Dr. Basil Kuriachen

Dr. Basil Kuriachen
Assistant Professor
Office Address:
Department of Mechanical Engineering, National Institute of Technology Calicut, NIT Campus P.O 673 601, Kozhikode, India
Ph.D (NIT Calicut)
Educational Qualifications
Ph.D (NIT Calicut)
S. No |
Publications |
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S. Arun, Manikandan M., Jino Joshy, Basil Kuriachen, Jose Mathew, 2024, “Numerical modelling and experimental investigations to predict the tool wear of copper electrodes during µ-EDM process”, Accepted for publication in CIRP Journal of Manufacturing Science and Technology |
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Vishnu Venugopal, Basil Kuriachen, 2024, “Effect of post-processing on the microstructure and corrosion rate of laser powder bed fusioned Ti64-ELI grade alloy”, Materials Letters, 137329, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.matlet.2024.137329 |
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F.R. Anoop, Bijo Abraham Jacob, Basil Kuriachen, Sachin Malgave, 2024, “Effect of heat treatment on microstructure and wear properties on Binder Jetting Additive manufactured M2 High-Speed steel”, Materials Letters, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.matlet.2024.137228 |
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GS Anantharam, Rahul Nair, Abhijith Sivan, Basil Kuriachen, 2024, “Effect of post-processing on the corrosive behaviour of L-DED Ti-6Al-4V”, Materials Letters, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.matlet.2024.137143 |
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Shafeeque T P, Allan George, Jose Mathew, Basil Kuriachen, 2024, “Force Modeling and Experimental Investigations on Machinability of SDSS 2507 under Dry Lubrication Conditions using TiCN-Al2O3 CVD Coated Tools”, Sadhana, |
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Basil Kuriachen, Katari Vinay, Jino Joshy, 2024, “Influence of post-processing and build direction on the wear behaviour of laser powder bed fused maraging steel”, ASME Journal of Tribology, pp. 1-21, https://doi.org/10.1115/1.4065499 |
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Basil Kuriachen, 2024, “Influence of surface texture of electric discharge machined Ti6Al4V on the surface wettability”, Precision Engineering, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.precisioneng.2023.12.016 |
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Allan George, Basil Kuriachen, P. B. Dhanish, Jose Mathew, 2024, “Wear characteristics of WS2 nanoparticle-assisted micro-EDM textured carbide inserts during machining of Ti6Al4V”, Accepted for publication in Tribology International. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.triboint.2024.109640 |
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Jayaram C Sasi, Jose Mathew, Allan George, Basil Kuriachen, 2024, “Performance Evaluation of Coated tool in End Milling of XH67MBTHO Alloy”, Accepted for publication in Materials and Manufacturing Processes. https://doi.org/10.1080/10426914.2024.2323432 |
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Virendra Pratap Singh, Ashish Kumar, Deepak kumar, Basil Kuriachen, 2024, “Effect of Welding Speed on Microstructure, Nano Mechanical and Nano Tribological Characteristics of Dissimilar Friction Stir Welded AA6061-T6 and AZ31 Alloy”, Accepted for publication in Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology. |
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Virendra Pratap Singh, Deepak Kumar, Basil Kuriachen, 2024, “Parametric Effect on Microstructure Evolution, Grain Size and Mechanical Behaviour of Friction Stir Butt Welding of AA6061-T6 Alloy”, Accepted for publication in Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology, 10.1080/01694243.2024.2303244. |
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Virendra Pratap Singh, Anchit Modi, Ashish Kumar, Deepak Kumar, Vinyas Mahesh, Dineshkumar Harursampath, Basil Kuriachen, 2024, “Effect of mix cubic and hexagonal phase on the mechanical and microstructural properties of friction stir welded AZ31 alloy” Materials Letters, 361, 136081, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.matlet.2024.136081 |
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Prajina NV, Jose Mathew, Basil Kuriachen, 2024, “Experimental Investigation on Electric Discharge Assisted Surface Modification of Ti6Al4V with Comparative Analysis between Different Polarities in Ecofriendly Dielectric Deionized Water”, Accepted for publication in Advances in Materials and Processing Technologies, 10(3), pp. 2690-2708, https://doi.org/10.1080/2374068X.2024.2355746 |
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Sandeep OS and Basil Kuriachen, 2023, “Influence of Build Direction and Heat Treatment on the Microstructure and Tensile Characteristics of Cold Metal Transfer based Wire Arc Additive Manufactured SS 304L" CIRP Journal of Manufacturing Science and Technology, 47, pp. 59-70, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cirpj.2023.08.013 |
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Mohit Godara, Jino Joshy, Basil Kuriachen and Jose Mathew, 2023, “Experimental analysis on the effect of build directions during micro drilling of SLM fabricated maraging steel (18-Ni-300)” Progress in Additive Manufacturing, https://doi.org/10.1007/s40964-023-00478-9 |
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Jino Joshy and Basil Kuriachen, 2023, "Influence of post-processing and build orientation on the micro-machinability and chip formation during micro-drilling of L-PBF AlSi10Mg". CIRP Journal of Manufacturing Science and Technology, 45, pp. 35-48, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cirpj.2023.05.009 |
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Shubham Jaiswal, Jose Mathew, Basil Kuriachen, 2023, "Experimental investigation into the evolution of microstructure and nanomechanical characterization of electric discharge deposited surface layers on Ti64" Measurement, 210, 112544, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.measurement.2023.112544 |
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Virendra Pratap Singh, Ashish Kumar, Deepak kumar, Basil Kuriachen, 2023, “Effect of Welding Speed on Microstructure, Nano Mechanical and Nano Tribological Characteristics of Dissimilar Friction Stir Welded AA6061-T6 and AZ31 Alloy” Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology, pp. 1–23, https://doi.org/10.1080/01694243.2024.2302268 |
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Jino Joshy, Basil Kuriachen, 2023, "Effect of Heat treatment and Cryo-treatment on Dry Tribological Behavior of Inconel 718 Fabricated using Laser Powder Bed Fusion" Wear, 523, 204819, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.wear.2023.204819 |
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Jino Joshy, Basil Kuriachen, 2023, "Influence of Heat-treatment and Cryo-treatment on High temperature wear performance of LPBF Inconel 718" Wear, 522, 204681, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.wear.2023.204681 |
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Venkata Krishna Reddy M, Basil Kuriachen, Jino Joshy, and M L Joy, 2023, "Influence of Areal Surface Parameters on the Tribological Behavior of Ti6Al4V Under Lubricated Condition", Tribology International, 179, 108147, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.triboint.2022.108147 |
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Virendra Pratap Singh, Deepak Kumar, Basil Kuriachen, 2022, “Effect of Low Welding and Rotational Speed on Microstructure and Mechanical Behaviour of Friction Stir Welded AZ31-AA6061-T6", Transactions of Indian Institute of Metals, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s12666-023-02971-9 |
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Virendra Pratap Singh, Ashish Kumar, Rajan Kumar, Anchit Modi, Deepak Kumar, Vinyas Mahesh, and Basil Kuriachen. "Effect of Rotational Speed on Mechanical, Microstructure, and Residual Stress Behaviour of AA6061-T6 Alloy Joints through Friction Stir Welding." Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, (2023): 1-16. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11665-023-08527-8 |
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Virendra Pratap Singh, Deepak Kumar, Raju Prasad Mahto, Basil Kuriachen. Microstructural and Mechanical Behavior of Friction-Stir-Welded AA6061-T6 and AZ31 Alloys with Improved Electrochemical Corrosion. Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, (2023): 32(9), 4185-4204. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11665-022-07380-5 |
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Athikkal Rakesh, Arivalagan Inbaoli, Charuvezhathu Sivaraman Sujith Kumar, and Basil Kuriachen, “Influence of electrical discharge texturing upon cooling performance of a downward-faced copper surface.” Accepted for publication in Journal of Heat Transfer Engineering. |
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Allan George, Tejanshu Sekhar Sahu, P. B. Dhanish, Jose Mathew, Basil Kuriachen, 2023, "Tool surface modification methodology to improve the machinability of Ti6Al4V through combination of micro-EDM texturing and AlSi-10Mg soft coating techniques in dry turning” Accepted for publication in Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, 237(22):5330-5351, https://doi.org/10.1177/095440622311634 |
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Jino Joshy, Allan George, Jose Mathew, Basil Kuriachen, 2022, “Influence of post processing on the micro-machinability of selective laser melted AlSi10Mg: An experimental investigation”, Materials and Manufacturing Processes, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1080/10426914.2022.2075886 |
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Jibin T Philip, Deepak Kumar, Jose Mathew, and Basil Kuriachen, 2022,” Tribo-behavioral Transition of Ti6Al4V as a Function of Sliding Velocity and Load under Dry Sliding Conditions”, Accepted for publications in Tribology - Materials, Surfaces & Interfaces. 10.1080/17515831.2022.2139517. |
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Renumala Sudheer, Venkata Krishna Reddy, Jino Joshy, Joy ML, 2022, “Effect of MoS2 Powder Mixed Electric Discharge Alloying on the Tribological Performance of Ti6Al4V, Transactions of the Indian Institute of Metals. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12666-022-02786-0 |
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JIBIN T PHILIP, Deepak Kumar, G. A. Harmain, Gaurav, Lijesh K. P., Basil Kuriachen, 2022, "A Novel Seal Design to Enhance MR Brake Performance"Accepted for publication Transactions of the Indian Institute of Metals. |
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Jino Joshy, Venkata Krishna Reddy, Joy ML, Basil Kuriachen, 2022, “Effect of powder mixed electric discharge alloying using WS2 on the tribological performance of Ti6Al4V”, Accepted for publication Transactions of the Indian Institute of Metals. |
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Rajan Kumar, Virendra Pratap singh, R. K. Dwivedi, Basil Kuriachen, Anand Krishnan N, 2022, “Influence of Toughness and Retained Austenite on Wear Behavior of Carbide Free Bainite in High Silicon Steel”, Accepted for publication Transactions of the Indian Institute of Metals. |
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Virendra Pratap Singh, Basil Kuriachen, 2022, “Experimental Investigations into the mechanical and metallurgical characteristics of friction stir welded AZ31 Magnesium Alloy”, Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, Latest Articles, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11665-022-07055-1 |
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Debendra Kumar Khandai, Jose Mathew, Basil Kuriachen, 2022, “FEM modelling of residual stresses of Ti-6Al-4V during micro-turning considering the scale effect”, Sādhanā ,47,107 ,DOI:https://doi.org/10.1007/s12046-022-01865-8 |
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Velavali Sudharshan, Basil Kuriachen, Jinu Paul, 2022, “Resistance spot welding of Al6061 lap joints with a PVA bonded graphene interlayer”, Materials Testing, 64 (4), DOI: https://doi.org/10.1515/mt-2021-2073 |
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Thasleem P, Basil Kuriachen, Deepak Kumar, and M L Joy, 2022, “Effect of heat treatment and electric discharge alloying on the lubricated tribology of Al-Si alloy fabricated by Selective Laser Melting”, Wear, 494–495, pp.204244, DOI:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.wear.2022.204244 |
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Surendra Kumar Patel, Virendra Pratap Singh, Deepak Kumar, Barnik Saha Roy, Basil Kuriachen, 2022, “Microstructural, mechanical and wear behavior of A7075 surface composite reinforced with WC nanoparticle through friction stir processing”, Materials Science and Engineering: B, 276, pp. 115476, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.mseb.2021.115476 |
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Tejanshu Sekhar Sahu, Allan George, Jose Mathew, Dhanish P. B, Basil Kuriachen, 2021, “Experimental Investigations on the Wear Behaviour of Micro-EDM Fabricated Textured Tools During Dry Turning of Ti6Al4V”, Industrial Lubrication and Tribology,74(1), pp.26-33. DOI:https://doi.org/10.1108/ILT-06-2021-0233 |
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Surendra Kumar Patel, Virendra Pratap Singh, Barnik Saha Roy, Basil Kuriachen,2021, “Microstructural, mechanical and wear behavior of A7075 surface composite reinforced with WC and ZrSiO4 nanoparticle through friction stir processing”, Journal of Manufacturing Processes, 71,pp.85-105 , DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jmapro.2021.09.010 |
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Allan George, Basil Kuriachen, Dhanish P.B., Jose Mathew, “Experimental investigations into the influence of AlSi-10Mg soft tool coating on the machinability of Ti6Al4V”, Materials and Manufacturing Processes, Materials and Manufacturing Processes , Latest Articles, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1080/10426914.2021.1981934 |
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P. Thasleen, Basil Kuriachen, ML Joy, 2021, “Ambient and Elevated Temperature Wear Performance of AlSi10Mg Alloy Fabricated by Selective Laser Melting and Casting”, Accepted for publication in Lasers in Engineering. |
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Shajahan CM, Lalhmingsanga H, Basil Kuriachen, 2021, “Experimental investigations on the influence of laser cutting parameters on SiC reinforced metal matrix composites using response surface methodology”, Accepted for publications in Lasers in Engineering. |
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Pradeep Kumar Yadav, G. Dixit, Savita Dixit, Virendra Pratap Singh, Surendra Kumar Patel, Rajesh Purohit, Basil Kuriachen, 2021, “Effect of eutectic silicon and silicon carbide particles on high stress scratching wear of aluminium composite for various testing parameters”, Wear,482–483, pp. 203921,DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.wear.2021.203921 |
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Jibin T Philip, Jose Mathew, and Basil Kuriachen, 2021, “Transition from EDM to PMEDM – Impact of Suspended Particulates in the Dielectric on Ti6Al4V and other Distinct Material Surfaces: A Review”, Journal of Manufacturing Processes. 64, pp.1105-1142, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jmapro.2021.01.056 |
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Virenra Pratap Singh, Surendra Kumar Patel, Basil Kuriachen,2021, “Mechanical and Microstructural Properties Evolutions of Various Alloys Welded through Cooling Assisted Friction-Stir Welding: A Review”, Intermetallics, 133,pp. 107122,DOI:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.intermet.2021.107122 |
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Pradeep Kumar Yadav, Surendra Kumar Patel, Virendra Pratap Singh, Manoj Kumar Verma, Raj Kumar Singh, Basil Kuriachen, Gajendra Dixit, 2021, “Effect on mechanical and fracture behaviour of aluminium piston alloy with different reinforced metal matrix composites” Accepted for publication in Journal of Bio- and Tribo-Corrosion. |
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Pradeep Kumar Yadav, Surendra Kumar Patel, Virendra Pratap Singh, Manoj Kumar Verma, Raj Kumar Singh, Basil Kuriachen & Gajendra Dixit , 2021 ,“Effect of Different Reinforced Metal-Matrix Composites on Mechanical and Fracture Behaviour of Aluminium Piston Alloy” , Journal of Bio- and Tribo-Corrosion, 7, 54 .DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s40735-021-00478-8 |
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Kore Mahesh, Upasana Sarma, S N Joshi, Basil Kuriachen, 2020, “Processing Parameter Influence for Dimple Fabrication on WC Tool Inserts Using Lase Surface Texturing (LST)”, Lasers in Eng.,49, pp. 49–66, DOI: |
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Yadav, P. K., Dixit, G., Kuriachen, B., Verma, M. K., Patel, S. K., and Singh, R. K., 2020, “Effect of Reinforcements and Abrasive Size on High-Stress Tribological Behaviour of Aluminium Piston Matrix Composites”, J. Bio- Tribo-Corrosion, 6(1),pp.1-14,DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s40735-019-0317-6 |
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Philip, J. T., Mathew, J., and Kuriachen, B., 2020, “Numerical Simulation of the Effect of Crater Morphology for the Prediction of Surface Roughness on Electrical Discharge Textured Ti6Al4V”, J. Brazilian Soc. Mech. Sci. Eng., 42(248),pp.1-18, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s40430-020-02321-6 |
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Patel, S. K., Singh, V. P., Kumar, N., Kuriachen, B., and Nateriya, R., 2020, “Wear Behaviour of Al-Silicon (LM13) Alloy Composite Reinforcement with TiC and ZrSiO4 Particles,” Silicon, 12(1), pp. 211–221,,DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s12633-019-00114-8 |
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Vipindas, K., Kuriachen, B., and Mathew, J., 2019, “Investigations into the Effect of Process Parameters on Surface Roughness and Burr Formation during Micro End Milling of TI-6AL-4V”, Int. J. Adv. Manuf. Technol., 100(5–8), pp. 1207–1222, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s00170-016-9210-3 |
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- Materials and Manufacturing Processes
- International Journal of Mechanical Sciences
- Wear
- Materials Science & Engineering A
- Measurement
- Journal of Manufacturing Processes
- International Journal of Additive and Subtractive Materials Manufacturing
- Cogent Engineering
- Machining Science and Technology: An International Journal
- Silicon
- Scientia Iranica
- Engineering Science and Technology, an International Journal
- Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering
- International Journal of Manufacturing Research
- Noise & Vibration Worldwide
- Advances in Material Science and Mechanical Engineering
- Advanced scientific process planning, Course faculty: Prof. P.N. Rao, University of Northern Iowa, USA. Course approved and expected date is May 7-11, 2018.
- Laser surface engineering: fundamentals and applications, Course Faculty: Prof. Narendra Dahotre, University of North Texas, USA. Course approved and expected date is October 29 - November 2, 2018.
- Development of bio-inspired components for the future: multi-material, multi-scale, multi-physics, multi-functional, Course Faculty: Prof. Filipe Samuel Silva, University of Minho, Portugal, 14-19 October 2019.
- Advances in corrosion engineering and protection, Course Faculty: Dr T.S. Sudarshan, USA, Course approved.
- Development of drones for fast goods transport across hilly Mizoram terrain, Course Faculty: Prof. Sumon K. Sinha, USA, Course approved.
- Advances in 3d printing/additive manufacturing: fundamentals to practice with future research potential and recommendations, Course Faculty: Dr. Khalid Rafi, Singapore. Course approved.
- “Numerical modeling, simulations and experimental investigations to improve the surface tribological properties of Ti-6Al-4V through developing wire electrical discharge alloying”, Sanctioned amount Rs. 22,94,600.00 by SERB from 10.03.2017 to 09.09.2020.
S.No. | Positions held | Name of the Institute | From | To |
01. | Asst. Professor | National Institute of Technology Calicut | 14th May 2020 | At present |
02. | Asst. Professor | National Institute of Technology Mizoram | 21st December 2015 | 13th May 2020 |
03. | Asst. Professor | VIT University Vellore | 01st June 2015 | 15th December 2015 |
- Vijay S, Madhusudanan Pillai and Basil Kuraichen, Data Driven Prognostics of Milling Tool Wear: A Machine Learning Approach, International Conference on Computational Performance Evaluation (ComPE), 2021, North-Eastern Hill University (NEHU), Shillong, Meghalaya, India.
- Mohit Godara,Jino Joshy, Basil Kuriachen, Somashekar KP, and Jose Mathew, Finite element analysis of drilling on slm produced maraging steel, Proceedings 8th International and 29th National All India Manufacturing Technology, Design and Research Conference 2021.
- M. Venkata Krishna Reddy, Jino Joshy, Basil Kuriachen and M.L. Joy, Influence of areal surface parameters on the tribological behavior of Ti6Al4V, Proceedings 8th International and 29th National All India Manufacturing Technology, Design and Research Conference 2021.
- Shubham Jaiswal, Basil Kuriachen and Jose Mathew, Effect of peak current and pulse-on time on MRR and TWR in EDM of Ti-6Al-4V, Proceedings 8th International and 29th National All India Manufacturing Technology, Design and Research Conference 2021.
- Tejanshu Sekhar Sahu, Allan George, Basil Kuriachen, Jose Mathew, Dhanish P.B., 3D Finite Element Simulation of Orthogonal Cutting of Ti-6Al-4V Using Textured Tool, Proceedings 8th International and 29th National All India Manufacturing Technology, Design and Research Conference 2021.
- Jibin T Phiip, Jose Mathew, Basil Kuriachen, Deepak Kumar, “Sliding behavior of secondary phase SiC embedded alloyed layer doped Ti-6Al-4V surfaces ensuing electro discharge machining”, International Conference on Advanced Surface Enhancement 2019, Singapore.
- Abhishek Kumar, Basil Kuriachen, Surender Ontela, “Analytical Modelling of Friction along tool chip interface for Inconel 718” International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition 2017 (ASME), Vol. 2, 2017, pp. V002T02A049; 8 pages, doi:10.1115/IMECE2017-71556.
- Jose, M., Deepak, G.D., Mathew, J.J., Basil, K., “Finite element modeling of discharge zone in micro-EDM process,” International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition (ASME), Vol. 3, Part B, 2012, pp. 1047-1052.
- Deepak Kumar, Lijesh K. P., Basil Kuriachen “Investigation on the Impact of Electrical Discharge Machining on the Tribological Properties of Aluminum”, Intrnational Conference on Advances in Basic Science (ICABS-19), February 7-9, 2019, Bahal, India.
- Bishal Das, Jibin T Philip, Kore Mahesh, Basil Kuriachen, “Force and Thermal Variational Analysis by Fe Approach On Dry Turning of Inconel 718” Proceedings 7th International and 28th National All India Manufacturing Technology, Design and Research Conference 2018, Anna University Chennai.
- Surendra Kumar Patel, Virendra Pratap Singh, Basil Kuriachen, “Modification of Aluminium Alloy Surface Composite Reinforced with Zro2 Particles Fabricated Through Friction Stir Processing” Proceedings 7th International and 28th National All India Manufacturing Technology, Design and Research Conference 2018, Anna University Chennai.
- Virendra Pratap Singh, Surendra Kumar Patel, Basil Kuriachen, Saurav Suman, “Investigation of General Welding Defects Found During Friction Stir Welding (Fsw) Of Aluminium and Its Alloys” Proceedings 7th International and 28th National All India Manufacturing Technology, Design and Research Conference 2018, Anna University Chennai.
- Saurav Suman, Avinish Tiwari, Pradeep Pankaj, Pankaj Biswas, Basil Kuriachen, Abhijit Sinha, “Modelling of Welding Sequences for Minimization of Weld Induced Distortions and Residual Stresses” Proceedings 7th International and 28th National All India Manufacturing Technology, Design and Research Conference 2018, Anna University Chennai.
- Saurav Suman, Pardeep Pankaj, Avinish Tiwari, Mr. Pankaj Biswas, Basil Kuriachen, Abhijit Sinha, “Effect of Pre and Post Welding Processes on the Distortion Pattern in A Saw Welded Butt Joint of P91 Steel Plate” Proceedings 7th International and 28th National All India Manufacturing Technology, Design and Research Conference 2018, Anna University Chennai.
- Jibin T Philip, Basil Kuriachen, Jose Mathew, “Numerical Modelling and Simulation of Single and Multi-Spark Impacts in Electrical Discharge Machining” Proceedings 7th International and 28th National All India Manufacturing Technology, Design and Research Conference 2018, Anna University Chennai.
- Jibin T Philip, Basil Kuriachen, Jose Mathew, “Factor Effect on Crater Shapes in Electrical Discharge Machining” International Conference on Recent Innovations and Developments in Mechanical Engineering (IC-RIDME 2018).
- Basil Kuriachen, Jose Mathew, “Effect of µEDM milling process parameters on surface roughness during machining Ti-6Al-4V” International Conference on Recent Innovations and Developments in Mechanical Engineering (IC-RIDME 2018).
- Surendra Kumar Patel, Virendra Pratap Singh, Raman Nateriya, Kuriachen B., “A Study of the Wear Behavior of A2024-SiC-ZrSiO4 Metal Matrix Composites with Fine Silica Slurry Particles”, Proceedings of COPEN10, 2017, pp. 472-478.
- Deepak G. Dilip, Subrahmanyam A., Basil Kuriachen, Satyananda Panda, Jose Mathew, “Experimental Investigations on HAZ and Recast Layer in WEDM on Inconel 718” Proceedings 6th International and 27th National All India Manufacturing Technology, Design and Research Conference 2016.
- Naveen Kumar, S., Jeyapandiarajan, P., Kuriachen, B., “Experimental investigations into the effect of welding parameters on dissimilar welding (AISI 4340 alloy steel and AISI 316 SS) using TIG by Autogenously and with different filler wires” Proceedings 6th International and 27th National All India Manufacturing Technology, Design and Research Conference 2016.
- Kuriachen, B., Prakash, N.P., Mathew, J., and Allesu, K., “Modelling of micro EDM parameters on machining of aerospace alloy,” Proceedings of All India Manufacturing Technology, Design and Research Conference, Vol. 2, 2012, pp.1051-1055.
- Kuriachen, B., Deepak, G.D., Navaneeth, M.S., and Mathew, J., “MRR optimization of Inconel 718 in low frequency work piece vibration assisted micro-EDM using RSM,” Proceedings of All India Manufacturing Technology, Design and Research Conference, Vol. 2, 2012, pp.1085-1089.
- Shravani, S., Kuriachen, B., Eby, D., and Mathew, J., “Modelling and multi response optimization of µ-WEDM,” Proceedings of All India Manufacturing Technology, Design and Research Conference, Vol 2, 2012, pp.1062-1068.
- Deepak, G.D., Kuriachen, B., and Mathew, J., “Multi-objective optimization of process parameters in vibration assisted micro-EDM,” Proceedings of All India Manufacturing Technology, Design and Research Conference, Vol 2, 2012, pp.1025-1030.
- Kuriachen, B., Mithun, S.N., and Mathew, J., “Numerical simulation of micro electric discharge machining on Ti-6Al-4V,” Proceedings of International Conference on Computer Aided Engineering, 2013, pp. 1-6.
- Kuriachen, B., and Mathew, J., “Effect of Material properties on Micro EDM Milling Machinability,” Proceedings of COPEN8, 2013, Vol. 1, pp. 246-250.
- Jithin, S, Kuriachen, B., and Mathew, J., “Multi-objective optimization of micro ED milling of Ti-6Al-4V using Genetic Algorithm (GA),” Proceedings of COPEN8, 2013, Vol. 1, pp. 157-163.
- Jithin, S, Kuriachen, B., and Mathew, J., “Optimization of Micro Electrical Discharge Milling parameters using Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO),” Proceedings of COPEN8, 2013, Vol. 1, pp. 164-169.
- Suvin, P.S., Kuriachen, B., and Mathew, J., “Multi-objective optimization and analysis of taper cutting by Silicon Carbide (SiC) abrasive powder mixed micro wire EDM,” Proceedings of COPEN8,2013, Vol. 1, pp. 170-175.
- Mithun, S.N., Kuriachen, B., Vijayakumar, R., and Mathew, J., “Thermo Physical Modeling of Micro Electric Discharge Machining using Finite Element Method,” Proceedings of COPEN8, 2013, Vol. 2, pp. 993-998.
- Varghese, A., Kuriachen, B., Panda, S., and Mathew, J., “A Finite Volume Approach for Solving Three Dimensional Micro EDM Model”, Proceedings of COPEN8, 2013, Vol 2, pp. 999-1004.
- Sooraj, H., Kuriachen, B., and Mathew, J., “Experimental Investigation on Micro-Milling,” Proceedings of COPEN8,2013, Vol. 1, pp. 144-148.
- Vijayan, V., Kuriachen, B., Manu, R., and Mathew, J., “Experimental Investigation of Powder Mixed Micro Electrical Discharge Milling of Ti-6Al-4V,” Proceedings of COPEN8, 2013, Vol. 1, pp. 228-233.
- Vignesh, S.N., Kuriachen, B., and Mathew J., “A Hybrid machining technique in µ-EDM: A combination with low frequency vibration and magnetic field assisted setup to machine stainless steel work piece,” Proceedings of COPEN8, 2013, Vol. 1, pp. 234-239.
- Dinesh, B.P., Kuriachen, B., Allesu, K., and Mathew, J., “Experimental Investigation and Optimization of Process Parameters in machining Inconel-718 using Micro-WEDM,” Proceedings of COPEN8, 2013, Vol. 1, pp. 240-245.
- Jithin, S, Kuriachen, B., and Mathew, J., “Modelling of µ-ED milling of Ti-6Al-4V using RSM and ANN,” Proceedings of COPEN8, 2013, Vol. 2, pp. 946-950.
- Navaneeth, M.S., Kuriachen, B., Sreenath, A.M., and Mathew, J., “Finite element modeling of micro cutting by nonlinear analysis,” Proceedings of COPEN8, 2013, Vol. 2, pp. 564-568.
- Mathew, J.J., Kuriachen, B., and Mathew, J., “ANN modeling and multiple objective optimization of process parameters in micro-EDM drilling using tubular electrodes,” Proceedings of COPEN8, 2013, Vol. 2, pp. 951-955.
- Deepak, G.D., Kuriachen, B., and Mathew, J., “Finite Element Analysis of temperature distribution on various workpiece materials using µ-EDM,” Proceedings of COPEN8, 2013, Vol. 1, 251-254.
- Joby, M., Kuriachen, B., and Shajan, K., “Optimization of cylindrical grinding parameters using RSM,” Accepted for publication in Proceedings of International Conference on Advanced Manufacturing and Automation, 2013.
- Joby, M., Kuriachen, B., and Shajan, K., “Surface roughness optimization of cylindrical grinding process parameters using GA,” Accepted for publication in Proceedings of International Conference on Advanced Materials and Manufacturing, 2013.
- Basil, P., Vikas, M., and Kuriachen, B., “Optimizing the Machining Parameters of Wire EDM of AISI D3 using Response Surface Methodology,” Proceedings of IDEM, 2014, pp. 154-160.
- Syamlal, T, Kuriachen, B.,Jayadas, N.H., Sajesh, M., and Mathew J., “Parametric optimization and statistical study of wire electrical discharge machining in AISI 202 stainless steel,” Proceedings of International Mechanical Engineering Congress, 2014, pp. 233- 237.
- Bibin, K.T., Kuriachen, B., Josephkunju, P., and Elson, P.V, “Surface roughness optimization of wire electric discharge machining using ABC algorithm,” Accepted for publication in the proceedings of International Conference on Advances in Materials and Manufacturing Engineering.
- Kuriachen, B., and Mathew, J., “Modelling and Multi response optimization of Micro EDM drilling on Inconel 718,” Proceedings of All India Manufacturing Technology, Design and Research Conference (AIMTDR), 2014, pp. 341-1-6.
- Kuriachen, B., and Mathew, J., “Spark radius modeling of Micro electric discharge machining of Ti-6Al-4V,” Proceedings of All India Manufacturing Technology, Design and Research Conference (AIMTDR), 2014, 342-1-4.
- Mithun, S.N., Kuriachen, B., Vijayakumar, R, and Jose, M., “Modeling of Micro Electric Discharge Machining Using FEM,” Proceedings of All India Manufacturing Technology, Design and Research Conference (AIMTDR), 2014, pp. 333-1-6.
- Vipin, V., Kuriachen, B., Manu, R., and Mathew, J., “Experimental and Finite Element Based Investigations on Powder Mixed Micro-Electrical Discharge Machining of Ti-6Al-4V Alloy,” Proceedings of All India Manufacturing Technology, Design and Research Conference (AIMTDR), 2014, pp. 334-1-6.
- Alwin, V., Kuriachen, B., Somashekar, K.P., Satyananda, P., and Mathew, J., “Modelling and simulation of micro EDM with single and multiple discharge,” Proceedings of All India Manufacturing Technology, Design and Research Conference (AIMTDR), 2014, pp. 327-1-6.
- Kuriachen, B., Patil, D., and Mathew, J., “Thermal Stress Modeling of Micro-Electrodischarge Machining on Titanium Alloy,” Accepted for publication in proceedings International Conference on Mathematical Modeling and Computer Simulation, IIT Madras, 2014.
- Kuriachen, B., Somashekar, K.P., and Jose, M., “A feasibility study to optimize micro electric discharge drilling of Inconel 718 using Ant Colony Optimization,” Proceedings of COPEN9, 2015.
- Kuriachen, B., Prajakta, S., Sayali, S., Aparna, N., Kuppan, P., and Oyyaravelu, R., “Modeling and Experimental Investigations on Wire-Electric Discharge Machining of Monel K500 Alloy,” Proceedings of COPEN9, 2015.
- Awad, D., Kuriachen, B., and Jose, M., “Modeling and Experimental Investigation of Low Frequency Work piece Vibration-Assisted Micro Electric Discharge Milling on Titanium Alloy,” Proceedings of COPEN9, 2015.
- Patil, D., Kuriachen, B., and Jose, M., “Modeling of Thermal Residual Stress during Micro-Electrodischarge Machining of Titanium Alloy,” Proceedings of COPEN9, 2015.
- Vinneth, M.S., Tummala, S.S., and Kuriachen, B., “Design, optimization and analysis of compressive helical springs for railway locomotive suspension,” in Proceedings of International Conference on Computer Aided Engineering (CAE 2015), 2015, pp.
- Gandhi, A., and Kuriachen, B., “Design and Stress analysis of Bicycle Frame for Different Materials,” Proceedings of International Conference on Computer Aided Engineering (CAE 2015), 2015, pp.
- Kuriachen, B., and Kunjupaul, J., “Material removal characteristics and surface roughness studies in WEDM of AISI 202 stainless steel,” Proceedings of International Conference on Advances in Manufacturing & Thermal Engineering (ICOMATE 2016), 2016, pp.
- Anjan Karmakar, Agnimitra Biswas, Jibin T Philip, and Basil Kuriachen, “Estimation of Heat Loss Factor with the Tilt Angle in A Solar Thermal Flat Plate Collector” Proceedings of International Conference on Green Buildings & Sustainable Engineering. Publish online soon.
Journal Special Issues Edited
- Special issue on Micromanufacturing, Materials and Manufacturing Processes, 36(13), 2021. https://www.tandfonline.com/toc/lmmp20/36/13
Conference Special Issues Edited
- https://www.sciencedirect.com/journal/materials-today-proceedings/vol/47/part/P15
Sl. No. |
Degree |
Year |
Subject |
University/Institution |
1. |
Ph. D |
2015 |
Mechanical Engineering |
National Institute of Technology Calicut |
2. |
M. Tech. |
2011 |
Mechanical Engineering |
MG University, Kottayam |
3. |
B.E |
2008 |
Mechanical Engineering |
Anna University, Chennai |
- Recipient of national level IEI Young Engineers Award 2019-20
- Best oral presentation award in International Conference on Recent Innovations & Developments in Mechanical Engineering (IC-RIDME 2018) organized by Department of Mechanical Engineering, NIT Meghalaya during 8th – 10th November 2018.
- Recipient of Early Career Research Award of DST: SERB 2016.
- Recipient of SERB-International Travel Fellowship 2017.
- A universal hexagonal key-kum adjustable spanner wrench. Application No. 201731010487A, Application date: 24/03/2017, Publication date: 28.09.2018.
- Soap dispenser with a body scrub, Application No.201641024529 A, Publication Date: 12/08/2016.
- Basil Kuriachen, Jose Mathew, Uday Shanker Dixit, Electric Discharge Hybrid Machining Processes: Fundamentals and Application. CRC Press, Taylor & Francis, In press, https://www.routledge.com/Electric-Discharge-Hybrid-Machining-Processes-Fundamentals-and-Applications/Kuriachen-Mathew-Dixit/p/book/9781032064321
Book Chapter
- Jibin T Philip, and Basil Kuriachen, 2021, Surface Modification of Ti6Al4V through Electrical Discharge Machining Assisted Alloying to Improve Its Tribological Behavior—The Pathway to Genesis of a New Alloying Technique. CRC Press, Taylor & Francis, In press, https://www.routledge.com/Progress-in-Lubrication-and-Nano--and-Biotribology/Pruncu-Aherwar-Gorb/p/book/9780367493950
- Basil Kuriachen, 2021, Electrical Discharge Machining (EDM), CRC Press, Taylor & Francis, In press.
- Jibin T Philip, and Basil Kuriachen, 2021, Powder Mixed Electrical Discharge Machining (PMEDM), CRC Press, Taylor & Francis, In press.
- Basil Kuriachen, Vipindas K, and Jose Mathew, 2021, Electric Discharge Assisted Milling, CRC Press, Taylor & Francis, In press.
- Vipindas K., Basil Kuriachen, and Jose Mathew, An insight on ultrasonic machining technology, Hand book in Advanced Manufacturing, https://doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-12-817452-4.00001-4
- Basil Kuriachen, Powder-Mixed Microelectric Discharge Machining, DOI: 10.1007/978-981-13-3074-2_7, Springer Nature, https://www.springerprofessional.de/en/powder-mixed-microelectric-discharge-machining/16952484
- Advances in Machining Processes, May 20-24, 2019, Role: Coordinator.
- Advances in Manufacturing Processes, March 19-23, 2018, Role: Coordinator.
- Recent Trends in Renewable Energy Technologies for Sustainable Future with Special Reference to NE India, October 18 -29, 2016, Role: Co-coordinator.
- American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
- Institution of Engineers (India)
- Tribology Society of India
Name |
Google scholar profile |
Dr. Jibin T Philip |
https://scholar.google.co.in/citations?user=OyXEePcAAAAJ&hl=en |
Dr. Surendra Kumar Patel |
https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=-TnUmgEAAAAJ&hl=en |
Dr. Virendra Pratap Singh |
https://scholar.google.co.in/citations?user=5dsXIt0AAAAJ&hl=en |
- Mr. Anjan Karmakar, Numerical Modelling, Simulation and Statistical Analysis of single and multi-spark impacts in electrical discharge machining, May 2018.
- Mr. Bishal Das, Force and thermal variational analysis during dry turning of hard to cut materials using FEM, May 2018.
- Mr. Dhanurdhar and Mr. Binod Gope, Design and Development of a universal hexagonal key-kum adjustable spanner wrench, May 2017.
- Mr. Abhishek Kumar, Analytical and finite element modelling of cutting forces and coefficient of friction along tool chip interface in machining of aerospace alloys (Inconel 718), May 2017.
- Gemba Kaizen, 5th February 2011, Anna University Chennai.
- Thermodynamics in Mechanical Engineering, 14th to 24th June 2011, IIT Bombay.
- Matlab and its application Areas, 17th march 2012, NIT Calicut.
- Advances in Manufacturing Engineering, 21st to 25th May 2012, NIT Calicut.
- Management Research Methodology, 18th to 23rd June 2012, NIT Calicut.
- Modeling Of Manufacturing Process, 25th to 27th July 2013, NIT Tiruchirappalli.
- Intellectual Property Rights Awareness, 5th October 2013, NIT Calicut.
- High Temperature Mechanical Properties of Materials, 11th January 2014, NIT Calicut.
- Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP), 21st -22nd March 2014, NIT Calicut.
- Cutting Force Measurement, 26th March 2014, IIT Madras.
- Micromanufacturing, 31st March to 5th April 2014, IIT Kanpur
- Matlab in engineering education, 22nd -26th June 2015, VIT University, Vellore
- Surface Engineering of Auto Components, 15th September 2015, VIT University, Vellore
- Learning through fables, Tales, 23rd October 2015, VIT University, Vellore
- Welding Simulation using Ansys and Abaqus, 30th October, 2015, VIT University, Vellore
- Connecting hospitals and technical universities, 06th November, 2015, VIT University, Vellore
- Laser: Fundamentals and applications, November 13-17, 2017, IIT Kanpur.
Dr. Basil Kuriachen is serving as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Mechanical Engineering, National Institute of Technology Calicut from 2020. His vivacity and dexterity towards abiding commitment to sublime work ethic conferred him with the Ph.D. and M. Tech degrees from NIT Calicut (2015) and Mahatma Gandhi University, Kottayam (2011), respectively. His resolute research niches are in the field of metal additive manufacturing, micro/nano-machining processes, precision and ultra-precision machining, modeling and analysis in the machining of “difficult to machine” materials, tribology of manufacturing processes, nano-tribology, surface coatings, nano-lubricants, advanced machining processes, friction stir welding & processing and surface characterization. He is the principal investigator (PI) for many currently active projects from DST-SERB, ARDB, DRDO, Govt. of India, UGC, DAE, TIH_IITG, SERB-IMPRINT, and ISRO. Excellency in academics and research enabled him to be the recipient of several prestigious national awards/fellowships including of IEI Young Engineers Award 2019-20, SERB-International Travel Fellowship 2017, Early Career Research Award of DST-SERB 2016 and SERB’s International Research Experience (SIRE) fellowship. He has organized five GIAN programs (in collaboration with foreign faculties), and is the reviewer for several international peer-reviewed journals of repute associated with various publishing houses such as ASME, Elsevier, Springer, Taylor and Francis, etc. He has to his credit, 110 research publications in international refereed journals and conferences alongside two patents. Presently, he is guiding 7 Ph. D scholars (three theses completed) to carrying out research work in the distinct fields of electrical discharge machining assisted alloying, friction stir welding & processing, laser surface texturing and so on. He has organized many national and state level programs such as conferences (1), short term courses (3), and state level seminars (4) and has participated in 17 short term courses in his career so far.