila, N Saleena, K A Abdul Nazeer, An Efficient Document Clustering Approach for Devising Semantic Clusters, Cybernetics and Systems, 1-18
C, MK, Nazeer AKA. 2022. Repurposing Ayush-64 for COVID-19: A Computational Study Based on Network Pharmacology and Molecular Docking. Combinatorial Chemistry and High Throughput Screening. 25(12)
Jeena, K, AbdulNazeer KA. 2020. An enhanced Tree-LSTM architecture for sentence semantic modeling using typed dependencies. Information Processing & Management 57 (6), 102362.
Nidheesh, N, AbdulNazeer KA, Ameer PM. 2019. A Hierarchical Clustering algorithm based on Silhouette Index for cancer subtype discovery from genomic data. Neural Computing and Application, Springer.. ISSN 0941-0643:1-18.
Visakh, R, AbdulNazeer KA. 2019. Multi-network approach to identify differentially methylated gene communities in cancer. Gene. 697:227-237.
P. Shamna, V.K. Govindan, ANKA. 2018. Content-based medical image retrieval by spatial matching of visual words. Elsevier Journal of King Saud University –Computer and Information Sciences. (In Press)
Visakh, R, AbdulNazeer KA. 2018. DEEPAligner: Deep encoding of pathways to align epigenetic signatures. Elsevier International Journal of Computational Biology and Chemistry. 72:87-95.
Das, P, Nazeer AKA. 2018. A novel clustering method to identify cell types from single cell transcriptional profiles. Procedia Computer Science. 132:983-992.
Nidheesh, N, Nazeer A, Ameer PM. 2017. An enhanced deterministic K-Means clustering algorithm for cancer subtype prediction from gene expression data. Elsevier International Journal of Computers in Biology and Medicine. 91:213-221.
Visakh, R, AbdulNazeer KA. 2016. Identifying Epigenetically Dysregulated Pathways from Pathway-Pathway Interaction networks. Elsevier International Journal of Computers in Biology and Medicine. 76:160-167.
Shabana, KM, Nazeer AKA, Pradhan M, Palakal M. 2015. A computational method for drug repositioning using publicly available gene expression data. BMC Bioinformatics. 16 (Suppl 17): S5Website
AbdulNazeer, KA, MPSebastian, MadhuKumar SD. 2013. A Novel Harmony Search-K means Hybrid Algorithm for Clustering Gene Expression Data. Bioinformation. 9(2):84-88.Website
AbdulNazeer, KA, MPSebastian, MadhuKumar SD. 2011. A Heuristic K-Means Algorithm with Better Accuracy and Efficiency for Clustering Health Informatics Data. International Journal of Medical Imaging and Health Informatics. 1(1):66-71.
AbdulNazeer, KA, MPSebastian. 2010. Clustering Biological Data Using Enhanced K-Means Algorithm. Electronic Engineering and Computing Technology. : Springer
AbdulNazeer, KA, Rafeeque PC, MPSebastian. 2008. An Enhanced Method for Mining Acronym-Definition Pairs from Bioinformatics Literature. International Journal of Information Processing. 2(2):98-105.
Aparna V, Hridika K. V., Pooja S. Nair, Lekshmy P. Chandran, Abdul Nazeer K. A., "Automating dose prediction in Radiation treatment planning using Self attention base generative adversarial network", Presented In 4th Congress on Intelligent Systems (CIS 2023).
A Vishnusankar, A Unniyattil, EM Haneem, V Abinas, KAA Nazeer, 'Deep neural network aided multi-omics drug response prediction for breast cancer', 2022 IEEE 19th India Council International Conference (INDICON)
A Joshy, GC Kasyap, PD Reddy, IT Anjusha, KAA Nazeer, 'Drug Target Interaction Prediction using Graph Convolution based Neural Fingerprinting', 2022 IEEE 19th India Council International Conference (INDICON)
IT Anjusha, N Saleena, K Abdul Nazeer, 'Using Protein Interactome Similarity to Improve Random Walk with Restart Model for Drug Repurposing', Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Mathematics and Computing
Jha, S, Sajeev N, Marchetti AR, Chandran LP, A ANK. 2022. Performance Evaluation of Deep Learning Architectures for Predicting 3D Dose Distributions in Automatic Radiotherapy Treatment Planning, 2022. 2022 International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Sustainable Engineering Solutions (IEEE). , Noida, India
Jha, Sakshi, Neelima Sajeev, Aarthi Rajesh Marchetti, Lekshmy P. Chandran, and KA Abdul Nazeer. "Performance Evaluation of Deep Learning Architectures for Predicting 3D Dose Distributions in Automatic Radiotherapy Treatment Planning." In 2022 International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Sustainable Engineering Solutions (CISES), pp. 160-166. IEEE, 2022.
Anjusha, IT, Saleena N, AbdulNazeer KA. 2021. Using protein interactome similarity to improve random walk with restart model for drug repurposing, March 2021. 7th International Conference on Mathematics and Computing ICMC 2021. , IIEST Shibpur, India
Jeena, K, AbdulNazeer KA. 2021. Recognizing semantic relation in sentence pairs using Tree-RNNs and Typed dependencies, June 2021. IEEE International Conference on Information Science and Technology (ICIST). , Morocco
Mahija, KC, Kadol S, AbdulNazeer KA. 2020. Computational Investigation of Arjunarishta Formulation using Module-Network Analysis. 2020 Advanced Computing and Communication Technologies for High Performance Applications. , Kerala, India
Kumar, A., Lekshmy, P.C., Puzhakkal, N. and Abdul Nazeer, K.A., 2021. Deep Learning Technique for Predicting Optimal ‘Organ at Risk’Dose Distribution for Brain Tumor Patients. In Congress on Intelligent Systems: Proceedings of CIS 2020, Volume 2 (pp. 575-583). Springer Singapore.
Jasila, EK, Saleena N, AbdulNazeer KA. 2019. Ontology Based Document Clustering - An Efficient Hybrid Approach, Dec 13, 2019. IEEE 9th International Advance Computing Conference (IACC). , Tiruchirappalli
Maheswari, K, Jeena KK, AbdulNazeer KA. 2019. Identifying synonyms in bigram phrases using Compositional DSM and Artificial Neural Network. Int. Conf. on Computing, Power and Communication Technologies (GUCON). , Noida, India
Kaur, J, Nazeer KAA. 2018. An improved Clustering Algorithm based onFuzzy C-means and Artificial Bee Colony Optimization, September 2018. International Conference on Computing, Power and Communication Technologies (GUCON) . , Noida, India
Anu, B, Nazeer KAA. 2018. An Improved Clustering Algorithm Based onk-Means and Artificial Bee ColonyOptimization for Datasets that Contain Outliers, September 2018. 2018 International Conference on Computing, Power and Communication Technologies (GUCON) . , Noida, India
Lavanya, S, Nazeer KAA. 2018. An Improved Computational Linguistic Approachfor Fine-Grained Sentiment Analysis of TextualReviews, September 2018. 2018 International Conference on Computing, Power and Communication Technologies (GUCON) . , Noida, India
Ankita, Nazeer KAA. 2018. Part-of-speech Tagging and Named EntityRecognition Using Improved Hidden Markov Model and Bloom Filter, September 2018. International Conference on Computing, Power and Communication Technologies (GUCON) . , Noida, India
Anitha, MA, Nazeer AKA. 2017. Improved Parallel Clustering with Optimal Initial Centroids, March 2017. International Conference on Recent Advances in Electronics and Communication Technology. , Bangalore, India
Siyad, M, Visakh R, Nazeer A. 2017. Disease Prediction using Optimal Feature Selection from Epigenetic Data, April 2017. International Conference on Innovations in Power and Advanced Computing Technologies [i-PACT2017]. , Vellore, India
Ansu, F, AbdulNazeer KA. 2016. Literature Search Tool for the Extraction of Disease Associated Genes using Frequent Itemset Mining, December 2016. International Conference on Computing, Analytics and Security Trends (CAST 2016). , Pune, India
Sithara, EP, AbdulNazeer KA. 2016. A Hybrid K - H armonic Means with ABC Clustering Algorithm using an Optimal k value for High Performance Clustering. International Conference on Computing and Communication. , Kothamangalam
Abin, JG, Gopakumar G, Pradhan M, AbdulNazeer KA, Palakal M. 2015. A Self Organizing Map-Harmony Search Hybrid Algorithm for Clustering Biological Data. IEEE International Conference on Signal Processing, Informatics, Control and Energy Systems. , Calicut, India.
Nimish, J, Gopakumar G, Meeta P, AbdulNazeer KA, Palakal M. 2015. Understanding SNP-Gene Associations in Pancreatic Cancer: A Systems Biology Approach. IEEE International Conference on Signal Processing, Informatics, Control and Energy Systems. , Calicut, India.
Shabana, KM, AbdulNazeer KA. 2014. A Computational Method for Drug Repositioning using Publicly Available Gene Expression Data. 4th IEEE International Conference on Computational Advances in Bio and Medical Sciences (ICCABS-2014). , Florida, USA
Christina, J, AbdulNazeer KA. 2014. An Improved ICPACA based K-means algorithm with self determined centroids. International Conference on Data Science and Engineering (ICDSE). , CUSAT, Kochi
Sreekala, S, AbdulNazeer KA. 2014. A Literature Search Tool for Identifying Disease-associated Genes using Hidden Markov Model. International Conference on Computational Systems and Communications (ICCSC). , Trivandrum
Arunanand, TA, AbdulNazeer KA. 2014. A Nature-inspired Hybrid Fuzzy C-Means Algorithm for Better Clustering of Biological Data Sets. International Conference on Data Science and Engineering (ICDSE). , CUSAT, Kochi
Muhammad, S, AbdulNazeer KA. 2013. An Improv ed Method for Extracting Acronym-Definition Pairs From Biomedical Literature. International Conference on Control, Communication and Computing. , Trivandrum
Rakshmy, CS, AbdulNazeer KA, Chandra SSV. 2012. Bio-M: Data Mining on HCV Genotype 1 Core Sequences. International Conference on Data Science and Engineering. , Cochin
Preeja, V, AbdulNazeer KA, Chandra SSV. 2012. Common Structural Motif Identification in Genomic Sequences. International Conference on Data Science and Engineering. , Cochin
AbdulNazeer, KA, MadhuKumar SD, MPSebastian. 2011. Enhancing the K-Means Clustering Algorithm by using a O(n logn) Heuristic Method for Finding Better Initial Centroids. International Conference on Emerging Applications of Information Technology- EAIT 2011. , Kolkata, India
AbdulNazeer, KA, Lakshmi CP. 2011. An Improved Clustering Algorithm based on K-Means and Harmony Search Optimization. International Conference on Recent Advances in Intelligent Computational Systems. , Thiruvananthapuram, India
AbdulNazeer, KA, MPSebastian. 2009. Improving the Accuracy and Efficiency of the k-means Clustering Algorithm. International Conference on Data Mining and Knowledge Engineering, World Congress on Engineering. , Lodon, UK
AbdulNazeer, KA, Rafeeque PC. 2008. Text Mining for Finding Acronym-Definition Pairs from Biomedical Text using Pattern Matching Method with Space Reduction Heuristics. International Conference on Advanced Computing and Communication. , IIT Guwahati
AbdulNazeer, KA, Haleem PPA. 2005. Standardization of Unstructured Textual Data into Semantic Web Format. Indian International Conference on Artificial Intelligence. , Pune, India
Professional Experience
Chairman, Centre for Public Relations, Information and Media Exchange (C-PRIME / Media Cell) [From November 2021 to December 2023]
Chairman, UG Admissions, NIT Calicut (March 2017 to May 2020)
Head of the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, National Institute of Technology Calicut (21st July 2014 - 10th August 2016)
Associate Dean (Academic), NIT Calicut - March 2013 to July 2014
Lecturer / Assistant Professor / Associate Professor, Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering, REC Calicut / NIT Calicut (August 1998 onwards till date)
Lecturer in Computer Science and Engineering, TKM College of Engineering, Kollam, University of Kerala (November 1993 - August 1998)
Lecturer in Computer Science and Engineering, Anjuman Engineering College, Bhatkal, Karnataka University (August 1992 - October 1993)
Lecturer cum Programmer, Lal Bahadur Shastri Centre for Science and Technology, Regional Unit, Calicut (November 1991 - August 1992)
Data Mining
Database Management Systems
Artificial Intelligence
Programme Coordinator, M.Tech. in CSE (Artificial Intelligence and Data Analytics)
1. Machine Learning Laboratory
2. Big Data and Biocomputing Laboratory (http://bdbl.nitc.ac.in/)
Bioinformatics (PG / Ph.D Level)
Natural Language Processing (Both UG and PG Level)
Foundations of Computing
Computer Organization
Logic Design
Discrete Computational Structures
Operating Systems
Database Management Systems
Data Structures and Algorithms
Computational Intelligence
Natural Language Processing
Natural Language Processing
Database Design