PG Works
Amit Kumar Das, Study of Pothole Repairing Mixes
Aparna P M, Development of Activity Generation Models for Students
Athira I C, Estimation of Value of Travel Time
Bontha Gopi Raju, Characterisation of Fibre Reinforced Bituminous Mixes
D B Saranya, A Comparative Analysis of Black Spot Identification Methods
Deepa Ratheesh, Development of Level of Service Criteria for Sidewalks
Lakshmi Priya C.P., Development of Crash Prediction Models for Uncontrolled Intersections
Nagulu Barmavath, Performance evaluation of nano-modified bituminous concrete mixes
Namita George, Capacity Analysis of Urban Mid-blocks
Parvathy Bhai P, Freight Generation Characteristics of Kozhikode District
Remya Varma .K, Influence of Modified Binders on Fatigue Response of the Bituminous Mixture
Seelam Srikanth, A Porous Flow Approach To Modelling Heterogeneous Traffic in Disordered Systems
Shashibhushan K N, Laboratory Investigation on Performance of Bituminous Concrete with Different Fillers
Srijan Mukherjee, Capacity Analysis of Uncontrolled Intersections
Sruthi Ashraf, Development of Bus Route Planning & Information Tool
Surendra Reddy D, Pedestrian Flow Modelling using Cellular Automata
Swathi N, Quantification of Traffic Congestion on Urban Midblocks using Travel Time
Titty Thomas, Identification, Analysis and Treatment Measures of Black Spots in Kozhikode Rural Area
Amina Sageer , Influence of land use and road network characteristics on travel behaviour
Amitha. T. P , Analysis of public transport accessibility
Ani.K.S , Analysis of queue discharge characteristics at signalised intersections
Anju K R , Effect of settlement characteristics on travel attributes
Aswathy K P , Traffic flow characteristics on two-lane two-way non-urban road
Darshan R , Continuum models for traffic stream modeling
Duleep Janeiro .J , Modelling of choice behaviour for shopping activity
Geethu Ashok , Estimation of willingness to pay value for crash reduction
Geeva George , Evaluation of bus terminals
Hage Tsunami , Road safety behaviour, attitude and perception of two-wheeler riders
Indhu Sidhardhan , Effects of household interactions on travel behaviour of working people
Jeena James , ICT usage and its effects on travel behaviour
Jijo V Manohar , Mode choice behaviour of shippers
Kasireddi Srikanth , Evaluation of robustness of road network
Muhammed Ashraf. K , Capacity estimation of roundabouts under heterogeneous traffic conditions
Santo Oommen Alexander , Trip attraction characteristics of special generators
Shaik Khasim Peera , Effect of volume on gap acceptance behavior at uncontrolled intersections
Sikha.P , Cost analysis of road traffic crashes based human capital approach
Suby Charles , Economic analysis of traffic congestion at signalised intersections
Ajimol T.J, Temporal variation in activity travel behaviour
Alaa Moosa Koya, Effect of ICT usage on students travel behaviour
Amandeep Singh, Laboratory investigation on nano-modified stone matrix asphalt
Ansa Toffy, Bus Route Network Design
Anupama T, Models for predicting crashes at horizontal curves on two-lane two-way non-urban roads.
Aswathy K V, Level of Service Analysis of Urban Corridors
Aswin B, Discontinued after 2nd Semester
Chandrapatla Achyuta Ramalinga Swam, Modelling of traffic flow for heterogeneous and non-lane based traffic condition
Gaurav Kumar Jain, Capacity analysis and performance indicators for two-lane two-way rural highways
Goutam Pattnaik, Evaluation of Robustness of road Network
Gudiseva Vasu Dev, Capacity Analysis of Roundabout
Harsha Soman, Modelling Delay at Unsignalised Intersections
Jeeva P Winto, Analysis of Pedestrians Behaviour in Urban Roads
Rachana Sahoo, Dynamic Traffic Assignment on Urban Road Networks
Ramireddy Sushmitha, Modelling Delay at Signalised Intersections
Sreejitha K, Trip Production Characteristics of Settlements in Kozhikode District
Sreelakshmi B, Activity Travel pattern Synthesis for Calicut City
Swathy S, Performance Evaluation of Urban Transport Facilities
Aisha.M.S, Safety Evaluation of Multiple Horizontal Curves on Non-Urban Roads
Aiswarya Ragi K, Development of Destination Choice Models for Various Activities
Aleena C, Evaluation of Dual Carriageway Urban Corridors based on Congestion
Aseema Jemshy V K, Residential Location Choice and Its Influence on Activity – Travel Behaviour
B Harsha Vardhan Chowdary, Performance Evaluation of Cold Bituminous Mixes
Battu Naveen Kumar Reddy, Effect of Aging on Binder Characteristics and Mix Performance
Bejawada Avinash, Structural Evaluation of Flexible Pavement using LWD
Chittapu Mounika, Estimation of Dynamic Passenger Car Unit on Divided Urban Roads
Gourab Mondal, Performance Evaluation of Natural Rubber Modified Bituminous Mixes
Haritha P C, Bus route network design using Genetic Algorithm
Jisha R R, Estimation and Analysis of saturation Flow at Signalised Intersections
Lakshmi K Dayan, Evaluation of Pedestrian Perceived Level of Service for Mid-Block Crosswalks
Muhammed Shibilp, Development of Pavement Performance Prediction Models using Functional Characteristics
Rehna P C, Study on Driver Behaviour
Shreya Mahtele,
Sukhanya K, Gap Acceptance Modelling and Capacity Estimation of Uncontrolled Intersections
Syama K, Study of Microscopic Traffic Flow Characteristics of Two-Lane Two-Way Highways
Vijay Kumar, Simulation Modelling of Two-Lane, Two Way Traffic Flow
Vineeth V T, Short Term Prediction of Travel Speed on Urban Roads
Abin Abraham Kurian, Integration of Kochi Metro with Other Modes
Anjaly M, Influence of Fibre on Stone Mastic Asphalt
Anju E C, Influence of Fillers on Moisture Resistant of Bituminous Concrete
Anna Paul, Development of Comprehensive Mobility Plan for Calicut City
Bongu Rajendra Kumar, Fatigue and Rutting Behaviour of Natural Rubber Modified Bituminous Mix
Devika R, Efficacy of Policy Initiation for Mode Shift
Hemanth Joy, Transit Level of Service Analysis of Urban Corridors
Icey Elzen Mathew, Safety Evaluation of Combined curves on Non-urban roads
Janani R V, Rationing and Pricing Strategies for Congestion Mitigation
Jinugu Divakar, Influence of Coir Geotextiles on Pavements
K Nitheesh, Synthesis of Personal and Household Characteristics
Kagitha Siva Divya Adithya Babu,
Kovvada Anand, Effect of Aggregate Gradations on Clod Bituminous Mix
Krishnendu M V, Value of Travel Time for Intercity Trips
Merin Gayose M, Modelling of Pedestrian Crossing Behaviour using Bayesan Network
Prashanth Kumar Mala, Influence of Pedestrian Crossing on Performance of Roundabouts
Rajdeep Roy, Level of Service Analysis of Two-lane Two-way highways
Ratnakaram Mounika, Overtaking Behaviour of Two-lane Two-way Highways
Soorya U K, Pedestrian Safety at Mid Blocks and Intersections
Aiswarya R, Analysis of travel time variability of different modes
Akhila Asok P, Integration of O-D matrix with traffic flow microsimulation of a city
Amit Devshali, Design and performance evaluation of porous bituminous mixes
Anil Pathloth, Rheological properties and anti-aging performance of Bio-bitumen
Arya Haridas, Joint modelling of activity type and activity duration
Aswani Prakash P V, Predicting parking availability and parking search time
Demeli Vinodh, Modelling of post encroachment time and traffic safety simulation of unsignalised intersections
Devarapu Murali, Analysis of drivers’ lane changing behaviour in mixed traffic conditions
Gutala Prem Kumar, Analysis of dilemma zone for pedestrians at an uncontrolled midblock crossing under mixed traffic conditions
Jillelamudi Narendra, Performance evaluation of cold bituminous mix reinforced with coir fibre
Kumar Vishal, Overtaking behavior of vehicles on undivided roads in mixed traffic conditions
Maqsooda J H S, Safety evaluation of combined curves on two lane two way non-urban roads
Maria Thomas, Effect of pedestrian crossings on traffic flow at midblocks
Nagrale Tejas Moreshwar, Influence of fly ash on the performance of glass fibre reinforced bituminous mix
Noora Mol P, Capacity estimation of uncontrolled intersection using traffic conflict technique
Ramil Rahman.V, Evaluation of drivers’ behaviour at signalised intersection in heterogeneous traffic conditions
Sirepe Srinath Reddy, Scheduling of buses on a corridor from multiple depots
Soumyarup Biswas, Assessment of road roughness using amartphone sensors
Thokala.Venkata Siva Naga Babu, Identifying the effective type of roundabout based on traffic conditions
Vinaya S M, Modelling tour chaining patters of urban commercial vehicles
Akshay Mohan K, Evaluation of electronic toll collection
Akshay Suresh, Performance evaluation of two-lane two-way highways
Ezhilarasan S, Assessing the role of road network structure in resilience
Gayathri K.B, Evaluation of effectiveness of traffic calming measures
Guguloth Prashanthi, Comparison of pedestrian gap acceptance behaviour at zebra and non-zebra crossing
Hajimohammed Mahaboob Basha, Identification of hazardous road locations
Haneena Kadeeja, Development of an activity-based travel demand model for the elderly
K Bharath Kumar, Effect of anti-stripping agents on cold bituminous mix
Kappala Santhosh Kumar, Development of transportation model for Nellore city
Kurri Mounika, Accessing the prevalence rate of self-reported helmet uses in Calicut city
Kuruva Venu, Assessment of moisture susceptibility of bituminous concrete mixtures
Muhsin P.K, Choice modelling for on-demand ride services
Nalam Indu, Influence of various static and illuminated road traffic signs on driver behaviour
Noufal T, Effect of aging on the rheological properties of modified binders
Prasanth R, Influence of secondary tasks on driver behaviour from naturalistic driving study
Prasun Mondal, Analysis of off-street parking choice behaviour
Riswana P.K., Capacity analysis of four legged uncontrolled intersections
Sana Gautham Naath, Rutting performance of bituminous concrete mixtures
Shazia Mariam, Development of a tool for bus scheduling in a city
Thatimakula Janardhan Jagadeesh, Influence of modifiers on fatigue performance of bituminous mix
Vangari Nithish, Design and evaluation of perpetual bituminous pavements
Abhirami Vasanth, Activity participation and duration models for shopping mall trips
Adurthi Naga Murali, A study on users acceptable road pricing policy for toll roads in India
Aswathy Lal, Preferences of travellers for mobility as a service
Athira Prasad Nair, Analysis of safety at horizontal curves on two-lane rural highways using extreme value theory
Chinna Mandappagari Prakash, A simulation approach to investigate the impact of crossing pedestrians on traffic characteristics at undesignated urban crossings
Jais Jose, Modelling of overtaking behaviour of vehicles in mixed traffic condition
M Srikanth, Design and evaluation of rut resistant recycled bituminous mixes with rejuvenators
Manvendra Singh, Developing a framework for economic evaluation of highway improvement projects
Muhammed Rinshad K, Effect of aging on fatigue characteristics of modified bituminous binders
Muhammed Shanid P, Rut resistance of nylon fibre reinforced cold bituminous mixes
Muhammed Swalih P, Performance evaluation of two-lane two-way rural highways
Navitha Valsalan, Mobility based assessment of urban transportation system’s resilience
Prashant Chauhan, Development of pedestrian risk index under mixed traffic condition in India
Reddy Sahitya, Optimal routing of feeder services for Hyderabad metro rail
Sreechitra, Data-driven approach for analysing the influence of crossing pedestrian on traffic characteristics at urban midblock sections
Sreemurthy Gari Yanjarappa, Socio economic impact of traffic congestion on public transport vehicle operators before and after lockdown due to covid-19
Sreevishnu V Unnikrishnan, Influence of geometric factors on the capacity of uncontrolled intersections
Sudhanshu Tiwari, Effect of side friction parameters on capacity of road section
Suggu Vaishnavi, Effect of work-from-home on travel demand and residential location selection
Vimal C, Effect of nano additive on curing and performance of cold bituminous mix
Abhijith K R, Modelling the influence of amber light dilemma zone on driver behaviour under mixed traffic conditions
Abhijith R S, A study on Public Acceptance of Electric Two Wheelers
Akash T P, Delay Modelling at Signalized Intersection Under Mixed Traffic Condition
Allala Aravind, Fatigue Behaviour of Nano Modified Bituminous Concrete mixes
Anagha Dinesh A, Study on the Impact of Commercial Vehicles on Traffic Characteristics
Arshida K T, Effect of Access Point on Capacity of Signalized Intersection Under Mixed Traffic Conditions
Farahna Amin, Interdependencies between trip chaining and mode choice behaviour
Gautham C Sekhar, Modeling of Lateral Positioning of Vehicles in Heterogeneous Traffic Conditions
Gayathri K A, Development of Joint freight mode and shipmet size model
Janagama Pavan Kumar, Design of Bus Route Network for Karimnagar City
Jayanta Roy, Effect of waste plastic on aging characteristics of bituminous mix
Mithlesh Kumar, Effect of pavement surface characteristics on traffic flow characteristics
Nilesh Kumar Kasaudhan, Statistical Analysis of Effect of Non Conventional Fillers on Bituminous Mix Characteristics
Paturi Nigam Sai, Impact of Travellers Individual Characteristics on Transport Accessibility
Ponugumati Sarath Kumar, Evaluation of Traffic Safety at Unsignalised Intersections Using Surrogate Safety Measures
Rahul Mishra, Effect of Nano Additives on the Performance of Cold Bituminous Mix
Rajulapati Durga Venkata Sai, The evaluation of public bicycle sharing system of Kukatpally in in Hyderabad City
Sadu Gowtham, Effect of U turning vehicles on delay at midblock sections of four lane divided Urban Roads
Sisira P, Impact of pandemic on travel behaviour and mode preferences
Sneha Babu, Evaluation of road safety behaviour of school Children
Sophia Roy, Analysis of Travel time Reliability in Heterogeneous Traffic Conditions Using Microsimulation
Sugareddi Bendegumbal, Analysing the effect of geometric features of the speed hump in speed reduction of vehicles
Tejavathu Srikanth, Characterization of Bio-additive and its effects on Properties of Bitumen
Abhinav Rawat, Trajectory-based proactive safety assessment by Anticipated Collision Time
Afliha T A, Development of a Delay Model at Skewed Uncontrolled Intersection under Mixed Traffic Condition
Ali Hussian, Analysis of Crash Severity of Road Traffic Accidents
Amal Jose, Transit oriented development : A case study for Kochi City
Anukul Nidhi, Development of a Digital Game-Based Learning Platform for teaching Road Safety to School Children
Apoorva Rao, Performance evaluation of Hubbali Dharwad BRTS
Athira R., Impact of Service Quality on Public Transport Ridership
Bandi Anil Kumar, Planning for Mobility for hilly areas-A case study of Shimla
Bijay Kumar Yadav, Balance mix design approach for cold bitiumen mix
Divya M, Optimal pavement maintenance strategies for non urban roads
Eragamreddy Venkata Sainath Reddy, Design of Emulsified Bituminous Blocks for Pothole Patching
Kuppireddy Shravani, Travel Behavioural Changes Due to Network Disruption
Muvvala Sheethal Pavan Puthra, Rationalization of regional bus routes and services based on O-D matrices
Pasumarthi Nagendra, Willingness of retail traders for shared delivery of goods
Prakash Kumar Patel, Driver behaviour at Roundabouts
Sampath Kumar C M, Examining Traffic flow characteristics at diverging section of 4 lane divided urban roads
Satarla Sai Kumar, Performance characteristics of bio-modified bitumen
Sayanton Mohanta, Sustainability Assessment of inland waterways:-A Case study of Kerala
Sayyed Furquan Muktakali, Estimation of Patronage demand for BMRCL
Shaikh Farhan Mohd Naim, Evaluation of Cold Bituminous Mixes using Coal Bottom Ash as a Filler.
Silpa Surendran, Crash Prediction Model at unsignalized intersection under mixed traffic condition
Sneha Mathai, Economic Evaluation of Proposed Road Overbridge: A Case Study of Idakulangara ROB
Sreelakshmi Sajeev, Service optimization for exclusive bus lane facility
Sumit, Influence of Side Friction factors on the Performance of Signalized Intersection
Yenugula Hareesh, Transforming the existing roads to equitable efficient sustainable roads in urban area