Dr. Nidhi Baranwal

Dr. Nidhi Baranwal
Assistant Professor
Office Address:
Department of Mechanical Engineering, NIT Calicut, Kerala 673601
PhD - IIT Mandi (Himachal Pradesh)
B.Tech - Uttar Pradesh Technical University (2013)
Postdoc- IIT Bombay
Educational Qualifications
PhD - IIT Mandi (Himachal Pradesh)
B.Tech - Uttar Pradesh Technical University (2013)
Postdoc- IIT Bombay
N. Baranwal, S. P. Mahulikar, Infrared Signature of Fixed and Variable Area CD Nozzle of Aircraft Engine, SAE International Journal of Aerospace, Vol. 16, 2023.
N. Baranwal, S. P. Mahulikar, Analytical Estimation of Infrared Signature of Converging and Converging-Diverging Nozzles of Jet Engine, SAE International Journal of Aerospace, Vol. 14, No. 2, 2021.
N. Baranwal, S. P. Mahulikar, Infrared Signature of Combat Aircraft Incorporating Weight Penalty due to the Divergent Section of the Convergent-Divergent Nozzle, SAE Technical Paper, 2021-01-6002, 2021.
N. Baranwal, S. P. Mahulikar, Review of Infrared signature suppression systems using optical blocking method, Defence Technology, Vol. 15 (3), pp. 432-439, 2019.
N. Baranwal, S. P. Mahulikar, Infrared signature of aircraft engine with choked converging nozzle, AIAA Journal of Thermophysics and Heat Transfer, Vol. 30, No. 4, pp. 854-862, 2016.
N. Baranwal, S. P. Mahulikar, IR signature comparison of aircraft engine with choked and unchoked converging nozzles, Infrared Physics and Technology, Vol. 74, pp. 21-27, 2016.
N. Baranwal, S. P. Mahulikar, Aircraft engine’s infrared lock-on range due to back pressure penalty from choked convergent nozzle, Aerospace Science and Technology, Vol. 39, pp. 377-383, 2014.
Menon D, Shivam VS, Veerendra TU, Raikar A, Baranwal N, Performance Comparison of Rectangular Nozzle with Circular Nozzle of Military Aircraft Engine, Materials Today: Proceedings, 2022/8.
Professional Experience
Assistant Professor (Mechanical Engineering) SRM Institute of Science and Technology (formerly known as SRM University) Delhi-NCR Campus from Jul’ 2017- Jul’ 2018.
Institute Post-Doctoral Fellow (Dept. of Aerospace Engineering) Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Bombay Powai, Mumbai from Oct' 2018- Jan' 2021.
Assistant Professor (Mechanical Engineering), Atria Institute of Technology (VTU) Bangalore from Feb' 2021- Jul' 2022.
Assistant Professor (Mechanical Engineering), National Institute of Technology Calicut from Aug’ 2022- present.
Aircraft Infrared Stealth Technology, Heat Transfer, Jet propulsion
Member- Centre for Women Welfare and Social Empowerment
Member- Centre for Student Activities and Sports (CSAS)
ZZ1002D: Engineering Graphics
ME3002D: Principles of Heat Transfer
ME1201E: Thermodynamics
ME6432D: Advanced Air-breathing Propulsion (PG Course)