Dr. Sujith Kumar C. S.

Dr. Sujith Kumar C. S.
Assistant Professor
Office Address:
Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, NIT Campus P.O, Calicut Mukkam Road, Kattangal, Kozhikode, Kerala 673601
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Home Address:
FB 14, Faculty Apartment, NIT Calicut, NIT Campus P.O, Calicut Mukkam Road, Kattangal, Kozhikode, Kerala 673601
Post-doctoral Fellow, National Taiwan University, 2016-2018
Ph.D., National Institute of Technology Tiruchirappalli, 2015
M. Tech. in Nanotechnology, National Institute of Technology Calicut, 2010
B. Tech. in Mechanical, College of Engineering Adoor, 2006
- Inbaoli, A., Sujith Kumar, Sandesh S. Chougule, Christos N. Markides, and S. Jayaraj (2023), Enhanced electrolytic immersion cooling for thermal crisis mitigation in high-energy–density systems, Energy Conversion and Management, 300, 117980.
- Inbaoli, A., Akhil Krishnan, V. Jehana, CS Sujith Kumar, and Srinu Gangolu. (2023), Influence of alumina nanoparticle concentrations on quenching characteristics of cylindrical Al7075, Thermal Science and Engineering Progress, 39, 101687.
- K Ashish Chandran, Arun K Raj, C Vaishnav, CS Sujith Kumar, Jaap Hoffmann. (2023), Experimental analysis of patterned floating absorbers integrated thermal storage facilitating interfacial evaporation, Journal of Energy Storage, 68, 10787.
- K Ashish Chandran, Arun K Raj, CS Kumar. (2023), Performance augmentation of a solar thermal desalination system using different floating absorber plates, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part E-Journal of Process Mechanical Engineering
- Inbaoli, A., CS Sujith Kumar, Jayaraj, S. (2022), Experimental investigation on cooling performance of borated water during immersion quenching at the saturated and subcooled conditions, Heat Transfer Engineering, 1-12.
- Inbaoli, A., CS Sujith Kumar, Jayaraj, S. (2022), A review on techniques to alter the bubble dynamics in pool boiling, Applied Thermal Engineering, 204, 118805.
- Johnsan, R., Sudev Das, and CS Sujith Kumar. (2022), Morphology and Wettability of Microporous Copper Deposits Decorated with Silver and Graphene Oxide Nanoparticles." Chemical Engineering & Technology, 45(5), 800-807.
- Ashish, C. K., Sujith Kumar CS, Arun K. Raj, C. T. Ubaidulla, A. Inbaoli, and S. Jayaraj. (2022), Experimental evaluation on the capillarity effect of different wicking structure incorporated in a patterned absorber facilitating solar interfacial evaporation. Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry: 1-22.
- Inbaoli, A., CS Sujith Kumar, Jayaraj, S. (2022), Experimental investigation on the effect of additives on different orientations of Al6061 cylindrical sample during immersion quenching. Applied Thermal Engineering, p.118030.
- R Johnsan, Sudev Das, CS Sujith Kumar (2021), Changes in the Wettability of Microporous Copper Layers Prepared by Different Modes of Electrodeposition, Chemical Engineering & Technology, 44(5), 934-941
- Chin-Chi Hsu, You-An Lee, Chun-Hui Wu, CS Sujith Kumar (2021), Self-propelled sessile droplets on a superheated and heterogeneous wetting surface, Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 612, 126074
- GU Kumar, S Suresh, Sujith Kumar C.S., S Back, B Kang, HJ Lee (2020), A review on the roles of laser textured surfaces on boiling heat transfer, Applied Thermal Engineering, 115274.
- S Das, R Johnsan, Sujith Kumar C.S, A Datta (2020), Experimental study of pool boiling heat transfer on an annealed Tio2 nanoflim heating surface, Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 1-10.
- Mario R. Mata Arenales, Sujith Kumar C.S., Long-Sheng Kuo, Ping-Hei Chen (2020), Surface roughness variation effects on copper tubes in pool boiling of water, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 151, 119399.
- M. Manoj Kumar, A. Inbaoli, CS Sujith Kumar, and K. P. Vineesh (2021), Experimental investigation on effect of surfactant on cooling dynamics of stainless steel. Materials Today: Proceedings, 47: 3340-3345.
- Ashwin Joseph Mathews, Saurav Ranjan, A Inbaoli, C.S. Sujith Kumar, S Jayaraj (2021),Optimization of the sintering parameters of a biporous copper-nickel composite wick for loop heat pipes, Materials Today: Proceedings, 46, 9297-9302.
- KR Arun, G Kunal, M Srinivas, C.S. Sujith Kumar, M Mohanraj, S Jayaraj (2020), Drying of untreated Musa nendra and Momordica charantia in a forced convection solar cabinet dryer with thermal storage, Energy, 192, 116697.
- Sujith Kumar C.S, Yu Hsuan Chuang, Mario R. Mata Arenales, Albin Joseph, Ping-Hei Chen (2020), Effect of hydrophobic inclined patterns on pool boiling performance of cylindrical copper surfaces, Heat and Mass Transfer, 56, 1379-1389.
- Sreehari Sreekumar, Albin Joseph, Sujith Kumar C S (2020), Shijo Thomas, Synthesis, Characterization and Optimization of Full- spectrum Concentrated ATO/Ag Hybrid for Experimental Investigation of nanofluid based Parabolic Trough Direct Absorption Solar Collector (PTDASC), Journal of Cleaner Production, 249, 119378.
- Albin Joseph, Sreehari Sreekumar, C.S. Sujith Kumar, Shijo Thomas (2019) Optimisation of Thermo-Optical Properties of SiO2/Ag–CuO Nanofluid for Direction Absorption Solar collectors, solar energy materials and solar cells, Journal of Molecular Liquids, 111986.
- Long-Sheng Kuo, Hsu-Sheng Huang, Te-Hshuan Chen, Sujith Kumar CS, Ping-Hei Chen (2019) Characteristics of Capillary Rise in Copper Braids with Surface Modification, Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers, 42(8), 720-726.
- Krishnadass Karthick, S.Suresh, Mohammed Muaaz, M.D. Hussaina Hafiz, Muhammad Ali, C.S. Sujith Kumar (2019), Evaluation of solar thermal system configurations for thermoelectric generator applications: A critical review, Solar Energy, 188, 111-142.
- Albin Joseph, Sreejith Mohan, Sujith Kumar C. S, Arun Mathew, Shijo Thomas, B.R.Vishnu, S.P.Sivapirakasam (2019) An experimental investigation on pool boiling heat transfer enhancement using sol-gel derived nano-CuO porous coating, Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, 103, 37-50.
- Sujith Kumar C.S, G. Udaya Kumar, Mario R. Mata Arenales, Chin-Chi Hsu, S. Suresh, and Ping- Hei Chen (2018) Elucidating the Mechanisms Behind the Boiling Heat Transfer Enhancement using the Nano-Structured Surface Coatings, Applied Thermal Engineering, 137, 868-891.
- Sujith Kumar C.S,Yao Wen Chang, Mario R. Mata Arenales, Long-Sheng Kuo , Yu Hsuan Chuang, Ping-Hei Chen (2018), Experimental Investigation on the Effect of Size and Pitch of Hydrophobic Square Patterns on the Pool Boiling Heat Transfer Performance of Cylindrical Copper Surface, Inventions., 3, 1-15.
- Sujith Kumar C.S., Yao Wen Chang, and Ping-Hei Chen (2017) Effect of heterogeneous wettable structures on pool boiling performance of cylindrical copper surfaces, Applied Thermal Engineering, 127, 1184-1193.
- Sujith Kumar C.S., Yao Wen Chang, and Ping-Hei Chen (2016), Pool Boiling Heat Transfer Enhancement on Cylindrical Surfaces with Hybrid Wettable Patterns, Journal of Visualized Experiments, e55387, 1-9.
- Dharmendra M.,S. Suresh, Sujith Kumar C.S., Qiaoqin Yang (2016) Pool Boiling Heat Transfer enhancement using vertically aligned Carbon Nanotube Coatings on a copper substrate, Applied Thermal Engineering, 99, 61-71.
- Sujith Kumar C.S., S. Suresh, M.C. Santhosh Kumar, and Vishakh Gopi (2016) Effect of surfactant addition on hydrophilicity of ZnO-Al2O3 composite and enhancement of flow boiling heat transfer, Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, 70, 325-334.
- Sujith Kumar C.S., S. Suresh, C.R. Aneesh, M.C. Santhosh Kumar, A.S. Praveen, and K. Raji (2015), Flow boiling heat transfer enhancement on copper surface using Fe doped Al2O3-TiO2 composite coatings, Applied Surface Science, 334, 102-99.
- Yang L., Sujith Kumar C.S., Y.S Li, H. Niakan, C. Zhang, A. Hirose, S. Suresh, and Q. Yang (2014) Using copper substrate to enhance field emission properties of carbon nanotube/ diamond double layer structure, Applied Physics A, 118 (1), 183-189.
- Sujith Kumar C.S., S. Suresh, Q. Yang, and C.R. Aneesh (2014) An experimental investigation on flow boiling heat transfer enhancement using spray pyrolysed alumina porous coatings, Applied Thermal Engineering, 71 (1), 508-518
- Sujith Kumar C.S., S. Suresh, L. Yang, Q. Yang, and S. Aravind (2014) Flow boiling heat transfer enhancement using carbon nanotube coatings, Applied Thermal Engineering, 65 (1), 166-175, 2014.
Educational Qualifications
Post-doctoral Fellow, National Taiwan University, 2016-2018
Ph.D., National Institute of Technology Tiruchirappalli, 2015
M. Tech. in Nanotechnology, National Institute of Technology Calicut, 2010
B. Tech. in Mechanical, College of Engineering Adoor, 2006
1. SPARC – “Exploring the effect of external electric field on production of high-quality steam for concentrated solar power generators” – 47.15 Lakhs (ongoing 2023 -2025)
2. SERB- SIRE Research Grant - "Development of upconversion enhanced efficient CPV system integrated with two-phase flow assisted heat spreader"- 14 Lakhs (ongoing 2023-2024)
3. SERB CRG Project – “Design, fabrication and performance analysis of electro assisted wickless heat spreader operating in a closed flow loop” – 24.8 Lakhs (ongoing 2022 -2024)
4. DST-Indo-South Africa Bilateral Project – “Solar driven cogeneration of electricity and water in small, rural communities” – 21.96 Lakhs (ongoing, 2021-2024)
5. Directorate of Environment & Climate Change – “Development of desalination system using selectively patterned solar absorber” – 13.75 Lakhs (ongoing, 2020-2022)
6. Faculty Research Grant from NIT Calicut -" Experimental investigation on the effect of electro assisted quenching on mechanical properties of Ni-625 superalloy foams, 5 Lakhs (Completed 2019-2021)
7. SERB Young Scientist Scheme - "Heat Transfer Enhancment and Fluid Flow Analysis using vertically Aligned CNT and Nanostructured Surface"- 16.9 Lakhs ( Completed 2012-2015)
1. M. Manoj Kumar, A. Inbaoli, CS Sujith Kumar, and K. P. Vineesh, Experimental Investigation on Effect of Surfactant on Cooling Dynamics of Stainless Steel, International conference on advances in mechanical engineering and nanotechnology- 2021.
2. Arjun, C.S. Sujith Kumar, Steam Use Optimizing in Pulp and Paper Industry: A Case Study on A Recycled Fiber (Rcf) Based Paper Mill, International Conference on Technology
Convergence in Engineering, Energy and Sustainability- 2020.
3. C.S. Sujith Kumar, Ashwin Joseph Mathews, Saurav Ranjan, A Inbaoli, S Jayaraj, Optimization of the sintering parameters of a biporous copper-nickel composite wick for loop heat pipes, IMEC-2019.
4. Sujith Kumar C.S., S. Suresh, C.R. Aneesh, M.C. Santhosh Kumar, A.S. Praveen, and K. Raji, Flow boiling heat transfer enhancement using porous coatings, 2nd USA International Conference on Surfaces, Coatings and Nanostructured Materials (NANOSMAT-USA), May 19-22, 2014 at Rice University, Houston Texas (USA).
5. Yang L., Sujith Kumar C. S., C. Zhang, Q. Yang, A. Hirose, and S. Suresh, Growth of vertically aligned carbon nanotube/diamond double-layered films on Copper using DC-plasma
enhanced hot filament chemical vapour deposition, 31st International Conference on Phenomena in Ionized Gases, July 14-19, 2013, Granada, Spain.
6. Sujith Kumar C.S., Q. Yang, and S. Suresh, An experimental investigation on heat transfer enhancement using modified surfaces, 24th Canadian Congress of Mechanics Proceedings,
June 2, 2013, Saskatchewan, Canada.
7. Yang L., Q.Yang, and Sujith Kumar C. S., Direct growth of diamond on Cu substrate by hot filament chemical vapor deposition, 24th Canadian Congress of Applied Mechanics,
Saskatchewan, Canada.
[1] Inbaoli, A., Kumar, C. S., & Chougle, S. S. (2023). Superhydrophobic coatings for pool boiling heat transfer applications. Functional Coatings: Innovations & Challenges. John Wiley & Sons – Accepted.
[2] Inbaoli, A., Kumar, C. S., & Jayaraj, S. (2022). Two-Dimensional (2D) Layered Materials as Emerging Nanocatalysts in the Production of Biodiesel. Advanced Nanocatalysts for Biodiesel Production (pp. 185–197). CRC Press. https://www.taylorfrancis.com/chapters/edit/10.1201/9781003120858-8
[3] Chandran, K. A., Inbaoli, A., Kumar, C. S., & Jayaraj, S. (2021). Characterization of Surface Engineering and Coatings. Advanced Materials and Manufacturing Processes. (pp. 173–190). CRC Press. https://www.taylorfrancis.com/chapters/edit/10.1201/9781003093213-11
[4]L. Yang, Sujith Kumar C.S., Q. Yang, Y. S. Li, and C. Zhang (2014), Synthesis of Diamond and Vertically Aligned Carbon Nanotube Double- Layered Nanostructures by Hot Filament Chemical Vapor Deposition, Processing and Properties of Advanced Ceramics and Composites VI: Ceramic Transactions: Volume 249, Chapter 16.
Professional Experience
Assistant Professor, National Institute of Technology Calicut, 2018-till date
Assistant Professor., Sree Buddha College of Engineering, Pattor, 2015
Assistant Professor, Rajagiri School of Engineering &Technology, Kakkanad 2010-2011
Lecturer, Sree Buddha College of Engineering, Pattor 2007-2008
Two Phase Heat Transfer (Flow and pool boiling, Evaporation, and Condensation), surface engineering, CPVT via beam splitting techniques, and desalination.
- Continue research work; grow with research organizations and publishing the papers thereof. This will help to grow synergistically by guiding the students and interacting with the faculty/scientist in the area of experimental heat transfer.
Associate Dean Fculty welfare 2023 June to till date
Department Sports Coordinator Institute Level Additional Responsibility
Warden- PG2 Hostel 2021-2023
IMS Module Committee Member (Academics)
Centre for International Relations & Foreign Languages (CIRFL)- Member
UG admission team member2022
In-Charge of Examinations in NIT Calicut;
Lab-In-Charge of Heat Transfer Laboratory and Solar Energy Center
Centre for International Relations & Foreign Languages- Member
Centre for Clean Energy and Circular Economy (C-CECE) - Member
Faculty Adviser – (MEA 2020 Batch) & S7 ME B Batch (2016 Batch)
1. Received SERB's SIRE fellowship for doing Six-Month Research Program at Imperial College London, Untited Kingdom - Under the guidance of Professor Christos N Markides
2. Received National Taiwan Postdoctoral Fellowship for doing Postdoc at National Taiwan University, Taiwan- Under the guidance of Professor Ping-Hei Chen
3. Received Common Wealth Scholarship for doing Six-Month Research Program at University of Saskatchewan, Canada-Under the guidance of Professor Qiaoqin Yang
4. Guest Editor - Thermal Science and Engineering Progress, Special Issue of ICFTES
5. Guest Editor- Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, Special Issue of ICFTES
- FDP on “Recent Advances in Solar Systems” during July 08-12, 2019 in NIT Calicut.
- International conference on “Fluid, Thermal and Energy systems”, on June 09-11, 2022, NITC.
Application in Hearing
[1] Inbaoli, A., Sujith Kumar, C. S., Menamparambath, M. M. (2023), A method for suppressing leidenfrost effect and increasing heat transfer rate in immersion cooling using electrophoresis, Application No: 202341038918.
2. Sujith Kumar, C. S, Adarsh, E., Ashish, C. K., Shankar, K (2023), PCM-Integrated Solar Driven Multi-Stage Interfacial Evaporation Assisted Highly Efficient Desalination System and Method Thereof, Application No: 202341043552 A.
UG: Thermal Engineering (2019 to Present); Surface Engineering and Coating Technology (2019-2021);Refrigeration and Air Conditioning System (2018 to Present).
PG: Advanced Engineering Thermodynamics (2021 to Present); Direct Energy Conversion Systems (2021 –Present); Thermodynamics of Materials (2020).