Dr. Gaurav Misuriya
Dr. Gaurav Misuriya

Assistant Professor

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  • Ph.D. (IIT Bombay)

  • M. Tech (IIT Kanpur)

  • B E (SGSITS Indore)

  • Journals

    Misuriya, G., Eldho, T. I., and Mazumder, B. S. (2021). “Higher-order turbulence around different circular cylinders using particle image velocimetry.” Journal of Fluids Engineering, Trans ASME, 143(9), 091202.

    Misuriya G., Eldho T. I., and Mazumder B. S. (2023). “Estimation of the local scour around the cylindrical pier over the gravel bed for a low coarseness ratio.” International Journal of River Basin Management, 1-30.

    Misuriya G., Eldho T. I., and Mazumder B. S. (2023). "Experimental investigations of turbulent flow characteristics around different cylindrical objects using PIV measurements" European Journal of Mechanics-B/Fluids 101 (9): 30-41.

    Misuriya G., Eldho T. I., and Mazumder B. S. (2023). "Turbulent Flow Field around a Cylindrical Pier on a Gravel Bed" Journal of Hydraulic Engineering 149 (10): 04023040. DOI:

    Misuriya, G., and T. I. Eldho (2023). "Turbulent structures and local scour around a cylindrical pier under unsteady flows" Environmental Fluid Mechanics: 1359-1380. DOI:



    Misuriya, G., Eldho, T. I., Gautam P and Vijayasree B A, “Comparative study of flow field around oblong and in-line three circular bridge piers” 7th International and 45th National Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Power Conference 2018, Paper No. 275, Proceedings of FMFP-2018, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India, 2018


    Misuriya, G., Eldho, T. I., “Effect of flow depth and velocity on the local scouring around rectangular bridge pier on gravel bed” 25th International Conference on Hydraulics, Water Resources and Coastal Engineering (Hydro-2020), In: Proceedings of 25th Hydro 2020, 1102-1111, ISBN: 987-93-90631-56-8, Rourkela, India, 2020


    Misuriya, G., Eldho, T. I., “Effect of spacing between two in line circular pier on local scour over gravel bed” 6th IAHR Europe Congress, 89-90, IAHR 2020 – Abstract Book, ISBN 978-83-66847-01-9, Warsaw, Poland, 2021


    Misuriya, G., Eldho, T. I., “Scour around the bridge pier under unsteady flow condition” Environmental & Water Resources Institute Congress, ASCE, Paper No. 668, In: Proceedings of EWRI-2021


    Misuriya, G., Eldho, T. I. (2022). “Effect of Pier Shape on Local Scour Around Bridge Pier Over Gravel Bed Under Unsteady Flow Conditions” 39th IAHR World congress (2022), 927-931, Proceedings of the 39th IAHR World Congress, doi://10.3850/IAHR-39WC2521716X2022321, Granada, Spain, 2022


    Misuriya, G., Eldho, T. I., “Turbulent flow structure around a circular pier under the combination of wave and current effect” 27th International Conference on Hydraulics, Water Resources, Environmental and Coastal Engineering (HYDRO 2022 INTERNATIONAL), Hydro 2022- Abstract Book-14, Chandigarh, India, 2022


    Misuriya, G., and Eldho, T. I., “Effect of Wave and Current interaction on Flow Hydrodynamics Around a Pier9th International and 49th National Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Power Conference 2022, Roorkee, Uttarakhand, India


    Eldho, T. I., Misuriya, G., “Investigation of hydrodynamics and scour around bridge piers under the combined wave and current effects” Proceedings of International Structural Engineering and Construction, Chicago, Illinois, USA,  2023 10(1), ISSN: 2644-108X


    Professional Experience

    • Assistant Professor, Dept. of Civil Engineering, NIT Calicut (Aug 2023 - Till date)

    • Institute Post Doctoral Fellow, Dept. of Civil Engineering, IIT Bombay (April 2023 - July 2024)

    • Research Associate, Dept. of Civil Engineering, IIT Bombay (Jan 2023 – April 2023)

    • Assistant Professor, Dept. of Civil Engineering, NIT Jalandhar (Sep 2015 - June 2016)

    • Assistant Professor, Dept. of Civil Engineering, NIT Bhopal (Jan 2015 - June 2015)

    Number of under graduate projects guided: 01

    Educational Qualifications

    • Ph.D. (IIT Bombay)

    • M. Tech (IIT Kanpur)

    • B E (SGSITS Indore)

    • Fluvial Hydraulics
    • Local Scour
    • Numerical Modelling
    • Unsteady flow