Mar 11, 2024

EED and IIC organised one-day workshop

The Department of Electrical Engineering and Institution's Innovation Council at the National Institute of Technology Calicut organized a one-day workshop titled "Familiarization of Recent Trends in Advanced Control and Instrumentation" on March 11th, 2024. The workshop received sponsorship from the Science and Engineering Research Board (SERB) under the Scientific Social Responsibility component of an ongoing SERB-SRG Project.

The event showcased two enlightening sessions featuring esteemed speakers:

Prof. Santhakumar Mohan, Professor at IIT Palakkad, delivered a presentation on "Mobile Manipulators in Modern Times and Their Challenges," delving into practical aspects and associated challenges. Dr. Sneha Gajbhiye, Assistant Professor at IIT Palakkad, explored "Control of Underactuated Robotic Systems," offering insights into unique control challenges and potential solutions.

Interactive discussions enhanced participants' understanding and fostered a collaborative learning environment, enriching the overall experience of the workshop.