S.D Madhu Kumar
S.D Madhu Kumar
Professor & Chairperson of Centre for Information Technology Research & Automation (CITRA)
Office Address:
Room No: 201 A, Computer Engineering Block Department of Computer Science and Engineering, National Institute of Technology (NIT) Calicut, Kozhikode - 673601. Kerala State, INDIA.
PhD.in CSE -Dept. of Computer Science & Engg, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay
M.E in CSE- Dept of Computer Science & Automation, Indian Institute of Science Bangalore
B.Tech in CSE- Dept. of Computer Science & Engg., College of Engineering Trivandrum ( Unty of Kerala)
Educational Qualifications
PhD.in CSE -Dept. of Computer Science & Engg, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay
M.E in CSE- Dept of Computer Science & Automation, Indian Institute of Science Bangalore
B.Tech in CSE- Dept. of Computer Science & Engg., College of Engineering Trivandrum ( Unty of Kerala)
Jaisooraj, J, MadhuKumar SD. 2024. Efficient multicast forwarding in low power and lossy networks under RPL non‐storing mode. International Journal of Communication Systems . (p.e5884):https://doi.org/10.1002/dac.5884.
MadhuKumar, SD, Narayan A, Dameera T, Chacko AM. 2024. Elevating GraphSAGE for Covertness: A Strategic approach to unmasking fake reviews in E-Commerce. Digital State Sponsored Disinformation and Propaganda: Challenges and Opportunities, International AAAI Conference on Web and Social Media (ICWSM). , Buffalo, New York, USA; doi: 10.36190/2024.65
Jaisooraj, J, MadhuKumar SD, Sudevan K. 2024. IP-RPL: A Protocol for Efficient Point-to-Point Communication in Low Power and Lossy Networks. In 2023 IEEE 20th India Council International Conference (INDICON). :812-818., Hyderabad, India, DOI: 10.1109/INDICON59947.2023.10440905: IEEE, 2023
MadhuKumar, SD, Shafna V. 2024. Optimal interval and feature selection in activity data for detecting attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Computers in biology and medicine. 179 108909 ( doi:10.1016/j.compbiomed.2024.108909 )
Athira, AB, Kumar SDM, Tiwari, Chacko AM. 2023. Multimodal Data Fusion Framework For Fake News Detection, Dec 2022. IEEE 19th India Council International Conference (INDICON 2022). , Kochi
Shafna V, Kumar SDM. 2023. An ML Model for Mental Health Monitoring using Facial Emotion Detection and Analyzing Social Media Posts, 4 April. ACM SAC 2023. , Tallinn, Estonia
MadhuKumar, SD, Kancharla JR. 2023. Breaking Down Data Silos: Data Mesh to Achieve Effective Aggregation in Data Localization. International Conference on Computer, Electronics & Electrical Engineering & their Applications (IC2E3). :1-5., Srinagar Garhwal, India doi: 10.1109/IC2E357697.2023.10262765: IEEE
K, AH, Kumar SDM. 2023. Deep Learning Techniques for Malware Detection: A Comprehensive Survey”. IEEE IC2E3. , NIT Utharakhand
MadhuKumar, SD, A RM. 2023. Hate Speech Detection in Indian Languages: A Brief Survey. IEEE 2nd International Conference on Data, Decision and Systems (ICDDS). :1-5., Mangaluru, India; doi 10.1109/ICDDS59137.2023.10434756: IEEE
MadhuKumar, SD, Athira AB, Chacko AM. 2023. A Review on Fake News Identification in Online Social Networks. Advances in Signal Processing, Embedded Systems and IoT . Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, Springer Singapore. Vol. 992 (https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-19-8865-3_39)
Athira, AB, Kumar SDM, Chacko AM. 2023. A systematic survey on explainable AI applied to fake news detection. Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence. (https://doi.org/10.1016/j.engappai.2023.106087)
Jaisooraj, J, MadhuKumar SD. 2022. Energy-efficient routing in low power and lossy networks with concurrent overlapping RPL instances. Transactions on Emerging Telecommunications. Technologies, Wiley. (https://doi.org/10.1002/ett.4590)
AbhayNarayanan, N, MadhuKumar SD, AnuMary C. 2022. A Review of Financial Fraud Detection in E-Commerce using Machine Learning. 10th International Conference on Frontiers of Intelligent Computing: Theory and Applications (FICTA 2022). , NIT Mizoram: Springer
Athira, AB, MadhuKumar SD, AnuMary C. 2022. Towards Smart Fake News Detection Through Explainable AI. 7th International Conference on Micro-Electronics, Electromagnetics and Telecommunications(ICMEET - 2022). , Andhra Pradesh, India: Springer
Jose, X, MadhuKumar SD, Chandran P. 2021. Characterization, Classification and Detection of Fake News in Online Social Media Networks. 2021 IEEE Mysore Sub Section International Conference (MysuruCon). :759-765., Mysore Abstract
Jose, B, MadhuKumar SD, Radharamanan. 2021. A risk comparison framework for evaluating the impact of telecom cloudification in organizational risk profile. Telecommunication Systems, Springer. :1-17.Website
Jaffar, J, Jaisooraj, MadhuKumar SD. 2020. Efficient Routing for Low Power Lossy Networks with Multiple Concurrent RPL Instances. International Conference on Paradigms of Computing, Communication and Data Sciences (PCCDS-2020). , NIT Kurukshetra: Springer
Ajwalia, SM, Chacko AM, MadhuKumar SD. 2020. Integrating Cloud and Health Informatics: Approaches, Applications, and Challenges- Chapter 2. Cloud Security. : CRC press
Jose, B, T RR, MadhuKumar SD. 2019. A BOCR decision model for telecom cloud strategy election. International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering. 8(6):1788-1796.
Arun, KS, Govindan VK, MadhuKumar SD. 2019. Enhanced bag of visual words representations for content based image retrieval: a comparative study. Artificial Intelligence Review, Springer.
P, U, Govindan VK, MadhuKumar SD. 2019. Enhanced sparse representation classifier for text classification. Expert Systems with Applications, Elsevier. 129:260-272.
Pillai, S, T RR, MadhuKumar SD. 2019. An experiment to improve expert judgment software estimation through work breakdown structure. International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering. 8(7):1914-1920.
V, AK, Jaisooraj, Chandran P, MadhuKumar SD. 2019. Hybrid-RPL: A Step towards Ensuring Scalable Routing in Internet of Things. International Conference on Advanced Communication and Computational Technology (ICACCT) 2019. , NIT Kurukshtra
Ajwalia, SM, Chacko AM, MadhuKumar SD. 2019. Integrating Cloud and Health Informatics: Approaches, Applications, and Challenges. 1st International Conference on Machine Learning, Image Processing, Network Security and Data Sciences(MIND 2019), Kurukshetra.
Lee, OT, Sharma V, MadhuKumar SD, Chandran P. 2019. Modelling Multi-level consistency in Erasure Code Based Storage System. ACM SAC 2019. , Cyprus
Gilesh, MP, Jain S, MadhuKumar SD, Jacob L, Bellur U. 2019. Opportunistic live migration of virtual machines. International Journal of Concurrency and Computation Practice and Experience, Wiley. 32(5)
Gilesh, MP, MadhuKumar SD, Jacob L. 2019. Resource Availability-Aware Adaptive Provisioning of Virtual Data Center Networks. International Journal of Network Management, Wiley. 29(2)
Jaisooraj, MadhuKumar SD, Ghosh A. 2019. Resource Efficient Routing in Internet of Things: Concept, Challenges, and Future Directions. International Journal of Computing and Digital Systems, University of Bahrain.
Lee, OT, GJ A, MadhuKumar SD, Chandran P. 2019. Storage Node Allocation Methods for Erasure Code-based Cloud Storage Systems. Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering, Springer. (11)
Gilesh, MP, MadhuKumar SD, Jacob L. 2018. Bounding the Cost of Virtual Machine Migrations for Resource Allocation in Cloud Data Centers, April 2018. ACM SAC Cloud Computing Track. , Pau, France
Howlader, P, Pal KK, MadhuKumar SD, Cuzzocrea A. 2018. Predicting Facebook-Users’ Personality based on Status and Linguistic Features via Flexible Regression Analysis Techniques, April 2018. ACM SAC 2018 Cognitive Computing Track. , Pau, France
Anu, CM, MadhuKumar SD, Alfredo C. 2018. Automatic Provenance Capture at Middleware in Big Data Context. Book Chapter in the Book -. Connected Environments for the IoT: Challenges and Solutions. , University of Derby, United Kingdom: Springer Verlag Gmbh, ISBN: 9783319701011
Pratima, HV, Leee OT, MadhuKumar SD, ChandranPriya. 2018. Improved Epoch expiry and Load handling mechanism for RAPID - The Fast Data update Protocol in Erasure Coded Storage Systems. International Conference on Data Science and Engineering (ICDSE 2018). , Cochin University: IEEE explore
Jain, S, MP G, MadhuKumar SD, Jacob L. 2018. On the Necessity of Right Optimizations for Live Migration of Virtual Machines. IEEE TENSYMP. , Sydney, Australia: IEEE Explore
Gilesh, MP, Sanjay S, MadhuKumar SD, Lillykutty J. 2018. Selecting Suitable Virtual Machine Migrations for Optimal Provisioning of Virtual Data Centers. ACM Applied Computing Review. 18(2):22-32.
Akash, GJ, Ojus TL, MadhuKumar SD, ChandranPriya, Alfredo C. 2017. RAPID: A Fast Data Update Protocol in Erasure Coded Storage Systems for Big Data, May 2017. 2nd IEEE/ACM International Workshop on Distributed Big Data Management (DBDM 2017), In conjunction with IEEE/ACM CCGRID2017. , Madrid, Spain
Arun, KS, Govindan VK, Kumar MSD. 2017. On integrating re-ranking and rank list fusion techniques for image retrieval, May. International Journal of Data Science and Analytics. : Springer AbstractWebsite
Shabeera, TP, MadhuKumar SD. 2017. A HEURISTIC BASED ALGORITHM FOR DISTANCE-AWARE VIRTUAL MACHINE ALLOCATION IN CLOUD, March 2017. Second International Conference on Internet of Things, Data and Cloud Computing ( ICC'17). , Cambridge University, United Kingdom:ACM
Shabeera, TP, MadhuKumar SD, Sameera. 2017. Curtailing Job Completion Time in MapReduce Clouds. Computers & Electrical Engineering, International Journal Elsevier. 58:190-201.
Mathew, AB, MadhuKumar SD, Krishnan MK, Salam SM. 2017. Efficient query retrieval in Neo4jHA using metaheuristic social data allocation scheme. Computers & Electrical Engineering. AbstractWebsite
Binesh, J, MadhuKumar SD, Alfredo C. 2017. Enhancing Contact Center Performance Using Cloud Computing: A Case Study on Telecom Contact Centers. Second International Conference on Internet of Things, Data and Cloud Computing ( ICC'17). , Cambridge University, United Kingdom: ACM
Gilesh, MP, MadhuKumar SD, Lillykutty J. 2017. HyViDE: A Framework for Virtual Data Center Network Embedding. ACM SAC 2017 Track on Cloud Computing. , Marrakesh, Morocco: ACM
Anu Mary Chacko, Anish Gupta, MS, MadhuKumar SD. 2017. Improving execution speed of incremental runs of MapReduce using provenance. International Journal of Big Data Intelligence. 4:186-194. Abstract
Ojus, OTL, Akash AGJ, MadhuKumar SD, Priya PC. 2017. A Method for Storage Node Allocation in Erasure Code Based Storage Systems. Collaboration and Internet Computing (CIC), 2017 IEEE 3rd International Conference on. :449–454.: IEEE Abstract
Shabeera, TP, MadhuKumar SD, Salam SM, Krishnan MK. 2017. Optimizing VM allocation and data placement for data-intensive applications in cloud using ACO metaheuristic algorithm. Engineering Science and Technology, an International Journal. 20:616-628., Number 2 AbstractWebsite
Regi, NT, Shabeera TP, MadhuKumar SD. 2017. An algorithm for distance-aware VM allocation with guaranteed bandwidth. IEEE Region 10 Symposium (TENSYMP), 2017. :1–5.: IEEE Abstract
Jose, B, Ramanan RT, MadhuKumar SD. 2017. Big data provenance and analytics in telecom contact centers. Region 10 Conference, TENCON 2017-2017 IEEE. :1573–1578.: IEEE Abstract
Chacko, A, MadhuKumar SD. 2017. Big data provenance research directions. Region 10 Conference, TENCON 2017-2017 IEEE. :651–656.: IEEE Abstract
Pillai, SP, MadhuKumar SD, Radharamanan T. 2017. Consolidating evidence based studies in software cost/effort estimation. Region 10 Conference, TENCON 2017-2017 IEEE. :833–838.: IEEE Abstract
Gilesh, MP, Kumar MSD, Jacob L, Bellur U. 2017. Towards a Complete Virtual Data Center Embedding Algorithm Using Hybrid Strategy. 37th {IEEE} International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems, {ICDCS} 2017, Atlanta, GA, USA, June 5-8, 2017. :2616–2617. Abstract
Xu, J, Palanisamy B, Tang Y, Kumar MSD. 2017. {PADS:} Privacy-Preserving Auction Design for Allocating Dynamically Priced Cloud Resources. 3rd {IEEE} International Conference on Collaboration and Internet Computing, {CIC} 2017, San Jose, CA, USA, October 15-17, 2017. :87–96. Abstract
Ojus Thomas, L, MadhuKumar SD, Chandran P. 2016. Erasure Coded Storage Systems for Cloud Storage - Challenges and Opportunities, August. IEEE International Conference on Data Science and Engineering (ICDSE 2016). , Kochi
Ojus Thomas, L, MadhuKumar SD, Chandran P. 2016. 6. ECSim:A Simulation Tool for Performance Evaluation of Erasure Coded Storage Systems. Symposium on Emerging Topics in Computing and Communications (SETCAC'16). , Jaipur
RahulPrasad, K, Shabeera TP, MadhuKumar SD. 2016. A Comparative Evaluation of VM Placement Techniques in Map Reduce Cloud. Manipal Journal of Science & Technology(MJST). 1(1):30-37.
MadhuKumar, SD. 2016. Current Research Directions on Big data Analytics-opening Keynote. ICIA-16: Proceedings of the International Conference on Informatics and Analytics. :pp:22-23., Pondicherry, India: Published by ACM , ICPS Abstract
Shabeera, TP, MadhuKumar SD, Chandran P. 2016. Curtailing job completion time in MapReduce clouds through improved Virtual Machine allocation. Elsevier- Computers & Electrical Engineering. :-. AbstractWebsite
Shiven, S, Sachin S, Gilesh MP, MadhuKumar SD. 2016. Evaluation of Performance Characteristics and Limitations of FlowVisor. International Conference in Information Science(ICIS -2016). , Kochi
AnuMary, C, Anish G, Madhusudhan G, MadhuKumar SD. 2016. Improving execution speed of Incremental runs of MapReduce using Provenance. (International Journal of Big Data Intelligence (IJBDI), InderScience (In Press).
Shabeera, TP, MadhuKumar SD, Salam SM, Krishnan MK. 2016. Optimizing VM allocation and data placement for data-intensive applications in cloud using ACO metaheuristic algorithm. Elsevier-Engineering Science and Technology, an International Journal. :-. Abstract Website
AnuMary, C, MadhuKumar SD, Munavar F. 2016. Provenance-Aware NoSQL Databases. International Symposium on Security in Computing and Communications (SSCC'16). , Jaipur: Springer
Binesh, J, MadhuKumar SD. 2015. Telecom grade cloud computing: Challenges and opportunities, Feb 2015. IEEE International Conference on Signal Processing, Informatics, Communication and Energy Systems (SPICES). , Calicut India
Shilpa, P, MadhuKumar SD. 2015. Feature Oriented Sentiment Analysis in Social Networking Sites to Track Malicious Campaigners, 8, December. Third edition of the International Conference on Recent Advances in Computational Systems ( IEEE RAICS-2015). , Trivandrum
Amritapatole, MadhuKumar SD, Chandran P, Shabeera TP. 2015. Load-Aware Replica Placement in Multiuser Hadoop Environment Using MST, 8, December. Third edition of the International Conference on Recent Advances in Computational Systems(IEEE RAICS -2015). , Trivandrum
AnuMary, C, AjeebBasheer M, MadhuKumar SD. 2015. Capturing Provenance for Big Data Analytics done Using SQL interface, 4, December. IEEE UP Section Conference on Electrical, Computer and Electronics (IEEE UPCON2015). , Allahabad
AnitaBrigit, M, MadhuKumar SD. 2015. Analysis of Data Management and Query handling in Social Networks using NoSQL Databases. Fourth International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI-2015) ( Accepted). , Cochin, India: IEEE Explore
AnitaBrigit, M, MadhuKumar SD. 2015. Novel Research Framework on SN’s NoSQL Databases for Efficient Query Processing. Inderscience International Journal of Reasoning-based Intelligent Systems. (Accepted)
Shabeera, TP, MadhuKumar SD. 2015. Optimizing Virtual Machine Allocation in MapReduce Cloud for improved Data Locality. Inderscience International Journal of Big Data Intelligence (IJBD). Vol.2 No.1(March 2015)
Anita, BM, Priyabrat P, MadhuKumar SD. 2014. Efficient Information Retrieval using Lucene, LIndex and HIndex in Hadoop, November 2014. 11th ACS/IEEE International Conference on Computer Systems and Applications (AICCSA' 2014). , Doha
Badharudheen, P, MadhuKumar SD, Chacko AM. 2014. Making an Application Provenance-Aware through UML - A General Scheme, March 2014. SNDS 2014. , Trivandrum, India
GaneshBabu, Shabeera TP, MadhuKumar SD. 2014. Dynamic Colocation Algorithm For Hadoop, 27 September. International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI-2014). , Noida, New Delhi
RahulPrasad, K, Shabeera TP, MadhuKumar SD. 2014. Dynamic Cluster Configuration Algorithm in MapReduce Cloud. International Journal of Computer Science and Information Technologies(ijcsit). 5 (3):4028-4033.
AnitaBrigit, M, MadhuKumar SD. 2014. An Efficient Index Based Query Handling Model for Neo4j. IJCST. Vol. 3( no. 2):pp.12–18.
Manish Parashar, Umesh Bellur, S.D Madhu Kumar, Priya Chandran, Murali Krishnan, Kamesh Madduri, Sushil K. Prasad, C. Chandra Sekhar, Nanjangud C. Narendra, Carlos Valera, Sanjay Chaudhary, Kavi Arya, Xiaolin Li (Eds.). 2014. Seventh International Conference on Contemporary Computing, {IC3} 2014, Noida, India, August 7-9, 2014. : {IEEE} Abstract
Shabeera, TP, MadhuKumar SD. 2013. 'Bandwidth-Aware Data Placement Scheme for Hadoop, December 2013. IEEE Recent Advances in Intelligent Computational Systems (IEEE RAICS). , Trivandrum, India
VijuPoonthottam, MadhuKumar SD. 2013. A Dynamic Data Placement Scheme for Hadoop Using Real-time Access Patterns, August 2013. International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI-2013). , Mysore India
BabithaBalachandran, MadhuKumar SD. 2013. Optimization Of Reconfiguration Time During Client Movement On Siena, August 2013. International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI-2013. , Mysore India
MadhuKumar, SD, Reshmi G. 2012. An Adaptive Method for Node Revocation in Peer-to-Peer Networks. International Conference on Cloud Computing Technology and Management (ICCCTAM 12). , Dubai. UAE
MadhuKumar, SD, Anju KS, Asha, Mary J, Indu J, Subha N, Reshma, Ann T. 2012. Virtual Machine Placement Based on VM-PM Compatibility. The Mediterranean Journal of Computers and Networks . 8(2):35-40.Website
Shabeera, TP, Chandran P, Kumar MSD. 2012. Authenticated and persistent skip graph: a data structure for cloud based data-centric applications. Proceedings of the International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics. :155–160., New York, NY, USA: ACM Abstract
Manakattu, SS, Kumar MSD. 2012. An improved biased random sampling algorithm for load balancing in cloud based systems. Proceedings of the International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics. :459–462., New York, NY, USA: ACM Abstract
Kovilakath, VP, Kumar MSD. 2012. Semantic broken link detection using structured tagging scheme. Proceedings of the International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics. :16–20., New York, NY, USA: ACM Abstract
Chimakurthi, L, MadhuKumar SD, SureshChandraMoharana, Kalyankumar SMMM. 2011. Power Efficient Resource Allocation for Clouds Using Ant Colony Framework , April 2011. International Conference on Advances in Computing and Communication ICACC-2011. , NIT Hamirpur, India
MadhuKumar, SD, S.M.M.M.KalyanKumar, SureshChandraMoharana, Chimakurthi L. 2011. A Cloud Based Scheme for Constraint-less Mobile Computing. International Conference on Emerging Technology Trends in Cloud Computing. , Kollam,India
AbdulNazeer.K.A, MadhuKumar SD, Sebastian.M.P. 2011. Enhancing the K-means Clustering Algorithm by Using a O(nlogn) Heuristic Method for Finding Better Initial Centroids. International Conference on Emerging Applications of Information Technology- EAIT 2011. , Calcutta, India: IEEE Computer Society
AbdulNazeer, KA, MPSebastian, MadhuKumar SD. 2011. A Heuristic K-Means Algorithm with Better Accuracy and Efficiency for Clustering Health Informatics Data. International Journal of Medical Imaging and Health Informatics, American Scientific Publishers. 1(1):66-71.
MadhuKumar, SD, Bellur U. 2010. An Efficient Approach for Incorporating Underlay Awareness in P2P Networks for Guaranteed Availabilities. International Journal on Communication Networks and Distributed Systems (IJCNDS), Inderscience. 4(2):133-160.
MadhuKumar, SD, ShibleyJoseph. 2010. Secure Content Based Publish/Subscribe System Using Prefix Preserving encryption. International Journal of Information Processing. 4(2):69-79.
MadhuKumar, SD, Veeresh.B. 2010. Semantic Interoperability of Web Applications in Clouds using XML. nternational Journal of Information Processing. 4(4):54-62.
MadhuKumar, SD, Manu.J.Pillai, Sebastian.M.P. 2010. A survey of Basic MAC protocols for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks. A survey of Basic MAC protocols for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks. International Conference on Technological Trends (ICTT 2010). , Trivandrum,India
MadhuKumar, SD, Bellur U. 2009. Underlay Aware Resiliency in P2P Overlays, 4 January 2009. The Tenth International Conference on Distributed Computing and Networking, ICDCN 09. , Hyderabad,India
MadhuKumar, SD, Lisha.P.P. 2009. Event Modeling for Content Based Publish/Subscribe Systems. International Conference on Advances in Recent Technologies in Communication and Computing, ARTCom 09. :855-859., Kottayam, India: IEEE Computer Society
MadhuKumar, SD, ShibleyJoseph. 2009. Secure Content Based Publish/Subscribe System Using Prefix Preserving encryption. The Third International Conference on Information Processing, ICIP 09. :569-578., Bangalore,India
MadhuKumar, SD, Bellur U. 2008. Availability Models for Underlay Aware Overlay Networks, july 2008. The Second International Conference on Distributed Event Based Systems, DEBS 08. , Rome, Italy
MadhuKumar, SD, Bellur U, Kiran EK. 2007. Adding Underlay Aware Fault Tolerance to Hierarchical Event Broker Networks. The Second International Conference on Software and Data Technologies, ICSOFT 07. :99-105., Barcelona Abstract
MadhuKumar, SD, Bellur U. 2007. A Distributed Algorithm for Underlay Aware and Available Overlay Formation in Event Broker Networks for Publish/Subscribe Systems. First International Workshop on Distributed Event Processing Systems and Applications (DEPSA 07) colocated with ICDCS. :69., Toronto, Canada: IEEE Abstract
MadhuKumar, SD, BabithaBalachandran, SadulaSrikrishna. 2007. A Survey Of Overlay Simulators. PCTE journal of Computer Sciences. 3(2):12-21.
Shruti.P.Mahambre, MadhuKumar SD, Bellur U. 2007. A Taxonomy of QoS-Aware, Adaptive Event-Dissemination Middleware. IEEE Internet Computing. 11:35-44., Number 4 Abstract
MadhuKumar, SD, Shruti.PMahambre, Bellur U. 2007. A Taxonomy of QoSAware, Adaptive Event-Dissemination Middleware. IEEE Internet Computing. 11(4):35-44.
MadhuKumar, SD, Bellur U. 2006. Adaptive Overlays for Event Based Middleware: A Case for Chordal Reliability Rings. In Proceedings of the Fourteenth International Conference on Advanced Computing and Communications (ADCOM 2006). :38-43., Mangalore,India: IEEE
MadhuKumar, SD, Bellur U. 2006. An Underlay Aware, Adaptive Overlay for Event Broker Networks. In Proceedings of the Fifth International Workshop on Adaptive and Reflective Middleware (ARM 06) colocated with Middleware 06. , Melbourne: ACM
MadhuKumar, SD, Sarma VVS. 2000. A Software Tool for Assessing Software Reuse Libraries. The Journal of the Computer Society of India. 30(4):1-8.
MadhuKumar, SD, Chandran P. 1996. Windows Based Application Software Developer, July 1996. EDUCOMP' 96 Internatonal Conference on Educational Computing. :178-185., Chandigargh, India
*Distributed Computing * Cloud Computing * Big Data and Cloud Database * Software Engineerin
Research groups:
Machine Learning and Computational Intelligence Group
Social Media Analytics and Cloud Security (SMACS)
Past PhD students and their Thesis Titles
Doctoral Committees of PhD Students@NITC
Journal Reviewer
IEEE Transactions on Services Computing
Inderscience- International Journal of Knowledge Engineering and Soft Data Paradigms (IJKESD)
Professional Activities
1. Member of the Board of Studies In Computer Science ( Under the faculty of Technology), Cochin University of Science & Technology(CUSAT) ( 2015-2019)
2. Member of the Board of Studies ( M.Tech) in Computer Science & Engineering, Amrita Viswa Vidya Peedham.
3. Member of the Board of Studies ( B.Tech) in Computer Science & Engineering of Mar Baselios College of Engineering and Technology, Trivandrum ( Since 2020)
4. Member of the Board of Studies in Computer Science, Central University of Kerala, Kasargod.
Keynote Speaker -IEEE Discover 2024
ACM SAC 2024- Cloud Computing Track- Track Co-Chair
ACM SAC 2023- Cloud Computing Track- Track Co-Chair
SERB-INAE Hackathon 2022- TPC Member
ACM SAC 2022- Cloud Computing Track- Track Co-Chair
Cloud Computing Track in the 35th ACM Symposium on Applied Computing held at Brno Czech Republic during 30th March to 3rd of April 2020. Track Chairs- Dr.Priya Chandran and Dr. S.D Madhu Kumar URL:https://sites.google.com/nitc.ac.in/acmsac2020-cloudcomputingtrack/home
1. Cloud Computing Track in the 34th ACM Symposium on Applied Computing held at Cyprus during 8th to 12th of April 2019. Track Chairs- Dr.Priya Chandran and Dr. S.D Madhu Kumar URL: https://sites.google.com/nitc.ac.in/acmsac2019cctrack/home
2. IEEE National workshop on “Beyond Glass Barriers- BGB 2019” held on 14th December 2019. URL: https://sites.google.com/nitc.ac.in/bgb2019/
ACM SAC 2019 Track on Cloud Computing, Limassol, Cyprus- Track Chair
3ICT 2018- Special session on Intelligent Resource Management in Cloud based Data Centres (IRMCDC 2018) at University of Bahrain, Bahrain- Program Chair
IEEE Cloud Computing for Emerging Markets- Academic Liaison Chair
ICDCN 2019, IISc Bangalore- Publicity Co-Chair
IEEE mini POCO 2018 Calicut - Organizing Chair
19th IEEE Information Reuse and Integration for Data science (IEEE IRI 2018), Uttah, USA- TPC member
Smarty Cities Symposium (SCS 2018) University of Bahrain- TPC Member
ICSCCC 2018 NIT Jalandhar- TPC Member
COCONET 2018- Kazakhstan- TPC Member
FDP On Security and Privacy in Big Data Analytics- Co-Cordinator
SD-WAN Research with Aryaka Network Solutions-Project Co-ordianator
Collaborative Project with Airport Authority of India- CISF Calicut Airport Unit- Co-ordinator
ACM SAC 2018 Tarck on Cloud Computing- Track Chair
ICETEST 2018, GEC Thrissur- Keynote Speaker
*Services in Conferences- Summary
IEEE TENCON 2017 - Special session on Big Data Provenance- Chair
IEEE Cloud Computing for Emerging Markets-Academic Liaison Chair
IEEE SPICES2017- Tutorial Speaker (Big Data Analytics Tools and Techniques)
National Conference- PRABANDTH'17- Trivandrum- Keynote Speaker
Co-Cordinator- FDP on Big Data Analytics-Tools and Techniques ( Feb-March 2017)
Secretary, CREC Silver Jubilee Endowment Trust ( 2016 onwards)
Faculty Convenor- Alumni Meet- Loopback'17
ACM SAC 2017 Cloud Computing Track -Track Chair
2nd IEEE/ACM International Workshop on Distributed Big Data Management (DBDM 2017) Madrid, Spain- In conjunction with IEEE/ACM CCGRID2017 PC Member
Symposium on Pervasive Systems, Algorithms, and Networks (IEEE I-SPAN 2017), Exeter, England- TPC Member
2nd IEEE International Conference on Anti-Cyber Crime (ICACC)'2017 , Abha, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia- TPC Member
IEEE TenSymP 2017, Cochin - PC Member
International Conference on Data Science Analytics and Applications (DaSAA'16)- Keynote Speaker
ICIA 2016, Coimbatore- Keynote Speaker
International Workshop on Internet-scale Clouds and Big Data (ISCBD 2016) Pittsburgh, PA, USA-TPC Member
Computer Science Conference of All NITs ( C-SCAN'16)- Convenor
PerfIoT:Workshop on Performance Evaluation of IoT Applications , France- TPC Member
ICMCECE-16 , Bangalore- Advisory committee Member
ICIS 2016- Advisory Committee Member
ACM SAC 2016 Cloud Computing Track- Track Co-Chair
IEEE International Conference - Recent Advances in Intelligent Computing Systems (RAICS 2015)- PC Member
Lecture Workshop on Internet of Things at GRD College Coimbatore- Speaker
Seventh International Conference on Cotemporary Computing ( IC3 2014)- Algorithms Track Co-Chair
ACM Compute-2014 -VNIT Nagpur-PC Member
ACCIS-14- TKMCE Kollam- Invited Speaker
Vice Chair- ACM Trivandrum Professional Chapter
IEEE Malabar Subsection- Publications and Web Support Chair
ACM DEBS 2014- Publicity Co-Chair
ACM SAC 2014 Cloud Computing Track co-Chair
The First International Workshop on Virtualization and Cloud Computing (IWVCC 2014)- TPC Memeber
National Conference on Emerging Trends in computing (NCETIC 13)- Advisory Committee
ACM Goa Workshop on software Engineering- TPC member
Head of the Computer Science & Engineering Department, NIT Calcut
Talk on "Current Research Trends in Cloud Computing" ( (Dec 12): at Regional Science Centre Calicut
Speaker at the National Conference at Trivandrum : ADCAP 12
ACM SAC 2013 Track on Cloud Computing- Track Chair
IEEE Malabar Subsection- Publications and Web Support Chair
Computer Society of India Calcut Chapter- Vice President
ACM SAC 2012 Track on Cloud Computing- Track Chair
ACM SAC 2011 Track on Cloud Computing- Track Chair
Organizing Chair- Indo-US Workshop On Biocomputing ( ISB 2011)
ACM SAC 2010 Track on Cloud Computing- Track Co-chair
ACM ISB 2010 Organizing Co-Chair
ACM DEBS 2010- Cambridge, UK- Poster PC Member
Co-ordinator- FDP on Cloud Computing
Co-ordinator- FDP on Advanced Data Structures
Projects Supervised
M.Tech, MCA and B.Tech Projects
M.Tech Projects
56. H V Pratima , Performance Improvement Of Rapid-The Fast Data Update Protocol In Erasure Coded Storage Systems (2018).
55. Subham Jain , Opportunistic Virtual Machine Migration In A Cloud Data Center (2018).
54. Sanjay Satheesh , Minimizing The Cost Of Migration For Embedding A New Virtual Data Center In Cloud Data Centers (2018).
53. Athul Chandran A.S, Scheduling Multiple Live VM Migrations In Parellal In Cloud Data Centers(2018).
52. Indresha.HB , Effort Estimation Model For Software Devolopment In Agile Using Cocomo-II (2018).
51. Kapil Rana , A Mechanism For Preventing Denial Of Service(DOS) Attacks In Software Defined Networks(SDN) (2017).
50. Anju P Dev , A Noval Method On Handling Location Based Search Queries Using Ranking Scheme In Social NetWorks (2017).
49. Hareesh Kumar . M , Multi Keyword Search In Geospatial DataBases (2017).
48. Nivin T Regi , Distance-Aware Virtual Machine Allocation In Clouds With Guaranteed Bandwidth (2017).
47. Mukul Sharma ,Natural Language Query Processing in NEO4J Graph DataBase Using Facebook As a Case Study (2017).
46. Jayendra Sreekar Medicherla, Transformation Provenance From Hadoop Logs And It’s Applications (2016).
45. Shilpa P . Sentiment Analysis in Social Networking Sites to Track Malicious Campaigners (2015)
44. Amrita Patole. Load Balancing In Multiuser Hadoop Environment (2015)
43. Rahul Prasad Kanu, Dynamic cluster configuration algorithm in Mapreduce cloud (2014).
42. Raju Chekka, A detection framework for DDoS attacks in cloud using Mapreduce (2014).
41. B.Ganesh Babu, Dynamic colocation algorithm for HADOOP (2014).
40. Saroja Kumar Jena, Load balancing in HADOOP distributed file system (2014).
39. Priyabrat Pattnaik, Effective information retrieval in HADOOP (2014).
38. Bhavna Tamrakar, A new concurrency control protocol for cloud databases (2013).
37. Sravanthi Nalli, Detection & elimination of malicious nodes in peer to peer networks (2013).
36. Badharudheen P, An innovative scheme for generating provenance - Aware applications through UML (2013).
35. Viju P Poonthottam:, A dynamic data placement scheme for HADOOP using real - time access (2013).
34. Syamlal L S, Incorporating context validation in recommender systems (2012).
33. Reshmi G, An adaptive node revocation method for peer-to-peer networks (2012).
32. Sreyas K, Characterization of OPENGL ES workloads (2012).
31. Sheeja S Manakattu:, An improved biased random sampling algorithm for load balancing in cloud based systems (2012).
30. Vishnuprakash P K, Semantic broken link detection using structured tagging scheme (2012).
29. Suresh Chandra Moharana:, Service efficient storage migration of virtual machines using block bitmap (2011).
28. Zaid M Khan, Analysis, design & implementation of customer design tracker tool with high utility items mining (2011).
27. Lskrao Chimakurthi, Power efficient resource allocation for clouds using ANT colony framework (2011).
26. S.M.M.M Kalyan Kumar, A cloud based scheme for constraint - less mobile cloud computing (2011).
25. Venkatarami Reddy C H, A deadline and budget constrained cost and time optimization algorithm for cloud computing (2010).
24. Veeresh B, Semantic interoperability of web applications in clouds using XML (2010).
23. Thushara A, A transparent fault tolerant storage migration on clouds (2010).
22. Reshma G, Smart adaptive billing mechanism for cloud data storage (2010).
21. Lisha PP, Event modelling for content based publish subscribe system (2009).
20. Thanuja P, Self organizing Chord P2P overlay (2009).
19. Shibily Joseph, Secure content based publish/subscribe system using prefix preserving encryption (2009).
18. Babitha B, Siena routing algorithm for client mobility (2008).
17. Sadula Sri Krishna, Fault tolerant event routing on a Chordal ring (2008).
16. Biju T, Prototyping and comparing Chord and Kademlia lookup protocols (2008).
15. Senthil Kumar P, A proxy-home broker based algorithm for clients mobility in publish/subscribe systems (2007).
14. Bhanu Prakash Reddy A, Extending the sena event model with concept - based addressing (2007).
13. Hari Prasad Yella, Development of a new content based routing algorithm for event based middleware (2006).
12. Balaji B V, A new event model for event based middleware (2006).
11. Rajesh Kumar PM, An image transport protocol for the internet (2004).
10. L Bheekya, Design & implementation of real time voice communication system over IP networks (2004).
9. Sanil S Mathew, Querying XML data using SQL (2004).
8. Unnikrishnan K, Implementing a temporal database on top of a conventional database (2004).
7. Venkata Ramana N, n point-A content management solution (2003).
6. K Srikanth Reddy, User level device drivers in LINUX (2003).
5. CH Dhanaraj, A tool for the administration of LINUX clusters (2003).
4. Biju K I, A tool for assessing & contrasting JAVA libraries (2002).
3. S Naga Kiran Kumar, Monitoring memory usage in embedded applications (2002).
2. Sethumadhav Bendi, Verification software for cellular network monitoring tool (2001).
1. Sarath Reddy N, A tool for developing and managing component reuse libraries (2001).
MCA Projects
26.Ajay Yadav, Android App for Student Guidance Cell of NITC(2018).
25.Sneha Banerjee, SAP Liquidity Management for Banking(2017)
24. Sakshi Rohilla, Tech Report Publishing System “SPOTLITE-R”(2017).
23.Ashutosh Kumar, Backend Services For Single Persona And Tech-Help Panel (2017).
22. Supriya Soni, A Multinode Implementation Of Erasure Coded Storage System (2016).
21. Prranata Aishwarya, Simulation Tool For Erasure Coded Storage System (2016).
20. Neeraj Goel, Shop Sales Data Analysis (2016).
19. Monika Dhingra, Scan to SMB 3.0 (2014).
18. Nidhi Gupta, Implementation of a web based faxing system
using Hylafx-an open source faxing server (2013).
17. Hemant Kumar, Galileo selling platform integration with TRAACS for credit control management & PNR information capturing form Galileo for non IATA travel agencies (2013).
16. Priya Vinod, Fingerprint based attendance Management system: Web portal (2013).
15. Asha Rajagopal, Finger print based attendance management system (Registration & Recognition Module) - 2013.
14. Seema Aggarwal, Logg Monitoring Reports and Continous Log Monitoring(2012).
13. Mahendra Gaur, Cloning a Physical Machine Using I-Touch ( 2012).
12. Gaurav Chatterjee, V.MadhuSudanan Pillai. Serial Supply Chain Role E-Play Simulation (2012).
11. D. Mallikarjun Reddy, A Secure Content Management System for a Closed User Group ( 2012).
10. CH. Ananth Sri Ram, Development of a toolkit for collecting Network underlay information (2009).
9. Dileep Kumar Reddy K, Data placement officer in a news service running on a cluster of data centers (2009).
8. Balaji Maasala, Process migration on UNIX clusters (2009).
7. Puneet Kumar Dawer, Fault tolerance on SIEANA Routing algorithm (2007).
6. Franklin John V, Development of a simulation framework for publish - subscribe systems (2006).
5. Jithesh A S, Implementation of mineral RDBMS physical Layer (2003) .
4.Sumesh B, Secure Telnet firewall (2003).
3.Seedharalu Somasekhar, Reverse engineering Java source code (2001).
2. Jidesh P, A tool for developing and managing software component reuse libraries (2001).
1. Thanu Anna Skariah, A tool for drawing class diagrams and use case diagrams (2000).
B-Tech Projects
13. Adibhatla Sreekar Sashaank, Automatic Course File Generator (2017).
12. Uppala Vedasri, Course Management System (2017).
11. Anshul Chokhani, Devolopment of Consistency Protocoles for Erasure Coded Cloud Storage (2017).
10. Manpreeth Sai, Shop Sales Data Analytics (2017).
9. Asla Aboo, A Multi-Keyboard Search Algorithm for Graph Databases Using Arrays (2016).
8. Sachin T Sany, Performance Evaluation And Assesment of Flowvisor (2016).
7. Gelivi Harsha Vardhan, Koduganti Sai Sudha Madhavi, Pamidi Akhila, Xavier Jose. CLOUDVIRT- A Simulation for Cloud Environment ( 2015)
6. Pabiitra Kumar Padhy, Missing information analysis in parallel workloads (2010).
5. Aswin N A, Abhishek, Shravana D, Vasant Kumar Tiwari , Implementation of multiple masters strategy in sector/sphere cloud (2010)
4. Anupam Subba, Sheela Goenka. Pricing of Services in Cloud Computing ( 2010)
3.V Chandrashekar, Manish K M,V, Distributed algorithms for self organizing overlays (2008)
2. Asha Gopalakrishnan, Darshana Nair, Rony john,Vinitha M Rajan,, Fault tolerance in Hermes (2008)
1. Harsh Poddar, Manas Mallik,, Data transfer from XML document to RDBMS tables (2003)
B.Tech Mini Projects
2. Shravana D, Abhishek,Aswin NA, Deependu Malayaj , Mobile newspaper reader (2008-09)
1. Nasrin Moopen, Maria Francis, Course home page generator (2006).
Mini Projects
2. Thushara A, Overlay networks: A comparative literature review (2008)
1. Thanuja P, Leave monitoring system (2007).
Topics in Database Systems Design
Semester : Winter
Offered : 2014
PG Elective Course
Distributed Computing
Semester : Winter
Offered : 2012
Elective for Final year B.Tech CSE
Professional Bodies
Member ACM, USA , Vice Chair ACM Trivandrum Chapter
Senior Member of IEEE, USA
Associate Member of CSI
Life Member - ISTE
Completed- Partial List
Sl.No | Name & Roll No | Department | Role |
33 | Ms. Merlin George (P170080CS) | CSED | Member |
32 | Mr. Shameer Faziludeen (P140055EC) | ECED | Member |
31 | Ms. Athita K ( P160049CS) | CSED | Member |
30 | Ms. Sangeetha U ( P160024EC) | ECED | Member |
29 | Mr.Jai Sooraj (P170083CS) | CSED | Guide |
28 | Ms.Nishamol P H (P130045CS) | CSED | Chairman |
27 | Mr. Ravishankar A.N (P150073EE) | EED | Member |
26 | Mr.Binesh Jose (P120046MS) | SOMS | Guide |
25 | Mr.P. Sreekumar (P120111MS) | SOMS | Guide |
24 | Ms.Anita Brigit Mathew (P120024CS) | CSED | Member |
23 | Mr.Ojus Thomas Lee (P130090CS) | CSED | Member |
22 | Ms.Shabeera T P (P110034CS) | CSED | Guide |
21 | Mr. Gilesh.M.P (P140059CS) | CSED | Guide |
20 | Mr.Sarang Sukumar A (P130076CS) | CSED | Chairman |
19 | Mr.Sunil Kumar P V (P130073CS) | CSED | Chairman |
18 | Mr.K Nagaraju (P130051CS) | CSED | Chairman |
17 | Ms.Nandini J Warrier (P120037CS) | CSED | Chairman |
16 | Ms.Daphna Chacko (P120038CS) | CSED | Chairman |
15 | Ms.Sameera Muhamed Salam (P120091CS) | CSED | Chairman |
14 | Mr.Unnikrishnan P (P110032CS) | CSED | Co-Guide |
13 | Mr.Jithin R (P100049CS) | CSED | Member |
12 | Ms.Shahnaz K V (P100076EC) | ECED | Member |
11 | Mr.Sujo P George (P120030EE) | EED | Member |
10 | Ms.Jeethu V Devasia (P130021CS) | CSED | Chairman |
9 | Mr.Arun K S (P120022CS) | CSED | Co-Guide |
8 | Ms.Remya K Sasi (P120029CS) | CSED | Chairman |
7 | Ms.Sreejini K S (P120028CS) | CSED | Chairman |
6 | Ms.Lijiya A (P100020CS) | CSED | Member |
5 | Mr.Jereesh A S (P100025CS) | CSED | Member |
4 | Ms.Pamela Vinitha Eric (P090070CS) | CSED | Member |
3 | Mr.Jayaraj P B (P100016CS) | CSED | Member |
2 | Mr.Anoop N Nair (P100060MA) | Mathematics | Member |
1 | Mr.Bimal P (P090041AR) | ARC | Member |
HoD Tenure (2012-2014)
Things happened /initiated during my tenure as HoD of CSED ( 2012-2014)
1. M.N. Neelakantan Memorial Lecture Series ( Idea of Prof. Priya Chandran)
2. ACM NITC Student Chapter formation ( Vineeth Sir)
3. Orientation programmes for Adhoc Faculty
4. CSEA revamping
5. New Adjunct Faculty induction - Dr. Mansoor Allichery . Vizury soft Bangalore
6. Research Groups of the Department
7. Internships in Bell Labs for B.Tech and PhD students
8. Srinivasa Padmanbhuni ( Infosys) visit
9. Prof. Sunil Chandran’s (IISc)visit
10. Research Scholars room setting up
11. Weekly Talk series by research scholars
12. Home pages for all research scholars
13. Faculty web page updating
14. Aakash Project of IITB ( Dr. G. Gopa Kumar)
15. Prof. Palakal Sir’s visit
16. Research groups formation
17. Students achievements- Ayush( internship in USA) , Shabeera T.P ( Bell Labs)- internships
18. TCS MoU signing
19. Travel Fellowships from PTA
20. Notice boards , New screens purchased
21. Seminar Hall renovation ( Dr.Priya Chandran’s initiation, Abdul Sathar)
22. E-learning centre in CCC
23. PTA home page
24. Mock tests for GATE ( Arunanad & Team)
25. Placement/internship talks (CSEA)
26. Tijo Jose– Google USA Selection
27. Apple Campus Representative Program ( Dr.G. Gopa Kumar, Aditya Bhushan)
28. Aditya Bhushan’s summer internship in Apple Singapore
29. Projector donation from MCA students ( Balance fund from Nakshtra 2011)
30. Proposal for new PG courses, MCA suspending
31. Break Fast & Lunch facility in the association Hall ( Riji.N Das)
32. Printers, scanner, computers for the dept labs- MCA fund utilization ( Dr.Vinod Pathari, Lijiya)
33. Sever class machine, two comps for the Secure computing lab (Dr.Vinod Pathari, Lijiya)
34. Office time extension ( 8.00 am to 6.30 pm)
35. Online seminar hall booking software ( Vineeth Sir)
36. Adhoc technical staff work- guidelines, monthly reports ( Vinod Pathari)
37. Notice boards for faculty rooms, CSEA ( V.R. Ajaya Chandran)
38. Interactive whiteboard ( Abdul Sathar and V.R Ajaya Chandran)
39. CSED- Office manual ( prepared by Vidya)
40. Prof. Balaji Palanisamy’s (USA) visit
41. Sri. Sankar Krishnan’s Workshop on Leadership
42. Sap Labs University alliance, Lecture series, interaction
43. IBM University Relationship – joining
44. Workshops and talks by the IBM Experts ( Ms. Supriya, Mr. Sree Krishnanan & others)
45. Prof. Mathew J. Palakal’s Adjunct Professor term extension
46. Class room modernisation- PA systems etc ( Vinod Pathahri & Lijiya)
47. Projector purchase (Priya Chandran, Vinod Pathahri & Lijiya)
48. Research Scholars’ contingency grant utilization
49. Digital Camera purchase for the Secure Computing Lab( Abdul Sathar)
50. CSED Wiki site ( Kartik Singhal & team)
51. Finger Print attendance recording software ( Vinod Pathari & team)
52. Purchase of computers, servers etc for all the laboratories of the dept ( Co-ordinated by Dr. Vinod Pathari)
53. Plan Fund and DOC utilization –preliminary works
54. NBA accreditation –preliminary works
55. Official Google Group email ids for all batches and Alumni ( Dhanya)
56. Student Data Recording form for all students – Faculty Advisors
57. Data collection including placement details of all passing out students( 2014 pass out batch)
58. Department T-SHIRT ( CSEA)
59. Six New faculty rooms in CSE Building top floor
60.New Conference Room in the CSED Building top floor
61. Water cooler purchase ( CREC PTA)
62. Faculty Recruitment ( Assistant Professor interviews - 2014)
63. Directory of the CSE Depts of all the 30 NITs In India ( Vidya)
64. Two IT Training Programmes for employees of India Post ( Consultancy course)- Dr.GopaKumar
65. Two FDPs for Faculty members of CSE Depts from GEC Sreekrishnapuran, GEC Kannur and GEC Wayanad -TEQIP sponsored ( Saidalavi Kalady)- ( Under Consultancy Scheme)
Google Scholar
Sl.No |
Name of the Project Funding Agency |
Title of the Project |
Amount (Lakhs) |
Role |
Status |
1 |
Ministry of Education, GoI |
Sustainable Applications for Mobility, Urban Development & Resilience using Artificial intelligence (SAMUDRA) |
Two hundred |
Principal Investigator / Chief Project Manager |
Ongoing |
2 |
Design and development of techniques and tools to build a simulation framework for performance evaluation of designs of processors enhanced for virtualization |
Sixty Five |
Co-PI |
Ongoing |
3 |
Bureau of Police Research and Development( BPR&D), Ministry of Home Affairs, GoI |
Proactive Monitoring of Online Social Networks for Prevention of Crime against Women and Children |
Fifty |
Principal Investigator |
Completed |
4 |
Aryaka Networks India Limited ( Based on San Francisco) |
Analysis of the Effectiveness of ‘Aryaka Deduplication’ Technology and optimization of the algorithms |
Eight Lakhs |
Principal Investigator |
Completed |
5 |
DST India |
Development of an interoperable spatial database of Road Network for Calicut District |
16.81 |
Co-PI |
Completed |
4 |
Design of Power efficient caches for Superscalar processors |
7 |
Co-PI |
Completed |