Dr. Aniruddha Sanyal
Dr. Aniruddha Sanyal
Assistant Professor
Office Address:
Room No. 202C, Department of Chemical Engineering East Campus, NIT Calicut Kozhikode 673601, Kerala, India
PhD from the Department of Chemical Engineering at the Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee in 2019.
M. Tech from the Department of Chemical Engineering at the Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee in 2012.
B. Tech from the Department of Chemical Engineering at the Heritage Institute of Technology Kolkata in 2010.
Educational Qualifications
PhD from the Department of Chemical Engineering at the Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee in 2019.
M. Tech from the Department of Chemical Engineering at the Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee in 2012.
B. Tech from the Department of Chemical Engineering at the Heritage Institute of Technology Kolkata in 2010.
Professional Experience
Postdoctoral Fellow in the Department of Energy Science and Engineering at the Indian Institute of Technology Bombay from Dec 2019 to Sep 2022.
Assistant Professor Grade II (Level 10) in the Department of Chemical Engineering from Sep 2022 to present.
Articles Published in Peer-Reviewed Journals:
1. Lomesh Tikariha, Aniruddha Sanyal, and Lalit Kumar, Numerical study of gelation and flow restart in a waxy crude oil riser, Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 217, 110871 (2022).
2. Ajay Raj Dwivedi, Amit Dhiman, and Aniruddha Sanyal, Stratified Shear-Thinning Fluid Flow Past Tandem Cylinders in the Presence of Mixed Convection Heat Transfer with a Channel-Confined Configuration, ASME Journal of Fluids Engineering 144(5), 051301 (2022).
3. Aniruddha Sanyal and Amit Dhiman, Impact of gap-ratios on buoyancy-assisted mixed convection flow and heat transfer in unconfined framework with two side-by-side cylinders, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science 236(1), 165-178 (2022).
4. Aniruddha Sanyal, Lomesh Tikariha, and Lalit Kumar, The effects of partial preheating on pressure propagation and flow-restart phenomena in a clogged pipeline with a weakly compressible gel, Physics of Fluids 33(4), 043101 (2021).
5. Aniruddha Sanyal and Amit Dhiman, Shear-induced viscosity stratified flow past a pair of heated side-by-side square cylinders in a confined domain, Physics of Fluids 32(5), 053601 (2020). [This article has also been chosen as EDITOR’S PICK].
6. Aniruddha Sanyal and Amit Kumar Dhiman, Analysis of a channel-confined non-Newtonian shear-thinning flow past a pair of mildly heated side-by-side square cylinders, Numerical Heat Transfer Part A: Applications 77(4), 409-442 (2020).
7. Aniruddha Sanyal and Amit Dhiman, Effect of thermal buoyancy on a fluid flowing past a pair of side-by-side square bluff-bodies in a low-Reynolds number flow regime, Physics of Fluids 30(6), 063603 (2018).
8. Aniruddha Sanyal and Amit Dhiman, Wake interactions in a fluid flow past a pair of side-by-side square cylinders in presence of mixed convection, Physics of Fluids 29(10), 103602 (2017).
9. Aniruddha Sanyal and Amit Dhiman, Effect of forced convection heat transfer over side-by-side square cylinders in a steady confined flow regime, Journal of Computational and Applied Mechanics 11(2), 197 (2016).
1. Abhishek Kumar Lal and Aniruddha Sanyal, Finite volume simulation for heat and mass transfer in Food product/processing, In Krunal M. Gangawane and Madhuresh Dwivedi (Ed.), Advanced Computational Techniques for Heat and Mass Transfer in Food Processing (New Delhi, CRC Press, 2022). [ISBN: 9780367747824]
1. Aniruddha Sanyal and Lalit Kumar, Wall-slip induced flow restart in gelled waxy crude oil pipeline, 14th European Fluid Mechanics Conference (EFMC-14) held in Athens, Greece (2022).- (Oral Presentation)
2. Aniruddha Sanyal and Lalit Kumar, Effect of preheating on transient flow restart of a gelled crude oil pipeline, Complex Fluids 2020 held in Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, Mumbai, India (2020).- (Online Poster Presentation).
3. Aniruddha Sanyal and Amit Dhiman, Increment of Force and Thermal Parameters for a Fluid Flowing Past a Pair of Square Cylinders in Side-by-Side Arrangement in Presence of Thermal Buoyancy, 7th International & 45rd National Conference on Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Power (FMFP) held in Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, Mumbai, India (2018). – (Oral Presentation).
4. Aniruddha Sanyal and Amit Dhiman, Control of wake interactions for a flow past a pair of side-by-side square bluff-bodies in a thermally stratified flow field, 7th Conference on Bluff Body Wakes and Vortex-Induced Vibrations (BBVIV-7) held in Carry-le-Rouet (Marseille), France (2018).– (Oral-cum-Poster Presentation).
5. Aniruddha Sanyal and Amit Dhiman, Study of mixed convection flow and heat transfer past a pair of side-by-side square cylinders, 6th International & 43rd National Conference on Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Power (FMFP) held in Allahabad, India (2016). – (Oral Presentation).
6. Aniruddha Sanyal and Amit Dhiman, Steady flow and heat transfer over side-by-side square cylinders in a laminar regime, Conference on Modelling Fluid Flow (CMFF-15) held in Budapest, Hungary (2015). – (Oral Presentation).
Fluid Mechanics CH2003D
Computational Fluid Dynamics CH4030D
Fluid Mechanics Laboratory CH2092D
Chemical Process Equipment Design CH3007D
- Flow Assurance in Crude Oil Pipelines
- Complex Fluid Flow and Rheology
- Convection Heat Transfer
- Computational Fluid Dynamics
- Bluff body Flow and Heat Transfer
- Multiphase Flow
- Energy Management in Batteries