Dr. Lalit Kumar
Dr. Lalit Kumar

Assistant Professor Grade II

Office Address:

Room No.- 206, ECED Block-II, Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering National Institute of Technology Calicut, Kerala, India

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  • Ph. D. (Electronics and Communication Engineering) from IIITDM Jabalpur Madhya Pradesh: 2014-2019.

  • M. Tech. (Microwave Electronics) from DOES South Campus University of Delhi: 2010-2012.

  • B. Tech. (Electronics and Communication Engineering) from BIET Jhansi Uttar Pardesh: 2004-2008.

  • Educational Qualifications

    • Ph. D. (Electronics and Communication Engineering) from IIITDM Jabalpur Madhya Pradesh: 2014-2019.

    • M. Tech. (Microwave Electronics) from DOES South Campus University of Delhi: 2010-2012.

    • B. Tech. (Electronics and Communication Engineering) from BIET Jhansi Uttar Pardesh: 2004-2008.


    • Lalit Kumar, M. S. Parihar, Quasi-Lumped Analysis of Wideband Bandpass Filter with High Out-of-Band Rejection Rate,” IEEE Trans. on com. packa. and Manu. Tech. vol. 9 no. 8, pp. 1549-1558, 2019. DOI: 10.1109/TCPMT.2019.2918478.
    • Arun Pant, Lalit Kumar, Ravi Dutt Gupta, M. S. Parihar, “An Investigation on Non-linear aspects of Pattern Reconfigurable Hexagon Shaped Planar Loop Antenna,” IET MAP. 2019. DOI: 10.1049/iet-map.2018.5344.
    • Lalit Kumar, M. S. Parihar, "A Compact Reconfigurable Low Pass Filter with Wide Stop Band Rejection Bandwidth,” IEEE Microw. Wirel. Compon. Lett. vol. 28, no.5, pp. 401-403, 2018.  DOI: 10.1109/LMWC.2018.2823001.
    • Lalit Kumar, M. S. Parihar, "A Wide Stopband Low-pass Filter with High Roll-Off using Stepped Impedance Resonator,” IEEE Microw. Wirel. Compon. Lett., vol. 28, no.5, pp. 404-406, 2018. DOI: 10.1109/LMWC.2018.2816520. 
    • Lalit Kumar, M. S. Parihar, "Compact Hexagonal Shape Elliptical Low Pass Filter with Wide Stop Band,” IEEE Microw. Wirel. Compon. Lett., vol. 26, no.12, pp. 978-980, 2016. DOI:10.1109/LMWC.2016.2623246.


    • S. Keelaillam and Lalit Kumar, “A High gain dual band antenna based on SISL plate form using Characteristic mode analysis,” International Conference for Emerging Technology (INCET 2023) during 26-28 May 2023 at Jain College of engineering Belgaum, India. (Accepted).
    • S. Keelaillam and Lalit Kumar, “An Extensive Review on SISL-based Antennas with Hexagonal Shaped SISL-Antenna,” International Conference for Emerging Technology (INCET 2023) during 26-28 may 2023 at Jain College of engineering Belgaum, India. (Accepted).
    • Kumari Manisha, Lalit Kumar, “A Cylindrical Dielectric Resonator Antenna with Electronically–switched Frequency for WLAN and X-band Applications, IEEE International Conference on Microwave, Antenna and Communication held during 24-26 March 2023 at MNNIT Allahabad, Prayagraj, India. (Accepted).
    • Vijay and Lalit Kumar, “A Novel Printed Monopole UWB Filtenna Using Semi-Circles and Square Patch” IEEE 2nd ICONAT GOA 2023, Jan. 2023 DOI: 10.1109/SPCOM55316.2022.9840774.
    • Vijay and Lalit Kumar “A Highly Selective Ultra Wideband Microstrip Filter for Wireless Applications," 2022 International Conference on Smart Generation Computing, Communication and Networking (SMART GENCON), Bangalore, India, pp. 1-4, 2022. DOI: 10.1109/SMARTGENCON56628.2022.10083682.
    • S. Keelaillam, S. S. Teja, T. Jayanth, R. A. Reddy, K. B. Ramanujam and Lalit Kumar, "A Wideband Bandpass Filter using U-shaped slots on SIW with two Notches at 8 GHz and 10 GHz," 2022 IEEE International Conference on Signal Processing and Communications (SPCOM), pp. 1-4, 2022. DOI: 10.1109/ICONAT57137.2023.10080646.
    • A. Azeez and Lalit Kumar, “A Novel Triangular-Shaped Reconfigurable Dielectric Resonator Antenna for Microwave Application,” IEEE 2nd ICONAT GOA 2023, Jan. 2023. DOI: 10.1109/ICONAT57137.2023.10080557.
    • Lalit Kumar and S. Keelaillam, "A Bandpass Filter Based on the SISL Technology Using Open Stub and Triangular Resonator," 2022 International Conference on Smart Generation Computing, Communication and Networking (SMART GENCON), Bangalore, India, pp. 1-4, 2022. DOI: 10.1109/SMARTGENCON56628.2022.10083814.
    • Arun Pant, Lalit Kumar, and Manoj Singh Parihar, “A Frequency Reconfigurable Mobile Handset Antenna for 4G & Pre-5G Technology,” Conference on information and communication technology (CICT), Oct. 2018. DOI:10.1109/INFOCOMTECH.2018.8722373.
    • Arun Pant, Lalit Kumar, and Manoj Singh Parihar, “Smart Antenna with Dynamic Radiation Pattern Capability for 4G Applications,” Conference on information and communication technology (CICT), Oct. 2018.  DOI: 10.1109/INFOCOMTECH.2018.8722404.
    • Arun Pant, Lalit Kumar, and Manoj Singh Parihar, “Electronically Pattern Reconfigurable Hexagon shaped Loop Antenna,” International conference for convergence technology (I2CT), Oct. 2018.  DOI: 10.1109/I2CT.2018.8529520.
    • Arun Pant, Lalit Kumar, and Manoj Singh Parihar, “Investigation of Non–linear Effects in Electronically Pattern Reconfigurable Hexagon shaped Loop Antenna,” International conference on optical & wireless technology (OWT), Feb. 2018. DOI: 10.1007/978-981-13-6159-3_42.
    • Jolly Hanna Kindo, Lalit Kumar, M. S. Parihar, “Planar Ultra Wideband (UWB) filtenna using hexagonal shaped structure,” International Conference on Microwave and Photonics (ICMAP), 2018.  DOI: 10.1109/INFOCOMTECH.2018.8722404.

    1. Title : Development of high  temperature substrate  for RF circuit  application

    Role : Co-Investigator (PI: Dr. Murali K. P.)

    Funding Agency: DRDO-ASL 

    Funded Amount (in Lakh): 19.99

    Current PhD Students 

    • Shameer Keellailam (P210134EC): SISL Antennas 
    • Kumari Manisha (P210153EC): Reconfigurable Dielectric Antenna
    • Anu R G (P220005EC): SISL Filters
    • Vijay Kumar Talluri (P220016EC): MIMO Antennas

    Current M Tech Students

    • Vijay (M210442EC): Design and Develpoment of Utlta Wide Band (UWB) Filtenna for Wireless comminication System
    • Abdul A (M210065EC): Reconfigurable Dielectric Antenna
    • Manisha Rani (M220308EC): Electronically Reconfigurable Beam Steering Antenna for Microwave Applications.
    • Saurab (M220323EC): SISL Antennas



    M. Tech.

    • Developing a Parameterized Interrupted handler UVM Agent for Verification of Interrupte in an IP. (Praveen Kumar K-M190187EC)



    • Frequency Reconfigurable Substrate Integrated Waveguide Interdigital Capacitor (SIW-IDC) Antenna (2020-2021)
    • Dielectric resonator antennas (2020-21)
    • A Wideband Bandpass filter using U-shaped slots on the SIW two Notches at 8GHz and 10GHz. (2021-2022)

    • Radiation and Antenna Theory 
    • Electromagnetic Field Theory 

    • Member, IEEE
    • Member,  IEEE Microwave Theory and Technology Society (MTT-S) 
    • Member,  IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society (AP-S)