Dr. Panneerselvam Ranganathan

Dr. Panneerselvam Ranganathan
Associate Professor
Office Address:
Associate Professor Department of Chemical Engineering National Institute of Technology Calicut, Kozhikode Kerala 673 601, India
Email ID:
Home Address:
FB-16, Faculty Apartment, National Institute of Technology, Calicut
PhD in Faculty of Technology - 2005-09 Cochin University of Science and Technology, Cochin.
Master of Technology in Plant Design - 2002-04 National Institute of Technology (NIT), Tiruchirappalli.
Bachelor of Technology in Chemical Engineering - 1998-02 Pondicherry Engineering College, Pondicherry University, Pondicherry.
Educational Qualifications
PhD in Faculty of Technology - 2005-09 Cochin University of Science and Technology, Cochin.
Master of Technology in Plant Design - 2002-04 National Institute of Technology (NIT), Tiruchirappalli.
Bachelor of Technology in Chemical Engineering - 1998-02 Pondicherry Engineering College, Pondicherry University, Pondicherry.
Professional Experience
Associate professor - December 2022 -Onwards, Chemical Engineering Department, National Institute of Technology, Calicut
Assistant professor - June 2018 - December 2022, Chemical Engineering Department, National Institute of Technology, Calicut
DST-INSPIRE Faculty- 2015-2018, Computational Modeling and Section, Environmental Technology Division, CSIR-NIIST, India.
Research Fellow- 2013-2015, Centre for Biofuel and Resource Management, Cranfield University, United Kingdom.
Post-Doc Fellow- 2009-2012, Petroleum Engineering Section, TU Delft university of Technology, The Netherlands.
Professional Body Membership
Indian Insitute of Chemical Engineers (IIChE), India - Life Member ( LM-72865)
AMIChemE-Associate Member of Institution of Chemical Engineers, UK.
- DST INPSIRE Faculty award (April 2015-March 2020);
- Early Career Research Plenary Presentation Award –UKCCSRC, UK, 2013;
- Senior Research Fellow of Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, India (2005-2009);
- Best Paper Presentation Award, Ansys India Conference on Elevating Innovation, October- 2007;
- Qualified in GATE (Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering);
- Best regular student award in Pondicherry Engineering College.
Personal Webpage
Group Members
Current Students
PhD Student
1. Mr. Janakan S. Saral, M.Tech in Chemical Engineering
Topic: Development of hydrothermal liquefaction of microalgae for biofuel production
2. Mr. Dhaneesh, K.P. M.Tech in Chemical Engineering
Topic: Process Intensification in Carbon Capture Reactor
JRF fellows
1. Mr. Juturu Radheshyam (M.Tech in Chemical Engineering)
JRF (October 2020-till now )
Research Work: Process modelling of CO2 capture in a rotating packed bed reactor
B.Tech group project
1. Mr. Dekketi G C Vikram Reddy , Ms. Sri Pratibha Reddy, Mr. Kiran Malieakkal Eyyanan
Topic : Fast pyrolysis of rice straw using swirling fluidised bed reactor
Period: June 2021 - April 2022
Previous students
JRF fellows
1. Mr. Amith P.C. M.Tech in Chemical Engineering
JRF (December 2018-November 2019 )
Research Work: Process simulation of hydrothermal liquefaction of microalgae
M.Tech Students
1. Mr. Venkata Kiran ( M.Tech in Chemical Engineering )
Topic: CFD modelling of structured packed bed reactor for CO2 capture
Period: June 2019 - June 2020
2. Ms. Beegum Afsana A. (M.Tech in Civil Engineering)
Topic : Mathematical Modelling in Biodrying of Municipal Solid Waste
Period: January 2019- May 2019
B.Tech group project
1. Mr. Akshay P.M, Ms. Alleena Joseph; Mr. Farhan O.P, Mr. Mohamma Nidal
Topic : Reaction Engineering and Kinetic Modelling of Hydrothermal Liquefaction of Microalgae
Period: June 2020 - April 2021
2. Mr. Aarshad Ramesh Mr. R.Anathakrishan, Mr. Sivaprasad P.Nambiar, Mr. C.H.Sreeram,
Topic : Development of Oscillatory Baffled Reactor (OBR) for bioethanol production
Period: June 2019 - April 2020
3. Mr. Vivek Vardhan, Mr. Srinu Banoth, Mr. Bharathkumar and Mr. Deppak Alajangi
Topic : Techno-Economic analysis of 2G-Ethanol production from Rice straw,
Period: June 2018 - April 2019
Summer internship
1. Mr. Harish K ( B.Tech in Biotechnology)
Summer Internship: Experimental Studies on C-Phycocyanin Extraction from Arthrospira platensis for Biorefinery Concept
Period: May -July 2019
Professional Experience
Associate professor - December 2022 -Onwards,
Chemical Engineering Department,
National Institute of Technology, Calicut
Assistant professor - June 2018 - December 2022,
Chemical Engineering Department,
National Institute of Technology, Calicut
DST-INSPIRE Faculty- 2015-2018,
Computational Modeling and Section,
Environmental Technology Division,
Research Fellow- 2013-2015,
Centre for Biofuel and Resource Management,
Cranfield University,
United Kingdom.
Post-Doc Fellow- 2009-2012,
Petroleum Engineering Section,
TU Delft university of Technology,
The Netherlands.
Research Interest
Motivation:To generate knowledge and educate people in the area of chemical engineering to improve the quality of life for a sustainable society focusing on Energy.
Research Interests
Computational flow modelling (CFD) of reactors/contactors for understanding hydrodynamics, heat and mass transfer and chemical reaction;
Process Intensification to Chemical Reactors: (Rotating Packed bed, Oscillatory Baffled Column, Swirling Fluidised Bed, Spinning Disc Reactor)
CO2 capture, storage and conversion (CCSU)
Development for advanced biofuels production from lignocellulosic biomass and microalgae by thermochemical conversion method (Fast pyrolysis and hydrothermal liquefaction) for transportation fuel production.
Development of integrated biorefinery concept for biofuels from biomass through process design, techno-economic evaluation and life cycle assessment;
Research opportunities
I am interested to collaborate for pursuing above research activities or students who are interested to pursue the PhD or dissertation in these areas, I am happy to invite you.
The following topics/projects are available for thesis /dissertation
1. Design a biorefinery for production of 2G ethanol with chemicals from Rice straw
2. Design and modelling of a continuous plug-flow reactor for hydrothermal liquefaction (HTL) of microalgae for bio-oil production
3. Process Intensification of Post-combustion CO2 capture via Rotating Packed bed reactor
4. Design of swirling fluidised bed reactor for catalytic fast pyrolysis of rice straw using red mud
4. Design of multiphase reactor for CO2 conversion to light alkenes using metal supported red mud catalyst
5. Hydrodynamics of Ebullated bed reactor for bio-oil upgrading
6. Multi-scale modelling of chemical looping combustion of solid fuels using ilmenite as oxygen carrier
Projects/ Grant-in aid
- Scheme: DST-INSPIRE Faculty
Title: Development of hydrothermal liquefaction of microalgae for production of bio-oil
Role: PI
Sponsor: Department of Science and Technology, India.
- Scheme: DST-SERB ECR
Title: Process Intensification of Post Combustion CO2 capture using Rotating Packed bed Reactor concept
Role: PI
Sponsor: DST-SERB, India.
- Scheme: Faculty Research Grant
Title: Development of continuous flow reactor for hydrothermal liquefaction of microalgae
Role: PI
Sponsor: NIT Calicut, India.
Consultancy PROJECTS
- Topic : CFD Model development of commercial scale circulating fluidised bed combustor for understanding hydrodynamic behaviors
Sponsor: M/s ISGES Heavy Engineering Ltd, Noida.
Seminar / Invited talk
- Topic: Computational Modelling of Multiphase reactors at CSIR-Indian Institute of Chemical Technology, Hyderabad, India, 2012.
- Topic: Pore-scale modelling of immiscible displacement of ScCO2-brine in homogeneous porous network using direct numerical method, Early Career Research (ECR) meeting, Newcastle University, UK, 2013.
- Seminar: Bubbling fluidized bed reactor modelling in in-situ gasification chemical looping combustion (iG-CLC), FP7 EU Marie Curie Programme on International Workshop on Advanced Biomass Thermal Conversion Processes, CSIR-CMREI, Durgapur, India, 2014.
- Topic: Carbon Capture and Storage Research Activities, CSIR-NIIST, Trivandrum, India, 2014.
- Seminar: Development of fast pyrolysis based advanced bio energy technologies for bio-fuel, SUPENGEN Bioenergy Researcher Meeting, Newcastle University, 2014.
- Topic: Making Friends with Multiphase Reactor by Understanding of their inherent via CFD, CSIR-NCL, Pune, Dec, 2014.
- Topic: Development of Advanced Technologies for Biofuel Production, Indian Institute of Technology, IIT- Kharagpur, 2015.
- Topic: CO2 capture and storage: modelling aspects, Saturday Student Symposium (SSS), CSIR-NIIST, Trivandrum, January 2016.
- Topic: Energy from Biomass: Thermochemical Processing, FDP on Advanced Techniques in Energy and Wastewater Treatment, Department of Chemical Engineering, NIT Calicut, July 2018.
- Topic: Making friends with Multiphase reactor vis CFD, FDP Workshop on Computational Fluid Dynamics with Chemical Engineering Applications, Department of Chemical Engineering, SRM Institute of Science and Technology, 24-28 June 2019.
- Topic: Understanding of Multiphase reactor vis CFD, FDP Workshop on Recent Innovation and Developments in electrochemical and chemical process optimisation, Department of Chemical Engineering, NIT Calicut, June 2019.
- Topic: Modelling of Multiphase reactors, Short term training programme on Energy Efficient Technologies and Practise for Sustainable Development, Department of Chemical Engineering, Government Engineering College, Thrissur, July 2019.
- Topic: Reactor Modelling in Chemical-Looping Combustion (CLC) using Solid fuels, GIAN Course on Advanced combustion modelling, Department of Mechanical Engineering, NIT Calicut, March 2019
- Topic: CFD modelling of biomass fast pyrolysis in a circulating fluidised bed riser , 1st International Symposium on Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis in Asian Region (PYROASIA 2019), IIT Madras, 2019.
- Topic: CO2 Capture, Storage and Utilization: A Modelling Approach, FDP program on Advanced Separation Processes Division of Chemical Engineering, Cochin University Science and Technology (CUSAT), Cochin, 2 - 7 December 2019.
- Topic: Post Combustion CO2 Capture-Conventional and Intensified Processes, AICTE sponsored STTP on Recent Advances in Separation Process, Department of Chemical Engineering, Pondicherry Engineering College, Puducherry, October 29 - November 4. 2020.
- Topic: CO2 Capture, Storage and Utilization: A Modelling Approach, AICTE sponsored STTP on Recent Advances in Separation Process, Department of Chemical Engineering, Pondicherry Engineering College, Puducherry, 12 - 28 November, 2020.
- Topic: Thermochemical Conversion of Biomass to Biofuel, AICTE sponsored FDP on Environmental and Sustainable Chemical Engineering, Department of Chemical Engineering, Pondicherry Engineering College, Puducherry, 10 - 23 December 2020.
- Topic: Post-combustion CO2 capture- Conventional and Intensified process, AICTE sponsored FDP on Computer Aided Software for Process Intensification, Department of Chemical Engineering, Gharda Institute of Technology, Maharashtra, 27th May 2021.
- Topic: Transportation fuels from microalgae through hydrothermal liquefaction (HTL) Technology, FDP on Waste to Energy, Department of Chemical Engineering, Government Engineering College, Kozhikode, 25 January 2022.
Student Guided
- PhD
- Topic: Development of Advanced biofuel production from biomass by thermochemical Conversion- Ongoing
- Topic: Process intensification of post combustion CO2 capture using rotating packed bed reactor- Ongoing
- M.Tech Thesis dissertation
- Topic: Mathematical Modelling in Biodrying of Municipal solid waste- Completed
- Topic: CFD Modelling of structured packed bed for post-combustion CO2 Capture-Completed
- B.Tech Thesis dissertation
- Topic: Techno-Economic analysis of 2G ethanol from rice straw - Completed
- Topic: Process Intensification of 2G ethanol production using Oscillatory Baffled Reactor - completed
- Topic: Kinetic modelling of hydrothermal liquefaction of microalgae –completed
- Topic: Experimental and Numerical modelling of swirling fluidised bed - completed
ORCID ID: http://orcid.org/0000-0001-6083-0418
Peer-Reviewed Journals
- Panneerselvam, R., Savithri, S., Surender, G.D., 2007. CFD based investigations of hydrodynamics and energy dissipation due to solid motion in liquid fluidised bed. Chemical Engineering Journal 132, 159-171(IF: 4.321; Nos. of citations: 25).
- Panneerselvam, R., Savithri, S., Surender, G.D., 2008. CFD modeling of gas-liquid-solid mechanically agitated contactor. Chemical Engineering Research and Design 86 1331-1334 (IF: 2.348; Nos. of citations: 45).
- Panneerselvam, R., Savithri, S., Surender, G.D., 2009. CFD simulation of hydrodynamics gas-liquid-solid fluidised bed reactor. Chemical Engineering Science 64, 1119-1135 (IF: 2.337; Nos. of citations: 54).
- Panneerselvam, R., Savithri, S., Surender, G.D., 2009. CFD simulation of solid suspension in gas-liquid-solid mechanically agitated contactor. Industrial Engineering and Chemistry Research 48, 1608-1620(IF: 2.587; Nos. of citations: 15).
- Syed Ubaid Ahmed, Panneerselvam, R., Ashok Pandey, Savithri, S., 2010. Computational Fluid Dynamics Modeling of gas dispersion in Multi impeller Bioreactor, Journal of Bioscience and Bioengineering, 109(6), 588-97 (IF:1.884; Nos. of citations: 25).
- Panneerselvam, R., Savithri, S., 2011. Investigations on hydrodynamics and mass Transfer in gas–liquid stirred tank reactor using computational fluid dynamics, Chemical Engineering science, 66, 3108-3124 (IF: 2.337; Nos. of citations: 27).
- P.Ranganathan, P.van Hemert, S.Rudolph, P. Z.J. Zitha, 2011. Numerical Modeling of CO2 Mineralisation during Storage in Deep Saline Aquifers, Energy Procedia 4, 4538–4545.
- R.Farajzadeh, P. Ranganathan, P.L.J. Zitha, H.Bruining, 2011.The Effect of Heterogeneity on the Character of Density-Driven Natural Convection of CO2 Overlying a Brine Layer, Advances in Water Resources, 34,327–339 (IF: 3.417; Nos. of citations: 50).
- P.Ranganathan, R.Farajzadeh, P.L.J. Zitha, H. Bruining, 2012. Numerical Simulation of Natural Convection in Heterogeneous Porous media for CO2 Geological Storage, Transport in Porous Media, 95,25–54 (IF: 1.431; Nos. of citations:21).
- D.Sebastia-Saez S.Gu, P. Ranganathan, K. Papadikis, 2013. 3D modeling of hydrodynamics and physical mass transfer characteristics of liquid film flows in structured packing elements, International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control 19, 492–502 (IF: 3.946; Nos. of citations:7).
- D.Sebastia-Saez S.Gu, P. Ranganathan, K. Papadikis, 2014. Micro-scale CFD study of the influence of operative parameters on physical mass transfer within structured packing elements, International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control 28, 180–188 (IF: 3.946; Nos. of citations:3 ).
- D.Sebastia-Saez, P. Ranganathan, S.Gu, K. 2014. Volume of fluid CFD modelling of the reactive mass transfer of CO2 into aqueous amine solutions in structured packed elements at micro-scale Energy Procedia 63, 1229-1242.
- M. B. Shemfe, S.Gu, P. Ranganathan, 2015.Techno-economic performance analysis of biofuel production and miniature electric power generation from biomass fast pyrolysis and bio-oil upgrading process, Fuel 143, 361-372. (IF: 3.502; Nos. of citations: 4).
- D.Sebastia-Saez, P. Ranganathan, S.Gu, K. Papadikis, 2015, Micro-scale CFD modeling of reactive mass transfer in falling liquid films within structured packing materials, International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control 33, 40-50 (IF: 3.946; Nos. of citations:- ).
- D.Sebastia-Saez, S.Gu, P. Ranganathan, K. Papadikis, 2015, Meso-scale CFD study of the pressure drop, liquid hold-up, interfacial area and mass transfer in structured packing materials, International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control 42 388-399.
- P.Ranganathan, S.Gu, 2016. Computational fluid dynamics modelling of biomass fast pyrolysis in fluidised bed reactors, focusing different kinetic schemes, Bioresource Technology, 213, 333-341 (IF: 4.917; Nos. of citations:- )..
- Y. Sarbassov, A. Zayoud, P. Mahanta, S.Gu, P.Ranganathan, U.K. Saha, 2016. Hydrodynamic experiments on a small-scale circulating fluidised bed reactor at elevated operating pressure, and under an O2/CO2 environment, Thermal Science, 1, 68-68.
- M.Bello, P.Ranganathan, F.Brennan 2017. Dynamic Modelling of Microalgae Cultivation Process in High Rate Algal Wastewater Pond, Algal Research, 24, 457-466 (IF: 4.694; Nos. of citations:).
- Q.Eri, X. Zhao, P.Ranganathan, S. Gu, 2017.Numerical simulations on the effect of potassium on the biomass fast pyrolysis in fluidizedbed reactor, Fuel, 197, 290-297 (IF: 3.611; Nos. of citations:1).
- P.Ranganathan, J.C.Amal, S.Savithri, Ajith Haridas, 2017.Experimental and Modelling of Arthrospira platensis Cultivation in Open Raceway Ponds, Bioresource Technology, 242,197-205 (IF: 4.917; Nos. of citations: ).
- M.Bello, P.Ranganathan, F.Brennan, 2017. Life Cycle Optimization for Sustainable Algal Biofuel Production Using Integrated Nutrient Recycling Technology, ACS Sustainable Chemistry and Engineering, 5,9869-9880. (IF: 5.951; Nos. of citations: ).
- P.Ranganathan, S.Gu, 2018. Numerical simulation of catalytic upgrading of biomass pyrolysis vapours in a FCC riser, Fuel Processing Technology, 171, 162-172 (IF: 3.752; Nos. of citations:- ).
- P.Ranganathan, S.Savithri, 2018. Computational Fluid Dynamics simulation of hydrothermal liquefaction of microalgae in a continuous plug-flow reactor, Bioresource Technology, 258, 151-157 (IF: 4.917; Nos. of citations: 4).
- P.Ranganathan, S.Savithri, 2019, Techno-economic analysis of microalgae-based liquid fuels production from wastewater via hydrothermal liquefaction and hydroprocessing Bioresource Technology 284, 256-265, (Cover Page in Journal, IF: 4.917; Nos. of citations: 7 ).
- MA Hossain, SA Nabavi, P.Ranganathan, L Könözsy, 2020, 3D CFD modelling of liquid dispersion in structured packed bed column for CO2 capture Chemcial Engineering Science 225, 115800, (Cover Page in Journal, IF: 3.891; Nos. of citations: - ).
- P.Ranganathan, Preliminary techno-economic evaluation of 2G ethanol production with co-products from rice straw, Biomass conversion and Biorefinery, 2020, https://doi.org/10.1007/s13399-020-01144-8.
- BS Lekshmi, AS Yadav, P.Ranganathan, SN Varanakkottu, Simple and continuous fabrication of Janus liquid marbles with tunable particle coverage based on controlled droplet impact, Langmuir 2020, 36, 50, 15396–15402.
- P.Ranganathan, Pore-scale modelling of immiscible displacement of ScCO2-brine in a homogeneous porous network using direct numerical method, Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering, 2020, accepted.
- Janakan S. Saral and Panneerselvam Ranganathan Catalytic hydrothermal liquefaction of Spirulina platensis for biocrude production using Red mud, Biomass conversion and Biorefinery, 2021, https://doi.org/10.1007/s13399-021-01447-4
- Janakan S. Saral, R.S.Ajmal, Panneerselvam Ranganathan, Economic and environmental analysis of algal biorefinery for the production of renewable fuels and co-product, Energy Conversion and Management: X 14 (2022) 100189
- Ranjna Sirohi, Ashutosh Kumar Pandey, Panneerselvam Ranganathan, et al.Design and applications of photobioreactors- a review, Bioresource Technology 349 (2022) 126858
- Panneerselvam Ranganathan, Ashutosh Kumar Pandey, Ranjna Sirohi, Anh Tuan Hoang, Sang-Hyoun Kim Recent advances in computational fluid dynamics (CFD) modelling of photobioreactors: Design and applications , Bioresource Technology 350 (2022) 126920
- K.P.Dhaneesh, Panneerselvam Ranganathan, A comprehensive review on the hydrodynamics, mass transfer and chemical absorption of CO2 and modelling aspects of rotating packed bed. Separation and Purification Technology 2022, 121248
- Panneerselvam Ranganathan, Numerical simulation of gas-liquid oscillatory baffled column focusing on hydrodynamics and mass transfer. Industrial Engineering and Chemistry Research 2022, 61, 26, 9443–9455.
- Janakan S. Saral, Panneerselvam Ranganathan, A general kinetic modelling of hydrothermal liquefaction of spirulina platensis, Biomass conversion and Biorefinery, 2022. https://doi.org/10.1007/s13399-022-03019-6
- Janakan S. Saral, Panneerselvam Ranganathan, A hydrothermal co-liquefaction of Spirulina platensis with rice husk, coconut shell and HDPE for biocrude production, Bioresource Technology 363 (2022) 127911.
- S.V.A.Kiran, Panneerselvam Ranganathan Computational fluid dynamics simulation of reactive absorption of CO2 in a structured packed column, Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering, 2022, https://doi.org/10.1002/cjce.24663
International Conference Proceedings
- Panneerselvam, R., Savithri, S., Surender, G.D., CFD modeling of gas–liquid–solid mechanically agitated contactor. International Symposium on Mixing in Industrial Processes (ISIMP-VI), Canada, 2008.
- Rouhollah Farajzadeh, Panneerselvam Ranganathan,, Pacelli L.J. Zitha, Hans Bruining, The Effect of Heterogeneity on the Character of Density-Driven Natural Convection of CO2 Overlying a Brine Layer, CSUG/SPE conference, 2010.
- Panneerselvam Ranganathan, Patrick van Hemert, Susanne Rudolph, Pacelli Z.J. Zitha Numerical Modeling of CO2 Mineralisation during Storage in Deep Saline Aquifers, International conference on Greenhouse gas control technologies (GHGT10), The Netherlands.
- Panneerselvam, R., Savithri, S., Investigations on hydrodynamics and mass Transfer in gas–liquid stirred tank reactor using computational fluid dynamics, Gas-liquid and Gas-Liquid-Solid Reactor Engineering (GLS-10), Portugal 2011.
- P.Ranganathan, S.M. Roels, T.J. Tambach, P.L.J. Zitha, Coupling of Geochemical and Density-Driven Natural Convection in Porous media for CO2 Geological Storage, International Conference on Greenhouse Control and Technologies (GHGT11), Japan 2012.
- P.Ranganathan and S.Gu Bubbling Fuel Reactor modelling in in-situ Gasification Chemical-Looping Combustion (iG-CLC) using CFD, 5th High Temperature Solid Looping Combustion Network Meeting (HRSLCN), September 2013, Cambridge, UK.
- P.Ranganathan,and S. Gu, CFD Modelling of an Ebullated bed reactor for the upgradation of Bio-oil derived from Lignocellulose Biomass, 20th International Symposium on Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis -PYRO 2014, Birmingham, UK
- Sebastia-Saez, P. Ranganathan, S.Gu, K. Papadikis, Volume of fluid CFD modeling of the reactive mass transfer of CO2 into aqueous amine solutions in structured packed elements at micro-scale International Conference on Greenhouse Control and Technologies (GHGT12), Austin, USA, 2014.
- P.Ranganathan and S. Gu, CFD simulation of catalytic upgrading of pyrolysis vapour in FCC riser, 4th International conference on thermochemical conversion of biomass, TCBiomass2015, Chicago 2-5 November , USA.
- P.Ranganathan, S. Gu, CFD Modelling of Biomass Fast Pyrolysis in fluidized bed reactors with focusing different kinetic schemes, International Conference on New Horizons in Biotechnology 2015, Trivandrum. Nov 22-25, India.
- 11. P.Ranganathan,J.C.Amal, S.Savithri, Ajith Haridas, Experimental and Modelling of Arthrospira platensis Cultivation in Open Raceway Ponds, International Conference on Current trends in Biotechnology, ICCB 2016, VIT, India.
- 12. J.C.Amal, S.Nidhin, M.Annie, P.Ranganathan Optimisation of Growth medium for Arthrospira Platensis production using Response Surface methodolgy, International Conference on Current trends in Biotechnology, ICCB 2016, VIT, India.
- P.Ranganathan, S.Savithri, CFD Modelling of hydrothermal liquefaction of microalgae in a continuous plug-flow reactor, International Conference on Emerging Trends in Biotechnology for Waste Conversion (ICETBWC – 2017), CSIR-NEERI, October 8-10, 2017.
- P.Ranganathan, S.Savithri, Techno-economic analysis of biofuel and C-Phycocyanin co-production from spirulina platensis, International Conference on Emerging Trends in Biotechnology for Waste Conversion (ICETBWC – 2017), CSIR-NEERI, October 8-10, 2017.
- P.Ranganathan, S.Savithri, Techno-economic analysis of biofuel and C-Phycocyanin co-production from spirulina platensis, International Conference on Emerging Trends in Biotechnology for Waste Conversion (ICETBWC – 2017), CSIR-NEERI, October 8-10, 2017
- P.Ranganathan, Techno-economic analysis of microalgae-based transportation fuel production from wastewater via hydrothermal liquefaction and hydroprocesssing, International Conference on Biotechnological Research and Innovation for Sustainable Development (BioSD 2018), Hyderabad.
- C.H. Sreeram, P. Ranganathan Life cycle analysis of 2-g bioethanol from rice straw in indian scenario, 4th International Conference On Recent Advancements in Chemical, Environmental and Energy Engineering (RACEEE 2019), Chennai, 2019
- D. V. vardhan; B. Srinu; A. Deepak ; B. Bharathkumar; P. Ranganthan Techno-economic evaluation of 2g ethanol production from rice straw, 4th International Conference On Recent Advancements in Chemical, Environmental and Energy Engineering (RACEEE 2019), Chennai, 2019.
- Janakan S. Saral, P.Ranganathan, Catalytic hydrothermal liquefaction of Spirulina platensis for biocrude production using Red mud, New Horizons in Biotetechnolgy (NHBT 2019), CSIR-NIIST, Trivandrum, 2019.
- Dekketi G C Vikram Reddy, P.Ranganathan, Modelling of biomass fast pyrolysis using the single particle scale, PYROASIA 2020, E-Symposium), Korea, 2020.
- Juturu Radheshyam, P.Ranganathan, Numerical modelling of the intensified post combustion CO2 capture using rotating packed bed reactor (RPB), International Conference on Reaction Engineering (ICRE 2021), 7-8, May 2021, NIT Raipur.
- K.P.Dhaneesh, P.Ranganathan, Experimental investigations on the hydrodynamic characteristics of a rotating packed bed for CO2 absorption, International conference on Environmental benign process, products and materials for sustainable Ecosystems (EBPPM 2021)- 19-20 November 2021, NIT Trichy
- Janakan S. Saral, P.Ranganathan, Kinetic modelling of hydrothermal liquefaction of spirulina platensis, International Conference on Biotechnology for Resource Efficiency, Energy, Environment, Chemicals and Health (BREEECH 2021), CSIR-IIP Dehradun, 1-4 December 2021.
- P.Ranganathan, Techno-Economic analysis of transportation fuels production from wastewater via hydrothermal liquefaction, International Conference on Biotechnology for Resource Efficiency, Energy, Environment, Chemicals and Health (BREEECH 2021), CSIR-IIP Dehradun, 1-4 December 2021.
- Vikram Reddy, P.Ranganathan, Three-dimensional computational fluid dynamic modelling of continuous hydrothermal liquefaction of microalgae in a tubular reactor faction of spirulina platensis, International Conference on Biotechnology for Resource Efficiency, Energy, Environment, Chemicals and Health (BREEECH 2021), CSIR-IIP Dehradun, 1-4 December 2021.
- Sreeram C.H., Sivaprasad P. Nambiar, Aarshad Ramesh, R. Ananthakrishnan, P.Ranganathan, Experimental and CFD Simulation of Hydrodynamics of Gas-Liquid Baffled Bubble Column, 26th International Symposium on Chemical Reaction Engineering (ISCRE26) and 9th Asia-Pacific Chemical Reaction Engineering Symposium (APCRE9), 5-8 December 2021, IIT Delhi, India.
- P.Ranganathan CFD Modelling of Gas-Liquid Oscillatory Baffled Column Focusing on Hydrodynamics and Mass Transfer 26th International Symposium on Chemical Reaction Engineering (ISCRE26) and 9th Asia-Pacific Chemical Reaction Engineering Symposium (APCRE9), 5-8 December 2021, IIT Delhi, India.
- P. Ranganathan, CFD Simulation of In-situ Gasification of Chemical Looping Fuel Reactor, 26th International Symposium on Chemical Reaction Engineering (ISCRE26) and 9th Asia-Pacific Chemical Reaction Engineering Symposium (APCRE9), 5-8 December 2021, IIT Delhi, India.
Dekketi G C Vikram Reddy, Panneerselvam Ranganathan experimental and numerical investigation on hydrodynamic s of swirling fluidised bed reactor, 1st International Conference in Fluid Thermal and Energy Systems June 9-11, NIT Calicut, 2022.
National Conference Proceedings
- Panneerselvam, R., Savithri, S., Surender, G.D., Local hydrodynamic behavior of gas–liquid–solid three phase slurry reactors. ANSYS India Conference on Convergence 05, Dec 2005, Bangalore
- Panneerselvam, R., Savithri, S., Surender, G.D., CFD Simulations of Suspension of Solids in a Stirred Reactor. ANSYS India Conference on Engineering Innovation 06, Dec 2006, Bangalore.
- Panneerselvam, R., Savithri, S., Surender, G.D., Hydrodynamics of Gas–Liquid–Solid Three Phase Fluidised Bed - A CFD Study. CHEMCON-06, Dec 2006.
- Panneerselvam, R., Savithri, S., Surender, G.D., CFD based Investigation of Solid Suspension in Liquid–Solid and Gas–Liquid–Solid Agitated Contactors. ANSYS India Conference on Elevating Innovation 07, Oct 2007
- Panneerselvam, R., Savithri, S., Surender, G.D., CFD based Investigation of Solid Suspension in Liquid–Solid and Gas–Liquid–Solid Agitated Contactors. CHEMCON-07, Dec 2007.
- Panneerselvam, R., Investigations on Agitation and Aeration for Cellulase Enzyme production in Stirred Gas-Liquid Fermenter using CFD, CHEMCON -11, Dec 2011.
Book Chapter
- Panneerselvam Ranganathan and Sivaraman Savithri (2010). Computational Flow Modeling of Multiphase Mechanically Agitated Reactors, Computational Fluid Dynamics, Hyoung Woo Oh (Ed.), ISBN: 978-953-7619-59-6, INTECH.
- Janakan S Saral, R.S.Ajmal, P.Ranganathan (2022) Bioeconomy of hydrocarbon biorefinery process, Hydrocarbon biorefinery, Edited by Sunit Maity, Elsevier Publications.
- P.Ranganathan (2022), Techno-Economic Evaluation of 2G Ethanol Production with Co-Products from Rice straw, Biofuels and Bioenergy, Edited by Baskar Elsevier Publications.
- Sriramani Mangipudi, Dekketi G C Vikram Reddy, P. Ranganathan (2022) Computational tools in Bioprocessing: Towards Design and Scale-up, Advances in Bioprocess Engineering', Edited by Pandey A, Sirohi R, Larroche C, Taherzadeh M., Elsevier Publications.