Dr. Aswathy E. V.
Dr. Aswathy E. V.

Assistant Professor

Office Address:

Assistant Professor Department of Civil Engineering NIT Calicut, Calicut, Kerala - 673601

Contact no:

0495 228 6202

Email ID:

Home Address:

FD-8, Faculty Apartment, NIT Campus P.O, Calicut, Kerala - 673601

  • PhD (Environmental Engineering), Indian Institute of Technology Madras.

  • M.Tech (Environmental Engineering), Indian Institute of Technology Madras.

  • B.Tech (Civil Engineering), Government Engineering College, Kozhikode, Calicut University, Kerala.

  • Educational Qualifications

    • PhD (Environmental Engineering), Indian Institute of Technology Madras.

    • M.Tech (Environmental Engineering), Indian Institute of Technology Madras.

    • B.Tech (Civil Engineering), Government Engineering College, Kozhikode, Calicut University, Kerala.

    Environmental Engineering



    1. Aswathy E. Valsan., Hema Priyamvada., R. Ravikrishna., Viviane R. Despres. C.V. Biju., Lokesh K. Sahu., Ashwini Kumar., R.S. Verma., L.Philip., Sachin S. Gunthe. “Morphological characteristics of bioaerosols from contrasting locations in southern tropical India – A case study”. Atmospheric Environment, 122, 321-331, 2015. 
    2. Aswathy. E. Valsan, R. Ravikrishna, C. V. Biju, C. Pöhlker, V. R. Despres, J. A. Huffman, U. Poschl and S.S. Gunthe. “Fluorescent Biological Aerosol Particle Measurements at a Tropical High Altitude Site in Southern India during Southwest Monsoon Season”. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 16, 9805 – 9830, 2016. 
    3. Tabish U. Ansari., Aswathy E. Valsan., N. Ojha., R. Ravikrishna., Balaji Narasimhan., Sachin S. Gunthe. “Model Simulations of fungal spore distribution over Indian region”. Atmospheric Environment, 122, 1-9, 2015. 
    4. Gerhard Lammel, Céline Degrendele, Sachin S. Gunthe, Qing Mu, Akila Muthalagu, Ondˇrej Audy, Chelackal V. Biju, Petr Kukucka, Marie D. Mulder, Mega Octaviani, Petra Pˇríbylová, Pourya Shahpoury, Irene Stemmler, and Aswathy E. Valsan. “Revolatilisation of soil-accumulated pollutants triggered by the summer monsoon in India”Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 18, 11031 – 11040, 2018. 
    5. Sarayu Krishnamoorthy, Akila Muthalagu, Hema Priyamvada, Shruthi Akkal, Aswathy E. Valsan, Ravikrishna Raghunathan, Vijay P. Kanawade and Sachin S. Gunthe. “On distinguishing the natural and human-induced sources of airborne pathogenic viable bioaerosols: characteristic assessment using advanced molecular analysis”. SN Applied Sciences, Vol 2:1162, 2020.

    Conferences (International)

    1. Aswathy E.V., Ravikrishna R., Biju C.V., J. A Huffman, Poschl. U., and Sachin S. Gunthe. “Number size distribution measurements of biological aerosol particles under contrasting environments and seasons from southern tropical India”. European Geoscience Union (EGU), 17 – 22 April, 2016, Vienna, Austria (Accepted).
    2. Aswathy E.V., Ravikrishna R., Biju C.V., J. A Huffman, Poschl. U., and Sachin S. Gunthe. “Characterization of Fluorescent Biological Aerosol Particles during South-West monsoon from a high altitude site in South India”. American Geophysical Union (AGU), 12-16 Dec, 2015, San Francisco, USA.
    3. Aswathy E.V., Ravikrishna R., Biju C.V., J. A Huffman, Poschl. U., and Sachin S. Gunthe. “Concentration, Size Distribution and Temporal Variations of Fluorescent biological aerosol Particles in Southern Tropical India”. European Geoscience Union (EGU), 12-17 April, 2015, Vienna, Austria.
    4. Aswathy E.V., Ravikrishna R., Biju C.V., J. A Huffman, Poschl. U., and Sachin S. Gunthe. “Wind dependent high concentration of fluorescent biological aerosol particles at a high altitude site in south India”. AGU Joint Assembly, 3-7 May 2015, Montreal, Canada (Accepted).
    5. Aswathy E.V., Hema P., Pohlker C., Ravikrishna R., Biju C.V., Verma R. S., Despres V. R., Poschl. U., and Sachin S. Gunthe. “Diversity and Morphological Characteristics of Biological Aerosol Particles from Marine Urban and Continental High Altitude Site in Tropical India”. International Aerosol Conference (IAC), Aug. 28 – Sep. 2, 2014, Bexco, Busan, South Korea.
    6. Nayanathara O.S and Aswathy E.V, Characterization and process optimization for green synthesized Zinc oxide nanoparticle and it effectiveness in removing acetaminophen. International Conference on Green Energy for Environmental Sustainability (ICGEES-2020). 5-6 August 2020, NIT Calicut.

    Conferences (National)

    1. Aswathy E.V., Biju C.V., Ravikrishna R., and Sachin S. Gunthe. “Fluorescent biological aerosol measurement: Characteristic Properties from two contrasting locations in southern tropical India”. Indian Aerosol Science and Technology Association (IASTA), 6-8 December, 2016, PRL Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India.
    2. Akila Muthalagu., Hema P., JebaPrincy R., Jayaprathiga. M., Aswathy E.V., Jithendra S., Ravikrishna R., Verma R. S., and Sachin S. Gunthe. “Characterizing the rain making bacteria to explore their Ice-Nucleating ability – A case study from tropical India during southwest monsoon”. Indian Aerosol Science and Technology Association (IASTA), 6-8 December, 2016, PRL Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India.
    3. Aswathy E.V., Ravikrishna R., Biju C.V., and Sachin S. Gunthe. “Characteristic properties of biological aerosol particles during contrasting seasons from a high-altitude site in south India”. National conference on Impact of climate change on Air Quality, Biodiversity and Agriculture (ICBA), 13 – 15 October, 2016, Amity University, Jaipur, India
    4. Akila Muthalagu., Hema P., JebaPrincy R., Jayaprathiga. M., Aswathy E.V., Jithendra S., Ravikrishna R., Verma R. S., and Sachin S. Gunthe. “Characterizing the rain making bacteria to explore their Ice-Nucleating ability – A case study from tropical India during southwest monsoon”. National conference on Impact of climate change on Air Quality, Biodiversity and Agriculture (ICBA), 13 – 15 October, 2016, Amity University, Jaipur, India.
    5. Aswathy E.V., Ravikrishna R., Biju C.V., and Sachin S. Gunthe. “Effect of meteorological parameters on concentration of fluorescent biological aerosol particles measured at a high-altitude site in southern tropical India”, 19th National Space Science Symposium, 09 – 12 February, 2016, Vikram Sarabai Space Centre, Trivandrum, Kerala.
    6. Aswathy E. V., Hema P., Ravikrishna. R, Despres.V. R., C.V. Biju., Lokesh K. Sahu., Ashwini Kumar., R.S. Verma., L.Philip., and Sachin S. Gunthe. “Morphological Characterization of biological aerosol particles from contrasting locations in southern tropical India”. 18th National conference of Indian Aerobiological Society (NCIAHHE-2015), 28 – 30 September, 2015, Tumkur, Karnataka, India.
    7. Aswathy E.V., Hema P., Ravikrishna R., Biju C.V., Verma R. S., Ashwini Kumar and Sachin S. Gunthe. “Diversity and Morphological Characteristics of Biological Aerosol Particles from Marine Urban and Continental High Altitude Site in Tropical India”. Indian Aerosol Science and Technology Association (IASTA), 11 – 13 November, 2014. Varanasi, India.
    8. Hema P., Aswathy E.V., Ravikrishna R., Verma R. S., K. P Sudheer and Sachin S. Gunthe. “Need and Assessment to investigate the properties of biological aerosols as potential Allergens: A case study from IIT Madras”. Indian Aerosol Science and Technology Association (IASTA), 11 – 13 November, 2014. Varanasi, India.
    9. Aswathy E. V., Pohlker C., Shiva Nagendra S. M., Ravikrishna R., Verma R. S., L. Philip, Sachin S. Gunthe., J. A. Huffman, and U. Poschl. “Characteristics of Fluorescent Biological Aerosol Particles: Number and Size distribution measurements from a Marine Urban site in Southern India”. Indian Aerosol Science and Technology Association (IASTA), 11 – 13 December, 2012, Mumbai, India.
    10. Nayanathara O.S and Aswathy E.V, Removal of Acetaminophen by adsorption onto green synthesized Zinc Oxide nanoparticle, Proceedings of the International Conference on Sustainable Energy and Environmental Challenges (SEEC-2019) 27 – 29 November, 2019, CSIR-NEERI, Nagpur, India.
    11. Nayanathara O.S and Aswathy E.V, Adsortpion kinetic study of green synthesized Zinc oxide nanoparticle for the removal of Acetaminophen, National Conference on Nanomaterials for Energy, Environment and Health care (NEEHCON'19), 27-28 December 2019, NIT Calicut.

    • Best Poster Award at National conference on Impact of Climate Change on Air Quality, Biodiversity and Agriculture, held at Amity University, Jaipur in October 2016.
    • Best Paper Award at National Space Science Symposium held at VSSC, Trivandrum in February 2016. 
    • Best Poster Award at Indian Aerosol Science and Technology Association (IASTA) Conference, December 2012.

    Theory Courses

    1. CE4057     - Advanced Environmental Engineering
    2. CE4006     - Professional Practice
    3. CE4055     - Environmental Impact Assessment of Civil Engineering Projects
    4. CE2004D  - Surveying
    5. CE3022D  - Concrete Technology
    6. CE3009D  - Environmental Engineering I
    7. CE2010D  -  Environmental Studies
    8. CE3040D  -  Air Pollution Control Engineering

    Laboratory/Practical courses

    1. CE3094 – Environmental Engineering Lab
    2. CE2019D-  Surveying Lab