Dr. A. Shaija

Dr. A. Shaija
Office Address:
Professor Department of Mechanical Engg. NIT Calicut Kerala
Ph.D, Natural Convection and Surface Radiation in Annuli, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore,
M. Tech., Thermal Science and Engineering, IIT Bombay,
B. Tech., Mechanical Engineering, University of Calicut,
Educational Qualifications
Ph.D, Natural Convection and Surface Radiation in Annuli, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore,
M. Tech., Thermal Science and Engineering, IIT Bombay,
B. Tech., Mechanical Engineering, University of Calicut,
Paper in International Journal
Sambamurthy, N. B., Shaija, A., Narasimham, G.S.V.L. and Krishna Murthy, M. V., Conjugate Natural Convection in Horizontal Annuli, International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow, Vol. 29, 2008, PP. 1347-1359.
Shaija, A. and Narasimham, G.S.V.L., Effect of Surface Radiation on Conjugate Natural Convection in a Horizontal Annulus Driven by Inner Heat Generating Solid Cylinder, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 52, 2009, PP. 5759-5769.
Shaija, A. and Narasimham, G.S.V.L., "Natural Convection in a Horizontal Annulus with an Inner Heat Generating Solid Square Cylinder and an Outer Isothermal Circular Boundary", international Journal of Computational Thermal Sciences, 3(2); 89-102 (2011).
Saleel, C., A., Shaija, A., and Jayaraj, S., Numerical Simulation of Fluid Flow over a Forward-backward Facing Step using Immersed Boundary Method, International Journal of Engineering Science and Technology, Vol. 3 No.10, 2011, pp. 7714-7729.
Saleel, C., A., Shaija, A., and Jayaraj, S., Computational Simulation of Electroosmotic flow Using Immersed Boundary Method, International Journal of Micro-Nano Scale Transport, 2012.
Saleel, C., A., Shaija, A., and Jayaraj, S.," On the use of Thermal Effects as a Measure to Control Electro-osmotic Flows in Micro-channels", International Journal of Micro and Nano Systems, Vol. 3, No. 1, 2012, pp. 37-48.
Saleel, C., A., Shaija, A., and Jayaraj, S. "On Simulation of Backward Facing Step Flow using Immersed Boundary Method", American Journal of Fluid Dynamics 2013, 3(2): 9-19.
Saleel, C., A., Shaija, A., and Jayaraj, S.,"Computational Simulation of Fluid Flow over a Triangular Step using Immersed Boundary Method", International Journal of Computational Methods August 2013, Vol. 10, No. 04
Salumuri S. Lingeswara Rao, A. Shaija and S. Jayaraj. "Mathematical modeling of Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells- a brief review". International Journal of Emerging Trends in Engineering and Development. Issue 4, Vol.1, 2014.
S.S.L. Rao, A. Shaija and S. Jayaraj. "Optimization of operating parameters to maximize the current density without flooding at the cathode membrane interface of a PEM fuel cell using Taguchi method and genetic algorithm". International Journal of Energy and Envoronment, Volume 5, 2014.
Salumuri S. Lingeswara Rao, A. Shaija and S. Jayaraj. "Theoretical prediction of the performance of a PEM Fuel Cell with consideration of the ageing effect on catalytic activity and conductivity of the membrane". International Journal of latest trends in Engineering and Technology, Volume 4(1). 2014
Ajeet P S and Shaija A, Design and development of a solar desalination system, Applied mechanics and Materials, Vol 592-594 (2014) pp 2350-2354
M. Mubarak, A. Shaija, T.V. Suchithra, A review on the extraction of lipid from microalgae for biodiesel production, Algal Research, (2015), Vol 7, pp 117-125.
Salumuri S. Lingeswara Rao, Shaija A, Jayaraj S. Metamodel optimization of operating parameters of a PEM fuel cell for maximum current density without membrane dehydration, International Journal on Power Engineering and Energy, Vol.6 (2), 2015, pp. 531-541.
Mubarak. M, Shaija A, Suchithra T.V, Optimization of lipid extraction from Salvinia molesta for biodiesel production using RSM and its FAME analysis, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, July 2016, Volume 23, Issue 14, pp 14047–14055.
Mubarak M., Shaija A., Suchithra T.V., Ultrasonication: An effective pre-treatment method for extracting lipid from Salvinia molesta for biodiesel production, Resource-Efficient Technologies, September 2016, Volume 2, Issue 3, pp: 126-132.
M. Mubarak, Priyank Gupta, A. Shaija, T.V. Suchithra, Production of Bioethanol from Salvinia Molesta and its Utilization in Single Cylinder SI Engine, Journal of Advanced Engineering Research, Volume 4, Issue 1, 2017, pp.67-72.
M. Mubarak, A. Shaija, T.V. Suchithra, Enhancement of Biomass Production of Chlorella pyrenoidosa using Response Surface Methodology, Journal of Advanced Engineering Research, Volume 4, Issue 2, 2017, pp.99-103.
Gupta P, Protim Das P, Mubarak. M, Shaija A, Performance and emission analysis of single cylinder SI engine using bioethanol-gasoline blend produced from Salvinia Molesta, IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 297 (2018) 012005 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/297/1/012005
Sundar R. Nath, M. Mubarak, A. Bhowmik, A. Shaija, Effect of photolimitation on growth of microalgae in Tubular photobioreactor, Journal of Advanced Engineering Research, Volume 5, Issue 1, 2018, pp.1-5.
S. Rajesh Kana, A. Shaija, K. Varun Sankar, Diesel Engine Characteristic Studies with Metal Oxide Doped Nanoparticle in Avocado Biodiesel, Journal of Advanced Engineering Research ISSN: 2393-8447 Volume 4, Issue 2, 2017, pp.114-118.
Rao S S L, Shaija A., Jayaraj S., Performance analysis of a transparent PEM fuel cell at the optimized clamping pressure applied on its bolts, Materials Today: Proceedings 5 (2018) 58–65.
M. Mubarak, A. Shaija, T.V Suchithra, Cost effective approach for production of Chlorella pyrenoidosa: A RSM based study, Waste and Biomass Valorization (2018) https://doi.org/10.1007/s12649-018-0330-x.
Gurrala Srinivasa Rao, A Shaija, Computational Analysis of Reacting Flows in Afterburner, Heat Transfer Engineering, Volume 41, Issues 5-6, November/December 2018
M. Mubarak, A. Shaija, T. V. Suchithra, Flocculation: An effective way to harvest microalgae for biodiesel production, Journal of environmental chemical engineering, Vol. 7 (2019) 103221
M. Mubarak, A. Shaija, T. V Suchithra, Characterization of salvinia molesta and chlorella pyrenoidosa for biofuel applications using FTIR and TGA, Pak. J. Biotechnol. Vol. 16 (2) 139-143 (2019)
M. Mubarak, P. Prashanth, A. Shaija, (2019): Bubble column photobioreactor for Chlorella pyrenoidosa cultivation and validating gas hold up and volumetric mass transfer coefficient, Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects, DOI: 10.1080/15567036.2019.1680769
S. Rajesh Kana & A. Shaija, Performance, combustion and emission characteristics of a diesel engine using waste avocado biodiesel with manganese-doped alumina Nanoparticles International Journal of Ambient Energy, DOI: 10.1080/01430750.2019.1707112
Gurrala Srinivasa Rao, Andavan Shaija, Computational analysis of reacting flows in afterburner, Heat transfer engineering, Taylor & Francis, Volume 41, Issue 6-7, pp.576-594, 2020
Mubarak M, Shaija A, Suchithra TV. Evaluation of ferric chloride and electroflocculation of Chlorella pyrenoidosa and reuse of the culture medium for subsequent cultures. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering. 2020 Feb 1;8(1):103612.
M. Mubarak, A. Shaija, T.V Suchithra, Experimental evaluation of Salvinia molesta oil biodiesel/diesel blends fuel on combustion, performance and emission analysis of diesel engine, Fuel 287 (2021)
Niyas MM, Shaija A. Effect of repeated heating of coconut, sunflower, and palm oils on their fatty acid profiles, biodiesel properties and performance, combustion, and emission, characteristics of a diesel engine fueled with their biodiesel blends. Fuel. 2022 Nov 15;328:125242. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.fuel.2022.125242
Niyas MM, Shaija A. Performance evaluation of diesel engine using biodiesels from waste coconut, sunflower, and palm cooking oils, and their hybrids. Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments. 2022 Oct 1;53:102681. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.seta.2022.102681
Niyas MM, Shaija A. Biodiesel production from coconut waste cooking oil using novel solar powered rotating flask oscillatory flow reactor and its utilization in diesel engine. Thermal Science and Engineering Progress. 2023 May 1;40:101794.
Niyas MM, Shaija A. Effect of fatty acid profiles of waste cooking oil biodiesels on their thermal and physical properties. Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry. 2023 Jun 10:1-1.
M. Mubarak, A. Shaija, T.V Suchithra, Blends of Salvinia molesta oil microemulsion with diesel in an unmodified diesel engine for the simultaneous reduction of nitrogen oxide and smoke, Heliyon 10 (2024)
Paper in National Conference
1. A. Shaija and G. S. V. L. Narasimham, "Conjugate Natural Convection In the Space Formed Between Two Concentric Circular Cylinder" in National Conference in Recent Developments in Mechanical Engineering, RDME-2009, 5-6 March, SCTCE, Trivandrum.
2. A. Shaija and G. S. V. L. Narasimham, "Analysis of Temperature and Flow Distribution in the NonCircular Annulus between Two Cylinders" in National Woman's Conference on Exploring Potentialities of Woman in Engineering (EPWIE), July 3-4, 2009, CIT-Changa, Gujarat.
3. P. Naresh Babu and A. Shaija, "Theoretical modeling of solar thermal energy storage system using Inorganic phase change materials" in National level Technical Conference on Energy, ENERGETIC 2010, Bangalore.
4. Gunasekhar kesetty, S. Ashok and A. Shaija, "Modelling and analysis of Automotive Fuel Cell" in National level Technical Conference on Energy, ENERGETIC 2010, Bangalore.
5. Ningegowda B. M, A. Ramaraju and A. Shaija, Golden Jubilee National Conference on “Analysis of Forced Air Cooling Techniques for Low Power Density Electronic Devices ”June 11 - 12, 2010, NIT Jamshedpur India.
6. J.Nagaraju, S.VamsiKrishna, S. Ashok, A.Shaija: “Hybrid Photovoltaic-Thermosyphon Water Heating system”, National conference on Emerging research and advances in mechanical sciences – ERA 2011, March 23rd 2011, Velammal Engineering College, Chennai. pp 379-385.
7. Saurabh Srivastava, C. Muraleedharan, A. Shaija: “Solar Dryer and Its Performance Analysis”, National Conference on Recent Trends in Engineering and Science- NCRTES 2012, April 20-21st 2012, Prestige Institute of Engineering and Science, Indore, M.P. pp 22-27.
8. K.Sai Santhosh, C. Muraleedharan, A. Shaija: “Modeling of Solar Thermal Energy Storage System by Using PCM as a Storage Material”, National Conference on Recent Trends in Engineering and ScienceNCRTES 2012, April 20-21st 2012, Prestige Institute of Engineering and Science, Indore, M.P. pp 28- 32.
9. Neethu Kailas, A. Shaija: “Performance Analysis of a Portable Solar Powered Thermoelectric Cooler”, National Conference on Advances in Mechanical Engineering- NCAME 2012, April 21st 2012, R. C. Patel Institute of Technology, Shirpur.
10. Neethu kailas and A. Shaija “Thermal modeling and experimental analysis on a stepped basin solar still with jute cloth as energy storage medium”, emerging trends in mechanical engineering (ETME 12), June 1, ITM university, Gurgaon, Haryana,India
11. Saleel, C., A., Shaija, A., and Jayaraj, S., : Modeling and Simulation of Fluid Flow over a Rectangular Step using Immersed Boundary Method, Proceedings of the National Conference on Emerging TRends in Industrial Engineering and Management (ETRIM2011), July 2011, Department of Mechanical Engineering, NIT Calicut, Kerala, India
12. Saleel, C., A., Shaija, A., and Jayaraj, S., : Numerical Simulation of Pressure Driven Electro-osmotic Flow and Mixing in a Rectangular Micro-Channel Populated with Triangular Blocks, 39th National Conference on Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Power, 2012, SVNIT, Surat, India
13. M.Mubarak, A. Shaija, T.V.Suchithra, Performance and Emission Analysis of Diesel Engine using Biodiesel blends Produced from Salvinia Molesta and Indigenous Algae, 23rd National conference on IC Engines and Combustion in SVNIT Surat, India, 13-16 December, 2013.
14. M. Mubarak, A.C Pradosh, A. Shaija, “Performance and Emission Analysis of Diesel Engine Using Microemulsion Blends Produced from Salviniamolesta”, 24th National conference on I.C engines and combustion, University of Petroleum and Energy Studies, Dehradun, Uttarakhand 30th Oct-1 Nov 2015.
15. Rajesh Kana, A. Shaija, R. P. S. Parihar, “Effect of the Magnetic Field on Fuel Consumption and Exhaust Emissions of Diesel Engine”, 24th National conference on I.C engines and combustion, University of Petroleum and Energy Studies, Dehradun, Uttarakhand 30th Oct-1 Nov 2015.
16. G. Srinivasa Rao, Kampa Ashirvadam, A. Shaija, “Acoustic Analysis of Screech liner for Mitigation of Instabilities in Afterburner”, 24th National conference on I.C engines and combustion, University of Petroleum and Energy Studies, Dehradun, Uttarakhand 30th Oct-1 Nov 2015
17. Tomson Sebastian, A. Shaija, Design and fabrication of novel Fresnel lens solar collector for daylighting and water heating, National Conference on Solar Thermal Energy Technologies, IIT Jodhpur, Rajasthan, 26-28 February, 2016.
18. Ashif S, A Shaija, Feasibilty study of small wind turbine for domestic refrigeration, National Conference on Energy, Economy and Environment, NIT Calicut, December 16-17, 2016.
19. M. Mubarak, Priyank Gupta, A. Shaija, T.V Suchithra, Production of bioethanol from Salvinia molesta and its utilization in single cylinder SI engine, National Conference on Energy, Economy and Environment, NIT Calicut, December 16-17, 2016.
20. M. Mubarak, A. Shaija, T.V Suchithra, Enhancement of biomass production of chlorella pyrenoidosa using response surface methodology, National Conference on Energy, Economy and Environment, NIT Calicut, December 16-17, 2016.
21. Johnson P Joe, A. Shaija, Effect of mass flow rate on the length of a triple concentric tube heat exchanger, National Conference on Energy, Economy and Environment, NIT Calicut, December 16-17, 2016.
22. Rajesh Kana S, A. Shaija, Varun Sankar K, Diesel engine characteristic studies with metal oxide doped nanoparticles in avocado biodiesel, National Conference on Energy, Economy and Environment, NIT Calicut, December 16-17, 2016.
23. S S L Rao, A Shaija, Optimization of torque applied on bolts to improve the performance of PEM fuel cell, National Conference on Energy, Economy and Environment, NIT Calicut, December 16-17, 2016.
24. Gurrala Srinivasa Rao, A Shaija, Computational analysis of reacting flows in afterburner for different air fuel ratios, National Conference on Energy, Economy and Environment, NIT Calicut, December 16- 17, 2016.
25. Gurrala Srinivasa Rao, A. Shaija, Optimizing screech hole diameter of liner in afterburner, National Conference on Energy, Economy and Environment, ENERGY 2016, NIT Calicut, December 16-17, 2016.
26. Sundar R Nath, M. Mubarak, Arka Bhowmik, A. Shaija, Effect of photo-limitation on growth of microalgae in tubular photobioreactor, National Conference on Energy, Economy and Environment, ENERGY 2016, NIT Calicut, December 16-17, 2016.
27. Harikrishnan H.R, Hrishikesh M, Deepak V, Endana Saikrishna, Gulshan Kumar Jha, A. Shaija, Synthesis of biodiesel from waste cooking oil (WCO) and its characterization, National Conference on Energy, Economy and Environment, ENERGY 2016, NIT Calicut, December 16-17, 2016.
28. Nived, A. Shaija, Sreenesh T.V, Design of a concentrated PV integrated water purification system, National Conference on Energy, Economy and Environment, December 16-17, 2016.
29. Tomson Sebastian, A. Shaija, Experimental study on concentrated optical fibre based daylighting/thermal system, National Conference on Energy, Economy and Environment, NIT Calicut, December 16-17, 2016.
30. M. Mubarak, A.Shaija, T. V.Suchithra, Production, Characterization and Utilization of Biodiesel from Salvinia molesta, 25th National Conference on Internal Combustion Engines and Combustion (25NCICEC 2017), NIT Surathkal, 15-17, December 2017.
31. S. Rajesh Kana, A. Shaija, H. R Harikrishnan, and M. Hrishikesh, NOx Reduction Methods in Diesel Engine Using Waste Vegetable Oil Biodiesel, 25th National Conference on Internal Combustion Engines and Combustion (25NCICEC 2017), NIT Surathkal,15-17, December 2017.
32. Gurrala Srinivasa Rao, A. Shaija, Acoustic analysis of afterburner with liner for different air fuel ratios, 25th National Conference on Internal Combustion Engines and Combustion (25NCICEC 2017), NIT Surathkal, 15-17, December 2017.
33. Gurrala Srinivasa Rao, A. Shaija, Acoustic Analysis of Afterburner for different Nozzle Angles, 44th National Conference on Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Power Amrita University, Amritapuri Campus, Kollam, Kerala, , 14-16, December 2017.
34. Vipul Sehgal, A. Shaija, Design of Retrofittable Diesel Particulate Filter with Regeneration Attributes, First Shaastra Research Conference conducted in IIT Madras on 5th and 6th January 2018.
35. Vimal Kumar G.S, Robin James, A. Shaija, Development of a high productive solar still by enhancing evaporative mass transfer, First Shaastra Research Conference conducted in IIT Madras on 5th and 6th January 2018.
36. Vipul Sehgal, A. Shaija, Design and fabrication of Retrofittable Diesel Particulate Filter with Regeneration Attributes, 105th Indian Science Congress 2018, Manipur University, Canchipur, 16- 20th March 2018.
37. Muhammed Niyas M, A. Shaija, Effect of repeated heating of Coconut oil, Sunflower oil, and Palm oil on property of biodiesel produced from it, 3rd National Symposium on Shaping the Energy Future: Challenges & Opportunities (SEFCO 2019), May 2019
38. Chaitanya Ponnana, A. Shaija, Design and fabrication of compact retro-fittable diesel exhaust aftertreatment system for reduction of PM and NOx, 3rd National Symposium on Shaping the Energy Future: Challenges & Opportunities (SEFCO 2019), May 2019
Paper in International Conference
Shaija, A. and Narasimham, G.S.V.L., "Natural Convection In Horizontal Annulus Formed Between An Inner Solid Square Cylinder Placed Concentrically Inside An Outer Circular Isothermal Boundary", in CHT-08: ICHMT International Symposium on Advances in Computational Heat Transfer, May 11-16, 2008, Marrakech, Morocco.
A. Shaija and G. S. V. L. Narasimham, "Conjugate Natural Convection in a Horizontal Annulus Driven by Inner Heat Generating Solid Cylinder" in 19th National & 8th International ISHMT-ASME- Heat and Mass Transfer Conference on January 3-5, 2008 JNTU, Hyderabad.
A. Shaija and G. S. V. L. Narasimham, "Conjugate natural convection in non-circular horizontal annulus" in 20th National & 9th International ISHMT-ASME Heat and Mass Transfer Conference, to be held in January 4 - 6, 2010, Mumbai.
C.A.Saleel, A.Shaija and S. Jayaraj, 'Numerical simulation of laminar flow between parallel plates using Immersed Boundary method', International Conf. on Recent Advances in Mechanical Engineering (ICRAME, 2010) , NI University, Nagercoil, Tamilnadu, India.
S. Jayaraj, A. Shaija, and C.A. Saleel, Computational Simulation of Backward Facing Step Flow Using Immersed Boundary Method, International Conference on Scientific Computing as a part of WORLDCOMP'11WORLD COMP 2011,LAS VEGAS, July 18-22, 2011.
Saleel, C., A., Shaija, A., and Jayaraj, S., : Joule Heating Effect as a Measure to Control Electro-osmotic Channel Flows, Proceedings of 21st National and 10th ISHMT and ASME Heat and Mass Transfer Conference, December 2011, IIT Madras, Chennai, India.
A.Shaija and GSVL Narasimham," Numerical Investigation of the Temperature and Flow Distributions and Development of Correlations in the Annulus" in ICFMHTT 2012 : International Conference on Fluid Mechanics, Heat Transfer and Thermodynamics, in Zurich, Switzerland during Jan 15-17, 2012.
Saurabh Srivastava, A. Shaija: “Mathematical Modeling and Simulation Analysis of PEM Fuel Cell”, International Conference on Electronics and Communication Engineering- ECE 2012, May 20th 2012, IIMT Bhubaneswar. pp 179-185.
K.Sai Santhosh, A. Shaija: “Detoxification of Dairy Waste Water By Using Compound Parabolic Concentrator (CPC) And Oxidising Agent”, International Joint conference on Emerging Intelligent Sustainable Technologies-EISTCON-2012, May 3-4th 2012,Dayanand Sagar College of Engineering Bangalore. pp 23-28.
S. Sreejith, M. Mubarak, A. Shaija, T.V. Suchitra, Experimental study on the properties of biodiesel produced from indigenous algae as diesel engine fuel, International conference on Alternate fuels in I.C. engines, MNIT Jaipur, 2013.
S. Mithun, M. Mubarak, A. Shaija, T.V. Suchitra, Experimental investigation of biohydrogen production from Indigenous algae and Chlorella Pyrenoidosa, IEEE International Conference on Energy Efficient Technologies for Sustainability ICEETS-2013.
Salumuri. S. Lingeswara Rao, A.Shaija, Mathematical Modeling and Performance analysis of Proton Exchange Membrane fuel cell, IEEE International Conference on Power, Energy and Control (ICPEC), 2013.
Salumuri. S. Lingeswara Rao, A.Shaija, Mathematical Modeling and Parametric analysis of Proton Exchange Membrane fuel cells-A Semi Empirical Approach, International conference on Alternate fuels in I.C. Engines, MNIT Jaipur, 2013.
Ashif S and A Shaija, ’Development of a Dual Purpose Wind Turbine for Low Wind Speed Conditions,’ International Conference on Recent Advances in Mechanical Engineering and Interdisciplinary Developments (ICRAMID-2014) Ponjesly College Of Engineering, Nagercoil, Tamilnadu, India.
V Aneesh and A Shaija, ’Performance Analysis of Single Slope Solar Still Integrated with Thermoelectric Refrigeration System, International Conference on Recent Advances in Mechanical Engineering and Interdisciplinary Developments (ICRAMID-2014) Ponjesly College Of Engineering, Nagercoil, Tamilnadu, India.
Pradosh A C, Mubarak M and Shaija A, ‘Optimization Study on Extraction of Oil from Salvinia Molesta Using Response Surface Methodology, International Conference on Recent Advances in Mechanical Engineering and Interdisciplinary Developments (ICRAMID-2014) Ponjesly College Of Engineering, Nagercoil, Tamilnadu, India.
Salumuri S. Lingeswara Rao, A. Shaija and S. Jayaraj. Optimization of operating parameters to maximize the current density without dehydration at the anode membrane interface of a PEM fuel cell using Taguchi method. International Conference and Utility Exhibition on: Green Energy for Sustainable Development (ICUE 2014), March 19-21, 2014, Pattaya city, Thailand.
M. Mubarak, A. Shaija, T.V.Suchithra, Comparative study on pretreatment methods for extracting lipid from Chlorella pyrenoidosa for biodiesel production, International Symposium on Green and Sustainable Technology (ISGST-2014), UTAR Perak Campus, Malaysia , 30th Sep- 3rd Oct- 2014.
M. Mubarak, A. Shaija, T.V. Suchithra, Effective pretreatment method for lipid extraction from Salvinia molesta for biodiesel production, International Conference on Energy and Environment (ICEE-2014), JNTU Hyderabad, 15th Dec -17th-2014.
S. Rajesh Kana, A. Shaija, Synthesis and Characterisation of methyl ester of oil from waste Avocado for biodiesel exploration in India, International Conference on Energy and Environment (ICEE-2014), JNTU Hyderabad, 15th Dec -17th-2014.
Sreenesh Narayanan , A.Shaija, Fabrication and analysis of a solar parabolic trough collector for pasteurization of milk in a dairy industry, International Conference on New Frontiers in Chemical, Energy and Environmental Engineering(INCEEE- 2015),page no.211-12, NIT Warangal, 20-21 March,2015.
Priyank Gupta, M.Mubarak, A.Shaija, Production of bioethanol from Salvinia molesta using combined pre-treatment and hydrolysis with acids and distilled water, Proceedings of International Conference on New Frontiers in Chemical, Energy and Environmental Engineering(INCEEE- 2015), page no.101-02, NIT Warangal, 20-21 March, 2015.
Gurpreet Singh, A Shaija, Comparison of experimental and CFD analysis of a double pipe heat exchanger, Proceedings of International Conference on New Frontiers in Chemical, Energy and Environmental Engineering(INCEEE- 2015), page no.113-14, NIT Warangal, 20-21 March, 2015.
P. Prasanth, M. Mubarak, A. Shaija, Effect of air sparging and Nitrogen on the growth and lipid accumulation of Chlorella pyrenoidosa, 2nd International Conference on Thermal, Energy and Environment (INCOTEE ), Kalasalingam University, Tamil Nadu, March 25&26, 2016.
K. Varun Sankar, S, Rajesh Kana, A. Shaija, Experimental optimization of Avocado oil methyl ester production and diesel engine performance study, 2nd International Conference on Thermal, Energy and Environment (INCOTEE ), Kalasalingam University, Tamil Nadu, March 25&26, 2016.
Anup Johson, A. Shaija, Theoretical prediction of pressure drop and under rib velocity of single serpentine and repetive five pass spiral flow fields for polymer electrolytic membrane fuel cells, 3rd International Conference on Developments in Science, Management and Engineering, International Organization of Scientific Research and Development, Trichy, 15 &16 April 2016.
Shreenesh, T.V., Shaija, A., Development of a solar milk pasteurization system for a dairy industry, ICTAK International Conclave on Skills, Engineering & Technology (ICSET), Technopark, Trivandrum, 24-25 June, 2016.
Tomson Sebastian, A. Shaija, Concentrated optical fibre based daylighting/thermal system ICTAK International Conclave on Skills, Engineering & Technology (ICSET), Technopark, Trivandrum, 24-25 June, 2016.
S S L Rao, A.Shaija, S. Jayaraj, Performance analysis of a transparent PEM fuel cell at the optimized clamping pressure applied on its bolts, International Conference on Processing of Materials, Minerals and Energy (PMME-2016), PACE Institute of Technology and Sciences, Ongole, Prakasam District, Andhra Pradesh, 29 & 30 July 2016.
Srinivasa Rao Gurrala and Shaija A, Computational Analysis of Fluid Flow in an Afterburner of Jet Aircraft, 6th International and 43rd National conference on Fluid mechanics and Fluid power, Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology Allahabad, 15-17th December 2016
Gurrala Srinivasa Rao, A. Shaija, Computational Analysis of Reacting flows in Afterburner, 1st International and 18th ISME Conference on Enabling Sustainable Development in Mechanical Engineering, February 23-25, 2017, NIT Warangal, Telangana, India.
Gurrala Srinivasa Rao, A. Shaija, Effect of Nozzle angle on Mach number of Afterburner in Jet aircraft, IEEE International Conference on Advances in Mechanical, Industrial, Automation and Management systems, MNNIT Allahabad, 3-5 February 2017.
Nived, A. Shaija, Shreenesh T.V, Design, modelling and experimental analysis on a novel concentrating PV integrated water purification hybrid PV/T system, International Conference on Advances of Mechanical Engineering Sciences(ICAMES), April 2017.
Johnson P. Joe, A. Shaija, Determination of length of a triple concentric tube heat exchanger, fabrication and experimental investigation on double tube heat exchanger, Internationl conference on advances of mechanical engineering sciences(ICAMES-17), April 21st and 22nd, 2017.
Sundar R. Nath, M. Mubarak, Arka Bhowmik, A. Shaija, Predictive model for microalgae growth in continious culture tubular photobioreactor: effect of light and temperature, ICHMT International Symposium on Advances in Computational Heat Transfer, May 28 -June 1, 2017, Napoli, Italy.
M. Mubarak, A. Shaija, T.V Suchithra, Optimization of ultrasonication method of pretreatment for extracting lipid from Chlorella pyrenoidosa for biodiesel production, 7th International Conference on Algae biomass, biofuels and bioproducts, Hyatt Regency, FL, USA, 18-21st June 2017.
Gurrala Srinivasa Rao, A. Shaija, Analysis of flow in afterburner, 24thNational and 2ndInternational ISHMT-ASTFE Heat and Mass Transfer Conference (IHMTC-2017), BITS Pilani, Hyderabad, 27-30, December,2017.
Gurrala Srinivasa Rao, A. Shaija, Acoustic Analysis of Reacting Flows in Afterburner, Proceedings of the fifth international conferences on Computational Methods for Thermal Problems (Therma Comp 2018), Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India. July 9-11, 2018.
Gurrala Srinivasa Rao, A. Shaija, Acoustic Analysis of Non- Reacting and Reacting flows in Afterburner, MSC Software Simulating Reality Conference, ITC Grand Chola, Chennai, September 4-5, 2018
Gurrala Srinivasa Rao, A. Shaija, Acoustic Analysis of Non-Reacting Flows in Afterburner, Proceedings of 7th International and 45th National Conference on Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Power (FMFP), IIT Bombay, December 10-12, 2018
Muhammed Niyas M, A. Shaija, Feasibility study of Coconut Testa biodiesel as diesel engine fuel, International Conference on Energy and Environment (ICEE 2021), April 09-10, 2021, Jyothi Engineering College, Thrissur, Kerala,
Muhammed Niyas M, A. Shaija, Novel Rotating Flask Oscillatory Flow Reactor with Solar Heating for Biodiesel Production, 1st International Conference in Fluid Thermal and Energy Systems. June 9-11, 2022, NIT Calicut, Kerala, India.
Muhammed Niyas M, A. Shaija, Effect of fatty acid profile of biodiesel on its thermal and physical properties, , 1st International Conference in Fluid Thermal and Energy Systems. June 9-11, 2022, NIT Calicut, Kerala, India.
Positions Held
Joint Secretary cum Treasurer, Parents Teachers Association, NITC, 2000-2004
Member, Centre for Value Education, NITC, 2001-2004
Lady Co-ordinator, Compulsory Social Service (CSS), NITC, 2001-2003
Department Secretary, Mechanical Engineering Department, NITC, 1999-2002
Staff-in-Charge, Mechanical Engineering Association, NITC, 1999-2002
Faculty Advisor, Second Year Mechanical Engineering
Member, Technical Advisory Committee-National Conference, EPWIE
Class Committee Chairman-Fourth Production Engg.
Class Committee Chairman-Fifth Sem. Mechanical Engg.- 2009
Faculty-In charge, Thermal Science Laboratory - 2009.
Member, Department Accreditation Committee
Warden, Ladies Hostel, NITC from 2009 -2015
Project Evaluation Committee - M.Tech in Energy management since 2009
Expert Reviewer-DST project proposals, Dept. of Science & Technology, New Delhi
Reviewer - National Conference on Technological Trends (NCTT-2010) during August 19-20, 2011, held in College of Engineering, Trivandrum, Kerala.
Member, Quarters allotment Committee since 2011
Joint Secretary, Combustion Institute- Indian Section since 2011
Executive Committee member, Combustion Institute- Indian Section since 2014
Class Committee Chairman - II Year Production Engg.
Class Committee Chairman - III Year Production Engg.
Class Committee Chairman - IV Year Production Engg.
Member, Institute Examination Vigilance Cell
Secretary, PTA, NIT Calicut - July 2016-2020
Present Responsibilities
Overall In-charge - Thermal Sciences Laboratories
B.Tech Project Co-ordinator since 2015
PG (Enery Engg.& Mangt) - Program Coordinator since 2018
Internal Complaints Committee (ICC) - Chairperson, since Feb 2022
Chairperson AQMC, MED
Institute Anti Ragging Committee - Member
Chairperson, Centre for Clean Energy and Circular Economy
Life Memberships
(i) Indian Society for Technical Education ISTE 1992 (Life Member)
(ii) National Society of Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Power, NSFMFP - 1993
(iii) The Combustion Institute, Indian Section (Life Member), 2002.
(iv) Indian Society for Heat and Mass Transfer, ISHMT,(Life member) 2009.
(v) The Indian Science Congress Association, Life member, 2014
(vi) Fellow of The Institution of Engineers (India), FIE, F-1227986, 2017
Major M.Tech Projects Guided
Performance and Emission Characteristics Evaluation of Dual fuel Engines using CNG
Performance and Emission Characteristics Evaluation of Diesel engine using Pongamia oil
Dual fuel operation of Diesel Engines using LPG
Performance Characteristics of Diesel Engine using blends of Bio-Diesel of Cotton seeds and Diesel.
Hybrid Photovoltaic Thermosyphon Water Heating System
Design, Fabrication and Experimental Analysis of a Water Purifier With Solar Disinfection
Performance Evaluation of Solar Thermal Energy Storage System Using Different Phase Change Materials
Design, Fabrication and Experimental Analysis of a Domestic PV Vapour Compression Refrigeration System
Performance Evaluation of Double Slope Passive Solar Still By Using Phase Change Materials as Heat Reservoirs
Reduction of NOx of Diesel Engines using EGR
Theoretical modeling of solar thermal energy storage system using Inorganic phase change materials
Performance and Emission Evaluation Of A Stationary Diesel Engine Using Biofuel Synthesized From Algae
Simulation of Dielectric Barrier Discharge Induced Flow Separation Control
Experimental Investigation of Biohydrogen Production from Indigenous Algae, Chlorella Pyrenoidosa and E.Coli
Effect of Magnetic Field on Performance and Emissions of IC Engines
Feasibility study of a small wind turbine for domestic refrigeration
Development and analysis of a solar still integrated with refrigeration systems
Development of microemulsion from salvinia molesta (kariba weed) as a diesel engine fuel
Fabrication and analysis of solar desalination plants
Production of bioethanol from Salvinia molesta and its utilization as a fuel in petrol engine
Performance analysis of proton exchange membrane fuel cell
Design, fabrication and testing of novel Fresnel lens solar collector for day lighting and water heating
esign, fabrication and testing of bubble column photobioreactor for microalgae cultivation and production of biodiesel
esign, modeling, fabrication and testing of a convection enhanced serpentine cathode flow channel of a PEM fuel cell.
Study on the effects of Nanoadditives on Avocado biodiesel in VCR engine
Mechanistic modelling and experimental validation of microalgae growth characteristics in a customized tubular photobioreactor
Concentrated PV integrated water purification hybrid system for small scale house hold electricity and drinking water requirements remote villages
Design and experimental analysis of triple concentric tube heat exchanger
On going Ph.D
IBM Based Analysis of Fluid Flow and Heat Transfer (Full Time) 2008 C. Ahmed Saleel NIT Calicut (Co-guide) -Completed
Design and development of Fuel Cell (FT, QIP) 2011, Mr.Sarvalingeshwara Rao, (Guide) - Completed
Performance, Combustion and emission evaluation of a stationary diesel engine using biofuel produced from Algea, M. Mubarak (2012) - Completed
Performance, Combustion and emission evaluation of a stationary diesel engine using biofuel produced using Avocado, Rajesh Kane, FT, 2013. -Completed
Computational Studies on Combustion Instabilities of Gas Turbine Afterburner, PT 2013, Srinivasa Rao. G -Completed
Developement of a new hybrid biodiesel for Diesel engine - Niyas Mohammed -FT -2017 - Completed (2023)
Ms Aiysha - Waste Management -2023
Book Chapters
- Gurrala Srinivasa Rao, Andavan Shaija, Computational studies on combustion instabilities for various configurations of afterburner
Advances in IC engine and Combustion Technology, NCICEC2019, Lecture notes in Mechanical Engineering, Springer, Singapore by Gupta A., Mongia H., Chandna p., Sachdeva G.,
Chapter 47, pp 599-611, 2021
- Gurrala Srinivasa Rao, Andavan Shaija, Computational studies on combustion instabilities of afterburner for different equivalence ratio
Fluid mechanics and fluid power proceedings of 2019, Lecture notes in mechanical engineering, Springer Nature, by Prabhu T., Viswananthan, P., Agraval, A., Banerjeee (Eds.)
Chapter 11, pp. 99-109, 2021
Teaching Interests
Internal Combustion Engines, Thermodynamics, Heat & Mass Transfer,
Refrigeration & Air Conditioning, Fluid Mechanics & Fluid Machinery,
Thermal Engineering, Alternative Energy Utilization,
Short Term Courses/Conferences Coordinated
Conducted Faculty Developement Programme (FDP) on 'Alternative Energy Options for IC Engines' from 28th June to 3rd July 2010, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, NIT Calicut
Conducted National Workshop on "Fuel Cell Technologies" during 11-12th June, 2011.
Expert lecture on 'Alternative Energy Sources' in MHRD-AICTE Faculty Development Program on "Optimum Energy Utilization in Thermal Systems", June29-July12, 2008
Expert lecture on “Geothermal Energy” in the MHRD-AICTE Faculty Development Program on “Renewable Energy Technology”, June 21-26, 2010.
Organizing Secretary, "22nd National Conference in IC Engines and Combustion" December 10-13, 2011 at NIT Calicut, in collaboration with the Combustion Institute (Indian Section)
Co-ordinator, workshop on 'Research Scholars Meet' in NIT Calicut
Coordinator , National Conference on 'Energy, Economy and Environment held during 16th and 17th december, 2016.
Coordinator, National Workshop on ' Algal Technology and its Applications' during 17th and 18th March, 2017.
Research Colloquium 2024 on Clean Energy at NIT Calicut
Sponsored Projects
"Alternative Fuels for Automobiles” (Principal Investigator) Ministry of Human Resources development (MHRD), Government of India, of Rs. 8 lakhs, 2001-04.
"Experimental Investigation of Fluid Flow and Heat Transfer in Mini Channels for cooling of Electronic Systems” (Co-investigator), FRP, CREC, 2002.
"Production of Bio-diesel from Chlorella pyrenoidosa and Salvinia molesta and investigation on its use in single cylinder diesel engine” (Principal Investigator) - 11 lakhs from Kerala State Council for Science, Technology & Environment (KSCSTE), Kerala, India.
PG student project titled ‘Design, development of the solar still integrated with a refrigerator’ funded by Kerala State Council for Science, Technology & Environment, Sasthra Bhavan, Thiruvananthapuram
PG student project titled ‘Development of micro-emulsion from freshwater weed (Kariba weed) and indigenous algae as diesel engine fuel’ funded by Kerala State Council for Science, Technology & Environment, Sasthra Bhavan, Thiruvananthapuram.
Research project “Tubular photobioreactor for microalgae cultivation” Rs. 5,80,000 funded by TEQIP-II.
PG student project titled, ‘Design, fabrication and testing of novel solar collector for daylighting and water heating’ funded by Kerala State Council for Science, Technology & Environment, Sasthra Bhavan, Thiruvananthapuram.
PG student project titled ‘Study on the effects of nanoadditives on Avocado biodiesel in variable compression ratio engine’ funded by Kerala State Council for Science, Technology & Environment, Sasthra Bhavan, Thiruvananthapuram.
PG student project titled 'Design and experimental analysis of triple concentric tube heat exchanger' funded by Kerala State Council for Science, Technology & Environment, Sasthra Bhavan, Thiruvananthapuram.
Research project 'Design, fabrication and experimental analysis of concentrating PV integrated water purification system' Rs.30,000 funded by TEQIP-II.
Research project 'Development of a high productive solar still using refrigeration cycle' Rs.66000/- funded by KSCSTE under TDAP scheme.
Research project 'Design and development of a retrofittable Diesel Particulate Filter with regeneration attributes' Rs.5,50,000/- funded by KSCSTE under TDAP scheme.
Major Projects
Performance and Emission Characteristics Evaluation of Dual Fuel Engines
Performance and Emission Characteristics Evaluation of Diesel engine using Pongamia oil
Dual fuel operation of Diesel Engines using LPG
Performance Characteristics of Diesel Engine using blends of Bio-Diesel of Cotton seeds and Diesel.
Fuel Cell Technology
Numerical Modeling of Conjugate Heat Transfer Analysis
Numerical Modeling of Thermal Systems such as spent Nuclear rods
Fuel cell laboratory