Lijiya A.
Lijiya A.

Associate Professor

Office Address:

CSE-103B CSED, NIT Calicut NITC P O, Kozhikode, Kerala-673601, India

Contact no:

+91 (495) 2286815

Email ID:

Home Address:

  • MTech(Computer and Information Sciences),CUSAT(2003-2005)

  • BTech(Computer Science and Engineering),University of Calicut(1999-2003)

  • PhD - NIT Calicut , 2017

  • Professional Experience

    • Lecturer- AWH Engineering College (2006)

    • Assistant Professor- NIT Calicut ( 2007- 2018)

    • Assistant Professor(I)-NIT Calicut- (2018-2023)

    • Associate Professor- NIT Calicut (2023- Present)

    Research Contributions

    • Phd Guidance(Completed) -2

    • PhD Guidance(Ongoing) - 3

    • Sponsored Project(Completed) -1



    A Lubna, S Kalady, A Lijiya, Visual question answering on blood smear images using convolutional block attention module powered object detection, The Visual Computer, 1-19


    AN Amudhan, SR Vrajesh, AP Sudheer, A LijiyaRFSOD: a lightweight single-stage detector for real-time embedded applications to detect small-size objects, Journal of Real-Time Image Processing 19 (1), 133-146

    CJ Sruthi, A Lijiya, , Double-handed dynamic gesture recognition using contour-based hand tracking and maximum mean probability ensembling (MMPE) for Indian Sign Language, The Visual Computer, 1-21

    KC Shahira, CJ Sruthi, A LijiyaAssistive Technologies for Visual, Hearing, and Speech Impairments: Machine Learning and Deep Learning Solutions, Fundamentals and Methods of Machine and Deep Learning: Algorithms, Tools and 

    R Busa, KC Shahira, A Lijiya, Small Text Extraction from Documents and Chart Images, 2022 IEEE 19th India Council International Conference (INDICON), 1-5

    AS Menon, CJ Sruthi, A Lijiya, A 2D Fast Deep Neural Network for Static Indian Sign Language Recognition, 2022 International Conference on Machine Learning, Big Data, Cloud and …

    S Sreekumar, A Lijiya, Comparative Study of CNN Models on the Classification of Dyslexic Handwriting, 2022 IEEE Bombay Section Signature Conference (IBSSC), 1-4

    KC Shahira, A Lijiya, Challenges in Data Extraction from Graphical Labels in the Commercial Products, International Conference on Computer Vision and Image Processing, 652-663


    KC Shahira, A Lijiya, Towards Assisting the Visually Impaired: A Review on Techniques for Decoding the Visual Data from Chart Images, IEEE Access 9, 52926-52943


    MAS Habeeba, A Lijiya, AM Chacko, Detection of Deepfakes Using Visual Artifacts and Neural Network Classifier, Innovations in Electrical and Electronic Engineering, 411-422

    LB Das, A Lijiya, G Jagadanand, A Aadith, S Gautham, V Mohan, ..., Human Target Search and Detection using Autonomous UAV and Deep learning, 2020 IEEE International Conference on Industry 4.0, Artificial Intelligence …

    LASAP Shah Rutvik Vrajesh, Amudhan. AN, Shuttlecock Detection and Fall Point Prediction using Neural Networks, International Conference for Emerging Technology (INCET), Belgaum, India …

    CJ Sruthi, K Soni, A Lijiya, Automatic Recognition of ISL Dynamic Signs with Facial Cues, Congress on Intelligent Systems, 369-381


    PK Athira, CJ Sruthi, A Lijiya, A Signer Independent Sign Language Recognition with Co-articulation Elimination from Live Videos: An Indian Scenario, Journal of King Saud University-Computer and Information Sciences

    CJ Sruthi, A Lijiya, Signet: A Deep Learning based Indian Sign Language Recognition System, 2019 International Conference on Communication and Signal Processing (ICCS

    KC Shahira, S Tripathy, A Lijiya, Obstacle Detection, Depth Estimation And Warning System For Visually Impaired People, TENCON 2019-2019 IEEE Region 10 Conference (TENCON), 863-868

    S Sreena, A Lijiya, Skin Lesion Analysis Towards Melanoma Detection, 2019 2nd International Conference on Intelligent Computing, Instrumentation …

    A Lubna, S Kalady, A Lijiya, MoBVQA: A Modality based Medical Image Visual Question Answering System, TENCON 2019-2019 IEEE Region 10 Conference (TENCON), 727-732

    KC Shahira, A Lijiya, Document Image Classification: Towards Assisting Visually Impaired, TENCON 2019-2019 IEEE Region 10 Conference (TENCON), 852-857

    KV Hinisha, A Lijiya, Lung Nodule Identification, 2019 2nd International Conference on Intelligent Computing, Instrumentation …


    S Mumthas, A Lijiya, Transform domain video steganography using RSA, random DNA encryption and Huffman encoding, Procedia computer science 115, 660-666


    R Vinith, K Sarthaj, A Lijiya, VK Govindan, A new feature extraction method for identification of affected regions and diagnosis of cognitive disorders, 2016 International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and 


    VR Nithin, M Pranav, B Sarath, A Lijiya, Predicting movie success based on IMDb data, International Journal of Data Mining Techniques and Applications 3, 365-368



    A Lijiya, TK Mumthas, VK Govindan, Chromosome classification using M-FISH images, Proceedings of international conference on advances in information …

    A Lijiya, GS Sreejithlal, VK Govindan, M-FISH Image Segmentation and Classification using Fuzzy Logic, International Journal of Computer Applications 70 (25)


    KS Sreejini, A Lijiya, VK Govindan, M-FISH karyotyping-a new approach based on watershed transform, arXiv preprint arXiv:1205.2031

    A Lijiya, MK Sangeetha, VK Govindan, Segmentation and classification of m-FISH human chromosome images, 2012 International Conference on Advances in Computing and Communications …

    A Lijiya, KS Sreejini, G VK, M-FISH Chromosome Images Classification by Watershed Based Segmentation Approach, Proceeding of Futuristic of Computer Science Engineering and Information 

    A Lijiya, GS Sreejithlal, VK Govindan, M-FISH Image Segmentation Using Fuzzy Logic and Spatial Information, International Journal of Computer Science and Information Technology …




    CS6301E Topics in Artificial Intelligence

    MTech AIDA

    Monsoon 2024

    ZZ6001E Research Methodology


    Monsoon 2024



    A Lubna, S Kalady, A Lijiya, Visual question answering on blood smear images using convolutional block attention module powered object detection, The Visual Computer, 1-19


    AN Amudhan, SR Vrajesh, AP Sudheer, A Lijiya, RFSOD: a lightweight single-stage detector for real-time embedded applications to detect small-size objects, Journal of Real-Time Image Processing 19 (1), 133-146

    CJ Sruthi, A Lijiya, Double-handed dynamic gesture recognition using contour-based hand tracking and maximum mean probability ensembling (MMPE) for Indian Sign Language, The Visual Computer, 1-21
    KC Shahira, CJ Sruthi, A Lijiya, Assistive Technologies for Visual, Hearing, and Speech Impairments: Machine Learning and Deep Learning Solutions, Fundamentals and Methods of Machine and Deep Learning: Algorithms, Tools and …
    R Busa, KC Shahira, A Lijiya, Small Text Extraction from Documents and Chart Images, 2022 IEEE 19th India Council International Conference (INDICON), 1-5
    AS Menon, CJ Sruthi, A Lijiya, A 2D Fast Deep Neural Network for Static Indian Sign Language Recognition, 2022 International Conference on Machine Learning, Big Data, Cloud and …
    S Sreekumar, A Lijiya, Comparative Study of CNN Models on the Classification of Dyslexic Handwriting, 2022 IEEE Bombay Section Signature Conference (IBSSC), 1-4
    KC Shahira, A Lijiya, Challenges in Data Extraction from Graphical Labels in the Commercial Products, International Conference on Computer Vision and Image Processing, 652-663


    KC Shahira, A Lijiya, Towards Assisting the Visually Impaired: A Review on Techniques for Decoding the Visual Data from Chart Images, IEEE Access 9, 52926-52943


    MAS Habeeba, A Lijiya, AM Chacko, Detection of Deepfakes Using Visual Artifacts and Neural Network Classifier, Innovations in Electrical and Electronic Engineering, 411-422
    LB Das, A Lijiya, G Jagadanand, A Aadith, S Gautham, V Mohan, ..., Human Target Search and Detection using Autonomous UAV and Deep learning, 2020 IEEE International Conference on Industry 4.0, Artificial Intelligence …
    LASAP Shah Rutvik Vrajesh, Amudhan. AN, Shuttlecock Detection and Fall Point Prediction using Neural Networks, International Conference for Emerging Technology (INCET), Belgaum, India …

    CJ Sruthi, K Soni, A Lijiya, Automatic Recognition of ISL Dynamic Signs with Facial Cues, Congress on Intelligent Systems, 369-381


    PK Athira, CJ Sruthi, A Lijiya, A Signer Independent Sign Language Recognition with Co-articulation Elimination from Live Videos: An Indian Scenario, Journal of King Saud University-Computer and Information Sciences

    CJ Sruthi, A Lijiya, Signet: A Deep Learning based Indian Sign Language Recognition System, 2019 International Conference on Communication and Signal Processing (ICCSP …
    KC Shahira, S Tripathy, A Lijiya, Obstacle Detection, Depth Estimation And Warning System For Visually Impaired People, TENCON 2019-2019 IEEE Region 10 Conference (TENCON), 863-868
    S Sreena, A Lijiya, Skin Lesion Analysis Towards Melanoma Detection, 2019 2nd International Conference on Intelligent Computing, Instrumentation …
    A Lubna, S Kalady, A Lijiya, MoBVQA: A Modality based Medical Image Visual Question Answering System, TENCON 2019-2019 IEEE Region 10 Conference (TENCON), 727-732
    KC Shahira, A Lijiya, Document Image Classification: Towards Assisting Visually Impaired, TENCON 2019-2019 IEEE Region 10 Conference (TENCON), 852-857
    KV Hinisha, A Lijiya, Lung Nodule Identification, 2019 2nd International Conference on Intelligent Computing, Instrumentation …


    S Mumthas, A Lijiya, Transform domain video steganography using RSA, random DNA encryption and Huffman encoding, Procedia computer science 115, 660-666


    R Vinith, K Sarthaj, A Lijiya, VK Govindan, A new feature extraction method for identification of affected regions and diagnosis of cognitive disorders, 2016 International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and …


    VR Nithin, M Pranav, B Sarath, A Lijiya, Predicting movie success based on IMDb data, International Journal of Data Mining Techniques and Applications 3, 365-368


    A Lijiya, TK Mumthas, VK Govindan, Chromosome classification using M-FISH images, Proceedings of international conference on advances in information …
    A Lijiya, GS Sreejithlal, VK Govindan, M-FISH Image Segmentation and Classification using Fuzzy Logic, International Journal of Computer Applications 70 (25)


    KS Sreejini, A Lijiya, VK Govindan, M-FISH karyotyping-a new approach based on watershed transform, arXiv preprint arXiv:1205.2031
    A Lijiya, MK Sangeetha, VK Govindan, Segmentation and classification of m-FISH human chromosome images, 2012 International Conference on Advances in Computing and Communications …
    A Lijiya, KS Sreejini, G VK, M-FISH Chromosome Images Classification by Watershed Based Segmentation Approach, Proceeding of Futuristic of Computer Science Engineering and Information …
    A Lijiya, GS Sreejithlal, VK Govindan, M-FISH Image Segmentation Using Fuzzy Logic and Spatial Information, International Journal of Computer Science and Information Technology …

    Educational Qualifications

    • MTech(Computer and Information Sciences),CUSAT(2003-2005)

    • BTech(Computer Science and Engineering),University of Calicut(1999-2003)

    • PhD - NIT Calicut , 2017