Dr. Sunitha S

Dr. Sunitha S
Associate Professor
Office Address:
Associate Professor, Department of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences, NIT Calicut,Kozhikode-673601,Kerala.
Trends in Public Financing of Technical Education in Kerala in the International Education Meet 2006, Government of Kerala, Kochi, India, February 2006. (With Duraisamy, Malathy)
Determinants of Public Expenditure on Technical Education in Kerala Third Annual International Conference on Public Policy and Management ,IIM Bangalore, August, 2008. (With Duraisamy, Malathy)
Benchmarking the Engineering Institutions in Kerala: A Data Envelopment Analysis Approach in the National Conference on Emerging Trends in Industrial Engineering and Management (ETRIM) 2011 at NIT Calicut. (With Duraisamy, Malathy)
Institutional and Household Costs of Engineering Education in Kerala, India, at Symposium on Financing of Universities: State Vs Private:XXXVIIIth Indian Social Science Congress organised by Indian Social Science Academy at Andhra University, Vishakapatnam, March 29- 1 April,2015. (With Duraisamy, Malathy)
Determinants of Household Expenditure and Economic Burden of Engineering Education in Kerala, India in 8th World Conference on Educational Sciences organised by University of Alcala,Madrid, Spain,04-06 Feb 2016. (With Duraisamy, Malathy)
Household's Choice of Borrowing Through Student Loans to Finance Engineering Education in Kerala, India in Oxford Education Research Symposium during Fall 17-19 March 2016 at Oxford University Club, Oxford University, United Kingdom. (With Duraisamy, Malathy)
Demographic and Socio-economic Dynamics on Financial Literacy in Kerala: A Predictive Modelling Approach, in COSMAR 2016 Conference at the Indian Institute of Science campus (IISc), Bangalore during 11-12 November 2016.(With Abdul Latheef Kiliyanni )
Does Financial Sector Development Lead to Life Insurance Inclusion? An ARDL Bounds Testing Approach, in COSMAR 2016 Conference at the Indian Institute of Science campus (IISc), Bangalore during 11-12 November 2016.(With Biju Mathew)
Irrational Buying behaviour of Life Insurance: Evidence from the State of Kerala,International Conference on Financial Markets and Corporate Finance (ICFMCF-2017) at Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Kharagpur.(WIth Mathew,Biju).
Predictive Framework for financial Literacy in Kerala, India, International Conference on Financial Markets and Corporate Finance (ICFMCF-2017) at Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Kharagpur.(WIth Abdul Latheef Kiliyanni).
What determines life insurance lapsation in Kerala,India? in 32nd Actuarial (Virtual) Conference,University of Nebraska,Lincoln,Aug10-12,2020. (with Biju Mathew)
Gender Gap and Economics growth in India, 2nd Pan NIT HSS International Conference on Resilience and Transformation for Global Restructuring hosted by Malaviya National Institute of Technology Jaipur in collaboration with 21 National Institutes of Technology, India from 7th-9th January 2022 (Virtual mode) (With Issabella Jose)
The Perception-Reality Gap in Financial Literacy: Evidence from the Most Literate State in India, International Review of Economics Education, 23, pp 47-64. DOI :10.1016/j.iree.2016.07.001. (With Abdul Latheef Kiliyanni ),(Elsevier) .Scopus Indexed.
Cointegration and causality between macroeconomic variables and life insurance demand in India, International Journal of Emerging Markets, 12 (4), pp 727-741. (With Biju Mathew), (2017) (Emerald). Scopus Indexed (B Rank in ABDC Ranking).
Impact of operating costs components on airline efficiency in India: A DEA approach, Asia Pacific Management Review, May 2018, pp1-10 (with Visakh Sakthidharan) https://doi.org/10.1016/j.apmrv.2017.12.001, (2016) (Elsevier),Scopus Indexed. (Impact factor: 2.737)
A Predictive Model for Financial Literacy among the Educated Youth in Kerala, India, Journal of Social Service Research, 44:4, 537-547, (with Abdul Latheef Kiliyanni) (2018) DOI: 10.1080/01488376.2018.1477699 ,(Taylor & Francis). Scopus Indexed.
Financial sector development and life insurance inclusion in India: An ARDL Bounds Testing Approach, International Journal of Social Economics,48 (4),531-542 (Emerald), (2021), Scopus Indexed (B Rank in ABDC Ranking)
Books (Refereed)
Technical Education in Kerala – Issues and Concerns, the Proceedings of National Seminar on Technical Manpower Planning in India- Issues and Concerns, Discovery Publishing House New Delhi. 2, Chapter 13, 157 –171, 2004. (With Duraisamy, Malathy)
Financing of Technical Education: A Comparison between Kerala and Tamilnadu, In P.Duraisamy (ed.) Studies on Human Development in India, University of Madras, Chennai.Part-2, Chapter 6, 137 – 157, 2006. (With Duraisamy, Malathy).
Measuring Efficiency of Technical Educational Institutions in Kerala Using Data Envelopment Analysis, In N.S.Siddharthan and K.Narayanan (ed.) Human Capital and Development:The Indian Experience, Springer (2013). (With Duraisamy, Malathy)
Dr.Sunitha Sivaraman is an associate professor at School of Management Studies, National Institute of Technology (NIT) Calicut. She has received her PhD degree from Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Madras. She has completed her Bachelors and Masters Degree from St.Teresa’s College, Ernakulam and is a University rank holder for her under graduation and post graduation from Mahatma Gandhi University. Her areas of interest are Industrial Economics, Development Economics, Macro Economics, Data Envelopment Analysis, Research Methods and Statistics. She has guided two Ph.D thesis. She has published and presented papers in various academic platforms in India and abroad. She has proficiency in applications of various statistical softwares like SPSS, STATA and Eviews. Apart from academics, she is a trained Veena player.
1.Mr.Abdul Latheef Kiliyanni (Behavioual Economics)
Thesis title: Financial literacy among educated youth in Kerala; Measurement and Evaluation, succesfully defended on 14/03/2019
2.Mr.Biju Mathew ( Macro Economics/Econometrics)
Thesis title:An econometric analysis of life insurance demand and lapsation in India on 14/07/2020
1.Ms.Anjali Mathews
2.Ms.Issabella Jose
Present Responsibilities
Institute Level:
Faculty Coordinator,SPIC MACAY,NITC
Member, Centre for Industrial and Institute Relations
Member, Centre for Culture and Art Relations
Member, Centre for Indian Knowledge Systems
Past Responibilities:
Institute level:
Faculty-in-charge, Student Guidance Cell ,(SGC) (3/08/2017 -25/07/2019)
Faculty -in-Charge,Cultural Teams
Faculty Co-ordinator,Intellectual Property Rights(IPR) Cell
Faculty coordinator (Cultural Team-in-charge)
Member,Students Guidance Cell (April 2012 to August 2018)
Warden,Ladies Hostel (July 2012 to July 2016)
Faculty -in-Charge ,Literary and Debating Club (July 2012 to July2013)
Faculty-in-Carge NITC Dance Team (Jauary 2014 to present date)
Member,Internal Complaints Committee (14 January 2015 to 14 January 2019)
Department level:
Ph.D.Coordinator,SOMS (August 2011 to )
Member,Institute Timetable committee
Member,Examination Timetable Committee
Member, Purchase Committee
Faculty-in-charge,MBA Placements (July 2009 to April 2012)
Academic Training
Two Days Workshop on Measuring Effciciency :Methods & Applications held at Madras School Economics during 11-13 Jan 2009.
One Day National Workshop on Economics,Engineering & Society,organised by Dept.of Mechanical Engineering and Centre for Continuing Education,NITC on 11/02/2010.
Two Days Workshop on Applied Econometrics for Business and Finance,held at Xavier Institute of Management and Entrepreneurship (XIME) Bangalore during 12-13 Aug 2015.
One Day Workshop on Paper Writing and Research Poposal Writing Skills,organised by ASDF Chennai Chapter, held at IIT Madras Research Park held on 12 Sep 2015 .
Training Programs /Workshop Organised
Faculty Development Program on Research Methodology and SPSS,Sponsoredby AICTE held during10-15 June 2014 (Coordinated along wth Dr.Muhammad Shafi)
One Day Workshop on Stress Management under TEQIP II Sponsorship held on 07/11/2015 at NITC (Coordinated along with Dr.R Sridharan and Dr.Aruna B)
Professional Training
Two Days National Program for Placement Officers,Deans and Principals of Engineering Colleges:Transforming Students into Industry Suitable Workforce: Enhancement in Employability and Beyond (TRANSEE) held at ,IIT Madras Research Park,25-26 Nov 2011.
Three Days FDP on Teaching Pedagogies ,organised Teaching and Learning Centre, IIT Madras,20-24 October 2014.
One Day Workshop on Legal Insights for Women Safety at Workplace,organised by National Institute of Personnel Management,Trivandrum Chapter,held at Hotel Classic Avenue, Thiruvaanthapuram on 26 Oct 2015.
MS9001D Research Methodology (Mandatory course for all Ph.D. scholars)
Semesters offered: (Monsoon and Winter)
Semester 1 MS6301 Managerial Economics
Semester 2 MS6603 Business Research Methods
(Semesters 7 and 8)
Monsoon Semester :MS4003 Economics (for Computer Science,Electrical and Electronics Engineering)
Winter Semester:MS4003 Economics (for Biotechnology and Engineering Physics)
Winter Semester MS4004 Industrial Economics (for Mechanical and Production Engineering)
Winter Semester MS4005 Engineering Economics (for Chemical Engineering)
1.Member,Board of Studies, (Dept.of Economics),St.Teresa's College,Ernakulam (2015-till the present date)
2.Examination Board (Various Universities in Kerala,Karnataka)
3.Reviewer to academic journals
4.Member, Editorial Board to academic journals
Independent Research Projects
1.Khadi Industries
Impulsive buying behaviour - An online shopping context for fashion goods (Rishika M Das)
Role of digital marketing in B2B companies for online visibility and sales. (Abhinand S)
Impact of macro economic variables on stock returns:Evidence from Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE)
( Lamya Mohammed Ashraf)
Study of effect of sex roles in Indian visual media advertisements on female students perspective of women managerial 's managerial abilities in India (Sheela Paulin)
The impact of behavioural finance on investors in making financial decisions in India ( Priya Ekka)
Performance evaluation of mutual funds in India against estabilshed benchmarks (Anjana Rex)
Business revival through market repositioning and brand building: A case of Khadi weaving units of Kerala (Sarath and Scaria George) Live project from Khadi Industries
Impact of GST on purchasing behaviour and sales of various sectors in Kerala (Anirban Samaddar, Abhishek Dutta and Shantanu Paul)
Consumer Buying and Behaviour in in Retail and E-Tail: A predictive Model (Ankitha ) (Live project from Storilabs)
Volatility Spillover between stock market and forex market in India (Aiswarya Nair)
A feasibility study on bridging the gap between wholesalers and retailers in Kerala using digital marketing tool (Anju Dony) (Live project from Storilabs)
Development of a sustainable marketing model for self-help groups in Kerala-a fuzzy analytical hierarchical approach (FAHP) (Sajid )
Does ERP systems have an effect on organizational performance? A case on Kerala Roadways Limited (Akash Chowdhary)
Assessment study of E district project and suggesting measures to improve the customer satisfaction (Jino M)
Relative efficiency of academic performance using data envelopment analysis : A case study of NITC (P H Madhav Das and Neil)
Operational efficiency and process improvement in IT industry using Lean six sigma (Sreejith Rajamohanan) (Live project from Nucore)
Assessment of perceived service quality in select post graduate programmes in NITC (Geobin)
Does packaging affect the buying behaviour and product identification in personal care products in India? (Jithin Prabha)
A study to identify the determinants of life insurance demand in Kerala (Ajmal & Waseem)
Data driven analysis on the operational efficiency of hospitals in Kerala: A case Study (Aparna,Christy & Anurag)
Effectiveness of social media marketing :A case study of UST Global (Prasobh & Sooraj)