Dr. Amit Kumar Singh
Dr. Amit Kumar Singh

Associate Professor

Office Address:

Department of Mechanical Engineering NIT Calicut Calicut Kerala

Home Address:

FB 24 Staff Quarters, NIT CAMPUS

  • PhD (BITS PILANI) 2012

  • M.Tech (Hons) Manufacturing Systems Engineering, MNIT Jaipur

  • B.Tech (Mechanical Engineering) Kurukshetra University

  • Journals

    1. Preeti Chauhan, Naresh K. Raghuwanshi, Amit Kumar Singh, "Implementation of Supervised
    Machine Learning Algorithms for Gait Alteration Classification of the Human Foot" , ICMech-
    REC 2023 by :ICMech-REC at NIT Warangal / / 2023

    Journal Publications:
    1. Nagarajan, Yogeshvaran. R. and Farukh, Farukh and Kandan, Karthikeyan and Singh, Amit
    Kumar and Mukul, Pooja, Trialling Pet Composite Prosthetic Solutions: A Step Towards
    Inclusive Healthcare. Available at
    SSRN: or,2024
    2. Nagarajan YR, Farukh F, Silberschmidt VV, Kandan K, Singh AK, Mukul P. Shape Analysis of
    Prosthetic Socket Rectification Procedure for Transtibial Amputees. Prosthesis. 2024;
    3. Chauhan P, Singh AK, Raghuwanshi NK, "Classifying the walking pattern of humans on
    different surfaces using convolutional features and shallow machine learning classifiers"
    , Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science (SAGE Publications) Volume :00 / 1-12 /
    2024 DOI:, 2024.
    4. Chauhan P , Singh AK, Raghuwanshi NK, Rathore R, "Experimental investigation of gait
    parameters and stability analysis for unilateral transtibial amputee" , Sadhana (Springer )
    Volume :48 / 271 / 2023 DOI:, 2023.
    5. Preeti Chauhan, Amit Kumar Singh, Naresh K. Raghuwanshi, "The State of Art Review on
    Prosthetic Feet and Its Significance to Imitate the Biomechanics of Human Ankle-Foot"
    , Materials Today: Proceedings (Elsevier) Volume :62 / 6364-6370 / 2022
    6. D. Shekhawat, S. Mishra, A. Singh, T. K. Patnaik, A. Patnaik, "Tribological performance of
    ceramic composites for biomedical applications: A review" , Material Science and
    Engineering Technology (Wiley) Volume :54 / 284-293 / 2023 DOI:,2023.
    7. Deepika Shekhawat, Pankaj Agarwal, Tapan Kumar Patnaik, Amit Singh, Amar Patnaik,
    "Fracture toughness of nano-zirconia filled aluminum matrix composites: an experimental
    and numerical analysis" , Engineering Research Express (IOP) Volume :5 / 015012 / 2023
    DOI: 10.1088/2631-8695/acb318,2023.
    8. Deepika Shekhawat, Pankaj Agarwal, Tej Singh, Amit Singh, Amar Patnaik, "Effect of Control
    Factors on Wear Rate of the Ceramic Particulate Filled Metal Alloy Composites: A
    Comparative Analysis" , Journal of Polymers and the Environment (Springer ) Volume :31 /
    1-22 / 2023 DOI:, 2023.
    9. R. Rathore, A. K. Singh, H. Chaudhary and K. Kandan, "Gait Abnormality Detection in
    Unilateral Trans-Tibial Amputee in Real-Time Gait Using Wearable Setup," in IEEE Sensors
    Journal, vol. 23, no. 12, pp. 12567-12573, 2023.
    10. Nagarajan YR, Farukh F, Silberschmidt VV, Kandan K, Rathore R, Singh AK, Mukul P. Strength
    Assessment of PET Composite Prosthetic Sockets. Materials. 2023; 16(13):4606., 2023.

    11. Chauhan P., Singh A.K., Raghuwanshi N.K., "Classifying walking pattern on different surfaces by optimising features extracted through IMU sensor data using SSA optimization" , Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering (Springer ) Volume :47 (3) / 1-17 / 2025 DOI:

    12. Sodha DS, Mali HS, Singh AK. An AHP and BEES model-based sustainability assessment of small-scale marble processing industries: Indian prospects. Mining Technology. 2025;0(0). doi:10.1177/25726668241311555

    13. Reddy GB, Samanta AK, Kumar KR, Singh AK. Reduction of production delay cost in underground coal mines: An FMEA-based method study approach. Mining Technology. 2024;133(4):319-330. doi:10.1177/25726668241287601

    Professional Experience

    • Assistant Professor, Mechanical ENgineering Department, MNIT Jaipur, 2012-2022

    • Associate Professor, Mechanical Engineering Department, NIT Calicut, 2022-Till Date

    Research Contributions

    • Patents

    Educational Qualifications

    • PhD (BITS PILANI) 2012

    • M.Tech (Hons) Manufacturing Systems Engineering, MNIT Jaipur

    • B.Tech (Mechanical Engineering) Kurukshetra University

    1. Invivo and In Silico Biomechanical Evluation Based Design & Development of Upper & Lower Limb Passive Exoskelton for Occuptaion Use, ROle PI, Funding Agency- Anusandhan National Research Foundation, ANRF, under Core Research Grant Scheme, Amount 34.5 Lakh, Status Ongoing , Duration 2024-2027, Role PI

    2. Design and Development of Energy Efficient Microchannel based Solvent Recovery Unit for Fermentation and Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient (API) Production, under COre Research Grant, Amount 34 Lakh, Role CO PI, 2023-2026

    3. Upcycled Plastic Prosthetics, Jontly carried with DMU, Uk , & University of Stratchlyde UK, Funded By Royal Acdemy of Engineering, UK, Amount 198 Lakh, Role- Lead Invetigator- India Team, Duration -2020-2023, Status COmpleted

    4. Accessible Recycled Material (ARM) Prosthetics, GCRF Networking Grant  UK, 2018-2019, Amount: 25,000 GBP, Status Completed

    5. Effective Prodict Development throug Integration of Reverse Engineering and Rapid Prototyping, DST Young Scientist Grant, 2013-2016, Amount 25 Lakh

    Following Patent application is filed as Co Applicant “Design, fabrication and testing of low-cost innovative MR based rotary dampers for automobile suspension system”.