Jayaraj P. B.
Jayaraj P. B.
Associate Professor
Office Address:
Ph. D in parallel computing (GPU Comping & AI for CADD) NITC
M.Tech (Computer Science) CUSAT
B. Tech (Computer Science) - Calicut University
Educational Qualifications
Ph. D in parallel computing (GPU Comping & AI for CADD) NITC
M.Tech (Computer Science) CUSAT
B. Tech (Computer Science) - Calicut University
AJ Joseph, P Dwivedi, J Joseph, S Francis, PN Pournami, PB Jayaraj, .., Prior-guided generative adversarial network for mammogram synthesis, Biomedical Signal Processing and Control 87, 105456
VA Jisna, AP Ajay, PB Jayaraj, Using Attention-UNet Models to Predict Protein Contact Maps, Journal of Computational Biology 31 (7), 691-702
H Jinka, J Shaji, S John, SR Menon, A Pradeep, PB Jayaraj, PN Pournami, ..., SART-Res-UNet: Fan Beam CT Image Reconstruction from Limited Projections using attention-enabled residual U-Net, Asian Conference on Machine Learning, 598-613
S Sunny, PB Prakash, G Gopakumar, PB Jayaraj, DeepBindPPI: Protein–Protein Binding Site Prediction Using Attention Based Graph Convolutional Network, The Protein Journal 42 (4), 276-287
S Francis, PB Jayaraj, PN Pournami, N Puzhakkal, ContourGAN: Auto‐contouring of organs at risk in abdomen computed tomography images using generative adversarial network, International Journal of Imaging Systems and Technology 33 (5), 1494-1504
MB Bijoy, BP Pebbeti, AS Manoj, SA Fathaah, A Raut, PN Pournami, ..., Deep Cleaner—A Few Shot Image Dataset Cleaner Using Supervised Contrastive Learning, IEEE Access 11, 18727-18738
S Sunny, PB Jayaraj, ResDock: Protein-Protein Docking Using Shape Complementarity of Surface Residue, Authorea Preprints
D Rao, PB Jayaraj, PN Pournami, Near-Infrared Image Colorization Using Unsupervised Contrastive Learnin, International Conference on Computer Vision and Image Processing, 50-61
A Chand, AM NP, PN Pournami, PB Jayaraj, BCDNet: GoogLeNet based Bladder Cancer Detection model from Urinary Cytological Images, 2023 International Conference on Computer, Electronics & Electrical …
AM NP, PN Pournami, PB Jayaraj, An Inception based Urothelial Cell Classification Network for the detection of Bladder Carcinoma from Urine Cytology Microscopic Images, 2023 International Conference on Control, Communication and Computing (ICCC …
S Shaheer, PB Jayaraj, Distributed H∞ Method Design and Operation using Dis-tributed Computing, ITM Web of Conferences 54, 02003
S Francis, CA Minino, PN Pournami, N Puzhakkal, PB Jayaraj, Self-supervised approach for organs at risk segmentation of abdominal CT images, ITM Web of Conferences 54, 01003
S Sunny, PB Jayaraj, Protein–protein docking: Past, present, and future, The protein journal 41 (1), 1-26
S Francis, PB Jayaraj, PN Pournami, M Thomas, AT Jose, AJ Binu, .., ThoraxNet: a 3D U-Net based two-stage framework for OAR segmentation on thoracic CT images, Physical and Engineering Sciences in Medicine 45 (1), 189-203
RR RS, R Rohit, MS Shahreyar, A Raut, PN Pournami, S Kalady, ..., DeepNR: An adaptive deep reinforcement learning based NoC routing algorithm, Microprocessors and Microsystems 90, 104485
PB Jayaraj, S Sanjay, K Raja, G Gopakumar, UC Jaleel, Ligand based virtual screening using self-organizing maps, The Protein Journal, 1-11
MB Bijoy, SM Akondi, S Abdul Fathaah, A Raut, PN Pournami, PB Jayaraj, Cervix type detection using a self‐supervision boosted object detection technique, International Journal of Imaging Systems and Technology 32 (5), 1615-1630
VA Jisna, PB Jayaraj, An end-to-end deep learning pipeline for assigning secondary structure in proteins, Journal of Computational Biophysics and Chemistry 21 (03), 335-348
J Joseph, R Prasanth, SA Maret, PN Pournami, PB Jayaraj, N Puzhakkal, CT Image Synthesis from MR Image Using Edge-Aware Generative Adversarial Network, International Conference on Computer Vision and Image Processing, 141-153
S Sunny, PB Prakash, G Gopakumar, PB Jayaraj, Deepbindppi: epitope-paratope prediction using attention based graph convolutional network
J Joseph, PN Pournami, PB Jayaraj, Supervised fan beam computed tomography image synthesis using 3D CycleGAN, 2022 IEEE International Conference on Signal Processing, Informatics …
VV Nair, SP Pradeep, VS Nair, PN Pournami, G Gopakumar, PB Jayaraj, Deep Sequence Models for Ligand-Based Virtual Screening, Journal of Computational Biophysics and Chemistry 21 (02), 207-217
S Sunny, PB Jayaraj, A Geometric Complementarity-Based Tool for Protein–Protein Docking, Journal of Computational Biophysics and Chemistry 21 (01), 35-46
S Francis, H Bagaria, PB Jayaraj, PN Pournami, N Puzhakkal, Auto Contouring of OAR in Pelvic CT Images Using an Encoder-Decoder Based Deep Residual Network, 2022 IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing and Electrical …
VA Jisna, PB Jayaraj, Protein structure prediction: conventional and deep learning perspectives, The protein journal 40 (4), 522-544
S Sunny, PB Jayaraj, Fpdock: Protein–protein docking using flower pollination algorithm, Computational Biology and Chemistry 93, 107518
S Francis, D Suresh, S Nath, SL DR, PB Jayaraj, N Puzhakkal, ..., Monte Carlo Simulation of Linear Accelerator for Dosimetry Analysis, 2021 6th International Conference for Convergence in Technology (I2CT), 1-7
PB Jayaraj, KM Mithun, G Gopakumar, UCA Jaleel, A GPU based virtual screening tool using SO, International Journal of Computational Biology and Drug Design 14 (1), 64-80
P Limna Das, AS Manoj, S Sharma, PB Jayaraj, Early Detection of COVID-19 from CT Scans Using Deep Learning Techniques, Advances in Computing and Network Communications: Proceedings of CoCoNet …
J Antony, A Penikalapati, JVK Reddy, PN Pournami, PB Jayaraj, Towards Protein Tertiary Structure Prediction Using LSTM/BLSTM, Advances in Computing and Network Communications: Proceedings of CoCoNet …
Antony, J. V., MYJPHPB. 2021. Assigning secondary structure in proteins using AI. Journal of Molecular Modeling. 27(9):1-13.
Sunny, S, B JP. 2021. A Geometric Complementarity-Based Tool for Protein–Protein Docking.. " Journal of Computational Biophysics and Chemistry . :2250003.
Sunny, S., JPB. 2021. Protein–Protein Docking: Past, Present, and Future. The protein journal. :1-26.
Limnadas P, Jayaraj P B, et al. 2020. Early Detection of Covid-19 on CT Scans Using Deep Learning Techniques, Oct 14. in Fourth International Conference on Computing and Network Communications (CoCoNet'20), India. , Vellure, India
K Avinash, MB Bijoy, PB Jayaraj, Early detection of breast cancer using support vector machine with sequential minimal optimization, Advanced Computing and Intelligent Engineering: Proceedings of ICACIE 2018 …
MB Bijoy, A Ansal Muhammed, PB Jayaraj, Segmentation based preprocessing techniques for predicting the cervix type using neural networks, Computational Vision and Bio-Inspired Computing: ICCVBIC 2019, 717-726
Jayaraj, et al. 2020. Towards Protein Tertiary Structure Prediction using LSTM/BLSTM), Oct 14. in Fourth International Conference on Computing and Network Communications (CoCoNet'20), India . , Vellure, India: Springer
P. B Jayaraj, K Mithun, GJUCG. 2020. A GPU based Virtual Screening Tool Using SOM. International Journal of Computational Biology and Drug Design (IJCBDD), Indersciene.
Jayaraj, SS&, et al. 2019. An Improved Protein-Protein Docking Technique Using Multilevel Scoring Function, Oct 20. IEEE Region 10 Conference (TENCON), Kochi, India, 2019. , Kochi
and P.B, BJMB, et al. 2019. Segmentation Based Preprocessing Techniques for Predicting the Cervix Type Using Neural Networks, Nov 9. Computational Vision and Bio-Inspired Computing. ICCVBIC 2019. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing.
and B, RRJP, et al. 2019. Odd-Even Based Adaptive Two-way Routing in Mesh NoCs for Hotspot Mitigation, January 5. In International Conference on Distributed Computing and Net-working (ICDCN ’19). , IISc, Bangalore, India.
M. B Bijoy, J& PB, et al. 2019. Detecting Cervix Type Using Deep Learning and GPU, Dec 9. 6th IEEE Region 10 Humanitarian Technology Conference 2018. , SriLanka
Samyak, J&. 2019. Ligand based Virtual Screening using SVM on GPU. Computational Biology and Chemistry, Elsevier. 83(83):107142.
Avinash kumar, J& PB, et al. 2018. Early Detection of breast cancer using SVM with SMO algorithm, December 22. 3rd International Conference on Advanced Computing and Intelligent Engineering, Springer. , Bubhaneswar, India
Jisna Antony, J& PB, et al. 2018. Towards Building a Coordinate Clustered Library for Template-Based Modeling of Protein Structures, Dec 8. IEEE Recent Advances in Intelligent Computational Systems (RAICS).
B, JP, K R, G G. 2016. A Data parallel maximum common subgraph algorithm for Drug discovery applications, 23 MAY. IPDPS 2016. , Hyatt Hotel, Chicago, USAIPDPS 2016.pdf
B, JP, mathias A, Nufail M, Gopakumar G, Jaleel UC. 2016. GPURFSCREEN: A GPU based virtual screening tool using Random Forest Classifier. Journal of Cheminformatics . 8(12):1-13.gpurfscreen_published_copy.pdf
Jayaraj, PB, Shijith T, Gopakumar G. 2014. Finding hub proteins and their interactions in a Protein-Protein Interaction Network Using GPU, 28 July. International Conference on Emerging Trends in Drug Discovery - AICADD 2014, Amritha, Coimbatore. , Coimbatore, TN, Indiashijith.pdf
Jayaraj, PB, Lijin C. 2014. Design and Implementation of a New CPU Governor - Power Aware Governor, 16 July . International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communication and Information Science (ACCIS-’14), TKMCE. , kollam, Kerala, Indiapower-aware_governor.pdf
Jayaraj, PB, Mohan S. 2014. Cell Charge Approximation for Accelerating Molecular Simulation on CUDA-Enabled GPU. International Journal of Computer-Aided Technologies (IJCAx). 1(1):9-20.shyam_paper.pdf
Jayaraj, PB, Aravind AN, Alex AT. 2013. Fast Parallel Arithmetic Coding on GPU, 5 June. National Conference on Emerging Trends in Computing 2013 (NCETIC 13). , GEC TCR, Kerala, Indiaaravind.doc
A Joseph, JS Babu, P Jayaraj, B KB, Objective quality measures in binarization, International Journal of Computer Science and Information Technologies 3 (4 …
Jayaraj, PB, Gopalakrishnan R, V J. 2006. Effective Performance Analysis and Visualization on Embedded Linux, 13 Nov 2012. IASTED. , DALLASiasted_linux_514-077.pdf
Professional Experience
Research Intern @ Philips Electronics (PIC, Ulsoor Lake, B'lore) June 2005 - June 2006 : Linux TV
Software Engineer @ IBM PVT LTD (SA2, Bennarghatta road, B'lore) Aug 2006 - Dec 2007 : Unix, SQL, PLSQL
Software Engineer @ Motorolla PVT LTD (BTP, B'lore) Dec 2007 - Dec 2008 : Multimedia, Linux, C
Senior Lecturer @ IES Engg. College (Chittilapilly, TCR) Dec 2008 - May 2010 - OS, Embedded System Faculty
Assistant Professor @ NIT Calicut (Calicut, Kerala) May 2010 - till date : GPU Computing, Embedded Sysetems, Artificial Intelligence, Computer Hardware, Operating Systems
Teaching Interest
Embedded Sysetms, Deep Learning, GPU Computing, Operating Systems, IoT, Computer Hardware and Assembly Language Porgramming.
Area of Interest
Parallel Computing, Computer Vision, HealthCare, Medical informtics, Artificial Intellgence/Deep Learning, Natural Language Processing
CS 3003 Opeating Systems
Semester : Monsoon
Offered : 2016
Hardware Laboratary
Semester : Winter
Offered : 2015
CS 2004 Computer Organization
Semester : Winter
Offered : 2015
Operating Systems
Semester : Monsoon
Offered : 2013
CSU 397 Operating System Lab
Semester : Monsoon
Offered : 2012
CS 2004 Computer Organization
Semester : Winter
Offered : 2012
1. Faculty-In-Charge Central Computer Centre, NIT Calicut
2. Faculty-In-Charge Computer Science & Engineering Association (CSEA)
3.Faculty-In-Charge, AI Club
4. Faculty-In-Charge Network System Lab, CSED, NITC
5. Faculty Advisor - 2020 Batch B. Tech CSE students
6. Secretary, Staff Club, NIT Calicut
7. Warden, C Hostel
8. Purchase Coordinating member
Trainings Organized/Attended
Have Organized an FDP on Geometry, Imaging and Parallel Computing for Cancer treatment (GIPCAN 2019) with Radiotherapy department of MVR Cancer Centre, Calicut. June 10 – 15, 2019
Have organized a 6 days GIAN workshop on High Performance Computing Concepts and Practice at NIT Calicut with a Foreign faculty Dr. Ganesh Gopalkrishnan, Prof. University of Utah from October 8 to 13.
Had organized a 3 days Faculty Development Programme on High Performance Computing – Latest trends and Applications on Mar 9 -11, 2017 at NITC
Attended 4 day workshop on Drug Discovery and HPC at SCFBio, IIT Delhi in August , 2017
Attended an International spring school on High Performance Computing (HighPer 2018) at San Sebastian, Spain inl 2018
Presented a Paper in a workshop of IEEE IPDPS 2016 Conference @ Chicago, USA
Attended GPU Technology Conference GTCx 2016 at Powai, Mumbai
Attended the conference Hi-PC 2015, Bangalore, India
Two days national workshop on “Programming with Intel Phi Coprocessors” from 17th to 18th July 2015 at IIT Madras.
One Week training program on Parallel Computing Architecture and Applications on Multi-Core to Many-Core Processing Systems”, June 16 - 20, 2014 at IIT Bombay.
One Week training program on Computational Biology, Bioinformatics and Their Application to Healthcare from October 28th 2013 to November 1st 2013, at Department of Computer Science and Engineering, IIT Kharagpur
Two Weeks training program on “THINK PARALLEL - parallel programming for scientists and engineers” from June 10th to June 20th, 2013 at CDAC Bangalore
One week project internship program on Drug discovery and parallelism (July 2 - 7, 2013) under Prof. Naga Suma Chandra at Biochemistry department, IISc, Bangalore.
Two days national conference on parallel computing technologies - PARCOMPTECH India from Feb 20 to 21, 2013 at IISc Bangalore.
Two Week training program on Linux system and multi-core programming from 21st Nov 2011 to 2nd Dec 2011 at CDAC Hyderabad.
ISTE Workshop on Database management Systems from 13th December to 23rd December 2010 at NIT Calicut. Organized by MHRD NMEICT through various remote centers by IIT Bombay
Major Achievements
Obtained Bravo Award for work Excellence from IBM PVT LTD for Server Migration
Published a journal paper in Journal of Cheminformatics, Springer (Impact factor 4)
Presented a Paper in a workshop of IEEE conference IPDPS 2016, Chicago, USA
Purchased a 20 TerraFlops CPU-GPU HPC Cluster Machine for CCC, NITC
Attended various training programs at IITs
MPI, CUDA C, Linux Kernel PGMing
Worked With
1. Research Intern @ Philips Electronics (PIC, Ulsoor Lake, B'lore) June 2005 - June 2006 : Linux TV
2. Software Engineer @ IBM PVT LTD (SA2, Bennarghatta road, B'lore) Aug 2006 - Dec 2007 : Unix, SQL, PLSQL
3. Software Engineer @ Motorolla PVT LTD (BTP, B'lore) Dec 2007 - Dec 2008 : Multimedia, Linux, C
4. Senior Lecturer @ IES Engg. College (Chittilapilly, TCR) Dec 2008 - May 2010 - OS, Embedded System Faculty
5. Assistant Professor @ NIT Calicut (Calicut, Kerala) May 2010 - till date : GPU Computing, Embedded Sysetems, Artificial Intelligence, Computer Hardware, Operating Systems
CPU - GPU Hetrogenous computing
Tue, 03/27/2012 - 14:13
GPUs have evolved to the point where many real-world applications are easily implemented on them and run significantly faster than on multi-core systems. Future computing architectures will be hybrid systems with parallel-core GPUs working in tandem with multi-core CPUs
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