Dr. Mija S. J.
Dr. Mija S. J.

Associate Professor

Office Address:

Associate Professor, Electrical Engineering Department, NIT Calicut, NIT Campus P. O, Calicut-673601, Kerala.

Contact no:


Email ID:

Home Address:

'Thusharam', Valiyapoyil, Oppt. REC School, NIT Campus P. O, Calicut-673601, Kerala.

  • B. Tech (EEE), College of Engineering Trivandrum, 2000.

  • M.Tech (Guidance & Navigational Control), College of Engineering Trivandrum, 2002.

  • Ph. D, (Design of Discrete Sliding Mode Controllers for Optimal Control Effort and Robustness of Uncertain Systems), NIT Calicut, 2014.

  • Educational Qualifications

    • B. Tech (EEE), College of Engineering Trivandrum, 2000.

    • M.Tech (Guidance & Navigational Control), College of Engineering Trivandrum, 2002.

    • Ph. D, (Design of Discrete Sliding Mode Controllers for Optimal Control Effort and Robustness of Uncertain Systems), NIT Calicut, 2014.

    • Associate Professor, Electrical Engineering Department, National Institute of Technology Calicut (July 2022 - )

    • Asst. Professor Grade I, Electrical Engineering Department, National Institute of Technology Calicut (April 2018 - July 2022)

    • Asst. Professor Grade II, Electrical Engineering Department, National Institute of Technology Calicut (November 2007 - April 2018)

    • Asst. Professor, Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering, Mohandas College of Engineering & Technology (University of Kerala), Thiruvananthapuram (August 2002-July 2005)

    Analysis and Control of Dynamic Systems, Nonlinear Systems, Aerodynamic Systems, Robotic Systems, Multi-agent Systems, Sliding Mode Control, Optimal and Robust Control, Biologically inspired controllers etc.

    Scopus          Web of Science          Google Scholar          ORCID

    Journal Publications

    IEEE Transactions

    1. Dil Kumar T R and Mija S J, "Boundary Logic-Based Hybrid PID-SMC Scheme for a Class of Underactuated Nonlinear Systems-Design and Real-Time Testing", IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, Early Access, 2024, DOI:

    2. Sera Mathew, Jeevamma Jacob and S J Mija, "Event-Triggered Dynamic Formation Tracking of Linear Multi-Agent System Under Denial of Service Attacks", IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Vehicles, Early Access, 2024. DOI:

    3. Dil Kumar T R and Mija S J, "Multiswitching Surface Based Sliding Mode Controller for a Class of Underactuated Nonlinear Systems: With Application to Ball and Plate System", IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, Vol.71, No.9, 2024, pp. 11326 - 11337.

    4. Biswajit Debnath and Mija S J, "Disturbance Rejection in MIMO Systems With Emotional-Learning-Based Controller: Application to Variable Rotor-Speed Helicopters", IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: SystemsVol. 53, No. 7, 2023, pp. 4381 - 4392.

    5. Resmi R, Mija S J and Jeevamma Jacob "Distributed Model Predictive Control Using Exponentially Weighted Laguerre Functions and Periodic Time-Triggering for Dynamic Consensus of Linear Multi-agent Systems", IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics,  Vol. 19, No. 9, 2023, pp. 9867 - 9876.            

    6. Biswajit Debnath and Mija S J, "Adaptive emotional-learning based controller: a practical design approach for helicopters with variable speed rotors", IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, Vol. 18, No. 2, 2022, pp. 1132 - 1141.

    7. Biswajit Debnath and Mija S J, "Emotional learning based controller for quadruple tank system - an improved stimuli design for multiple set-point tracking", IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, Vol. 68, No. 11, 2021, pp. 11296 - 11308.

    Other SCI Journals

    1. Dil Kumar T R and Mija S J, "Synthesis and experimental demonstration of a hybrid adaptive PID-SMC algorithm for a class of underactuated nonlinear systems", Nonlinear Dynamics, Springer Nature, (Article in Press), 2025, doi

    2. Anju M, Shihabudheen K V and Mija S J, "Enhancing grid stability: a hybrid control strategy for DFIG-based wind turbines to mitigate sub-synchronous oscillations", Electrical Engineering, Springer Nature, (Article in Press), 2024, doi:

    3. Dil Kumar T R and Mija S J, "Mathematical modelling of ball and plate system with experimental and correlation function-based model validation", Control Theory and Technology, Springer Nature, Vol. 22, 2024, pp. 326 - 341.

    4. Resmi R, Mija S J and Jeevamma Jacob "Dynamic consensus of linear multi-agent system using self-triggered distributed model predictive control", ISA Transactions, Elsevier, Vol. 142, 2023, pp. 177 - 187.        

    5. Nidya M V, Mija S J and Jeevamma Jacob, "Robust relatively optimal trajectory tracking control for a class of uncertain nonlinear control affine systems with state and input constraints", Nonlinear Dynamics, Springer Nature, Vol. 110, 2022, pp. 3513 – 3534.

    6. Femi Thomas and Mija S J, "Output feedback based adaptive composite nonlinear flight control design for a small-scale un-crewed helicopter", ISA Transactions, Elsevier, Vol. 126, 2022, pp. 190 - 202.

    7. Binu Krishnan U,  Mija S J and Elizabeth P Cheriyan,, "Nonlinear analysis and estimation of the domain of attraction for a droop controlled microgrid system", Electric Power Systems Research, Elsevier, Vol. 204, 2022, Article No: 107712.

    8. Resmi R, Mija S J and Jevamma Jacob "Model predictive consensus in networked autonomous systems using discrete Laguerre functions and event triggering approach", European Journal of Control, Elsevier, Vol. 64, 2022, Article No. 100607.  

    9.  Resmi R, Mija S J and Jeevamma Jacob "Discrete Laguerre-based model predictive control for dynamic consensus of a vehicle platoon with time delay", International Journal of System Science, Taylor & Francis, Vol. 53, No. 12, 2022, pp. 2566 - 2583.

    1. Binu Krishnan U,  Mija S J and Elizabeth P Cheriyan,, "Improved small signal stability of microgrid—a droop control scheme with SMC", Electrical Engineering, Springer Nature, Vol. 104, No. 4, August 2022, pp. 2569 - 2587.            

    1. Nidya M V, Mija S J and Jeevamma Jacob, "Feedback-linearization based robust relatively optimal trajectory tracking controller for 3-DOF helicopter", Engineering Science and Technology, an International Journal, ElsevierVol. 31, July 2022, Article No: 101050.

    2. Femi Thomas and Mija S J, "Hover autopilot design for an uncrewed helicopter using static output feedback controller", International Journal of Modelling, Identification and Control, Inderscience, Vol. 40, No. 2, 2022, pp. 137 - 150.

    3. Biswajit Debnath and Mija S J, "Design of a multivariable stimulus for emotional-learning based control of a 2-DOF laboratory helicopter", ISA Transactions, Elsevier, Vol. 118, 2021, pp. 189 - 206.

    4. Femi Thomas and Mija S J, "Composite nonlinear H based output feedback controller for an un-crewed helicopter in its hover flight", Aircraft Engineering and Aerospace TechnologyEmerald,  Vol. 93, No. 1, 2021, pp. 159 - 170.

    5. Femi Thomas, Ashitha Varghese T and Mija S J, "Composite control of a hovering helicopter based on optimized sliding mode control", Journal of Optimization Theory and ApplicationsSpringer Nature, Vol. 191(2-3), 2021, pp. 756 - 775.

    6. Nidya M V, Mija S J and Jeevamma Jacob, "Convex-optimization-based constrained control strategy for 3-DOF tandem helicopter using feedback linearization", Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, Springer Nature, Vol. 191(2-3), 2021, pp. 736 - 755.

    7. Binu Krishnan U,  Mija S J and Elizabeth P Cheriyan,, "Small signal stability improvement of a microgrid by the optimised dynamic droop control method", IET Renewable Power Generation, Vol. 14, No. 5, 2020, pp. 822 - 833.

    8. Anuj  Vargeese, S Mija and K Muralidharan, “Effect of  copper oxide, titanium dioxide, and lithium fluoride on the thermal behaviour and decomposition kinetics of ammonium nitrate”, Journal of Energetic Materials, Taylor & Francis, Vol. 32, No. 3, 2014, pp. 146 - 164.

    9. Mija S J and Susy Thomas, “Design of optimal sliding mode controllers”, Mechatronic Systems and Control (formerly Control and Intelligent Systems)ACTA Press, Vol. 40, No. 2, 2012, pp. 119 - 124.

    10. Susy Thomas and Mija S J, "A practically implementable discrete time sliding mode controller for flexible manipulator", International Journal of Robotics and AutomationACTA Press, Vol. 23, No. 4, 2008, pp. 235 - 241.

    Sopus Journals

    1. K Dileep, S J Mija and N K arun, "Trajectory Tracking with RBF Network Estimator and Dynamic Adaptive SMC Controller for Robot Manipulator", Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, Vol. 1066, 2023, pp.263 - 276.

    2. Dil Kumar and Mija S J, "Design and performance evaluation of LQR and optimized sliding mode controllers for a class of underactuated nonlinear systems", IFAC Papers Online, Elsevier, Vol. 55, No. 1, 2022, pp. 579 - 585.

    3. Nidya M V, Jeevamma Jacob and Mija S J, "Stabilisation of ball and beam module using relatively optimal control", International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Robotics Research, Vol. 8, No. 2, 2019, pp. 265 - 272.

    4. Femi Thomas and Mija S J, "Modelling of hovering helicopter and its stability analysis using participation factor", IFAC Papers Online, Elsevier, Vol. 51, No. 1, 2018, pp. 504 - 511.

    5. Sneha Rachel Francis, Mija S J, “Design of fault tolerant control laws for jet engines”, Applied Mechanics and Materials, Vol. 367, 2013, pp. 96 - 100.

    Book Chapters

    1. Binu Krishnan U and Mija S J, "SMC Augmented Droop Control Scheme for Improved Small Signal Stability of Inverter Dominated Microgrid", in Renewable Energy Technologies: Advances and Emerging Trends for Sustainability, Wiley-Scrivener, 2022, pp. 569-596.

    2. Regina P and Mija S J, "Comparative Study of Sliding Mode and Relay Enhanced PI Controllers for MIMO Systems", in Technological Developments in Education and AutomationSpringer, 2010, pp. 201-206.


    International Conference (SCOPUS) Publications

    1. K Dileep, S J Mija and N K arun, "Radial Basis Function Neural Network Based PID Tuning for Trajectory Tracking in Robot Manipulator", 15th IEEE International Conference on Computing Communication and Networking Technologies (ICCCNT), Kamand, India, 2024.

    2. Himangkana Borkotoky, S Hareesh, and SJ Mija, "Adaptive Super-Twisting Sliding Mode Control for Magnetic Levitation System", Proceedings of the 2nd IEEE International Conference on Measurement, Instrumentation, Control and Automation (ICMICA), Kurukshetra, India, 2024.

    3. Sreenath B, Jeevamma Jacob, S J Mija, and Sera Mathew, "Formation Acquisition of a Multi-Agent System with Nonholonomic Dynamic Model of Wheeled Mobile Robots Using Model Predictive Control", Proceedings of the 6th IEEE International Conference on Recent Advances in Intelligent Computational Systems (RAICS), Kothamangalam, India, 2024.

    4. Sera Mathew, Jeevamma Jacob and S J Mija, "Event triggered formation control of multi-agent systems using discrete Laguerre function based Model predictive controller", Proceedings of the IEEE Region 10 Symposium (TENSYMP), Canberra, Australia, 2023.

    1. Redrouthu Jithendra and Mija S J, "PSO-Super Twisting SMC for Balancing the TWIP using LEGO EV3 Model", Proceedings of the 4th IEEE International Conference for Emerging Technology, Belgaum, India, 2023.

    1. Senapathi Hareesh and Mija S J, "Terminal sliding mode controller for Magnetic Levitation system using Particle Swarm Optimization", Proceedings of the 4th IEEE International Conference for Emerging Technology, Belgaum, India, 2023.

    1. Anju M, Shihabudheen K V and Mija S J, "LVRT Capability Enhancement of DFIG with FACT Device and Superconducting Technology", Proceedings of the 19th IEEE INDICON, Kochi, India, 2022.

    2. Keyur Rathode and Mija S J, " Robust Control of 2-DoF Helicopter System in Presence of Unmatched Disturbances & Actuator Faults System", Proceedings of the 2nd IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Technologies, Hubli, India, 2022.

    3. Rajat Jain, Mija S J, and Dil Kumar T R, " Design of Robust Sliding Mode Controllers for a Class of Underactuated Robotic Systems ", Proceedings of the 2nd IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Technologies, Hubli, India, 2022.

    4. Kumar Abhinav and Mija S J, "Observer Based Sliding Mode Control for 3 DOF Helicopter System", Proceedings of the 1st IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Technologies, Hubli, India, 2021.

    5. Resmi R, Mija S J and Jacob J, "Consensus control of two wheeled mobile robots with time delay", Proceedings of the 9th IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics, Drives and Energy Systems, Jaipur, India, 2020.

    6. Biswajit Debnath and Mija S J, "Design of a Multi-variable Adaptive Stimuli for an Emotional Learning Based Controller for a MIMO Process", Proceedings of the 46th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, Singapore, 2020.

    7. Nidya M V, Mija S J and Jeevamma Jacob, "Performance Enhancement of Relatively Optimal Controller for Continuous Time Systems", Proceedings of the 46th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, Singapore, 2020.

    8. Jesvin Jose and Mija S J, "Particle Swarm optimization Based Fractional Order Sliding Mode Controller For Magnetic Levitation Systems", Proceedings of the IEEE 5th International Conference on Computing Communication and Automation, Noida, India, 2020.

    9. Thomas Issac, Femi Thomas and Mija S J, "Adaptive Particle Swarm Optimized Trajectory Tracking of Unmanned Helicopter Under Unmatched Disturbances", Proceedings of the IEEE 5th International Conference on Computing Communication and Automation, Noida, India, 2020.

    10. Jesvin Jose and Mija S J, "Design of H∞ Controller for Magnetic Levitation Systems", Proceedings of the First IEEE International Conference on Measurement, Instrumentation, Control and Automation, Kurukshetra, India, 2020.

    11. Thomas Issac, Femi Thomas and Mija S J, "Trajectory Tracking of Unmanned Helicopter Using Supertwisting Control", Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technology, Belgaum, India, 2020.

    12. Jesvin Jose and Mija S J, "An Output Feedback Integral Optimal Sliding Mode Controller for Magnetic Levitation Systems", Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Inventive Systems and Control, Coimbatore, India, 2019.

    13. Thomas Issac, Femi Thomas and Mija S J, "Trajectory Tracking of Unmanned Helicopter Using Optimized Integral LQR Controller", Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Inventive Systems and Control, Coimbatore, India, 2019.

    14. Binu Krishnan U, Mija S J and Elizabeth P Cherian, "Small signal stability analysis of droop controlled microgrid with state feedback controller", Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Power and Energy Systems, Perth, Australia, 2019.

    15. Farzana Pasha J and Mija S J, "Asymptotic Stabilization and Trajectory Tracking of 4 DOF Ball Balancer using LQR", Proceedings of the IEEE TENCON, Kochi, India, 2019.

    16. Ashitha V.T. and Mija S J, "Sliding mode control based design for a 6-DoF miniature helicopter in hovering flight mode", Proceedings of the 5th IEEE International Conference on Mechatronics System and Robots, Singapore, 2019.

    17. Farzana Pasha J and Mija S J, "Discrete Laguerre based MPC for constrained asymptotic stabilization of 4 DOF ball balancer systems", Proceedings of the 5th IEEE International Conference on Mechatronics System and Robots, Singapore, 2019.

    18. Femi Thomas and Mija S J, "Stability Augmentation System for Hovering Helicopter: A Preliminary Design", Proceedings of the Fifth Indian Control Conference, New Delhi, India, 2019.

    19. Binu Krishnan U, Mija S J and Elizabeth P Cherian, "State space modelling, analysis and optimization of micro grid droop controller", Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer application in Electrical Engineering-Recent Advances, Roorkee, India, 2017.

    20. Mahesh Yallala and Mija S J, "Path Tracking of Differential Drive Mobile Robot using Two Step Feedback Linearization", Proceedings of the International Conference on Innovations in Control, Communication and Information Systems, Greater Noida, India, 2017.

    21. Sivakumar Talabattula and Mija S J, "Design of second order sliding mode controller for balancing of unicycle", Proceedings of the International Conference on Innovations in Control, Communication and Information Systems, Greater Noida, India, 2017.

    22. Rahul M, B Abhiram Vishnu, Pranav T, Nandu C Reghu and Mija S J, "Tele-Operated Trajectory Tracking of Differential Drive Wheeled Mobile Robot Using Haptic Robot", Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference for Convergence in Technology, Pune, India, 2017.

    23. Akhil Surendran and Mija S J, "Sliding Mode Controller for Robust Trajectory Tracking using Haptic Robot", Proceedings of the 1st IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics, Intelligent Control and Energy Systems, Delhi, India, 2016.

    24. Biswajit Debnath and Mija S J, "Performance Analysis of SOSMC and BELBIC for Level Control of Quadruple Tank System", Proceedings of the 1st IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics, Intelligent Control and Energy Systems, Delhi, India, 2016.

    25. Navin Chandra P and Mija S J, "Robust Controller for Trajectory Tracking of a Mobile Robot", Proceedings of the 1st IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics, Intelligent Control and Energy Systems, Delhi, India, 2016.

    26. Pravin Trinath Behera and Mija S J, "Balancing of Two Wheeled Inverted Pendulum using SOSMC and Validation on Lego EV3", Proceedings of the 1st IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics, Intelligent Control and Energy Systems, Delhi, India, 2016.

    27. Sabarigirish S and Mija S J, "Obstacle Avoiding Trajectory planning for 5 degree of Freedom Robot", Proceedings of the 1st IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics, Intelligent Control and Energy Systems, Delhi, India, 2016.

    28. Dil Kumar T. R. and Mija S J, “Dynamic SMC control scheme with adaptively tuned PID controller for speed control of dc motor”, Proceedings of the 16th IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology, Seville, Spain, 2015.

    29. Anjana K, Sudheer A. P. and Mija S J, “Robust trajectory tracking controller for a 5 dof robotic manipulator”, Proceedings of the International Conference on Advances in Robotics, Robotics Society of India, Goa, India, 2015.

    30. Dil Kumar and Mija S J, “Design and Performance Evaluation of Robust SMC schemes for Speed Control of DC Motor”, Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Advanced Communication, Control & Computing Technologies, Chennai, India, 2014.

    31. Lidiya John and Mija S J, “Robust H¥ Control Algorithm for Twin Rotor MIMO System”, Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Advanced Communication, Control & Computing Technologies, Chennai, India, 2014.

    32. Reshma Ravi and Mija S J, “Design of Brain Emotional Learning Based Intelligent Controller (BELBIC) for uncertain systems”, Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Advanced Communication, Control & Computing Technologies, Chennai, India, 2014.

    33. Sheelu Mathew and Mija S J, “Design of H2 controller for stabilization of two-wheeled inverted pendulum”, Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Advanced Communication, Control & Computing Technologies, Chennai, India, 2014.

    34. Mija S J and Susy Thomas, "Reaching law based sliding mode control for MIMO systems", Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Control, Automation, Robotics and Vision, Singapore, 2010.

    35. Pradeepa R, Unnikrishnan A, Deepa V and Mija, S J, "Gaussian mixture modeling of rule base to track maneuvering targets, using fuzzy EKF”, Proceedings of the IEEE TENCON, Singapore, 2009.

    36. Deepa V and Mija S J, "Comparative study of fast output sampling feedback and relay free sliding mode controllers for power system stabilizer", Proceedings of the IEEE TENCON, Hyderabad, India, 2008.

    1. Mr. Binu Krishnan U (Assistant Professor, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Coimbatore), "Design, Optimization and Analysis of Stability Improvement Schemes for Droop Controlled Microgrid"

                  [Scheme: Visvesvaraya PhD Scheme for Electronics & IT (Full Time)

                   Guides: Dr. Mija S. J. & Dr. Elizabeth P. Cheriyan

                   December 2015 - July 2021, Status: Defended on 14/10/2021]

    1. Ms. Nidya M. V (Specialist F, Transportation Business Unit - Electrification, Tata Elxsi), "Design and Implementation of Robust Relatively Optimal Control Schemes for Nonlinear Affine Systems"

                  [Scheme: Regular (Full Time)

                   Guides: Dr. Mija S J & Dr. Jeevamma Jacob

                   December 2015 - December 2021, Status: Defended on 22/04/2022]

    1. Ms. Femi Thomas (Lead Engineer, Nexteer Automotive), "Design of Robust Control Schemes for Small-Scale Unmanned Helicopter during Hover/Near-Hover Flight"

                 [Scheme: Regular (Full Time)

                    Guide: Dr. Mija S. J.

                    July 2016 - July 2021, Status: Defended on 18/10/2021]

    1. Mr. Biswajit Debnath (Senior Engineer, L & T Technology Services), "Design of Emotional Learning Based Control Schemes for MIMO Systems under Uncertainties and Disturbances"

                   [Scheme: Regular (Full Time)

                    Guide: Dr. Mija S. J.

                    December 2016 - July 2021, Status: Defended on 12/10/2021]

    1. Ms. Resmi R (Asst. Professor, TKM College of Engineering, Kollam), "Discrete Laguerre Function based Distributed Model Predictive Dynamic Output-Consensus in Linear Multi Agent Systems with Efficient Triggering Methods"

                 [Scheme: QIP (Full Time)

                    Guides: Dr. Mija S. J. & Dr. Jeevamma Jacob

                    July 2019 - July 2022,  Status: Defended on 26/08/2022]

    1. Mr. Dil Kumar T R (Senior Engineer, Autoliv India Pvt Ltd), "PID - Sliding Mode Hybrid Control Schemes for a Class of Underactuated Nonlinear Systems: Synthesis to Real - Time Testing"

                   [Scheme: Regular (Full Time)

                    Guides: Dr. Mija S. J

                    July 2019 - July 2024, Status: Defended on 22/08/2024]

    1. Ms. Anju M., "Stability and Performance Analysis of DFIG based Wind Power System"

                   [Scheme: Regular (Full Time)

                    Guides: Dr. Shihabudheen K. V. & Dr. Mija S. J

                    December 2020 ----, Status: Ongoing]

    1. Mr. Dileep K., "Image based Visual Servoing for Cooperative Tasks with Dual Robotic Manipulators"

                  [Scheme: Regular (Full Time)

                     Guides: Dr. Mija S. J. & Dr. K M Arun Neelimegham

                     July 2021 ----, Status: Ongoing]

    1. Ms. Sera Mathew, "Formation Control of Multi Agent Systems"

                     [Scheme: QIP (Full Time)

                     Guides: Dr. Jeevamma Jacob & Dr. Mija S. J.

                     July 2022 ----, Status: Ongoing]

    1. Mr. Deepak C, "Design of controllers for pendulum systems"

                     [Scheme: External (Part Time)

                     Guide: Dr. Mija S. J.

                     July 2023 ----, Status: Ongoing]

    1. Ms. Namitha K, "Cooperative Tasks with Wheeled Dual Arm Robotic Manipulators"

                     [Scheme: Regular (Full Time)

                     Guide: Dr. Mija S. J.

                     July 2024 ----, Status: Ongoing]

    1. Ms. Priya C Kurian, "Design of Active Disturbance Rejection Controllers for Reusable Launch Vehicle"

                     [Scheme: External (Part Time)

                     Guide: Dr. Mija S. J.

                     July 2024 ----, Status: Ongoing] 

    1. Ms. Neema S     

                     [Scheme: QIP (Full Time)

                     Guide: Dr. Mija S. J.

                     Advance admission July 2025 ----, Status: Contact programme] 

    1. Mr. Bharathkar Darshan Vasant, "Design of SMC based Adaptive Controllers for a Class of Underactuated Systems", 2024.

    2. Mr. Chitranshu Kesarwani, "Design and Implementation of Fractional Order PID Controllers for Maglev System", 2024.

    3. Ms. Lakshmi Sunil, "Dynamic Event Triggered Formation Control of Multi Agent Systems", 2024.

    4. Mr. Sreenath B, "Fault Tolerant Dynamic Formation of Multiple Wheeled MobileE Robots with Obstacle Avoidance Using Model Predictive Control", 2024.

    5. Ms. Anjusree N P, "Speed and Current Control of PMSM based on Double MPC and Torque Ripple Minimization", 2023.

    6. Ms. Ashwathi S, "Speed Regulation based on Adaptive Control and Neural Network for Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor", 2023.

    7. Mr. K Mohan Surya Chandra, "Comparison of PI based Vector Control of Surface Mounted PMSM with Sliding Mode Control", 2023.

    8. Mr. Redrouthu Jithendra, ''Design of Chattering free Robust Controllers for Balancing Two Wheeled Inverted Pendulum using LEGO EV3", 2023.

    9. Mr. Senapathi Hareesh, ''Design and Implementation of Adaptive Robust Controllers for Maglev System", 2023.

    10. Mr. Rajat Jain, "Design of Observer based Robust Controllers for a Class of Underactuated Robotic Systems", 2022.

    11. Mr. Rathod Keyur Jitesh, "Robust Control of 2-DOF Helicopter System in presence of Unmatched Disturbances and Actuator Faults", 2022.

    12. Mr. Shivsharan Suraj Sunil, "Design of Robust Controllers for Trajectory Tracking and Obstacle Avoidance of 5-DOF Robotic Arm", 2022.

    13. Mr. Suraj Jaiswal, "Robust Controller Design for Stabilizing Double Inverted Pendulum", 2022.

    14. Mr. Kumar Abhinav, "Observer based Robust Controller for 3 DOF Helicopter System", 2021.

    15. Ms. M. Kavyasree, "Design and Implementation of Robust Fractional order controllers on Maglev System", 2021.

    16. Ms. Priya Rani, "Design and Implementation of Robust Controllers for Ball and Plate System", 2021.

    17. Ms. Puja Pandey, "Robust Control of Single Link Flexible Manipulator using Singularly Perturbed model", 2021.

    18. Mr. Jesvin Jose, "Design and Implementation of Robust Sliding Mode controllers on Maglev System", 2020.

    19. Mr. Thomas Issac, "Adaptive Particle Swarm Optimized Trajectory Tracking of Unmanned Helicopter under Matched and Unmatched Disturbances", 2020.

    20. Ms. Ashitha Varghese T, "Sliding Mode Control Based Design for a 6-Dof Unmanned Helicopter in Hovering Flight Mode", 2019.

    21. Ms. Farzana Pasha, "Design and Implementation of Robust Predictive Control Strategies for Two Dimensional Ball Balancer Systems", 2019.

    22. Mr. Akhil Mohammed K. K., "Trajectory tracking and stabilization control of a 4 dof ball balancer system", 2017.

    23. Mr. Mahesh Yallala, "Path tacking of differential drive mobile robot using visual servoing", 2017.

    24. Mr. Sivakumar Talabattula, "Design of robust controllers for balancing unicycle built using LEGO Mindstorm EV3", 2017.

    25. Mr. Sekhar Gehlaut, "Design and implementation of model predictive controllers for quadruple tank system", 2017.

    26. Mr. Akhil Surendran, "Design of robust controllers for trajectory tracking using haptic device and teleoperation with mobile robot", 2016.

    27. Mr. Biswajit Debnath, "Design and implementation of robust level controllers for a quadruple tank process", 2016.

    28. Mr. Navin Chandra P, "Design and development of robust path tracking controllers for non-holonomous mobile robot and teleoperation with remote devices", 2016.

    29. Mr. Pravin Trinath Behera, "Design and Implementation of Robust Controllers for Balancing and Trajectory Tracking of Two Wheeled Inverted Pendulum using LEGO Mindstorms EV3", 2016.

    30. Mr. Sabarigirish S, "Robust Controller for Coordination, Teleoperation and Trajectory Tracking with Novel Obstacle Avoidance Technique  for Dual Robotic Arms", 2016.

    31. Ms Aneesha K V., "Design and performance evaluation of robust control schemes for balancing of two wheeled inverted pendulum", 2015.

    32. Ms. Anjana K, "Optimal trajectory planning and robust tracking control of 5 dof phantom X pincher robotic arm", 2015.

    33. Mr. Rajamallaiah, "Rotor position control and stabilization of three pole active magnetic bearing by robust control techniques", 2015.

    34. Ms. Ria Rashid, "Design and Performance Evaluation of BELBIC for MIMO Systems", 2015.

    35. Mr. Dil Kumar T. R., "Design and performance evaluation of robust controllers for speed control of DC motor", 2014.

    36. Ms. Lidiya John, "Performance evaluation of robust control schemes  for twin rotor MIMO system", 2014.

    37. Ms. Reshma Ravi, "Design of brain emotional learning  based intelligent control (BELBIC) for uncertain and time delay systems", 2014.

    38. Ms. Sheelu Mathew, "Balancing of two wheeled inverted pendulum and real time implementation using LEGO Mindstorm", 2014.

    39. Mr. Athul Ajith, "Performance analysis of BELBIC for nonlinear systems", 2013.

    40. Mr. Nikhil Raj A , "Modeling and control of automatic pouring machine", 2013.

    41. Ms. Sneha Rachel Francis, "Design of fault tolerant control laws for jet engine", 2013.

    42. Mr. Arun A., "Design and development of 3-finger underactuated robotic hand with 10DOF", 2011.

    43. Ms. Regina P., "Design of sliding mode controllers for MIMO systems", 2009.

    44. Ms. Deepa V., "Tracking of manoeuvring targets - a comparative evaluation of fuzzy algorithms towards the development of GMM based fuzzy - EKF", 2009.

    1. Associate Dean (Academic), 2024 onwards

    2. Coordinator, Student Innovative Projects & Member, Center for Innovations, Enterprenureship and Incubation (CIEI), 2022-'23, 2023-'24

    3. Warden, Ladies Hostel NITC, 2014-2016, 2021- 2023

    4. Convenor, NITC Day Care Center Management, 2014 onwards

    5. Member, Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC), 2020 - 2022

    6. Chairman, Department Postgraduate Committee (DPGC), 2022 - 2024

    7. Department Academic Quality Monitoring Committee (AQMC), 2021 onwards

    8. Coordinator, M. Tech Instruentation and Control Systems, 2012-2015 batches, 2020 batch, 2022 batch

    9. Coordinator, Department level PTA, 2012 - 2022

    10. Faculty in-charge, Control Systems Lab, 2011 onwards

    11. Faculty in-charge, Advanced Control Systems Lab, 2016 onwards

    12. Faculty in-charge, Instrumentation Systems Lab, 2016 onwards

    13. Faculty in-charge, Robotics & Control Lab, 2023 onwards

    14. Member, UG Acreditation Committee, EED

    15. Coordinator, M. Tech Instrumentation & Control Systems Acreditation Committee, EED

    16. Faculty in-charge, Examination Cell, EED, 2008-2014

    17. Faculty Advisor, B. Tech 2012 admission batch, 2023 admission batch

    1. Senior Member, IEEE

    2. Member,  IEEE a) Control Systems Society, b) Industrial Electronics Society, c) Robotics and Automation Society

    3. Member, Automatic Control & Dynamic Optimization Society (ACDOS) - National Member Organization of the International Federation of Automatic Control (IFAC)

    4. Life Member, Systems Society of India

    5. Life Member, Indian Society of Systems for Science and Engineering

    1. Advisor, IEEE Control System Society NITC Student Branch, 2018 onwards

    1. Reviewer - IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, IEEE Transactions of Systems Man and Cybernetics, Elsevier ISA Transactions, International Journal of Systems Science, Asian Journal of Control, Neural processing Letters, Ocean Engineering, International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks,

    1. Coordinator, FDP - School on Systems and Control, 3 - 8 December 2018.

    1. Coordinator, Distinguished Lecture Programme on “Computational Methods and Numerical Methods in Control”, 27 - 28 February 2017.

    1. Coordinator, FDP - School on Systems and Control, 29 June - 6 July 2016.

    1. Track Co chair: track on Instrumentation and Control for IEEE International Conference on Signal Processing, Informatics, Communication and Energy Systems (IEEE SPICES) 2015.

    1. Coordinator, All Kerala WIE Summit 2015 – Women in Technology, 21 November 2015.

    1. Vice Chair, IEEE Women in Engineering AG, Kerala Section - 2014, 2015

    1. Coordinator, FDP on Advanced Control: Theory and Applications, 8-14 December 2013.

    1. Faculty coordinator, WieSION'08, 2 day technical workshop, organised by Women in Engineering (WIE) Affinity Group of IEEE NITC Students Branch on 8th & 9th November 2008.

    1. Faculty coordinator, 2 day workshop on nanotechnology, organised by IEEE NITC Students Branch on 23rd & 24th February 2008.

    1. Third Rank, M. Tech (Electrical Engineering), University of Kerala, 2002.

    2. Winner of the Best Paper Award in Electrical Engineering at the National seminar on Integrated Interactive Technological Advancements - Recent Trends (IITART), Thiruvananthapuram, India, 2002.

    3. Recipient of the Kerala State Council for Science Technology&Environment (KSCSTE) Research Fellowship in Engineering, 2005