Dr. Anjana Bhagyanathan

Dr. Anjana Bhagyanathan
Assistant Professor
Office Address:
Department of Architecture National Institute of Technology Kozhikode 673 601, Kerala, India
PhD Department of Architecture NIT Calicut
M Arch Landscape Architecture Centre for Environmental Planning and Technology
B Arch School of Architecture and Planning, Anna University
Educational Qualifications
PhD Department of Architecture NIT Calicut
M Arch Landscape Architecture Centre for Environmental Planning and Technology
B Arch School of Architecture and Planning, Anna University
Bhargavan, Jasna, A. K. Kasthurba, and Anjana Bhagyanathan. "Flood Mitigation Techniques Using Storm Water Harvesting Methods: A Bibliometric Analysis." Science & Technology Libraries (2022): 1-12.
Bhagyanathan, Anjana, and Deepak Dhayanithy. "Association of socioeconomic factors, state of the environment and disaster occurrences with environmental attitudes in Kerala, India." International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction 87 (2023): 103572.
Bhagyanathan, A., & Dhayanithy, D. (2023). A canal, urban sprawl and wetland loss: The case of Kozhikode, India, from colonialism to climate change era. Area.
Jones, Sheelu, A. K. Kasthurba, Anjana Bhagyanathan, and B. V. Binoy. "Landslide susceptibility investigation for Idukki district of Kerala using regression analysis and machine learning." Arabian Journal of Geosciences 14, no. 10 (2021): 1-17.
Jones, Sheelu, A. K. Kasthurba, Anjana Bhagyanathan, and B. V. Binoy. "Impact of anthropogenic activities on landslide occurrences in southwest India: An investigation using spatial models." Journal of Earth System Science 130, no. 2 (2021): 1-18.
Sonu, T. S., and Anjana Bhagyanathan. "The impact of upstream land use land cover change on downstream flooding: A case of Kuttanad and Meenachil River Basin, Kerala, India." Urban Climate 41 (2022): 101089.
Bhagyanathan, Anjana, A. K. Kasthurba, Santosh G. Thampi, and Deepak Dhayanithy. "Terrain attributes of sacred grove locations point towards conscious spatial delineation." Current Science, 114, no. 5 (2018): 957-959
Bhagyanahan, Anjana, A.K.Kasthurba, Santosh G. Thampi and Deepak Dhayanithy. "Sacred Groves in Peri-Urban Areas: An Opportunity for Resilient Urban Ecosystems". International Journal Of Earth Sciences And Engineerig, 10,no.5 (2017): 75-82
Bhagyanathan, Anjana, A. K. Kasthurba, and Santosh G. Thampi. "Aesthetics of Wilderness: Sacred groves as indigenous ecological landscape design in Kerala." Design for All, 2, no.9 (​​2017)​ 93-107
Anjana Bhagyanathan, Anju John: A GIS based green infrastructur e planning framework for water sensitive spatial planning, The IAFOR International Conference on Sustainability, Energy & the Environment, January 6-10, 2021, Hawaii.
Anjana Bhagyanathan, Sacred groves: cultural insights into water management, 15th Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems, September 1-5, 2020, Cologne.
Professional Experience
Teaching experience: 12 years at R.V.College of Architecture, Bangalore, Manipal University, Manipal and Government College of Architecture, Lucknow,
Industry: 6 years of architectural design, landscape planning and landscape architecture in Kerala, Karnataka and the Middle East.
Research Interest
- GIS applications in Ecological Planning
- Landscape planning and architecture
- Aesthetics of sustainability
- Indigenous ecological knowledge and conservation
- Society and environment protection
- Landscape ecology
Invited Lectures
World Tourism Day Seminar, conducted by the Department of Tourism, Government of Kerala. Title: Tourism and Water: Protecting our common future.
TEQUIP Sponsored Faculty Training Program, conducted by the Department of Architecture, T.K.M College of Engineering. Title: Aesthetics of Wilderness: Sacred groves of the world
National Seminar on World Water Day, conducted by School of Planning and Architecture, Vijayawada: Title: Hydrological significance of sacred grove locations
Conference Proceedings
Anjana Bhagyanathan, Anju John: A GIS based green infrastructur e planning framework for water sensitive spatial planning, The IAFOR International Conference on Sustainability, Energy & the Environment, January 6-10, 2021, Hawaii.
Anjana Bhagyanathan, Sacred groves: cultural insights into water management, 15th Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems, September 1-5, 2020, Cologne.(The above two are included in research publications, and may be moved to conference publications)
Jones, Sheelu, A.K.Kasthurba, and Bhagyanathan, Anjana: Landslides and human-modified landscapes-Kerala’, International Conference on Environmental Science and Development, 24th-25th December 2022, Melbourne. (this needs to be added
Anjana Bhagyanathan, A.K.Kasthurba and Deepak Dhayanithy. Impact of Colonial Navigation Canals on Wetland Systems in India; Ministry of Water Resources, Government of India-India Water Week
Anjana Bhagyanathan and A.K.Kasthurba. Maintaining Water Depth in Navigation Canals versus Wetland System Loss: The International Academic Forum (IAFOR) -The Asian Conference on Sustainability, Energy and the Environment
Slope Directions Of Sacred Grove Locations: Vastuvidyaprathishthanam: -Vastuvidya- Conference on Traditional Architecture
Sacred Groves and Ecological Design- Cultural Insights for Stormwater Regulation: Indian Society of Landscape Architects-Conference on Changing Climates, Evolving Landscapes
Anjana Bhagyanathan, A.K.Kasthurba and Santosh.G.Thampi. Aesthetics Of Wilderness - Sacred Groves As Indigenous Landscape Design Language In Kerala: Department of Architecture NITC, Indian Institute of Architects, Existential Knowledge Foundation- International Conference on Design Pedagogy and Contextual Aesthetics
Anjana Bhagyanathan. A.K.Kasthurba, Santiosh G Thampi and Deepak Dhayanithy. Sacred Groves by Design- Cultural Insights into Ecological Planning: Indo German Centre for Sustainability- Conference on Peri-Urban Development: Concept, Emerging Ideas and Notions of Sustainability
Anjana Bhagyanathan, A.K.Kasthurba, Santosh G Thampi and Deepak Dhayanithy. Integration of water and biodiversity conservation through sacred groves: The Institution of Engineers (India), Architectural Technologies for Building Engineers
Other Relevant Information
1. Designed and executed more than 60 landscape design projects of various typologies ranging from 6 cents to 120 acres.
2. Received letter of invitation as visiting scholar from Spatial Sciences Institute, University of Southern California.
3. Received letter of invitation as visiting scholar from College of Innovation and Design, Boise State University.
4. Received letter of invitation as visiting scholar from Department of Landscape Architecture, University of Illinois.
5. Attended the finalists’ interview for Fulbright - Kalam Climate Fellowship, 2016-17.
6. Actively involved in spreading awareness about the pressing need of maintaining sacred groves as strictly conserved areas through print and visual media.
Press and media
Expert speaker, Chuttuvattom- Asianet.
Expert speaker, Namukku Chuttum, Akashavaani
Report on study conducted on Kottuli Wetlands published in the Hindu, November 19, 2012.
Report on PhD research published in the ‘Malayala Manorama’, 10th February 2017
Invited article in ‘Hiranya’, March 2017. Vol.9, issue 93
Interview in ‘Hiranya’, July 2017. Vol.9, issue 97
Reviewer of Journals
Ambio- A journal of the human environment (Springer). Impact factor: 3.616
Sponsored Research Projects
Principal Investigator, ‘Attitudes towards the environment: study in Kerala, post 2018 floods’, funded by the Ministry of Education and Indian Council of Social Science Research.
Principal Investigator, ‘Sustainable landscape design guidelines: integrating ecology and aesthetics’, funded by Gravity Inc.
Winner, Arc Asia Awards in Hospitality section for IBNI Resort, Coorg (2017).
Winner, Chennai Metro Water and Sanitation Corporate Building Design Competition (1998).
Finalist, Ranked 8th, Auditions- India Jewellery Design Competition (World Gold Council and AngloGold Ashanti, in association with Tanishq and Rand Refinery (2008)
Selected for representation by Agora Gallery, New York, (2009).
Member – Council of Architecture
John, A., & Bhagyanathan, A. (2023, April). Green Infrastructure for Flood Risk Reduction: An Ecological Planning Framework. In Fifth World Congress on Disaster Management: Volume V: Proceedings of the International Conference on Disaster Management, November 24-27, 2021, New Delhi, India (p. 31). Taylor & Francis.
Principal Investigator, ‘Indian Knowledge Systems Approach to Deep Ecology:
Integrating sacred geography and sustainability’, funded by AICTE.