Department of Architecture and Planning, NITC to prepare Master Plan for Kodenchery FHC
NITC inks MoU with Koduvally Block Panchayat for preparation of Kodenchery FHC Master Plan
The Department of Architecture and Planning of the National Institute of Technology Calicut will collaborate with Koduvally Block Panchayat to prepare a master plan for upgrading the existing Family Health Centre (FHC) at Kodenchery Panchayath, in Kozhikode district.
As part of this key initiative, a Memorandum of Understanding was inked between the National Institute of Technology Calicut and Koduvally Block Panchayat at NITC, on 7th September 2023 , Thursday at NIT Calicut. The consultancy project is to develop the existing FHC into a state of the art health centre with future possibilities for inpatient facility hospital and the master plan will accommodate all the developmental prospects as demanded under the National Health Mission.
“It is a great pride for Kerala that even FHCs are functioning as full-fledged hospitals,” said Prof. Prasad Krishna, Director of NIT Calicut. NITC is always ready to support initiatives which will serve the society at large, he added.
The facilities in the existing FHC are highly insufficient caters to the health requirements of over 40,000 people living in Kodenchery Grama panchayat. Presently, the health infrastructure face acute shortage of quality spaces to accommodate essential treatment facilities, lab equipment, etc. The facilities are presently housed in buildings constructed nearly 50 years ago facing constraints of inadequate space , lighting and ventilation. The FHC also caters to communities from 16 scheduled tribe settlements and around 12 scheduled caste settlements residing in the panchayat.
At present, the FHC is functioning as an outpatient facility where nearly 500-800 patients visit every day for various health related issues. The FHC at Kodenchery is the only healthcare facility available for the people living in the 15-kilometre stretch. The nearest facility with inpatient admission is available 30-40 km away at Community Health Centre at Mukkam or other major hospitals in Kozhikode, said Mr. Roy Kunnappally, Block Division Member.
The master plan will be prepared by a team led by Dr. Shyni Anilkumar and Dr. Sanil Kumar, Assistant Professors of the Planning and Architecture Department. The initiative was envisioned and supported by Mr. Bijin P. Jacob, former Bblock Ddevelopment Oofficer of Koduvally; Mr. Alex Thomas, President, Kodenchery Grama panchayat, and Mr. K M Ashraf, Koduvally Block Panchayat President. The MoU ceremony was attended by Dr. Shamasundara, Registrar, NITC, Dr Rajanikant G K, Dean (Students’ Welfare), NITC, Mr. K Abdu Rahim, Block Development Officer, Koduvally and Mr. Roy Kunnappally, Block Division Member.
Prof. Prasad Krishna, Director of NITC and Mr. Abdu Raheem exchanging the MoU in the presence of Dr. Sanil Kumar, Dr. Shyni Anilkumar, Mr. Roy Kunnappaly, Prof. G. K. Rajanikant and Dr. Shamasundara.
Media Reports
NIT-C to prepare masterplan for Kodenchery Family Health Centre - The Hindu
NIT-C's architecture dept to prepare masterplan for Kodenchery FHC - New Indian Express
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