Dr. Bimal P.
Dr. Bimal P.
Assistant Professor
Office Address:
Assistant Professor, Department of Architecture and Planning, National Institute of Technology Calicut, Pin 673601, Kerala, India
Email ID:
Home Address:
F C 10, New Faculty apartments, NIT Campus (PO), PIN: 673601
Master of City Planning, IIT Kharagpur
B.Arch, TKM College of Engineering, Kerala University
Educational Qualifications
Master of City Planning, IIT Kharagpur
B.Arch, TKM College of Engineering, Kerala University
- Bimal Puthuvayi and P. P. Anilkumar, “A Stochastic Approach to Estimate Distribution of Built-Up Area in Regions with Thick Tree Cover,” J. Indian Soc. Remote Sens., Springer, May 2017.
- T. M. Vinod Kumar and P. Bimal, “Participatory Urban Design for Kerala: The Art of Community Visioning, Application of Principles of New Urbanism and Designing Form Based Coding Regulation,” Spat. Dev. Rec., vol. 19, no. 6, pp. 144–156, 2011.
- P. Bimal, “Form Based Coding Regulation – A New Approach to Urban Conservation,” ITPI J., vol. 9, no. 2, pp. 87–91, 2012.
- C. Mohammed Firoz and P. Bimal, “Changing Industrial Forms: A Case Study of Kozhikode,” Stapati - J. Vastuvidya Prathishtanam, vol. 6, no. Special Issue, pp. 39–44, 2004.
N. Tagore, S. Priya, B. Puthuvayi, and A. Banerjee, “Measuring Urban Resilience in Indian Cities,” in Urban Sustainability: Emerging Trends, Themes, Concepts & Practices, 2018, p. 39.
Bimal Puthuvayi, P. P. Anilkumar, “A Stochastic Approach to Estimate Distribution of Built-Up Area in Regions with Thick Tree Cover”, ISRS16, National Symposium at IIRS Dehradun, 2016.
Bimal Puthuvayi, P. P. Anilkumar, "Determinants of population distribution in and around naturally grown cities", 'Future Earth Perspectives South Asia', 5th NAGI international Conference at Bharthidasan University, 2016
Bimal P., “Form Based Coding Regulation – A Structured Approach to Urban Renewal”, AEUD 2013, International Conference at Colombo, Sreelanka, December 2013
Bimal P., Vandita Srivastava, Anilkumar P. P., “Residential location choice with multi criteria”, ‘Geomatrix12’, International conference held at IIT Bombay, 2012
Vandita Srivastava, Bimal P., “Geo Design: An Emerging Application of Geoinformatics and Urban Design”, National Symposium 2011; Indian Society of Remote Sensing, Bhopal.
Bimal P., Vandita Srivastava, “Residential location choice model: a case study of Calicut”, ‘G-governance 2011’, Regional conference at University of Kashmir, Srinagar.
Bimal P., “Form Based Coding as tool for effective implementation of urban conservation”, All India Conference 2011, Institution of Engineers.
Mohammed Firoz C., Bimal P., “Changing Industrial form: a Case Study of Calicut”, All India Conference on Industrial Architecture Oct 2004, Institute of Engineers.
Books (Refereed)
T.M. Vinodkumar, Bimal P., Aruna S. Reddy, A chapter titled “Outline Development Plan for Feroke Municipality in Execution framework of Internet of People, Internet of Government and Internet of Things “, in the book ‘E-Democracy for Smart Cities' Edited by Vinod Kumar, T. M, Springer – May 2017
T.M. Vinodkumar, Bimal P., Muhammed Firoz C., A chapter titled “e-Design of Umami by Smart People for Smart Economy “, in the book ‘Smart Economy in Smart Cities: International Collaborative Research: Ottawa, St.Louis, Stuttgart, Bologna, Cape Town, Nairobi, Dakar, Lagos, New Delhi, Varanasi, Vijayawada, Kozhikode, Hong Kong’, Edited by Vinod Kumar, T. M, Springer Singapore. http://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-10-1610-3_18, ISBN 978-981-10-1610-3 -May 2016
P. Bimal, P. P. Anilkumar, “A Methodology to Quantify the Effects of Determinants of Population Distribution Around Naturally Grown Cities,” in Sustainable Development of Natural Resources, 2016. – Accepted, Under Publication
T.M. Vinodkumar, Bimal P., A chapter titled “E-Governance for Public Realm: Around Panniyankara Monorail Station, Kozhikode, Kerala” in the book ‘Advances in 21st Century Human Settlements: E-Governance for Smart Cities’, Edited by T. M. Vinod Kumar, Springer, ISBN 978-981-287-286-9, 324559_1_En, (10) -2015
Naseer M.A., Bimal P., T.M. Vinodkumar, A chapter titled “Participatory E-Budgeting Using GIS-Based Spatial Decision Support System: Kozhikode Municipal Corporation” in the book ‘Advances in 21st Century Human Settlements: E-Governance for Smart Cities’, Edited by T. M. Vinod Kumar, Springer, ISBN 978-981-287-286-9, 324559_1_En, (10) – 2015
Bimal P., A chapter on “Travel management with Intraday Trip Generation model in a smart city framework”, in the book, “GIS for smart cities” 2013 by Copal Publishers ISBN 978-81-924733-5-2.
Professional Affiliations
Council of Architecture: Registered Member
Institute of Town Planners: Associate Member
Indian Institute of Architects: Associate Member
Indian Society of Remote Sensing: Associate Member
Consultancy Projects
Shopping Mall for Koyilandi Municipality: The project involves design of a shopping mall cum office building. The project outlay: 11 Crores, Fee received: 27 Lakhs. Project is ongoing.
Total Hamlet development program of AHADS, Attappady, Govt. of Kerala: The project involves Survey, Design and Implementation of hamlets in three Ooru (Villages) of Attappady. Project outlay: Rs. 6 Crores, Fee received: Rs. 41 Lakhs. Project completed in 2013.
Mathematical Park for JDT: Design of an infotainment park at JDT Islam, Calicut. Project outlay: Rs. 5.87 Crores, Fee received: Rs. 25000/- DPR submitted in 2011.
Sponsored Projects
A Framework for Decision Making Using SDSS in The Event of Crowd Formation in Smart Cities – Proposal Submitted to DST.
Inria Best Paper Award for “Residential location choice with multi-criteria”, ‘Geomatrix12’, International conference held at IIT Bombay.
Third best paper presentation award for “Geodesign: an emerging application of geoinformatics & urban design”, at national symposium 2011 on ‘Empowering Rural India Through Space Technology’, Indian Society of Remote Sensing, Bhopal
Research Interests
Urban modelling, GIS applications, Smart city, Building automation, Parametric design, and Architectural visualisation
Thesis Title: An Algorithmic Framework for Surface Modelling of Population Concentration and Distribution.
The thesis is an attempt to develop a modelling framework to predict population density distribution in a fine grid of 30m x 30m with the help of a set of parameters pertaining to infrastructure, natural and geographic features.
Thesis Title: A Behavioural Model for Passenger Trip Prediction in Dynamic Urban Scenario: A case study of Calicut.
The research was an attempt to develop a model to predict number of passengers willing to travel at any given time in the city based on the behavioural aspects of the population. The model makes the predictions by modelling different classes of people and activity schedules for individuals.
Events Organised
International consultative meeting
Co-Coordinator, International consultative meeting on Smart Metropolitan Regional Development: Economic and Spatial Strategies, with participants from 14 nations. 17-18 December 2016.
Faculty development Programmes (FDP)
TEQIP Sponsored Faculty Development Programme on “Remote Sensing and GIS Techniques” 27th June -1st July 2016, at Dept. of Architecture, NITC.
International Conferences
Member of organizing committee for Thanima II – International Conference on Reinventing Design Pedagogy and Contextual Aesthetics. 19th -21st January 2017.
Member of organizing committee for Thanima I – International Conference on Reinventing Design Pedagogy and Contextual Aesthetics. 30th -31st January 2015.
Outreach Programmes
Local Coordinator for 24th Outreach Programme on “Basics of Remote Sensing, Geographical Information System and Global Navigation Satellite System” organised by IIRS, Dehradun and sponsored by NNRMS and ISRO - 2015.
Local Coordinator for 16th Outreach Programme on “Advanced Course On “Geospatial Technologies for Urban Planning” organised by IIRS, Dehradun and sponsored by NNRMS and ISRO - 2015.
Local Coordinator for 15th Outreach Programme on “Basics of Remote Sensing, GIS and GNS systems” organised by IIRS, Dehradun and sponsored by NNRMS and ISRO - 2015.
Other Programmes
Coordinator for Thanmaya – All India competition for architecture students, 19th January 2017.
Invited Lectures
Invited lecture at National Seminar on Geoinformatics on Natural Resources Evaluation, organized by Department of Geography (UGC SAP DRSII), Bharathidasan University, Tiruchirappalli 30 & 31 March, 2017 about the topic “Application of geo-informatics in urban planning”